And of the children
of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what
Israel ought to do; (1Chronicles
12: 32a)
was teaching on the two sources of wealth according to the Bible when God
brought this topic of seasons and times on my heart very strongly. It might
actually be the distinction between what God does and what the enemy does, as
well as the corresponding results.
you know that two people can do the same thing in exactly the same way with the
same resources yet one becomes exceedingly successful and the other a complete failure?
the difference may only have been in the timing; the season they ventured.
determines seasons. He alone determines the seasons. It is important to note
that not only is He in charge of the seasons, He knows exactly how they will
turn out because He is the one working them out. He therefore knows every
detail of the tomorrow we have not seen and can guide us into that tomorrow to
succeed beyond expectation if we are walking in His revelation.
disconnect with a season could very easily result in disconnecting with God’s
purpose for my life. An erroneous reading of the season I am in in could result
in a wasteful life.
wants us to move in His seasons. He leads us to enjoy the fruitfulness of His
seasons. Remember that in Psalm 1 someone who loves God and walks according to
His word bears fruit in his season and not every time? That is how God
are times we become frustrated when we do not see fruit from what we are doing,
yet we are doing it the way we have always done and brought much fruit. We may
blame ourselves and look for reasons we are not bearing fruit. I know there was
a time I invented sins to repent as I could not explain the dryness of the
season I was in. Yet what I didn’t know then was that it was just a season, a
dry one.
have wasted resources when I invested in a season that had passed without my
knowledge. I remember buying an expensive accordion when my season in music was
ending, simply because I was not aware that my involvement with music, singing,
composing, could ever end. I ended up giving the same to someone who could not
appreciate its value.
when Moses died? The first thing God told Joshua was the obvious, Moses is
other words, that season is over.
meant that Joshua was now on new territory. Not only was he the leader, but his
leadership was to be completely different from Moses’. Whereas Moses heard from
God directly, Joshua had to rely on the priests, Urim and Thummim. Manna would
soon stop showing up. He would soon start conquering the lands God had promised
and later divide them among the tribes. He was in a season of greater
responsibility requiring greater obedience and sensitivity to God’s voice.
our verse, we see the tribe mentioned knowing the season they were in. And what
was it? Saul has been rejected. They therefore realized that his season was
over. But they saw even farther. There was an anointed king in David. Rather
than whining about the rejection of their king, they moved with the new season
and joined David, the king in God’s season.
is key to our walking in God’s season. People who sought to walk in obedience
to God’s revelation always experienced victory. Reading about David makes this
truth stick out prominently. No wonder he was said to be fighting God’s
battles! He made sure that he sought to know what God wanted him to do, even in
repeat situations which to most of us would be too obvious to seek any orders.
you realize that Moses was disqualified from Canaan because he followed earlier
instructions for a similar challenge? That the steps of a righteous man are
ordered of the Lord does not only speak of ministry but in everything that man
does, including eating and drinking, and what and where he eats and drinks.
That is why Paul said that whatever we do should glorify God; and we know that
only obedience does it and presumption is the opposite.
gives us the power to make wealth because He is the source of everything as the
creator. He is therefore able to guide us into situations where He has gathered
that wealth for our taking if we are walking with Him.
that is the difference between God-given wealth and the devil’s wealth.
Matthew 4 we see the devil tempting Jesus with wealth. He shows Him the wealth
and gives Him the conditions for accessing that wealth. The devil turns our
focus on wealth because then he can be able to give us some of it as we worship
him. And worshipping him does not necessarily mean songs and temples and
shrines. Greed is a very high level of worship. And that is why he must show us
the riches. We have no capacity of envying something we can’t see. This is why
the media is so portent as an instrument of the evil one as it can make us see
things we can never normally envision.
Matthew 6 we see God’s way of giving wealth. In verse 33 we are told to SEEK
FIRST His kingdom and righteousness, then these things will be added to us.
Here we pursue God and all He stands for. It means forgetting these things
(wealth). Then God, the source of all things will make those things to follow
this is where seasons play out. Pursuing God will make you to be in sync with
the seasons He has ordered. He then orders everything to fall in place for you.
