Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Spiritual Sweet Tooth

And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. (Mark 7:9)

As you celebrate Christmas that I chose not to celebrate for purely scriptural (not personal) reasons, I want us to look at one weapon the devil uses so powerfully in these rotten times we have to live in. And Christmas fits in that overall agenda.

But I am not speaking about Christmas or the reasons I do not celebrate it. But I am certain it fits in what I am writing about.

Do you know that I do not have to be a murderer to go to hell? Do you know that I do not have to be an adulterer to go to hell? I do not have to be a terrible sinner to qualify for hell.

But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. (Matthew 12:36)

What is an idle word? It is a word spoken in jest, without much thought or seriousness. It can be a snide remark that does not ‘hurt’ anybody. I might be a joke. It is a word that does not produce anything of worth except probably laughter.

But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. (Ephesians 5: 3, 4)

But humor is a huge industry, just like drama, nowadays.

But I am talking about the foundational aspects of this. Where do these things proceed from?

Children love sweets (candies), though more adults are demonstrating a craving for them nowadays. Children love sweet things. If it was in their power they would have sweets for breakfast, biscuits (cookies) for lunch and popcorn for supper plus a sprinkling of each throughout the day. They would not touch the drab foods adults insist they eat every day.

You laugh because they are children and we expect them to reason thus because they do not have the big picture. They do not know what they need and must rely on the ‘bad’ choices we give them because we have authority over them.

But look at the spiritual realm. How many people live on spiritual junk food? How many think they are healthy because all they feed on are spiritual snacks? How many have literally closed their spiritual kitchens because their neighbor makes ‘good’ food?

Let me now land. How many of you treat your Bibles as the indisputable way to access God’s revelation? How many of you will pray until God speaks and does what you seek without needing intermediaries? How many can truly say that what you believe is hinged on what God has showed you as you studied His word in prayer? How many can defend the doctrine you hold without quoting your spiritual monster, sorry, master?

Our generation is made up of spiritual lazybones and babes. Very few can read the Bible without being shown where and how. Very few can formulate a prayer or its agenda without guidance from somewhere. Very few behave differently from the dark ages that believed the Bible was open to a select few. We profess Christianity but live like Gnostics.

But we have a history, a history we must be willing to investigate adequately to make informed judgment and decisions concerning it.

The first problem is the human nature. Nature loves inertia. Like the boat it does not like to be rocked. It takes energy to move in whatever direction and in the spiritual it is even worse.

We love the familiar. We dread conflict. No wonder very few are willing to leave their traditions even where they are diametrically opposed to the Bible. No wonder someone will drop marriage to a person they were clearly led to by God (not circumstantial or sensual please) because the parents objected for no reason. That is the reason someone will desert God’s clear call on his life because a pastor feels otherwise.

The fact that we fear opposition is the reason the devil continues to reign over people who confess Christ.

He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. (Revelation 21: 7, 8)

This gets to the main point of my post, entertainment. Many dispute when I say that the ruling spirit in the media (radio, TV, internet etc) is the devil. So I will go along with their assumption that the media is morally and spiritually neutral though I know it isn’t. We will go with the assumption that entertainment is also neutral. On my blog there is a post that deals with the media.

How much do you spend on the media? Does it compare with the time and money you spend doing God-honoring things? Consolidate the time you spend reading newspapers and magazines, listening to the radio, watching TV and chatting on social media. What positive input does it add to your spiritual life? How much time do you spend reading the Bible, praying, being a witness and in positive fellowship? Does that time compare with the time you spend doing those other things?

The greatest danger from the media is not hardening our spirits against God and His leading though it does it most effectively. The greatest danger is not introduction to the demonic though it does. The greatest danger is not in the infusion of demons and demonic agenda though it is there very powerfully. The greatest danger is the amount of time wasted doing nothing worthwhile on the media. We are ensnared not by the chains that are clearly visible but in the inactivity we expose our minds and spirits to. We waste so much time doing nothing but watching one performer after another encouraging us to continue being a cabbage. Even the information they feed us with is largely irrelevant to your wellbeing. It is information for information’s sake.

