Wednesday, 17 April 2013

The Key to Accessing God’s Promises

And the word of the LORD came to Solomon, saying, Concerning this house which thou art in building, if thou wilt walk in my statutes, and execute my judgments, and keep all my commandments to walk in them; then will I perform my word with thee, which I spake unto David thy father (1 Kings 6: 11, 12)

It seems like a damper to Solomon that God is placing other requirements on him after he had completed the most spiritual project of his life. In fact it was a project that was so huge that he was actually carrying it out for the previous generation.

Why was God not clapping for Solomon? Why was He not expressing His pleasure in what he had done? Why did He not seem to notice the investment of immense wealth, even from the nations and the seven years hard and extremely focused labor in the building? Why did He not seem to notice the imported expertise and labor?

I think it is essential for us to realize that the only thing that pleases God is obedience. Nothing has any capacity to do what only obedience can.

Was God really interested in all that effort? I do not think so. You will realize that the idea for the building came from David, an expression of the king’s worship. God just agreed with him because He accepts our worship, however feeble or ignorant it may be. Like He told Samuel, He looks at the heart and therefore will receive the worship that comes from a heart that genuinely seeks to connect with Him.

Activities are motions that have a capacity to confuse the direction of our hearts so that we think we are serving God even as we rebel against Him.

And that is the reason God comes in immediately Solomon completes his greatest spiritual project.

Yet we know that Solomon did not really listen to what God said because he went on to walk in disobedience and rebellion not long after that. The reason it was so bad for him was because God had appeared to him, twice.

And the LORD was angry with Solomon, because his heart was turned from the LORD God of Israel, which had appeared unto him twice (1Kings 11:9)

We notice the same with Saul the king. He also started very zealously but later lost out on the aspect of obedience, even going to the extent of visiting a witch to force God to speak to him.

Obedience is the key, the only key to be right with God. Nothing else will be adequate to please Him.

What about faith? I am sure someone is asking. Faith is what prompts obedience. We obey the person we trust. We seek to do what the person we love likes. Ever noticed that mentees will many times imitate even the gestures of their mentors? We will build a relationship of trust with God by obeying what we know He values. We obey God because we trust Him. But we will build our faith even more by obeying Him.

 Simply put obedience is the hands and feet of faith as any study of faith and men of faith will plainly show.

What brought Solomon down? I think his life became safe. He became a man in charge and totally in control to the extent that he gradually drove God to the periphery of his kingdom. What with all the alliances with other nations and the many wives and concubines he was getting from them! What with all the building! He became too busy and in control to listen to God. His life became one packed with activity after another that I doubt a prophet could get a single moment to bring God’s message to the king. He stopped obeying because he stopped listening.

What are we building? Is it diverting our worship? Is it congesting our life so that we are unable to hear from God? Are we so busy building ‘spiritual’ structures that we are too busy to pursue obedience? Is ministry snatching the closet from our lives? Are ‘keshas’ stealing our private prayer times?

Like I always ask, what has God told you? Are you doing it or are you so busy doing ‘godly’ things to even consider what He said?

You see, OBEDIENCE is the only thing God seeks from us. Everything we do should proceed from a heart that is obedient to God. No psych can compensate for obedience. And like Solomon learnt no investment can replace obedience.

May we be found obedient to what God has commanded. May we be found seeking to know what it is that God wants of us. May we be found deep in God’s word and prayer to know what God is demanding of us. MAY OBEDIENCE DEFINE OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD.

Barikiweni sana

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Of Christian Ministers and Elective Politics

I write this in response to the great flood of Christian ministers, and especially pastors who were ‘called’ to join elective politics in the last few elections. I feel we need to get a clear picture of what God is saying concerning the same.