He can call resources from all over to the one who pleases Him. Remember Christ
twice calling fish from where they had hidden the whole night? Remember Him
calling a coin into a particular fish so that tax could be paid?
it is the fruit of following God. And it creates a greater hunger to follow
happens when all of us choose to walk in God’s seasons? We become like a well-tuned
orchestra. We have hundreds of instruments, from the very loud like cymbals and
trumpets, to the softest like oboes and recorders, making a music that resounds
from afar.
how do they do it? Each instrumentalist has a music sheet for his part which is
different from any other. Then they have one conductor who knows the complete
music sheet is the Bible, the whole of it. It gives us the complete instruction
concerning our part in the whole. The conductor is the Holy Spirit who guides
us to play our part in the orchestra of life as He knows when I should slow
down, go softer, or even resound without negatively impacting the performance
of the whole.
devil focuses us on what we are looking for. Then he can detract our vision on
the seasons because we look away from the season maker. The career, the money,
the car, the A, the spouse, will so engross us that we will forget that we are
in an orchestra and start to play our little instrument independent of others.
Not only will we make a mess of the band, we will also become very pitiful in
our very small world. No wonder we still see people who have made it immersing
their lives in drugs and even committing suicide.
on the other side, asks us to look at Him and follow Him. Seek to know Him and
follow where He leads us. Then He will make all these things FOLLOW us. We will
just realize that we have them as we were focused on following the owner of
seasons. Incidentally, the bulk of them are priceless; they cannot be bought
with money. Health, peace, favor, harmony etc. are some of those things that
follow the one who focuses on his music sheet and the conductor. The music
flows out of me in the context of the whole orchestra (created order) and also
means that I am at peace with not only the composer (creator) and His music but
also with the other members of the orchestra. The audience will also appreciate
the harmony you are producing because you do not care to shine outside the
can appear as kingdom minded as the other until you look beyond appearances.
Their actions show that they are solo instrumentalists in the music of life.
me take the most obvious case, business. Many people wonder what Jesus meant
when He said that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle
than for the rich man to get into heaven. Or that one cannot serve God and
had a dream where we were travelling with a friend I made in the journey. His
wife sat at the back holding these super thin TVs of today. As the bus started
moving, a thief snatched the TV from her hands with a timing that never seeks
to amaze as they will have disappeared before the bus stops and anyone can get
out of the vehicle.
husband calmed her, even telling her never to tell that to anybody.
we went on, a hawker came selling vegetables at throwaway prices, and coming
from an agricultural area I know there are times there is such a flood of
perishable harvest that farmers will leave whatever they do not sell in the
market for whoever wants. That is what I thought. I bought one cabbage and a
pack of onions.
we talked, I thought to look beyond the surface of my cabbage. After the first
layer, there was nothing but rottenness. I then decided to do the same with the
onions and it was the same.
my friend commented. ‘Is there any difference between the thief who snatched
the TV from this one?’
is no difference. Both took advantage of a moving bus to steal, only that one
thinks he has used his brain more. They are both pursuing money as the devil
trains instead of allowing it to be added to them as the follow God.
is not against profit. He only wants us to play by His rules, righteousness and
holiness, which will make gain or profit take a back seat in our trading,
though we will many times make more profit than those pursuing it as the end
product. And this is where seasons come in. Again allow me to give you
situations that happen all the time. And I will remind you the verse that says
the wealth of the wicked is kept in reserve for the righteous. Mind you wicked
does not necessarily mean the robber or harlot or any other openly wicked
according to society. Wicked just means one who does not play by God’s rules,
many times one whose main goal is the pursuit of wealth. They are not playing
in God’s orchestra but are making their own. This means he is not aware of
God’s seasons.
us say he gets a car at an incredibly low price. After he buys it he realizes
that it was being dumped on him. He decides to repair it and spends a fortune
doing it, until he gets fed up after he sees no end to those repairs.
then decides to look for a gullible person to dump it on. Incidentally he
deceives him that it is in very good mechanical shape, something he knows is
false from his experience. And this fool falls for his lies and buys it at the
irresistible price he was offered without even bargaining.
the season has changed. The fool later comes to thank the shrewd seller for the
car he had disposed as it had never given him any problems since he bought it.
bought a car and repaired it and then gave it to one who pleased God, thinking
that he was defrauding him.
someone buys a dairy cow at a premium and it decides to be barren. Year in year
out he pursues every angle for a solution that never comes.