That news you must watch are unnecessary as there is nothing you can do to counter what has happened anyway. In fact they are negative inputs to your spirit as they most times arouse anger, depression and hopelessness as the events unfold. Has a news bulletin ever driven you to the prayer closet? And no wonder since the master of the media hates prayer as it will cut the stranglehold he has on the media addicts like I once was. In fact that was how God delivered me from news and later TV. He challenged me to use the news items as prayer points. My family therefore switched off the TV after the news and simply prayed over the stories we had watched. Interesting enough the taste of news disappeared. Then God gave me Isaiah 33: 15 and that sealed it.

Spiritual lethargy will be the death of our generation.

Why is it that in Revelation 21: 8 the coward is placed in the same league with the murderers and prostitutes and witches and idol worshippers? It is the reason I decided to post this message.

We are going to hell because we fear asking critical questions as we are being informed and entertained. We fear making decisions that might label us unprogressive. We fear confronting the values being imposed on our children by the entertainment we use our hard earned money to buy. And we fear the silence that results when we put that TV off or trash it. In short we fear confronting the input we are receiving without being consulted.

What is entertainment? A pastor friend who went to be with the Lord some years ago (Gilbert Kivuti) told me this one time we were having a discussion about entertainment probably in 1988. Amusement is actually the absence of thinking. Though I have never checked it in a dictionary, my observations prove to me that it is the real meaning.

To muse is to think, to ponder, to meditate. To amuse is actually the opposite. An amusement park is a park where someone releases all their pent up energy as they foolishly scream their heads off in one then another amusement object. That is why you will look ridiculous when you went there dressed formal. In fact most will advise one to carry changes of clothes since you might even wet yourself. And of course most of what goes there is childish enough to muddy one’s clothes.

Think about entertainment and time. Why is it that people who are unable to pray for an hour and will sleep almost immediately if they attend prayer vigils have no problems watching a football game at 3 am? How does someone who can’t read a chapter of the Bible each day read a 1000 page novel weekly plus newspapers each day? How does someone who has a hard time being awake have no problems watching late night movies? Why is it easier to buy your friends an expensive meal or gifts than support someone whose ministry you appreciate or have benefitted from?

Spiritual things need your muse. Amusements excite. And flesh craves that excitement and will pay anything to access it.

No wonder some pastors have converted from solid doctrine to entertainment and amusement to keep the offerings flowing since people will generously give toward that amusement. That is the reason their churches are overflowing though society is not changing and sin continues wreaking havoc in those churches where amusement and entertainment are the rule. And sad to say motivation for the greater part falls in that category as it does not cause people to muse over their relationship with God.

People save for years to go on a holiday for a few days or weeks. But with the media one does not need to save. What mammon requires is your little time and even divided attention is not really a problem as he can work around at making your life give him undivided attention later. Like the forbidden fruit it is very easy to partake since the premiums come later. But that premium will be prohibitive. Sadly you did not even know there were premiums that would be required as you partook.

We were talking with some young people when one of them wondered aloud. It had suddenly dawned on him that he had $1000 worth of movies, and very cheap movies at that, movies that go for less than a dollar each.

He didn’t feel the pinch when he was buying as it was at his convenience. It is looking at the aggregate that he was shocked at how wasteful and costly that cheap indulgence was. And we are wondering where the saving culture went!

But let us think beyond the money. How much time did this young man spend watching those movies? How much sleep did he lose because of those movies? And how much impact have they had on his outlook on life. On average a movie is two hours. Assuming he has 1000 movies that means 2000 hours have been swallowed by the watching. That is three months of his life, day and night, that has gone to amusement. Yet rarely will a good movie be watched once. And it is doubtful if all that movie watching took more than two years.

