Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Christ’s Ministry versus Enterprise with Christian Name

I recently saw an announcement on a church bulletin calling for worship leaders. The sad part was that they were announcing auditions for the same.

Who is a worship leader? What is required for one to qualify as one? What is the work of the person in charge of raising such leaders?

Most equate a worship leader with a musician. And I will not want us to get into arguments on what constitutes a worship leader. Let us assume it is music for the sake of this post.

Do we take readymade musicians as the church of Christ or are we supposed to make them? Are we supposed to look for the best voices and people with the best diction or are we to train them?

I raised choirs and singing groups and do not remember ever feeling that someone’s voice was too bad to join my choir if their heart was right with God. Even if someone croaked like a frog, a good music trainer (if serving Christ) will never turn them away. For my part (since I never trained as a musician but a minister) I never attempted to help them sing like a bird. I simply gave musical direction to that croak. They still croaked but did it musically. And that because I was convinced that God will never turn anyone who seeks to serve Him back.

What do you tell someone who fails the auditions? Do you tell them that God has rejected their voice? Do you tell them that their voice is too bad for God to use? Do you tell them that they can never sing for God? Or do you tell them that God has in disqualifying their voice rejected their worship?

How do you tell someone that their voice can’t praise and worship God?

Whatever does the Bible mean when it says that we make a joyful noise to the Lord? Does it not speak about those voices that are so off that their singing is discordant? Yet God does not reject them. He simply tells them to continue raising those voices to Him though they are more noise than music.

Looking for excellence and perfection when raising singers (forget worshippers) is an abomination. This is because you are in effect saying that the only people who can worship God are those with professionally acceptable voices. You are saying that God will not listen to people who do not have good voices as if they received those voices from elsewhere. You are in effect faulting God’s creation by finding fault, even rejecting those with a genuine desire to sing praises to the one who gave those voices.

Let us ask another question. Suppose the ones with sin issues have the best voices and beat the rest hands down. What if the best instrumentalists are so because they perfect their skills playing in bars? How do you to disqualify them seeing they are the best?

You see, if the voice is what you are looking for, any other qualification takes a lesser part in the qualification. And I can tell you that for me the only thing that made me reject or chase anybody from a choir I trained or led was sin and indiscipline. And that was when they were not willing to change and deal with the issues casting doubt on their commitment to Christ.

David made the greatest army by developing the rejects who sought refuge with him, probably with nowhere else to run.

And every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him; and he became a captain over them: and there were with him about four hundred men. (1Samuel 22:2)

We see Jesus doing the same when He chose the twelve.

That is the spirit resident in anything that is of God. We take whatever is offered to us and make it worthy of the King we serve.

For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presence. (1Corinthians 1: 26 – 29)

Which spirit are we operating under when we trash a genuine worshipper by disqualifying them from singing for God because their voice falls below the bar we have set?

And it is the same with pastors. How many churches raise their pastors instead of looking for those already prepared, tested and tried? How many people are frustrated because their calling has been trashed by the church because they do not have a Masters degree or because they were called in their youth and so pursued ministry instead of academic and professional proficiency? Why does the church leadership overlook spirituality and character and focus on who has what or is what when looking for deacons and other leaders as if money is evidence of spirituality? How many genuine ministers are starving of support and opportunity because they chose to go God’s direction instead of the one the church leaders require to build their babel?

Even evangelism is not much different. How many churches and evangelistic ministries take the Gospel where it has never reached? Why do all continue pouring the treasure of the Gospel to people who have heard and rejected it all their lives yet there are people who are crying for the opportunity to hear it only once? Why do we plant churches where there are other churches instead of planting it in places crying for a church?

I develop writers and see the same even there. Publishers (and they call themselves Christian) look for established writers instead of raising theirs. Like I say they want to cook when all the ingredients are available instead of looking for them. Again I thank God that He has enabled me to take anything brought to me and make it worth publishing. And I do not think there is greater joy than seeing the gratitude of someone holding a book they had stayed with rejected manuscripts for a decade or more.

