Wednesday, 27 September 2017

The Human Soul

Several years ago God gave me a message as I read His word, as He always does. It concerned the value of a human soul and the scripture was Mark 5

God gave me several forums of sharing that message that I thought I had written it.

Recently, I shared what I thought was a summary on Facebook that I had shared through sms. It is when someone requested that I send him the complete message that I discovered I had just shared it elsewhere and not written it as I do many messages God gives me.

I will therefore briefly share it and expand it to include its implications/ applications for today.

There was one demoniac who was unwanted by society yet they could do nothing about it because he was too powerful that he even broke chains that they bound him with. They just left him to wander wherever he wished, which was among the dead.

Then Christ comes along.

Of course the demons knew Him and must have tried their best to hide their captive from this power. That is the first point I learnt.

No one and nothing can be able to block a heart that has decided on seeking God. The power that easily broke apart iron and steel could not block him from running to Jesus. They were powerful over everything else but completely powerless against his decision to seek deliverance from their domination (and this is not the drama we call deliverance nowadays).

Please notice that I am not also talking about positive thinking and declaration motivators (who conveniently call themselves pastors) dwell on as their ‘ministry’ and ‘prophetic unction’.

This demoniac chose to go to Jesus and they (six or so thousands of them) could do nothing about it.

They then plead with Jesus. Note also that they were not negotiating, far less conversing with Christ as exorcists pride themselves about as if it is a badge of honor to negotiate with the father of lies.

They plead and are allowed to go to a herd of swine (pigs for those who have been deceived that King James Bible is hard to understand), which then commit suicide after being demon possessed.

Now to the main lesson; Two thousand pigs got lost just like that.

Of course it caused quite some drama because that may have been the main occupation of that area. Those pigs may have been the source of meat for the ten cities the former demoniac was sent to share his testimony with.

When the villagers came around to see what was happening, they found their bothersome and uncontrollable character completely healed. But they found something else; their economic backbone not just broken but completely shattered.

They then plead with Jesus to just go away. The miracle was too costly for them. They just couldn’t envision another miracle from the same Jesus.

An average pig is about 10 000 shillings (US$ 100). Two thousand of them is 20 million (US$ 20 000). Now that is a lot of money for a village or two.

Yet Jesus had no problem pouring all that investment on a reject who sought Him.

This simply means that a human soul is of inestimable worth in God’s sight. That is why He sent His Son to die.

But let us look at some implications. The Decapolis lost their meat supply for that miracle to happen.

Again let us contextualize this miracle.

We have a company in Kenya that deals with pork and pork products. What could a miracle of that nature do to them? What would happen if 2000 pigs disappear just like that? What would happen to their supply chain?

Assuming they slaughter 100 pigs daily, we are looking at 20 days without their raw materials. It means they are selling nothing in those days. Their transporters have no work. Their shops are empty. Their feeds are unsold. The company will just need to file for bankruptcy and completely shut down. And this is because animals are not commodities that are made. They will take time to reproduce to the former stock levels.

How much suffering do you expect from the impact of that one miracle? How many people will lose their livelihoods? How many shops will close for lack of stock? How many people will have nothing to put on their tables? And how many people will crave something they can’t be able to access?

Let us go to something else as I know there are some who are saying that it served them well as they do not fancy pork.

In value, a pig will cost about three to four goats. We are now talking about seven or so thousand goat’s equivalent. Just walk with me.

There is an estate in Nairobi that revolves around goats and sheep as that is where the slaughter house is. What would the loss of 7000 goats impact that estate? Or we can make it 6000 because a legion was about 6000 soldiers, meaning that this character had over 6000 demons.

I assume between one and two hundred goats are slaughtered daily. How many days does it take to slaughter 6000 goats if 200 are slaughtered daily?

Imagine closing the slaughter houses for thirty days!

Again consider the supply chain; from the seller to the transporter to the keeper to the slaughterer to the skinner to the buyer to the butchery to the nyama choma den. How do they survive the thirty days without supply? How many livelihoods will be affected? That one month will simply crush that estate, among other places. And we are assuming there will be somewhere else they can access goats after that month, which is not possible as we are dealing with animals that must reproduce, a process that takes time.