Again I am not going to the negative and evil direction as it is evident to most. But I want to prove to you that even positive media is destructive as it takes from us time that we could use doing more constructive things or even resting blissfully.

Ever wondered why time flies when you are playing a video game? Ever wondered why time flies when you are watching a movie? Ever wondered why time flies when you are enjoying doing nothing of value? Your mind is blank, a-muse. But sadly your spirit continues being awake and receiving spiritual input from the one you have opened yourself to.

That is why after coming from a ‘hot’ movie or disco it is almost automatic that people go to have sex somewhere, even bushes, whether they had planned to do so or not. Some resort to rape if they lack a willing partner. That is why fights must break out during and after some concerts. That is why I do not board noisy matatus. This is because there is a lot of discord, even fighting in them due to all that noise that blocks our musing so that demons can be channeled through the music. And this I have observed over many years.

Entertainment blocks our cognitive processes, leaving us to flow with whoever we deposited our musing with. This explains why time flies. We are not in charge at all and so don’t care for time or anything else as long as we are enjoying. And that irrespective of whether it is football or video games or movies or TV or chat rooms in social media. We have surrendered our minds to that entertainment.

Forget about pornography. Forget about consumerism. Forget about introduction to the demonic. Forget about erosion of values through what we expose ourselves to in accessing the media. Though destructive by themselves, it is the surrender of our cognitive and sober processes to entertainment that makes them so effective. And that is why even positive media can be destructive even in its positivity because we block our minds to connect with what that positive medium is offering.

Have you ever wondered why prime time in the media is the time we do not need the media at all? Why do they bring prime news and programs when families are coming together after the day’s hassles? Why do they bring interesting things when the parents and children are coming back together after their different pursuits of the day? When will that family bond? And we wonder why children hardly ever connect to their parents!

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Philippians 4:8)

Is that possible with all the entertainment we are enjoying? Is that possible when we are constantly surrendering our minds to enjoy this or the other amusement?

Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. (Proverbs 4:23)

Am I that diligent to protect my heart from all kinds of intruders that get in through the media?

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)

Does God and His agenda occupy the first place in my life? Can it really be with all the baggage I continue accepting from the media? Am I accountable to God for the way I spend my time during my a-muse times? Is a-muse a spiritually recommendable activity? What does 1 Peter 5: 8 say?

Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ (1Peter 1:13)

What conclusion do you draw from this post? Is there something you need to do about it? Will you do it?

God bless you

Wednesday, 17 December 2014


For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. (Mark 13:22)

Have you ever heard of counterfeit sin? Ever heard of a counterfeit illness? Have you come across counterfeit acting? What about a fake conman?

We do not counterfeit negative things. We do not counterfeit undesirable traits. We do not imitate non-existent things. We do not counterfeit negative and destructive things. We imitate useful, valuable and marketable things.

You will never see an imitation of a non-existent currency note. Should you see such a note you will know that someone was getting creative and not seeking to defraud. It is called ingenuity instead of deception. I can’t counterfeit a non-existent phone model or car. If you see a phone with my name on it I am sure you will be amazed that someone has made a new model as opposed to making the fake of a different one.

What am I aiming at? Any time you hear about a fake or counterfeit, it assures you that there must be a real or original that is being copied. It is an absolute impossibility to have a counterfeit of nothing.

We have seen a lot of demonstrations against the fake Gospel, fake pastors, fake Christians. Do we realize that this speaks of there being an original people are judging this fake by? Do we know this original? What do we judge the fake by?

Have you ever heard of a fake Muslim? Is there counterfeit Islam? Ever heard of fake Hinduism? Or fake Catholicism or cultism?

