Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Finders are Seekers

Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29: 12, 13)

I want us to look at one reality with God. And it is simply this; you can never look for God and fail to find Him, wherever it is you are looking.

Simply speaking, once a heart determines to seek God genuinely, there is simply no possibility of it finding anything or anyone else, or getting lost in the process.

What am I saying? I know someone is wondering.

God is the creator and owner of everything. It simply means that everything is under His management, so to speak. And that to the minutest detail.

In Psalm 139, we find out that there is nowhere we can hide from His presence or person. Death and hades is not hidden from Him.

Another fact I want us to note is that He knows the state of each heart and mind; meaning that our smallest instinct is an open book to Him.

How then can someone look for God and find some other god? Unless God is not the being we read of in His book, the Bible. He can’t be all those Omnis we have always been taught if finding Him is akin to a maze.

I dreamt as I started writing this.

A friend came to me completely amazed about the way God can change men. He was explaining how this politician has become transformed who was earlier known for all the bad things.

As he was telling me, I remembered hearing about this friend’s transformation, as amazing as what he was talking about the politician. I even wanted to ask him about it but then he asked me something.

He had a knotted piece of wood. He had been trying to chop it but the axe hit something hard. He wanted me to help him know what it was as I was the only one with tools.

I got the tool. By then, the timber appeared to have been taken from a pile where charcoal is made. It was therefore charred in many places.

I started probing.

Interesting enough, the first thing I removed was a piece of timber longer than that wood. And it was very clean and sawed very well.

Then I removed charcoal, a lot of it.

Then I removed a Kenya shilling. And then another.

Then I hit something hard as I was probing. On removing it I found a great pile of coins; ten Kenya shillings, one shilling, and other coins from many countries.

I got to think.

This many times is the state of a person’s heart. That is the way God sees a person’s heart. And He values that heart, even seeks to redeem it to Himself. And God can sort between the treasure and trash each heart contains. He can probe and remove the trash as well as perfect the treasure.

God knows the state of each heart. He also is intricately aware of the hearts of those seeking Him wherever they may be. And He will direct them to Himself whichever labyrinth the devil may have wrapped them in to shield them from God.

I have read quite some and know that God has rescued people from the strangest of places.

I remember this child who discovered God in an atheism class. Their search for God started with a class explaining that there is no God.

How many terrorists come to Christ on the way to their final assault, all wired up to die as they kill the infidel.

Haven’t you known of how many find Christ in Mecca as they pursue God according to Islamic revelation? Or who do so during Ramadhan?

But I know someone is asking where I find this argument in the Bible. Incidentally almost everywhere you may care to look.

Where was Abraham picked from? Was he not from an idolatrous background?

What sorted between Isaac and Ishmael, Jacob and Esau?

Who was saved when Jericho was destroyed? Was it not a harlot?

Compare Deuteronomy 23:3 with Ruth, the foremother (is there such a word?) of King David.

What about 23:1 and Jeremiah 39: 15 – 18?

Remember the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts?

The clear fact is that God will put aside His laws when He finds a person who genuinely seeks Him, wherever it is he may be coming from.

But it is not a casual or academic searching. A study of any of those characters I have mentioned will make this very clear.

For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. (2Chronicles 16:9a)

This makes it clear that He does not restrict His search to places where His name is named.

Just as the devil deceives people that he is God, many who seek God following after that deception will be rescued from that deception because God can never allow anybody seeking Him to get lost. That is unless He is not the God who created everything. Yet He really is.

I respect anyone who is groping in the darkness for God because he will find Him. I respect the one in a cult who is genuinely seeking God. I respect someone in a secret society seeking God. Because he will find Him.

How many have found Christ reading the Quran whose main purpose is to shield us from Him? How many have found Christ in atheist publications whose only purpose is blocking people from God?

The reality is that God will be able to bring anything, even any fact to serve His purpose.

Another fact I think it is important to state is something that has become the single calling of some believers, corruption of Biblical text.

Again I know for a fact that it is the Holy Spirit who gives life to scripture and not the other way round. The text of the Bible is just a text, like any other text. It is the inspiration of the Holy Spirit that gives scripture life.

Like I always say, a believer who reads the Jehovah’s Witness Bible is better than the one who does not read the Bible, however accurately translated his may be.