Yet Jesus sees that as incomparable to saving one soul from hell.

Is that the way we look at people, especially those who have nothing to offer us? Is that the way a pastor sees those who come to take instead of giving offerings? Is that the way we see that drug addict, that harlot, that street family, that widow and orphan?

That is why Jesus never pleaded with anyone to follow Him. A sacrifice is the norm when one grasps the reality of God’s love for humanity. Selling everything one owns for the pursuit of that is not even a sacrifice; it is the normal response to seeing as God sees.

The disciples left thriving businesses to follow after that call. Matthew left an office, risking even his life for desertion when he received the call.

Fishing men is never a part time occupation because of what it entails. Responding to the call of the lost with God’s love will leave nothing on you; neither family nor profession, only a love for the lost.

Barnabas sold his land. Paul left everything and everyone. No wonder theologians speculate on whether he was married or single when he heard the call. And that was Christ’s expectation. What if his new call alienated his family from him?

If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. (Luke 14:26)

How close is that reality to your experience?

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Multi-colored Light

To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. (Isaiah 8:20)

Are we the children of the light or not?

What kind of light are we emitting?

Does it serve the purpose which God had when He called us?

Some of us are very inquisitive. We want to know and understand a lot more than is commonly accepted. We read beyond the scope our education and vocation is content with.

I do not quote scripture because it is the only thing I read. I quote it because it is the only text that is accompanied by God and His power. Like Peter said to Jesus, He has the words of eternal life. We do not dwell exclusively on the word because we are simpletons. Like Paul of old we may be more read than the philosophers of our day, only that we have realized the only word that can make a difference in anyone’s life because we have seen so much of that difference, first in our lives and second in the lives of people the world had trashed.

When we talk of light spectrums, we are talking bandwidths and what they can do.

An X-Ray is light that can penetrate flesh and so is used to look for defects in bones. There is light that can only be seen with special glasses and cameras like they do when shooting movies in the dark and even security cameras.

Yet I know there are some who do not know that light can disable a mosquito and render it harmless in the night when it is supposed to be most active. That is a light of a particular spectrum and frequency range.

Let us leave animals for now.

Have you ever noticed that there is a particular light that is found in drinking places? And we are talking about ALL, from those village bars to high end restaurants and hotels.

Just go to a restaurant that also sells liquor and it will be as clear as day. The whole place will be so full of light, even though some may be dimmed, but the place with liquor will have a different type of light. I hear that that light resonates with the senses that crave alcohol so that one drinks and drinks without feeling drunk. Again you will notice that drunks never collapse in the dens and bars. It is after they leave that their bodies become too inebriated to carry itself.

I believe that the particular light activates a craving for drink and keeps the body in check until he leaves the environment. If I became more spiritual, that light activates particular demons in the drunkard that will make him unable to leave the den. After he leaves the den, the demon loses his activation and this explains why the drunk becomes unable to function.

It explains why many people who start going to bars to have a soda, sometimes with an excuse to evangelize the drunkards, end up becoming drunkards. That light may have a crippling effect on the body. And you are worse of if you are unaware of that fact.

Why don’t people get drunk at home, even the ones with bars at home? I believe the absence of that light may be the cause as it could be impossible to take over someone’s faculties without that light.

What about discotheques? Does it just happen or do the owners know what exactly they are doing? Again why are those lights predictable?  I believe there is a purpose.

That is why it saddens me when I see a church or Gospel concert employing those same lights in their services and events. This is the reason Jesus said this.

For the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light. (Luke 16:8b)

The devil knows what he is doing. We are fools if we think we can employ his tools for God’s kingdom. And we terribly undermine our enemy when we think we will prosper God’s cause by making the best of His enemy’s tools. We forget that God rejects anything even with a stain of the other world. That was the reason the Canaanites were cleared. That was the reason even animals were killed due to their association with the sinfulness of their owners.

What do we do when we mix the Gospel with something else? We simply stain it, causing it to give a light that is not pure (white). But it gets even worse. It operates on a different spectrum, activating a different response than what we may be intending. People may be flooding to our church or person but for purposes different from the Gospel of Christ as our ‘gospel’ has been stained.