Is yours a Christian ministry or an enterprise with a Christian name? Is yours a Christian business or a business with a Christian name or pretense? Does it operate using Christian standards or does it use the name Christian to get unsuspecting customers by fraud?

The prince of the world (Mammon) operates contrary to the Spirit of Christ. Self interest is at the core of worldly systems, be it in ministries or businesses. And sadly it is the same spirit operating in these ministries and churches who insist on getting ready made ministers. It is a spirit that specializes on the maximization on as little input as possible to get maximum profit from that effort.

Sadly that is the spirit that guides the need for auditions to get worship leaders, whatever they mean by worship. And it is the same spirit that guides churches that head hunts for ministers instead of raising them. It is also the same spirit that makes publishers insist on publishing readymade authors instead of raising them.

I understand how it feels to be turned away from wanting to sing for God. I was once turned away from a group I really wanted to join. Sadly, the reasons were not even musical as there were others who later joined when I requested to join who were not as musically polished as I was. In any case they did not even ask what I had to offer musically.  I suspect I did not have the class they wanted, a thing I do not have or even pursue to date. But there was a choir in the same place which did not have those qualifications and I was able to sing praises to my King, the only thing I sought when I wanted to join the singing group.

Let me close by asking these questions. Did you pray before setting those worldly standards for raising a worship team? Did God CLEARLY give those standards that are clearly not Biblical? Did God tell you that only a person with a Masters degree can serve Him as a pastor when He chose illiterates for disciples? Did God tell you to look for a pastor with as wide an experience and training as you are asking?

How does Christ command us to make disciples yet give us leeway to look for ones others have made? Are we really doing that through His leading? Do we follow His leading in anything else if we do not do so when we are looking for people to lead us to worship Him?

God’s standard is that we see potential where it does not exist because we are being led by God who sees deeper and farther than we have any capacity to see.

You see, Esau was more endowed than Jacob. He was more hard working and did not have a shady name as his brother. Yet God overlooked all that because Jacob had the potential God needed. David was nowhere close to potential or anything of worth, yet God bypassed all his visibly endowed, visible, trained and useful to the kingdom to choose him as king. Rahab the harlot was a reject even in a condemned city yet was chosen to join the lineage of Christ.

I believe that is what and how we will choose ministers if we are connected to Christ and His Spirit. People will laugh at us what we start our discipleship and mentorship because we have really lost it when they look at us choosing potential with Christ’s eyes.

God bless you

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Faith and Obedience

Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. (James 2:19)

I want us to look at what faith is as opposed with what many think and say it is.

Much of the preaching nowadays seems to treat faith as that something that gives us the ability to push God to do what we want Him to do for us with no relation at all with what God may require of us.

We are therefore taught to drive God up the wall to force Him accede to our requests. All the time thinking that nothing but faith is required of us. We are taught that God responds only to our expectation and nothing else.

But is that what Biblical faith is? Is that the faith we have inherited from our fathers? Is that the faith the ancients are commended for in Hebrews 11?

If we think that faith is just believing that God can do what we want Him to do we are thoroughly and completely deceived. Believing only in the ability of God is no different from the kind of belief the devils have. In fact theirs is even more advanced because it produces fear and trembling.

A belief that is a mental accent to God’s ability is what the devil has. Yet it cannot be saving faith because that is where it stops, mental acceptance of God’s ability. Knowing that God can do is not faith just as knowing a car can take you to a destination will not take you there if that is where you stop.

Faith is what I do to a revelation that I have from God and nothing else. Faith is obedience to what God has showed and/or commanded me. Again a faith that does not take any steps to obedience is the kind of faith demons have. And it has no capacity of changing their lives because they have chosen to trash the revelation that proceeds from the knowledge of God. And it will also do nothing in our lives if that is where it stops.

Noah believed and built the ark. I do not think he was the only one who may have received the message from heaven. He found favor (saving faith) because he was willing to play the fool for what God had showed him. He condemned his generation because he was willing to do what nobody else was willing or ready to do.