You see those faiths have two categories of practitioners; serious and casual. There are simply levels of commitment. And that is why the only places you will see them fighting amongst themselves is where they are the predominant faith. Otherwise they are united when they lack numbers and are so protective of each other. We will hear of extremists spoken negatively about though not disowned or hunted down because they are the ones who come closest to the ideals of that faith. That is the reason Osama was never betrayed by Muslims for the killings he perpetrated even against ‘moderate’ Muslims. He was the best of them. That is why Saddam was made a martyr by Muslims the world over yet they had denounced him for chemically decimating his opposition who were fellow Muslims because he was killed by a worse enemy, USA. That is why in Kenya Rogo and Makaburi were also treated the same when they were killed yet in their controversial lives and preaching were called extremists. Al Shabaab and Boko Haram are terrorist organizations yet they are vehemently defended when they are killed in response to their killing of multitudes.

Since I am known for being unashamedly controversial I will state the simple fact that Islam is of the devil and run by him. Though many common Muslims and Catholics innocently think they worship the same God other believers worship they will discover that as they ‘grow deeper’ in their faith they will be connected to the real ‘god’ they worship, who is the evil one. That is why killing and death will become more and more practiced the deeper their commitment grows. And it will become more apparent when one of their own becomes a Christian. Their treatments are very similar to someone who deserts their faith.

But I was talking about counterfeits. Why is it that Christianity is the only one which has fake practitioners? Why is it that Christianity is the only faith that those fakes cause irritation and anger to outsiders?

For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. (Romans 8:19)

The world is looking for God’s solution to its chaos. There is just about enough revelation as to where that solution will come from. But one clear fact is that it will be completely different from the other solutions the world has since time immemorial been seeking. The divine element of this solution is the expectation that creates so much mystery. But it also makes it clear to all that it will be different from anything that has been tried. We do not know the nature of what God in His infinite nature has in store for us but we are sober enough to realize what it will not be like simply because it will be coming from God.

The Jews had the same problem with Christ because they thought that He will come with the sophistication that agrees with the infinite nature of the revealed nature of God to the point that the simplicity of the advent was scandalous. Though everything that Christ was and did tied with the scriptures they so highly valued in their studies so that they had a ready answer to any who requested to ask (like Herod in Matthew 2), they had brought it to the kind that they could understand and explain that they were unable to connect all that prophecy to the person who was fulfilling it on all fronts. And many times it was because He was overturning all their carefully worked out doctrines and traditions. Simply speaking Christ came not to save the Jew from social and political domination as they craved but from an even worse and oppressive domination of sin and death.

The effectiveness of Christian witness is the reason the enemy funds the counterfeiting of the same to confuse the masses. He knows no opposition is able to counter the genuineness of the transformation that the Gospel brings. There is nothing he can bring to argue away the kind of conversion the proclamation of the Gospel brings. There is no alternative he has to offer that would be more attractive than the Gospel. No persecution can counter the spread of the Gospel.

That is why he raises his servants to concentrate on counterfeiting the Gospel and its fruit. Then he at least could create a diversion, even if for some time. Then before the dust settles he will have worked out another strategy even as people concentrate on this exposure.

When recently a charlatan of the pulpit was ‘exposed’ by the media I laughed when I saw the ire the Christians felt. Why did I laugh? This guy was a fake pastor and even knew it and confessed it. Imagine he even asked his congregation to allow him to steal a little from them. His was ministry only to the ignorant.

But there is another fact that people were ignorant about. Why does the media, run by the devil expose a fake pastor who is his errand boy? Why does a Muslim journalist get unfettered access to the same church to expose someone who for all pretenses could be a Muslim except for his trade? Why does a Muslim expose a fake pastor whose fakeness makes Islam genuine?

This fake pastor was a faithful servant of the devil and I am not ashamed to say that. Why does the devil expose his servant?

The reason is simple. The devil seeks to expand his influence.  A faithful servant is promoted. I believe this is what the expose’ did to him. It grew his influence as it promoted him.

And it did that even as it gave the devil some time to think of new war strategy, among them being inflaming the Muslims against Christians, all Christians because what he needs is any straw to hang on to fight. All Christians are fake is a very strong rallying point for the Muslims and the expose’ has provided adequate fodder for that. Then they will feel justified to kill any Christian because they are all fake.