What am I talking about? You may be wondering.

Do you, like me wonder why some churches are full of sinners who are not even afraid of parading their sin? Do you ever wonder what draws a politician who was with a witch the previous day to a church yet will never be convicted of what he knows is contrary to the scriptures? Do you wonder how a harlot can end up leading ‘worship’ in a church?

Could it be that we are emitting a light that draws people to us and not Christ? Could we be like the disco that draws people in for the entertainment being offered at our ‘event’ and ‘venue’?

There is one verse I believe is instrumental to my argument today.

And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. (John 12:32)

Christ lifted up has only one result, drawing people to Himself and not to anything and anyone else. And His presence deals so conclusively with sin that we can conclude that He is absent when sin is visible. This means that the light being shed has a different spectrum than His light as His is pure (white). It therefore has no shades and does not decorate anything to appear different from the way it is. It just shows what is, the way it is.

Let us look at some of the spectrums and the result they give in our congregations.

We went to an event and some pastors said something that shocked me. They said that their anointing for ministry created no room for them to confront culture, in other words their traditional beliefs and practices. They therefore had no issues offering beer (not even an equivalent) to satisfy culture.

Either I was too shocked to speak or that they were not open to explore even what the Bible says concerning such things that I did not confront their hypocrisy. Of course we were also in someone’s event.

I remember when I was going through the negotiations before I got married. There were some non-negotiables that I respectfully asked to be removed from whatever was required because I was a Christian, and a minister at that. There were things I refused to do because they would have compromised my witness, whether my in-laws thought so or not. And they respected me for that.

Can I be salt if I taste no different from what I am supposed to savour?

Ministers, even believers who are afraid of confronting culture with the Biblical culture have no chance at all to redeem culture. They are giving out light that does not show any difference to be craved by the unbelievers. The closest they can be is a light in the drinking den, just enough to make the world able to see how they can access their sin and wickedness.

Christianity is countercultural. It operates by standards so different from the world. The closest I see in the Bible is Simeon and Levi responding to Shechem desiring to marry their sister after raping her.

Agreeing with everything our culture demands is giving out a light that does not offer any hope for those trapped in that culture. The light might look beautiful and colorful, but it does not offer any directions to the wayfarer. You need redemption from that folly to offer any hope to the lost in sin.

Why do people get into ministry? In the not so distant past (when I was growing up), many joined ministry because it was the profession with the lowest requirements. You could go to a Bible school when your grades were useless. In other words, you are a reject. That was the qualifying grade for ministry.

What does that produce? How can hopelessness produce the best result?

People associated ministry with inadequacy. To date I battle people who wonder what I am doing in ministry with all my skills and training. And I know I am not alone as ministry was almost always associated with failures.

And I do not mean to say that God can’t use failures. He still uses them. But rarely, if ever, do you see God in the Bible calling someone who was just lazing around, rejected by the community because he was just a statistic.

What kind of light do these failures radiate to their community?

Of course today ministry is sought out as probably the most highly and least demanding occupation on planet earth. I just need a pulpit and good presentation skills and I can have a mega church in a few months. I know of some who even take bank loans to start churches because the returns are very attractive. Then they will be able to pay themselves whatever they will as that is their investment they are recouping.

What kind of light does this minister radiate?

I had a friend in school who got ‘saved’ to be made a prefect because a prefect in that school was really privileged. How did I know that? He had told me before he decided. He ‘backslid’ when his term ended. He went back to smoking and chasing girls (it was a mixed national school).

Again we know there are many believers who are like that in the leadership of our churches.

What kind of light are they emitting?

There are Christian leaders who campaign and even bribe to be given leadership positions in church. Others are not dirtied by campaigning and bribing because they cleverly make sure there are others who are doing it for them. And many times they will without fail clinch those positions as the spiritual man will NEVER campaign to lead.

What kind of light does that kind of leadership emit?

There are those who use their leadership positions in church to enrich businesses being run by their supporters. I have heard pastors make a few persons’ businesses so visible that you wonder whether the owners have paid any advertising fees. Others bring those businesses to pitch even on the church compound for maximum impact.