For a start let me say, and emphatically so that I believe that politics needs the healthy influence of the Christian church, that the best politicians are those who are under the lordship of Christ. Unfortunately, I don’t believe they should be stolen from Christian ministry. I believe the ministers’ main assignment in politics is to raise God’s banner as they prepare Christians to be completely submitted to Christ as they get involved in politics (Eph, 4: 11, 12)

I believe politics is a calling, even as business is a calling, a ministry where Christians ought to be trailblazers because they have been prepared by their spiritual leaders, mainly pastors and teachers. The prophet’s role is to guide one to be sensitive to what God wants, not to pamper disobedience. Even as I write I remember a pastor who prophesied someone a seat publicly and the guy lost, yet all information on the ground showed that the position was easily his. I believe God wants to shout at us that we OUGHT to stop playing publicity games in His Name.

How does a pastor (and many of our bishops and apostles are simply that) leave his flock to run for political office? Reminds me of this

The trees went forth on a time to anoint a king over them; and they said unto the olive tree, Reign thou over us. But the olive tree said unto them, Should I leave my fatness, wherewith by me they honour God and man, and go to be promoted over the trees? And the trees said to the fig tree, Come thou, and reign over us. But the fig tree said unto them, Should I forsake my sweetness, and my good fruit, and go to be promoted over the trees? Then said the trees unto the vine, Come thou, and reign over us. And the vine said unto them, Should I leave my wine, which cheereth God and man, and go to be promoted over the trees? (Judges 9: 8 – 13)

The function of a bee is to make honey. Making him the manager of a sugar factory will waste him terribly. Though he might feel very important, he will be completely wasted. Though he might think he is enjoying his enhancement, he will die inwardly from frustration though he will be doing and probably excelling in his new responsibilities as that is not what nature has created him for.

I am convinced that there are Christians God has called to be involved in politics and I am completely convinced that they are not pastors. And I also believe that a pastor’s involvement in elective politics is the devil’s tactic to kill their spiritual impact, to castrate them spiritually, I may say.

How does he do that? I think by first convincing me that swaying over men is a greater job and higher responsibility than shepherding people’s hearts as I minister to God. That the higher financial returns and solid financial opportunities are bigger and better than the willful and loving support we receive for the work of ministry. That the acclaim we receive from the masses we are swaying over is greater than God’s ‘well done, thou good and faithful servant’. That the reach of our impact will be bigger than the one we have from ministry. And I think finally dangling the big carrot called remuneration as to satiate our greed and use it to look for scriptures to justify what I want to do.

I will then get into politics. And that is where the emasculation happens. How? Elective politics is competitive, meaning that it requires me to prove either my superiority over my competitors or tearing them down, which is the same thing. The essence of campaigning is trying to show the electorate that I am the gift from heaven for them since the others are trash; and that whether we are discussing people or policies. That simply gets us to a field that is totally different from what God released in us when He called us to His ministry. You see in ministry we talk partnership and know competition, even when we are practicing it, is not something we should operate in.

We then start doing things that though they may not be outright ungodly, yet know are inconsistent with our calling as ministers of God.

Yet I feel the greatest danger comes from our simply getting into politics as ministers. We lose our spiritual authority simply because we lose our high ideals and impartiality. You see in elective politics you must join one side or the other, either of which is being led by purebred politicians who simply play by their ‘rule less’ rules. They therefore will have no qualms planting any sort of dirt on you, and especially as they know that if you have been faithful to your calling they have no capacity of getting anywhere near you as far as high values are concerned.

Yet it is even worse when it comes to the people you were shepherding. You leave them stranded. You can’t convince them that God ordered you to desert them. I have talked to several people whose spiritual leaders joined elective politics. You can plainly see the pain. They can’t believe they are worth less to their spiritual leader than a position or salary. And this even from retired pastors because pastoring is a calling and not a job and does not end with the stopping of a package.

For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance (Romans 11: 29)

It is interesting that this time round a majority of them lost in the elections. I believe God is fed up with His ministers meddling in affairs they have no business getting involved in. And this is the reason the church has been continually losing its bite on all fronts. It is the reason the political field rubbishes the church’s concern on anything, because some Christian leaders have fallen from their callings to look for political positions.