That is just one weapon in his huge arsenal. But it is one weapon he has relied on since he fell from heaven.  Remember the magicians in Pharaoh’s employ counterfeiting Moses’ signs? Remember the false prophets in the lives of several kings whose business it was to counter the true prophets of God? Remember Elymas using witchcraft to counter the Gospel Paul preached? Remember the old prophet using prophecy to lure the fiery prophet from Judah to death?

Look at what we call Gospel music. The only thing giving it a semblance to the Gospel is sometimes a few lyrics mentioning Jesus in a song. Some have not even attempted to sneak in Jesus at all. They simply say that they are Gospel musicians with songs that many times are brewed in hell. Some are openly antichristian in the messages they proclaim. Some have a message that is so worldly that it takes immense stretching of imagination to convince us that it is Gospel. Some are peddlers of dance styles instead of wholesome doctrine. Some are more popular in liquor dens and discos than churches due to the demons they are able to infuse. And we are gullible enough to think that they are in our team.

Look at most of the preaching nowadays. You will need to seek very far to get a preacher who has Christ at the centre of his sermon. Most sermons place us at the dead centre of the message. And the more man centred a preacher is the more popular he becomes and the more goodies he accesses.

Preach against sin and you will have a difficult time. Not only might you preach for years without having your salary increasing but you may eventually fail to get a pulpit to occupy as your theology is not motivational enough to bring in the crowds with the subsequent offerings. Mention hell and you will be accused of using scare tactics to force people to get saved instead of pleading with them to pity Christ and get saved. Preach responsible Christian life and you will be scorned by your contemporaries for being demotivational.

All these are counterfeits. We have a salvation that is devoid of the cross and the blood Christ shed. We have a revival that has no mention of sin and holiness. We have discipleship that does not have anything to do with character or even sound doctrine. And we even have worship that has no place for our bowing, let alone falling prostrate before God as the Bible characters did.

The consumerism and greed preached on most pulpits is a counterfeit Gospel. The purpose that churches have even adopted as their identity is also a counterfeit simply because it makes the church and individual purpose of greater importance than God and His revelation. And we know that anything and anyone that takes precedence above Christ is of the devil; in other words, a counterfeit.

I need to state that the meaning of the word antichrist does not only mean against Christ. In the Bible it can mean a counterfeit Christ, someone who packages himself in such a way as to be confused with the real Christ. In our present context he may be called a Hollywood version of Christ, only that the motive is to divert the attention of the seekers away from the real Christ.

No wonder there is not much difference between the dress of the believers from the unbelievers. It is no wonder that marriage breakages are not much different between Christians and the others. It is no wonder that the corruption index is not much different between believers and the unbelievers. And it is no wonder that there is little difference between Christian and secular music and musicians.

We are feeding on the counterfeit Christ for the most part.

But I will also be on the devil’s payroll if I stopped at this point. I will simply be exposing the devil to create sensation and panic if I did not give God’s solution to this. I am reminded of a book released in the 80s about someone who was rescued from high service to Satan and especially the tactics they used to bring disorder to the churches as agents of the evil one.  These included pinching children to cry during services and many other stupid pranks. The agents were more or less glorified in their exposure. The end result was the raising of suspicion in the churches  and great alertness as to the existence of the agents to the point that genuine fellowship became impossible with new people.

That is what I am doing. I am raising the alarm not to give us a weapon to fight the fake but to be the real worshippers as opposed to being or following the fake. God did not call me to only raise the alarm. He called me to show and lead His people to Himself. What the devil does is none of my business unless it comes between me and my commission. Then James 4: 7 is my solution.

What is the difference between the real and the counterfeit? That is the whole purpose of this post. There really is only one difference whatever you are looking at, from currency to cell phones to prophecy. The difference is character, the makeup. Unless you looked beyond sight you might never be able to know the difference.