I am not saying we do not support our people in business. What I ask is what kind of light a pastor emits using the pulpit to market a business instead of preaching the Gospel? What kind of light does that emit?

Of course we know that any light will draw a crowd. Light is like a watering place. It will always draw a crowd. The kind of light you are emitting will determine the kind of crowd you will attract. The spiritual sensitivity of your crowd gives away the light you are emitting.

If you got into ministry because of the visibility and influence it gave you, do not be surprised when everybody who comes to your church adores you and your leadership. The light you emit draws people to your person, however hoarsely you cry that Jesus is the one you worship. Jesus just happens to be the formula you use to emit that light.

If your leadership is unquestionable, you and not Christ are the leader. Again the light you are giving is drawing people only to you.

If preaching against sin, even visible sin in your congregation, has become almost impossible, stop cheating yourself that you are preaching Christ. If positions in your congregation are directly proportional to money and position instead of spirituality, your light does not point people upward, irrespective of the myriad of verses you may quote.

And if the poor have no place in your church, then the anointing you have is certainly not from Christ. Christ’s anointing brought hope and help to the vulnerable and disadvantaged.

You see, light from Christ draws people to Christ and nowhere else.

And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. (John 12:32)

What kind of light are you emitting?

Could the light you emit be opening people up to drunkenness? Could it be drawing them to bashes and dancehalls? Could it be drawing serpents and scorpions? Could it be drawing harlotry? Could it be drawing sorcery? Could it be drawing thievery?

This is because you are emitting some light and that light will draw a crowd to you.

Does the light you radiate draw people beyond yourself?

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings. (Jeremiah 17: 9, 10)

Will you allow God to search your heart to enable you know whether the kind of light you emit is friendly to the Gospel you proclaim or a hindrance to the same?

God bless you.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017


And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. (Luke 9:23)

I hope my last post did not paint obedience to God’s voice as a holiday, because it isn’t.  Hearing God’s voice clearly and following (obeying) it is among the most difficult things in this world. Otherwise it could have been the fortress for the spineless.

Obeying God is difficult. In fact were it not for the enabling presence of the Holy Spirit, it could have been impossible. We simply have no capacity to obey what God requires of us.

But disobedience (even if it is walking in ignorance) is way more costly, though it freely flows with the whims and wants of the world as it goes more effortlessly when we agree with the systems of the world. And the world is more than comfortable with us when we are agreed with it.

Let me give a small testimony of my struggle with that voice. Maybe you can learn from it.

I was working in Nairobi when I felt in my spirit that God wanted me to ask for a transfer to a place I had only seen on the maps, Marsabit.

Apart from being far, I knew there were no good roads leading there. It was also in the middle of the desert probably with no amenities and communication.

I asked for the transfer in obedience.

It was when I was going to report that I realized that there was no transport. People simply travelled on trucks as luggage, because that is what they were transporting. But it was even worse because you had to really plead with them to fleece you so that you can get room in those overloaded trucks. And of course due to the terrain there was an abundance of robbers (called shifta) who stole anything. Due to the bad roads they had a field day. I remember people in the truck that refused to take me after my pleading and even offering more money for the trip were robbed even of shoes. And I had moved out of Nairobi with everything, even emptying my account to be able to start afresh in Marsabit. The journey itself took up to one week when it rained and the roads cooperated with the rain.

Not long after I had settled (mark you God had not told me what He had sent me to do) the girl we had agreed about marriage opted out of the relationship.

After one year, during which I had more or less settled on work and ministry, I came back from leave to find my salary stopped. It was a tough assignment as it took six months before it was restored during which time the two bosses behind it were interdicted as I had done nothing wrong. (I have talked about this elsewhere)

After I settle, I am mugged and left for dead. I believe God resurrected me as even the nurses were asking why I was alive from the injury I had suffered. The robber took everything I had. And I had been on my way again from leave.

Then I go back to work and find the new boss was my friend. Only to later realize that he hated my involvement with ministry even though it never interfered with my work. And his harassment was even worse as he made my life very bitter in whichever way he could. We had been friends because then I was not very clear with what God had wanted of me in Marsabit. But at this point He had shown me where He wanted me to minister.