You see, the Holy Spirit can only breathe life to the scripture hidden in our hearts. He will never bring to life scripture on a shelf or wall, however prominently it may be positioned. It is therefore more dependent on the state of the heart of the recipient than the accuracy of the translation.

Again I will ask; if God can use someone’s reading of the Quran to lead him to Christ, how much easier is it to use a Bible, corrupted as it may be, to lead another one to faith in Christ? If God can use a book whose purpose is to block faith in Christ to point people to Christ, how much easier will it be for Him to use a Bible with slight alterations to do so?

Of course I know the world has sought to corrupt the scriptures since ancient times. And I seek to get the most accurate translation to read so that I understand what it is that God is telling me.

We limit God with our logic. And it is important to remember that the most logical people even in Christ’s time lost His drift. And that has been the same through the millennia. The Gospel, in fact all God’s things, are simple and free. That is why over the centuries the people who have basked in God’s revelation have been the illiterate, the undesirable, the rejects even as the elite and learned became the enemies of the cross.

The problem is that many times a reversal occurs and those who receive the Gospel overtake those who reject it, then they become the new elite, especially if discipleship is not done properly.

Do we have a responsibility to those who respond to Christ outside our narrow confines of church and mission? What will we do when someone comes to us from the darkness of idolatry and witchcraft wanting to know about the Christ we believe? What will we do with someone coming with the wrong book or Bible seeking to know Christ? What will we do with someone who saw some light as he was thinking about God and wants to know what it is?

Do we have the Gospel for people who have never been exposed to the Bible or church?

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: (1Peter 3:15)

We have refused to take the Gospel to the nations yet God must have His harvest. He will therefore bring that harvest to us. Are we ready to make that harvest of seekers into His disciples?

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Fattened for Slaughter

But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. (2Timothy 3:13)

I want us to look at modern trends of wickedness and how easy it has become even for believers to be deceived to buy into wicked trends, many times in the name of fashionable or acceptable. We have forgotten that the believers’ core calling is to be countercultural; that culture, whichever culture it is, is managed by the prince of this world.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Romans 12:2)

We breed sin, weed rebellion and fertilize wickedness. And we get surprised when we reap spiritual barrenness!

How can we celebrate what the world offers and expect to enjoy what God has promised?

You see, we no longer blush when we are agreeing with the world. Yet we do not see the duplicity in our ways when we fill our mouths with God’s promises yet are always at peace, even celebrating with the world.

Have you ever equated abortion with child sacrifices to Molech in the Bible? Or does it seem illogical that an ancient practice can find a home in modern day living?

Do you, like me, wonder why everybody seems to be looking for solutions outside obedience to God’s laws? Why do we want to tackle teenage pregnancy without addressing fornication? Why do we talk about dealing with the fruit and consequences of sin without wanting to address the sin that is the cause of the whole thing?

You see, a young man who like Daniel determines not to defile himself will never have to deal with a pregnancy (or venereal diseases). Without that pregnancy abortion can never even occur. Their spirit will be pure and not easily swayed by other alternatives like masturbation and pornography. Of course their moral hedge will be intact. Chances are that their marriages will succeed.

And the world knows that. And that such young people will not be easily swayed to serve them or their interests.

You see, the world wants our youth to be defiled as much as is possible. Then they will easily open up to even greater levels of evil and wickedness, eventually opening their spirits to the control of the evil one as then their choices may have stopped being choices.

I hope you know that the highest sacrifice in the spiritual realm is human sacrifice. And it is the same whichever side of spirituality you are on.

Remember Abraham and Romans 12:1? What about the Moabite king in 2 Kings 3?

That is the reason sacrifices must be availed to the devil from all directions. And the easiest is from the ignorant young people by using everything to drive them into sexual sin as that is what will provide those sacrifices. You see, whatever the precautions, conceptions will occur. And it is very hard to train a hot blooded youth about precaution as they are not even aware of any danger.