a shrewd businessman he decides to dump it on a hapless farmer by convincing
him that he is selling so that he can take his child to university, even
cheating him that it is expecting and he couldn’t have sold it were not for the
the season had changed and the barrenness has ended. The new fool actually buys
an expectant cow at a throwaway price, a thing that the shrewd could not
understand. This is because God releases those secrets to those who are walking
according to His standards, and especially revelation.
observation you will realize that the most successful businesspeople are those
who do not go by the rules. They take many idiotic risks that will succeed
beyond belief. Others are very gullible and entrust their decisions to enemies
who pretend to be friends showing them where to throw away their moneys, only
for the toxic counsel to backfire.
repeat that God owns the seasons. The main reason some things succeed while
others fail might be for the simple reason that one was on the right side of
the season while the other was on the wrong side.
is why the Bible says that the race is not for the swift or the battle for the
strong. God and His seasons determine them. That is the reason being on God’s
team will always ensure success whatever we do, only that it is not success
gauged by temporal standards. But it is sure success, success that everybody
can see even in the temporal realm due to the eternal element in it.
was told not to do the logical thing in a drought (going to Egypt). He plants
and harvests a hundred fold. The widow of Sarepath sacrifices the only food to
feed the prophet and has enough food for years. Gehazi refuses to let all that
free money to go and harvests leprosy. Remember Elisha reminded him about
Lord’s Prayer deals with seasons. It is a prayer that heaven’s seasons operate
on earth. Your name be hallowed on earth as it is being done in heaven. Your
Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Your will be done on earth as it is
being done in heaven.
pray that because we pursue it and not simply to say that we prayed.
it is the reason the Christian life is very simple. We just look at heaven and copy
what we see. Jesus said He only did what He saw His Father doing. And there is
nothing wholesale in that.
the beggar at the gate beautiful. Do you realize that Jesus may have passed him
there a many times as He went to the temple during His ministry years, and even
those early years? Yet why did He not heal him then? It was not the season for
it. And heaven’s seasons go with God’s purpose. He was healed when he was so
that five thousand people could accept Christ after clearly seeing what He can
times we see the term, ‘fullness of time’ in the Bible to denote those times
where the season was ripe.
will mention some demonic breakthroughs some mistake for God’s.
first is gambling. Do you realize that if God wanted His people to get gambling
money they would win all of it? Why? God knows everything. God knows which team
will win which match or league ten years to come. He knows the combination that
will win any jackpot of any lottery all over the world.
He uses the lottery to provide. Won’t His people win all jackpots? Won’t
prophets win all those predictions?
see, God determines the outcome of every lot cast. That is what the Bible says.
That is the clearest evidence that gambling is not of God. If He were involved,
His people could have been the automatic winners of the fool’s games.
other reason gambling, even sport betting can’t be of God is the greed it
promotes. Not only greed, but also idleness and laziness as people are waiting
for the big break. Plus the waste before that break can be accessed, if ever.
People are betting away their investments, their college fees, rent money, food
money, etc. I have seen young men taking their expensive phones to Shylocks to
get betting money. Many have committed suicide when they lost their fees in
betting and can’t face their parents. Others have done the same as they gambled
their salaries and are unable to pay their rents for months, among many other
blessing of the Lord gives wealth, and adds no sorrow. Does gambling do
that? And I will not even mention the
end game for the winners of those jackpots.
pastors are scared of preaching this from their pulpits because many of their
members are into it. And they of course won’t mind if the jackpot is brought to
their churches. Remember sometimes ago I posted about pastors applauding a
brewer taking their members (worship leaders) for training in secularism and
its music and the winners take home a lot of money. And they do not even
realize the contradiction between worship and drunkenness a brewer stands for.
But godliness with
contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is
certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith
content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into
many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after,
they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many
sorrows. But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after
righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. (1Timothy 6: 6 – 11)
other is the planting of the seed to get returns from God. In other words we
give so that God repays at higher interest. The simple description of what we
do, and pastors preach is trading with God.
we can never out-give God is not in question. That our giving opens doors for
God to minister to us is also not debatable.
from the Bible, we give in response to God as opposed to forcing a response
from God. We can never manipulate Him by our giving. Even the thought itself is
obedience will open the door for God to respond to my giving.