It was at this point that I decided that I had not heard God when I went to Marsabit. God’s will, and obedience to it, could not be as punitive as was my experience.

I asked for a transfer (and the false accusations I had suffered to that point was enough justification to headquarters) and looked for transport for my things.

But I thought it would not be proper if I did not get God into the mix.

I therefore went into a fast and gave God a condition (I was sure He could not fulfil) if He still wanted me in Marsabit, if He had wanted me there in the first place. Then I rested easy as I knew I was counting days before my deliverance.

But who is God? He doubled the answer to my impossible condition.

Of course I now had no reason to doubt that God had specifically sent me to Marsabit. And He had even opened a ministry opportunity in that answer.

I was finally at peace since the first time I got into Marsabit.

Did the persecution stop? It became even more vicious. But I was then sure I was doing what God had brought me to Marsabit to do. I had started seeing the fruits of the ministry God had opened up for me amidst all that opposition.

And God continued to fight for me, and protect me, from wild animals and lethal snakes to schemes at my workplace.

What had changed? I had known I was where God wanted me to be and what He wanted me to be doing. I was able to experience peace through my knowledge and acceptance of God’s will for me. Hardship, instead of breaking me, helped me become better in the ministry God had for me.

It continued that way until He told me that He wanted me to leave employment for ministry

That has helped me even as I charter unexplored waters of ministry even contrary to other ministers’ expectations and experiences as I know that God is able to hold His own irrespective of what the world can throw His way.

Paul could find rest in a storm because he had Christ’s word that he will get to Rome. The awareness did not mean that the storms became weaker or nonexistent. It meant that he was in the hands of the one in whose hands a storm is insignificant as far as His purposes are concerned.

And that is the assurance I am encouraging those who have burnt their fingers following guidance that does not come directly from the throne room of heaven.

Seek to know what exactly God wants of you before complaining that people are snatching your bread from your mouth. You may be suffering all that frustration because you are doing what you think He wants instead of asking Him to tell you to clearly communicate His will.

Then persecution and hardship will be normal tools for your growth in faith and obedience.

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. (John 10:27, 28)

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Burnt Fingers

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. (Romans 8:14)

When I posted on politicians, and especially mentioned the fact that many visit demonic groves and high places to seek power to win those positions, a friend asked me to explain why believers lose to those wicked characters. That is what I want to respond to today.

The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD. (Proverbs 16:33)

How do we explain this verse for a believer who lost to a son of Belial in elections? What do you tell this believer who lost because his opponent bought the system? What reason do you give to someone who lost because he only paraded his integrity when others were dishing wads of notes?

What spiritual logic do we employ for the failure of believers in politics?

I will start with what I pray gets stamped in each and every believer’s heart.

What did God tell you concerning your involvement in politics? Whose word did you follow when you got into politics? Whose interest were you pursuing when you got into politics?

Then said Yahweh to me, You have well seen: for I watch over my word to perform it. (Jeremiah 1:12)

You see, God is bound to His word. He will make sure that He will perform whatever He has promised. And He will follow through any order and instruction He gives.

Did you get into politics through His order or guidance? I doubt it will lead to frustration. And that will not only be true if you win, but especially if you lose as you will be sure you are where God has placed you.

The problem is if your inspiration and direction did not originate directly from God. Probably your pastor saw for you. Or a prayer warrior heard it for you. Then you assumed it was from the Lord.

You may have been approached by people to represent them. Some may even have funded that adventure, sacrificing so much for you to represent them. They campaigned vigorously for you. But you lost.

Then you wonder why God left you to the elements, political elements!

One clear fact we need to let sink into our spirits is that God will always fund what He originates. On the same vein it is clear that He does not support what originates elsewhere as it will be in competition with His glory.

Thinking, even believing it is from God does not make it originate with Him. Majority is nothing as far as God is concerned.

Let me give some examples to make you understand this.

When you read the book of Romans, you realize that Paul really sought to go to Rome. He says that he was severally unable to do so despite his plans.

Then when he is arrested, Christ tells him that he will go to Rome, even preach to Caesar.

He gets into a ship and things become thick, very thick. The mariners give up as they had tried everything they knew and it had failed.

Then Jesus sends an angel to reassure Paul. The gist of the matter was something like this.