The crisis will occur when a pregnancy ‘accidentally’ happens. Then they will find Molech very ready for that sacrifice. He will then convince them that it is the only viable option to escape the consequences of his choice (not sin, by the way, as it may bring about conviction)

Once they have killed that ‘thing’, they have swallowed Satan’s bait completely and have become his slaves. Like Cain they are marked with the mark of innocent blood and like Cain will ever be vagabonds, restless through all life. And it becomes easier for them to offer more such sacrifices as they become more and more restless, thus filling Molech’s unending need for sacrifices.

Why do we not see the stupidity of christianising ancient heathen sin orgies. How possible is it to sanctify a sacrifice to the devil?

Yet that is what we are doing. We are bringing (or refusing to remove) sex orgies in our churches thinking that a church will sanitise them.

From Valentine to Easter to Christmas to birthdays we do not care to explain why so much sexual activity is almost irresistible even to believers.

You see, even as a child raised far from ‘development’, I used to wonder why there was so much sexual activity on a day we ‘celebrate’ Christ’s birth. The evidence was on the wheat fields yet our place is very cold as it is on the slopes of Mount Kenya.

We celebrate orgies because the devil is looking to take over the world using our foolish complicity. Then he will capture us through our young ones who have no capacity to judge wisely.

Just like I can’t go to a heathen high place to worship God, it is impossible to use a heathen ceremony to celebrate God.

But today I just want us to consider Molech to get the point across. And abortion (called choice or any other name) is his sacrifice.

Incidentally one must have sex outside marriage to consider abortion. The world thus competes with the hearts of our young people to get them to be sexually active as that is the only way those sacrifices can be availed. Remember nobody complains about teenage sex, not one I have heard of. It means sex for our young people is desirable for our leaders who depend on those sacrifices to get their power to rule. Pregnancy becomes the problem, one that is easily dealt with by a sacrifice to Molech.

But sex outside its bounds is still dangerous, even without that pregnancy. You see, sex outside marriage is an accord with the devil because it is sin. Sadly, it invites a myriad of demons to support the devil’s agenda. That is what opens someone to addictions as that is where the devil wants his servants to head. Then it will be easier for him to destroy them.        

We will look at sex dynamics and repercussions more widely later.

I have written this to warn you to be on the lookout for those bashes, sadly, in some churches, even overnight prayers fall under that. No wonder some churches have had to close overnight prayer meetings because of all the sex the youth get involved in even under the pretext of praying.

Let us not give our enemy a foothold into our lives just because we love partying, especially under the cover of darkness (unless you do not think a night program is done in darkness).

Sadly, even dating will fall under this topic as many of what we call date rapes and premarital sex among dating couples will many times occur when the young people imagine they are strong enough to resist sin in its element (darkness and seclusion). And the product is the same.   

Will we watch out for Molech in our midst?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Friday, 15 February 2019

Worship and Exhaustion

And he said unto the people, Be ready against the third day: come not at your wives. (Exodus 19:15)

I have thought to revisit my ‘series’ on Gospel music, especially what is normally called worship. I want us to expand our minds to include what we may have never come across or even conceptualized.

Why is it that men were forbidden to have sex with their wives before they went to meet with God on the mount? Does it mean that sex defiles? Is sex sinful? Is sex dirty?

Of course not. God is the creator of sex. And He can’t create something that is wrong or dirty in any way. The fact that He created it before the fall means that it was perfect as His other creation was. Sin simply introduced an impurity to something God had created in its perfection, not transformed it into something else.

The simple reason God forbad sex before worship is that sex is draining.

You see, sex in its element is a complete union of two people. That is why the Bible calls them one flesh. Their bodies, souls and spirits are united in that single act of sex. And the participation of the whole person is exhausting. That explains why harlots and other sex maniacs must be infested with demons to be able to perform at that level. They are therefore dependent on the empowering of the evil one to have the required energy levels to perform.

But sex does not just exhaust. Formed within its borders, it releases a relaxation and rest to enable one to sleep in contentment. Again we are talking about the whole person.

Since the sex act is meant to bond two people, the whole aspect takes quite some time so that the couple can be able to relax in each other’s presence. I think that is the reason God brought exhaustion in the whole thing. The body is drained of energy, the soul is drained of emotional engagement and the spirit is drained of other pursuits. Then the two can easily and comfortably rest in each other’s arms, completely vulnerable.

That is why God warns Israel against sex before coming to meet Him on the mount.