Abraham believed and left all his security to expose himself and family to the dangers of the unknown because he followed an order he had received. But even more powerfully he was ready to offer the promise as a sacrifice to the One who had given it when the order came.

Moses believed and left the princely living of Egypt to connect to the faith of his fathers. He thrived because that voice became the hallmark of his life.

Where do we base our faith? What gives our faith hands and feet? Are we content to just believe that God can or are we willing to join Him in what He asks of us?

The Bible in its entirety comprises of what revelation should guide our lives. Faith that is not the product of this revelation can be equated with presumption. Faith that is not the response to a command is not the faith the Bible talks about. And a faith that receives a word from somewhere other than God is dead.

You are a fool to think you can build your faith on the excellent proclamation of your favorite preacher or writer. Faith that is not built on a personal and consistent intake of God’s word is as unreliable as the exclusive intake of snacks to a healthy body.

A faith that is not a response to a command from heaven has no capacity of being the kind of faith God approves. In short faith is the action that results from an interaction with God and in response to His command.

Believing is the doorway to faith. But that is just the introduction to the God we believe in. It should lead to a desire to know God more and more so that we can accurately know what He requires of us. Then we will be able to walk the faith walk as we grow in obedience to God’s revelation and command.

In short, faith is simply obedience, only that it is an obedience that is many times removed from the normal and common understanding of reality. That is because it is guided from a higher reality than what is seen and heard on earth. Faith allows us to accept the reality of God even where it appears folly to our minds and experience. That is what we see with the heroes of faith in the Bible.

The Bible gives general revelation. It introduces us to the reality of God. It shows us the character of God. It directs to the general direction of His revelation.

We must therefore become consistent in our intake of God’s word. We must develop a habit of spending adequate time not only reading but also studying the Bible. We must establish methods to enable us store as much of what we read and study in our minds and hearts. We must determine to grow as we share the truths God is inspiring on us as we consistently take in His word.

But it does not stop at a consistent intake of God’s word. Though it is impossible to develop anything unless the disciplines around the word are established, it does not end there. The word forms the foundation on which our faith is built and developed. Again it is important to know that the word is not an end in itself. The Bible guides God’s people to God.

Again it is possible to be completely soaked in the word of God and not be a person of faith just as the devil knows the Bible more than most yet is as disconnected from it as someone who has never encountered it.

I will remind us that the miserable comforters Job had were for the most part theologically sound. Their arguments were Biblically sound. They became enemies to righteousness because they applied Biblical truth without caring to know what God had to say about Job’s situation.

Knowing the Bible and obeying it is very important to guide us to a richer level of faith. This is because we are sure that God will never speak contrary to what He has already spoken in His word. It is the basis on which we test whatever word we receive to be sure that it is from God. The validity of any word will be tested against the word of God.

That is the reason one of the greatest burdens I have is to make God’s people consistently read the Bible. This is why we prepare Bible reading plans to help them read through the Bible consistently.

But faith must go beyond the general revelation (knowing and obeying what the Bible says) to a specific word for me as a person of faith. Here God will give me His word tailored to my situation and issue specific orders for me to obey. I do not want us to forget that this word has to be in agreement to His general revelation contrary to what most people who call themselves prophets may infer.

This word has no guess work in it as it will be the word God will use to judge your faithfulness to His call. It would be better to spend a lot of time to establish the accuracy of that word than rush through a word that is for the most part general. Agonize, fast and pray, go to prayer mountains, ask for adequate signs and lay fleeces so that you will be in no doubt about the order God has for you. Then with the assurance that it is what God is asking of you dive to the deep end because you are sure that He who has called you is faithful. But please do not attempt anything before you know it is your specific order. Do not do it just because your spiritual superior feels that it is your order. Establish with heaven first.

We love being safe as we judge what we think God is saying and doing and I will give an example. In discipleship when prayer is being studied we will talk about God giving three answers to prayer; yes, wait and no. And it appears foolproof.