I mean is that only a giving that is prompted by my obedience to His revelation
moves Him, and not even in the way we think.
at the Bible. A few times we read that people were restrained from giving
because what they had given was much more than was required. And they were not
giving to receive. They were giving because they had experienced God. They were
simply responding to their experience of God.
see, what we know about God is more powerful a driver than what we can receive
from Him. Remember Job confessing, ‘though He slay me, yet will I trust Him’? That
is the kind of relationship that should drive our giving. It is worship and not
business that drives our giving.
from giving using business terms is clearly demonic, even when it is given in
church. Reaping from the same shows that we are receiving from the one who
shows us the gift as a bait to cause us to do what will drive us from God,
especially if he can convince us that it is God doing it.
gave most and died. I wonder what those who preach about giving explain that,
that someone gives God over 90% and God kills him. A widow gives the smallest
coins and is said to have given more than the ones who had given a lot of
Testament giving is giving in obedience to God’s leading, not giving 10% or
even 50%. It is being in tune with God enough to know not only what to give but
also where to give. It is not a giving directed by the pastor or any other
spiritual leader but by God through His word and Holy Spirit. And we know that
the Holy Spirit will never trade with us.
worship is incomplete if we do not give. But it is not our giving that defines
our worship. Our obedience is what defines our worship. And that obedience
leaves nothing behind, even giving.
toxic element of this doctrine as preached is that it minimizes sin. We can
comfortably cover our sins if we only gave. We can cover disobedience or
rebellion by giving something good. Reminds me of the indulgences Martin Luther
fought and the fact that the modern church is rushing there at breakneck speed
through this doctrine of giving that does not address other aspects of
offends God. And God fights it with His seasons. He gives leanness as He says
in His word.
God the one guiding your seasons or are you in charge of your destiny and just
need Him to add power to what you have purposed? Do you worship God through
your giving or do you seek to manipulate God through it?
see, even acceptable giving is because it is given in season and not
necessarily generously. And I know it will be clearer to you when you jog your
memory a bit.
is your most memorable moment of generosity? Was it when you received the most
expensive gift or when the gift met your most pressing need?
are very hungry and some distance from a place you can get food. You are so
weak from the hunger and so far from home that you must eat to get strength to
walk home. You pray that God sorts you out.
out of nowhere a friend you have not seen for long appears and is so excited to
see you. He does not have much money so he takes you to a cheap roadside kiosk
and buys food so that you may have time to talk.
you are being evicted because you have not paid rent for some time, and the
rent is not even much. Just when the landlord is about to start throwing your
things out you receive a text message that you have received some money. You
stop him and ask for a few minutes to go and withdraw his rent.
you have travelled and lost everything you had. You are stranded in a strange
land. You do not know what to do as even the language is foreign. Then out of
nowhere someone seems to understand your dilemma and offers to host you and
help you recover your documents.
is the timeliness of the gift (season) that has a greater impact than the size
of the gift. And that is the greatest difference between God’s gift and the
devil’s bribe. And it will also help us know who guides our giving.
in season is itself not dramatic for the giver however earthmoving it may be to
the recipient. Even when it is sacrificial, it is so because of the obedience
element as it is done in response to God’s promptings.
does not make the recipient indebted to the giver because the giver responded
to God. Many times he was not even aware of the crisis in the recipient’s life
that he resolved as he just responded to God. He does not even expect any
gratitude. There are times I have been supported with clear orders not to offer
any gratitude and offer it to God instead. That is what giving in obedience,
which is giving in season does. And I also feel very uncomfortable when I am
thanked after giving in response to God’s promptings because I am very sure it
does not proceed from me. You do not even feel exploited if someone you have so
helped insults you because God and not them was the focus of your ministry.
someone must appreciate your giving or assistance, if they must tell others how
generous you are and the kind of pit you rescued them from, examine your heart.
It is very possible you are giving by the devil’s rule book concerning giving.
He is the one who focuses us on the gift.
hope this message gets through to each one of us so that we will start walking
in God’s seasons for each of us as opposed to being guided by people to fulfill
their cravings, however holy they might be. That we will listen to know what
God will have us do in whatever situation He places us.
must read the Bible and stop the laziness of entrusting the study of the same
to others, however spiritual or mature they may be. We must listen to God’s
voice for ourselves instead of leaving that part to experts, however accurately
they seem to be hearing. This is because it is impossible for them to hear my
instruction and theirs at the same time.
are responsible for your spirituality. You are answerable to God for hearing
His voice or not. You can never defer it to anyone else.
My sheep hear my voice,
and I know them, and they follow me:
(John 10: 27)
you Christ’s sheep? Do you hear His voice?