It therefore means that exhaustion is not conducive to worship, at least the God of the Bible. He expects all our faculties intact before we approach Him in worship, and even in the process of worship.

Do not drink wine nor strong drink, thou, nor thy sons with thee, when ye go into the tabernacle of the congregation, lest ye die: it shall be a statute for ever throughout your generations: (Leviticus 10:9)

Alcohol consumption compromises judgment just as exhaustion. It seems very likely that those priests may have had a tipple in the tabernacle (remember there were such offerings) before offering that profane fire before God that led to their death. That may be the reason it was the first command God gave after the deaths of those two.

Physical exertion produces fatigue. And fatigue compromises judgment.

Have you ever wondered why on the Sabbath and any holy day work was abolished, with the punishment of death for its breach? They could not even cook or light a fire anywhere in their dwellings. Remember that they picked manna for two days before the Sabbath?

Why do you think God is so strict on those days?

It makes it very clear that God knows that physical exertion compromises worship as it weakens a person’s spiritual alertness required for worship.

Sex, not wives, felled Solomon. And his fall was first in the dimension of worship. Sex felled Samson as it made him forget his purpose.

Wine brought down Lot and made Noah curse his grandson. It compromised their spirits.

And physical exertion in worship diverts worship to another god, the one who patiently waits for the slightest slip to engage. And he has been from old times and has felled enough as to have perfected his technique.

Have you wondered why people leave discos many times to engage in sexual escapades? What is there that arouses sexual desire to such levels that caution is thrown to the wind?

I dare say that all that physical activity and sights and sounds opens one to the devil. They therefore will unwittingly respond to his lead to sin.

Does it also happen in spiritual circles? How many times have you heard of used condoms being found in churches and their compounds after concerts? It is interesting that some churches closed overnight prayer meetings for the same reason. Interesting enough they used to invite an entertainer (I won’t call them worshipper) to help them stay awake. You wonder why someone needs to be kept awake yet they came of their own volition to pray!

Worship and dance are incompatible.

If like I mentioned in the last post about worship, the priest, who was exposed to fire and smoke, was not expected to sweat, what do you think is the expectation for the other worshippers?

Yet what do we see today? Dance is the selling point of ‘Gospel’ CDs. Remove the dancing and the music will not sell.

Yet from the Bible we know that it was the idol worshippers who were involved in those energetic exertions.

Neither be ye idolaters, as were some of them; as it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play. (1Corinthians 10:7)

There is a place for dancing in praise, but not such as will open our systems to exhaustion and the evil one’s input due to that.

God expects our worship to be sober at all times. Look at this verse in the light of what I have shared.

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: (1Peter 5:8)

But like I said when I had started on the topic, we threw our history in protest and were left with nothing. We are therefore borrowing our worship from the world because it is more developed than ours. Or don’t you wonder like me how seamlessly someone can shift from secular to sacred and back (or the other way round) without much effort. They see the light and start singing ‘gospel’, then they see something else and return to secular and can even see another light and resume ‘gospel’ again.

We willfully forget that they worship a different god. The worship they lead is to another god. They are just transferring the disco into church and composing compatible lyrics to support the corruption they are introducing.

Let us not be deceived

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Ministry and Mortality

I have been thinking about mortality for some time now, mine, that is.

Do you realize that one day I will be dead, gone, not around anymore? Of course that is if the Lord tarries.

I have therefore been reflecting on my spiritual heritage as a minister.

Think of this as a will to all those I minister to through all the forums God has afforded me. It is therefore a message calling us to action to help me actualize this vision.

I want us to look at the scriptures to understand what I am talking about.

Priests served from thirty to fifty years, according to God’s clear command.

Now, let me ask this question. Why does a minister retire (leave active, frontline ministry) when he is still strong and active? Where does he go since he is still exempted from pursuing other employment as ministry is his inheritance? What does he do between 50 and the 70 to 80 years a normal man lives? Does he retire to the beaches to just laze around waiting to die?

Of course not.

God intended the retired minister to venture into instruction. He would start mentoring and guiding new ministers. He would offer oversight on the kind of ministry they were offering. He would train them on the kind of ministry they would be executing.

In other words, they moved from the frontline to the strategy centre; to the headquarters if I may call it so.