Why do we defend God as if He can’t defend Himself? You see we are arguing that you have an answer to prayer but inferring that any answer could be it. Why don’t we teach people to ask what their answer is as opposed to safely saying any answer is right and unknowable? Why are we content to defend a vague answer instead of teaching people to receive ONE answer to their prayer? I doubt our arguments add much value to the people we are teaching prayer.

For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. (2Chronicles 16:9a)

I pray that our faith grows from the general to the specific. Noah was not dealing with guesswork when he built the ark. Abraham was not following a general revelation when he left all or sought to sacrifice Isaac.

But it will start with taking His general revelation (Bible) serious enough to spend adequate time in it. Second is that you will establish in your heart that you will obey whatever that revelation will ask of you. And finally you will seek to know God beyond that general revelation so that He can deal with you at the personal level by giving you clear orders to obey from heaven, orders that agree with His word.

That will determine your giving habits. Not just how much you give but where specifically He wants that money to go. He will even give orders beyond the giving to what else or more you should do with the resources He has entrusted to you. I suspect He could order you to stop giving any coin to that church as an indication that you are now listening to Him.

Hearing Him will determine how you spend your time. He could order you to go off line for some time to learn to reduce the noise from many sources. He might order you to get off social media to learn to be still. He could order you to trash that TV to get adequate time to spend with Him in prayer and the word.

I could go on and on about the orders He could give. But it is important to realize that He issues orders to help us appreciate the reality that as the creator and Savior He is best placed to guide us. In other words He is the safest guarantee we can get on living life to the fullest.

There are orders He will give as He gave Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. They are meant to help us appreciate His Lordship over our lives. And I have gone through a few such.

Let me close by saying that faith is more about obedience than about belief. People of faith are always obedient people. In fact their faith is known by the distance they went in their obedience. We therefore gauge their faith not by how they believed but by what they did.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Injury Time Living

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. (Romans 13: 11 – 14)

I had a whole night of dreams with one theme; that the days we are living may be the very last to live as we are before a believer in Christ becomes the most abominable kind of character on the face of the earth. In other words we are about to be made the most despicable and unwanted criminals with nowhere to run for refuge. And that because we have totally agreed with what God says about the world without apologies.

We already have places where people are killed, raped, imprisoned and many other things are done to them just because they refuse to deny Christ. But I believe this is almost nothing compared to what is coming. And the main reason is that what is coming could well be springing from the organized church against those who take God too seriously.

And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains: And let him that is on the housetop not go down into the house, neither enter therein, to take any thing out of his house: And let him that is in the field not turn back again for to take up his garment. (Mark 13: 13 – 16)

Most pulpits nowadays have enough abominations to have anyone serious enough for God wonder why Christ is taking too long to come. Many churches have the kind of leadership that could make a sensible Sunday School child squirm with horror. Many sermons have as much direction to heaven as brothels. Many church boards are made up of people whose only connection to Christ is walking or driving through the church gates. Many pastors and preachers take the Bible only as the source of witty epithets to spice up a motivational speech they call a sermon.

The pursuit of holiness may be the most abominable thing to these highly motivated people. Speaking about holiness (of course by first addressing sin) will make one the most abominable character in their scheme of things. But for the most part it is being done in secret because the wider church knows or appreciates that sin is against God’s standards.

What happens when these abominable characters who for the most part are completely illiterate of the word and workings of God take full control of all leadership? What happens when these people who strategically positioned themselves and their own completely take over churches as is already happening?

It will simply be criminal to live for God. We already know of nations where it is criminal to call homosexuality sin and a few have already been imprisoned, lost their jobs or paid hefty fines for simply agreeing with what the Bible plainly says. But many think it is too removed to affect us in a very long time. But the speed at which many such things are happening make me think it will be overrunning us in a very short time and that we better be prepared.

But the main reason I write this is to challenge us to reconsider our priorities.

Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless. (2Peter 3: 11 – 14)

What would I be rather Christ found me doing when I consider these things? What are my priorities? What do I spend my most valuable time doing?

This is because I might be wasting my most precious time feeding the fire. I might be using my best resources on the wind. I could be trashing all the essentials I will need in the soon to be real life.

You see, once my faith is criminalized, I will be sacked from that job I have invested my all to keep as is happening to people who are taking their faith seriously in the gay debate in some countries. That neighborhood I spent the world to own a part of will reject and eject me irrespective of all that investment I poured. Even that church I equate with my spiritual wellbeing will excommunicate me for being extremist because I take God too seriously. In short, all I own could be confisticated because of my relationship with God.

Of course prisons will be overflowing with the new breed of criminals who qualify so by being serious with their faith. Others will be run off from society and will have to look for places to live, all the while running from persecution, even death. This will necessitate living very simply and frugally. That cell phone could be trashed because apart from there being no power on the run, it could be used to track and arrest you at will. You will need to leave that car as you may not have the money to fuel it as your accounts will be frozen as happens to other criminals.

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Revelation 13:17)

But we realize that the prisons will be for the ones the world has a hope of leading back to itself. The most radical ones have only one sentence, death, because their radical faith is at the danger of spreading to the watching world which would be disastrous to the ruling powers. The truly converted will therefore need to flee for their lives, leaving everything behind as we have seen with the displaced everywhere.

These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me. But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them. And these things I said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you. (John 16:1 – 4)

Yet I think the most important thing to do is being more committed in our relationship with Christ. You see His grace is always abundant to those who are walking in His light and living according to His revelation. Then we will not be caught unawares whatever comes our way.

We must develop the right relationship with whatever we own because we may soon need to leave it, or it is taken away by force. We must need to learn to live by faith and within our means. In fact it is important to teach our systems to adjust by consciously denying our bodies some pleasure that we cannot sustain under persecution. 1 John 2: 15 – 17 must describe us.

We must share the Gospel before that is completely criminalized (though it is already criminalized, only in a soft way). This is what Christ said will hasten His coming (Matthew 24: 14).

But what binds this together is our need to hate sin with every atom of our being. You see sin is what locked us out of Eden. It is what hung Christ on the cross. And it is what is taking the world to hell. Of course it is the cause of all the persecution we experience.

The second is elevating the word of God above all other knowledge, experience or wisdom. As the belt of truth, it gives us stability in our pursuit for holiness and God’s will. As the sword of the Spirit, it becomes the only weapon we can wield against the world and worldliness and win. It is the only one we can take to hell and rescue captives.

Thus we will seek to know all there is to know about God through His word and as we live according to it will be able to handle the pressures the world will pile on us to abandon or adulterate our faith. And I suspect we do not have the luxury of time as things are about to happen a bit too quickly for our preparation. It is the one who is already prepared who will not be caught naked.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Security, Ours versus His

One of the greatest dangers to our radical faith and life is security just us our greatest source of security is that radical obedience.

But it is important that we separate the sources of security to be able to understand this message.

God is radically committed to those who are radically obedient to His revelation just as the world is committed to support those who are sold out to an agenda that makes sense. And we need to add that each is diametrically opposed to the other.

King Saul lost God’s security when the world’s security became more important than obedience. But we realize that that rebellion kept his army glued to him because he served their purpose. I am sure that many knew that God had rejected him but couldn’t desert him because he bore their aspirations. From failing to wait for a few minutes for Samuel to aborting the search for God’s word concerning his army to saving all those fat animals we do not see any threat to his position as king. Even when he is seeking to kill innocent David we do not see anybody asking him what his problem with David was. He enjoyed greater loyalty in rebellion than in obedience. The twenty years he served as a rejected king confirms that the world pulls no stops in securing the positions and lives of those in its employ especially if it is against God’s revelation.