You see the conman who was exposed by the media was in all pretences a successful pastor and prophet if one looked outwardly. He had a faithful congregation, a good location church, a good house and big car. He had radio and TV congregations which required money to run. He was married to a successful ‘Gospel’ musician. On the surface he was a minister of the Gospel.

And that is the way many ministers and musicians fare. They are very successful outwardly. And that is the purpose of counterfeits, to keep us content pursuing the wrong things for our spiritual health.

But I need to know that Christ knew and warned us about the fake when He walked amongst us.

So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?  He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn. (Matthew 13: 27 – 30)

Knowing the presence of the fake is not enough protection unless we are able to distinguish between it and the real.

Last week a conductor told some ladies that the note they had given him was fake. They gave him another one and asked for the fake one to return to the place they had withdrawn from. He said that their policy was not to give back the fake notes. That looked strange as I know that only banks will do that. But they insisted that they must be given back their money. We looked at the note and it had all the marks of a real currency note. The conductor was simply trying to use the ignorance of those ladies to steal from them.

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. (Matthew 7: 15 – 18)

Scripture is the litmus test we apply to everything to distinguish the source it feeds from. And I am talking about all scripture as opposed to the verse here and there that the counterfeit uses to deceive.

Let me give you an example. Some years ago a lady sang a song pray for your enemy which looks scriptural as that part comes from scripture. But sadly that was the only point it quoted scripture. The real meaning of the song was hate your enemy. You pray for him to live long enough to regret being on your wrong side or something like that.

The popularity of the pastor or preacher is not enough to gauge his fidelity to Christ. The devil can also raise a crowd and witches and wizards are evidence enough.  Even a big church structure is not indicative of God’s favor as there are temples dedicated to demons that are bigger and more expensive.  Having a history is also not enough, even if that history was known for its commitment to the truth of the Gospel because truth is not a straitjacket. It gives freedom to whoever chooses it. King Saul was faithful initially but lost it. So did Hezekiah, Uzziah, Solomon, Judas, Demas etc. The fact that my call was dramatic does not mean that I am still walking in it. I know people I could have given my life to defend some time ago who have become heretics after they became popular and accessed goodies from all over. They now cannot preach against sin for fear of offending their loyalists and supporters.

Scripture and only scripture is the real test we have to apply to know the true from the fake. And it has to be the complete scripture.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. (2Timothy 3: 16, 17)

Use the scriptures to judge everything from the character to the sermons to facebook and blog posts to relationships. That is how you will be able to clearly and faithfully serve God in the midst of all this corruption as you will be able to know those in your team and those from the opposing side.

Should I talk about prophecy? That is where the most fakes are. And they are bold because they think God has not given us a way to smoke them out. You see a prophet is someone who hears from God and how will someone know whether you are a fake or not?

Incidentally, as opposed to common thinking, only one inaccurate prophecy is enough to qualify a prophet as fake, which is totally opposed to how many people think. If I have given 1000 prophecies that were accurate and the 1001st one is false, the Bible qualifies me as a false prophet.

When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him. (Deuteronomy 18:22)

Deuteronomy 13 also speaks of another test for a prophet, this time one who gives a true prophecy.

Many prophets build their ministries on the fulfillment of just one prophecy which may as well have been guesswork. Since they foretold something and it came to pass they think they qualify as prophets.

Why was God so stringent when He gave the standard for prophecy? The first thing I think about is that the devil will surely counterfeit it and hit and miss accuracy as he proceeds. Why were Paul and Silas beaten and jailed in Philippi (Acts 16)? They had exorcised a demon with prophetic tendencies. In fact the holder of the demon was very accurately ‘exposing’ Paul’s ministry.

We must know the scriptures. And there is no short cut about it. We must read the Bible consistently to know what it is that God expects of us in relation to the world and especially the spiritual one.

Are you following the true Gospel or the fake? Is your worship directed to God or self? Do you value the preaching of your favorite preacher above the undiluted intake of God’s word?

As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: (1Peter 2:2)

Are you living according to God’s word?