They simply started passing their ministry and spiritual DNA to a new generation of ministers. They used their experience with God to guide those young ministers as they served God.

I am now past fifty. And this has disturbed me since I approached fifty because I was aware of what the Bible had instructed ministers in God’s house. Incidentally, I remember that though I responded to God’s call early, I was called to leave employment as I was closing in on thirty. David became king at thirty, Joseph became Prime Minister at thirty, Jesus started His public ministry at around thirty, same with John the Baptist.

Having been involved with discipleship over the years I know I have been raising believers who know God enough to minister to Him as well as reach the world with the Gospel. I have people all over the world I can proudly call my children who are bearing fruit for Christ.

But I am here talking about inheritance. I want heirs.

Secondly, do you realize that the said minister on retiring would not hand over the ministry to his biological children? Why? The age gap would most likely disqualify his children. You see, even if they married much earlier those days, a twenty year gap between a father and his children was not usual, at least according to what we see in the scriptures.

But there is another reason. A child has an entitlement mentality, treating ministry more as his right instead of the privilege it is. He will therefore assume so much as he ministers, many times missing out on their responsibility to God. Remember Eli’s and Samuel’s sons? Also why did Jesus not have any of His half-brothers in ministry until He ascended?

That brings in another challenge. Their lack of connection to God personally may lead them to corrupting the ministry as they really do not understand it. It is said that the father to one of the most famous and irreverent motivational pastors was very sound, a far cry from his joker son who took over the reins of that ministry.

Another problem with a son inheriting his father’s ministry is his lack of exposure to warfare. He has been under his father’s canopy for as long as the father was around. He therefore did not develop his fighting muscles when the father was living as he took all the flak. His taking over leadership after the demise of his father opens him to immense warfare, warfare he may never have imagined existed as his father had shielded him. Imagine learning war on the battlefield or boxing in the ring!

A minister therefore grows other ministers, ministers who will hand over the ministry to his children as that is their inheritance, but after their growing enough to know God on their own terms. Then the whole tribe becomes ministry oriented like the priests and Levites through this reproduction.

That is why a minister should be preparing other ministers intensely after attaining that special Biblical age.

Remember Paul had to be made a prisoner to be able to do that? He was so active and strong that he needed God to put the brakes on him. Then he was able to start the writing ministry. He also became more involved in mentoring and giving responsibility to his disciples to take on more ministry responsibilities. The same Paul who could not bear Mark accompanying him in ministry could walk with Onesimus, even Demas.

I want to start focused preparation of ministers on the skills I have so far acquired. And I want the preparation to make them as wholesome as God has made me.

Call this a precursor to City on the Hill, a vision I have posted on the blog of making wholesome ministers who must not have support to thrive on the mission field as they have requisite skills. It is only that this time I want to start with a small pool of ministers to concentrate on. I want to focus on my competencies to build other ministers. I want to borrow from my ministry experience to help build those God has called to those ministries.

What ministries?

I have been a singer, choir organizer and instrumentalist. I have been involved in evangelism and am an evangelism trainer. Of course I have been preaching since I responded to God’s call. I am a teacher of the word. I am a writer and editor and develop Christian writers. And of course I am an encourager.
On the technical side I have been in technical training since form 1. I therefore have competencies in most basic technical fields. I am also media trained.

What concerns me here, however, has to do with the skills that will enhance those ministries.

Who am I looking for?

I want people sensing a call to evangelism, preaching or teaching; Singers or people passionate about singing and playing instruments for God; People seeking to serve God by managing sound systems; People looking to develop camera and other media skills as their ministry; People sensing a call to missions. Plus of course people who just want to serve God without knowing exactly where to or how.

What is difference between this and the way things are done?

Ministers normally treat their ministry as autonomous, independent of others. That is why most singers and instrumentalists will leave church after their performance and preachers do not see the need to sit through the service, coming in just before they preach. We have children’s workers who never attend service. Yet God sees the church as one body that should be meshing seamlessly as it ministers His love to the world.

Another challenge we will deal with is the superstar mentality in ministers. Once a minister gets to ‘fame’, they become brittle and not subject to rebuke whatever they may do. They will not be corrected. No wonder many singers start their own churches so that they are not subject to anybody else. And that goes for any other prominent minister (I call them performers). They will rarely, if ever, submit to anybody else after their ‘success’ and ‘breakthrough’.