Finally, I think one will simply lose his authority, spiritual or otherwise as he has simply become a politician. I for one don’t think I would go to these leaders for any spiritual counsel as they have defiled it. Unless and until they repent I think they have lost all spiritual authority. It can be equated with defiling the person with a Nazarite commitment, like Samson shaving and therefore nullifying his reason for existence (Numbers 6).

As an example I posed a question concerning a presidential candidate before the elections. From the responses I saw that many were thinking that I was getting into politics yet when I explained my position everybody was content. Now suppose I was a candidate in the elections! Nobody could want to even listen to any explanations from me because I could have taken sides already. This is where these pastors now are.

I remember this bishop whose church is in the middle of the city. She and her two sons were contesting various positions. I passed by her church a few times during the electioneering period and was visibly annoyed. There was a very large crowd outside the church and several vehicles but nobody was getting into the church. In fact the church was closed. The crowds and the vehicles were there for the day’s campaigns. They would then be dispersed to the various areas to campaign. I don’t know whether anything else was taking place in church. What would you have felt had that been the church you attend or that your pastor?

Before you think of joining politics as a minister I would suggest that you go back to God who called you and ask not just for a sign, especially from people as many times vested interest and demonic agenda could very well be playing its part. It is very important to ask God what has changed between His call to ministry and the new adventure. What are the reasons for the same?

Is it that you have failed in the original call? Is it that you have finished the ministry He called you to? Is it that you have attained irrelevance or redundancy? Is He retrenching you from ministry?

This is because a call to ministry is the highest of calls. I never saw a prophet or priest (and we normally are proud to associate with those titles) leave that to become a farmer or even king. Yet the Bible and Christian history is replete with people called from other vocations to Christian ministry.

God, in ordering the priesthood, disqualified the priestly family even from farming as ministry to Him was their inheritance. He was in fact their whole reason for living. And that is why they were only given cities and their pasturelands. Seeing the priestly families getting involved in other business was a clear indication of a backslidden society because they lived on the support of the ‘working’ other.

This was so that they could spend their entire lives seeking God’s face and word. And that is why the scribes were Levites or priests. In fact even a majority of the prophets were from those families. Their relevance in society was limited to hearing God, studying His word, teaching the same and showing the application of God’s values to society (Ezra 7: 10). In fact even judges were supposed to come from the Levitical line so that they always operated on God’s principles.

Even retired priests were not supposed to get into other work. Their duty after retirement was to train other priests and Levites to fulfill their duty to God. They left active ministry to concentrate on supervising new ministers in their pursuit of effective ministry. At no time was a priest or Levite expected to be anything other than a minister in or for God’s house.

That is the reason we had the Asaph’s and Jeduthun’s whose core ministry was singing. Singing to them was not the business so many of our music ministers are making it nowadays. Scribing was not the business us writers are making our ministry into. They just served God and left God to take care of their needs. I try to do that but to many, especially pastors, I am simply not utilizing the ‘gift’ God has given me to make ‘tents’ through selling my writing and consultation as I develop writers. And of course support is hard to get by because Christians are being taught that the only minister who is the responsibility of the church is a pastor meaning supporting ‘fringe’ ministers like me is against God’s will.

But God is not limited to our worldly interpretation of His revelation. He is still in the business of calling His people into His ministry as He envisioned it and I continue to see God manifesting Himself to me as He raises support for me against such odds. God still speaks to resources and does not need the approval of the pastor or bishop to do so.

This is why I insist that a minister is not called in a temporary manner. A minister can not just leave ministry for worldly pursuits unless he joined ministry for other reasons than ministry to God. Let us honor God as we respect the call He has placed on us by constantly bringing glory to God.

Then ministry will start being honorable again. Then ministers will start being clearly known as representing God and standing for Him as opposed to worldly pursuits. Then, like in the past, there will be a nomination slot in our parliaments for spiritual people for God’s will to be known even as laws are being made.

God bless you