Why is obedience to what God has revealed so difficult? The prime reason is that it does not make any worldly sense. For the most part it is folly to the reason of most. It made sense to the army when Saul was fighting David because David was threatening an existing spiritual order. He was calling for radical obedience to the faith they had inherited. We see that when he confronts Goliath for blasphemy. A sensible faith had failed to deal with him for forty days as none was willing to face the giant.

But I want us to see that just as the world offers the best security to those who have bought into its agenda, God offers even more to those who agree to trash the world’s system.

Again we see the same with David. How does a young man playing music escape the spear of a trained soldier, twice? How does he kill the lion and bear? How does he escape a king who was scouring the whole land to kill him?

God secured him. And God’s security can never be even remotely compared to the world’s.

What will make ministers who were afire for God become simple motivational preachers? How does a minister who never shied from confronting sin preach to congregants who are for all intents and purposes naked and has no rebuke for those who expose their thighs and breasts to him especially as many sit at the front pews?

Security and acclaim. We love being appreciated. As with Saul we feel more secure when the world is on our side and is offering us the security that comes with that approval. We can’t chase them as we need their company especially when God turns His back on our sensible rebellion.

The spiritual fall of many a minister starts when they realize that age is catching up with them and that they will need a more sensible security that the revelation God offers. A piece of land is better security than ‘my God will meet all your need’. A healthy bank balance is better security than a scattered congregation when I preach a radical message of the cross. And of course a ballooning support base is better security than ‘day by day with Jesus’.

They will therefore skew their preaching toward that security, all but trashing what they held dear when they made a connection with God. You see bills must be paid and children must be educated and education needs something a bit more predictable that a vague promise from heaven. And the older we grow the more prohibitive the bills soar.

But from scripture I want us to realize that there is no better security than the one God offers those sold out to Him. It covers everything concerning the obedient servant. Imagine 276 people being saved from a capsizing ship because His servant was due for an assignment in Rome! No king is able to access the kind of security God’s faithful servant enjoys. Everything that happens has to happen according to the predetermined purpose of God. Remember even Job’s experience had to have the direct permission from heaven.

Remember when a whole community is about to stone two young men because they are taking God’s promise a little too far with regard to visible giants.

But all the congregation bade stone them with stones. And the glory of the LORD appeared in the tabernacle of the congregation before all the children of Israel. (Numbers 14:10)

But this message cannot be complete if I do not tell you that the world and the devil who runs it are not safe bets for security. I need to say that the devil will offer one security as long as what they are doing is expanding his kingdom, in other words fighting God’s revelation. Once we become less effective, or our visibility decreases, he takes matters in his hands to destroy us. He will expose all the rot he had covered to make us admired by the world so that the world will finally crumble under us.

Tell me a superstar who died respectfully? Many will have their hands full to overflowing putting one fire then another before dying shamefully.

A case in point is this comedian who has thrived for a long time. He represented virtue and was honored all over for his success in what he did. But just about the time he should be retiring a past is revealed, a past so sordid that I wonder whether he can walk anywhere looking into people’s faces because of the shame of that past. Yet why was it concealed for almost fifty years? He was serving the interests of the god of the world.

Or take this example of the hacking of a cheating website recently. Why is it that even people who had paid to have their records deleted were also exposed? The devil and his system will protect you only for this long. It is sad that we have hundreds of pastors who were exposed by the hack. Yet you wonder whether they believed the Bible they preach from because it says that what is done in secret will be exposed on the mountain tops. But that is the agenda of the ruler of this world, offering you security until he has fattened you for slaughter. And we see the same when we look at worldly success stories, from musicians to politicians to the stinking wealthy. None out of touch with God ever dies a peaceful death or leaves an enduring heritage.

It does not pay to pursue a security that does not spring from obedience, and a radical obedience at that. Nothing you do can ever convince the evil one not to destroy you. In fact the longer you enjoy his goodies and security the more disastrous will your destruction and shame be.

Psalm 73 looks at the two security systems and the psalmist finds comfort in God’s promise. Read it to get what I mean

Will we be radical again for God? Will we retrace our steps to the point at which God and not the world offered us security?