I told you you will go to Rome. You are going to get there.

But he said something else. I have given you everybody who is travelling with you.

It did not require effort, skill or planning to get to Rome. It required Christ’s word for it to happen.

Is that the word you received when you went into politics?

Let me give us another example. Jonah was sent to Nineveh. But he went the other direction. And like Paul, though in the opposite sense, everything went awry. It only took their sacrificing the rebel to go ahead with their journey.

What am I saying? You may be frustrated because you are playing in someone else’s league. The wicked person is playing in his. And God will not bail you out just because you mention His name as you walk contrary to His orders. Or don’t you remember that judgment begins in God’s house?

Last Sunday we were studying the need to know the Bible enough to get God’s promises completely. Many people choose the positive aspect of a promise and forget the condition. Let me put one.

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD. (Isaiah 54:17)

Oh how we love that verse! Sadly only a select few can access it because it is not prayed or fasted for. It is a right, but to the servants of the Lord. It is folly to expect to reap from that promise if you are not God’s servant, however much your pastor repeats it.

That protection is for those who are not only submitted to God’s will, but are walking in His orders constantly.

Let me give another illustration.

When I worked in the media, we sometimes worked at night in shifts. Some of those were times when there was tension, sometimes political, that made it insecure.

What would normally happen is a soldier or two, fully armed, would accompany us home or come to pick us.

Of course it felt very nice to be dropped in such a manner.

But you do realize that I was guarded ONLY because I was working is a sensitive area. Then my security became the responsibility of the government.

I could not go boasting that I now had security because that security was conditional to my working in the section I was. It was my work and not person that necessitated the security.

It is the same with God and His promises. You see I could have felt very important with that security, but there were more senior persons who could not get the security escort. Even managers were not getting it. What I did is what attracted the security.

God is not duty bound to respond to your every whim. But it is His responsibility to give you success when you are following His orders, and not any other way. Responsibility, not proximity is the determiner.

If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. (John 15:7)

Christ promised us anything we wish. But you do realize that it has a condition. We must be IN Him and His word must consistently BE ABIDING IN us.

What does that do? It ensures that we are feeding from His agenda at all times. Then our prayers will be conditioned by that proximity with the Source of the answers and our wishes will be desires of the throne.

Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. (Psalm 37:4)

Another verse is saying the same thing. My dwelling in His word translates my desires into a language the throne room of heaven can interpret and respond to.

Nothing else can ensure success.

Sadly, motivational speakers (most pastors and preachers today are such) will want us to dwell on our desires at the expense of prostrating before that throne, and enjoying it.

When we become more prominent in our prayers and worship, we actually end up idolizing ourselves and using God as our subject. And those reversed roles will never work, not in this age, not in the one to come.

You see, the wicked politician has a better connection in the spirit than the believer who is guessing his way through the maze he believes God’s will is. And God will never reward ignorance because He has released His wisdom (Bible) for us to access.

The saddest thing for me is that this generation thinks that God does not speak. I think I have said this enough times. Yet He does speak.

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: (John 10:27)

This is not a parable.

And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. (Isaiah 30:21)

Does this look like guess work? Yet this is how God has promised to guide us.

All it requires is the willingness, the desire to be led by Him.

I am not saying that you will never lose when He is leading you. What it means is that even that loss will be part of His overall purpose and not bring you injury since it will bring glory to Him, the glory your fellowship with Him seeks.

A believer should not go into politics as a politician. He should be representing the King he serves. And since this King is the determiner of the output of any lot, He will ensure that His agenda proceeds. And there is greater danger from friendly fire of His zealots with no idea about His agenda than with the Nebuchadnezzars and Cyruses.

Did God tell you to get into politics Himself? Then He should also be telling you what to do with that loss instead of complaining that the wicked are winning.

There are people who win with nothing in their hands, even beating others who visited those shrines and poured their fortunes. Others won because God placed them when the electorate was fed up with their predecessor and had no choice.

Again I will ask, what is God saying to you?

And this is not only relevant in politics. It applies in business, ministry, in fact everything we are pursuing, probably with the exception of paid employment as the consequences of a miss are not as dangerous and disastrous.