Another thing we tackle is the exclusive nature of ministry. It is surprising that a singer wants to be called a musician yet the only thing they can do is a solo act. They can’t play a single instrument or harmonise with anybody else. They can’t even arrange any instruments. The only thing they can do is sing after tracks somebody else made. And many times it is the same with instrumentalists and preachers.

The main reason we must have someone who knows and has been involved with such ministry is to deal with the wow factor. Most pastors are unable to handle stardom because they really do not understand what it is. A silver edged tongue is therefore treated as too special to rebuke. I have handled being the only person handling an instrument that it was christened my name. I have handled choirs, even started them. Yet I never grew horns because I was submitted to God’s word. I therefore will have no problem shutting someone out if they think their gift or talent qualifies them for special treatment. Again the partners we have been praying through this are also people who are gifted, experts in their fields and so would have no stardom seizures when someone has character issues, especially if they will stop growing because they think a gift is all they need.

Let me add something else I think is very important. It was recently that I came to learn that most musicians, even Christian ones did not have any instruments and instrumentalists (I learnt it as we were discussing this). They just composed a song and went to the studio that would provide session instrumentalists. The sad fact is that probably no studio was run by a believer, let alone a committed one. It therefore meant that someone would in the morning be playing morally depraved songs and in the afternoon be playing ‘anointed’ songs. I do not know whether you know that there are Muslims who play instruments and even back up Christian ‘worshippers’. You see, to them it is just business.

So much for the anointing of the song!

We can never be able to produce an anointed song if anybody and anything in the whole process does not carry the anointing. Remember the fly in the ointment?

Yet how many ‘Gospel’ singers (I have explained why I do not call them musicians) care to know the spiritual state of the studio and everything their recording would involve? In fact I find one of the most prominent producers of choirs and ‘worshippers’ in his shop contentedly enjoying a puff after a hard day’s work of producing ‘anointed’ music and music videos.

That may be the first thing we want to tackle. We intend for any song done by our team to have the anointing from beginning to end. This means the team will be growing together, ministering together and recording together.

In short, we intend to make a team united in their desire to serve God by applying their skills, talents and competencies. They will grow together as they are trained and mentored by older and more experienced ministers.

Of course we will not shy from rebuking and correcting. But the context is love and concern for growth. And that is why we need old people. They do not care for impressions and so will pursue God’s agenda without fearing being misunderstood. They will not seek to win the approval of anyone provided they have God’s approval. And the young people will not have problems being corrected, even rebuked because they are sure no one is after their image.

How do we identify the people to develop their skills? I believe God has His own ways of choosing people. Those who know me know that I allow God the autonomy of choosing whom He will for me to be involved in. And He is best placed to trim to the number He desires.

Ours is to set up structures for this.

I remember my times in student ministry when I would announce an activity and three times the number the budget would cater for would register and I just prayed. Incidentally only the number required would come on the actual date. It is only once I turned away a friend, but for breaking the rules we had set for the activity.

But that does not mean we will not dismiss people. Only that it would not be for the purposes of reducing the number. We would not hesitate to dismiss anyone when their values clash with our core mandate.

As an example, if someone dressed immodestly, they will not be allowed to minister however gifted they may be. An unteachable spirit will open one to dismissal as a superiority (I cannot do menial jobs, I came to sing not clean and carry equipment, I am a preacher and not backup singer) spirit. One who does not know how to deal with rebuke will disqualify themselves as Christian character is essential to the training we will be offering.

But we believe that God has the first batch He has prepared to take us to that level of ministry and so we will not be wasting much of our time on non-essentials.

We will be exposing them to everything from singing to instruments to sound systems to audio recording and camera work and editing.

Incidentally, as I have seen a lot in ministry, one may discover that what they thought was their core ministry was only the entry point to other ministry as training and discipleship proceeds. Someone who thought they were singers may discover their strength is in video production even as the evangelist discovers he perfectly fits in leading in song. And it works across the board.

There will be loving and firm instruction by people who have been involved in the ministry they are instructing on as well as the clear call of God in their life.

We will have a lot of instruction on the scriptures. Then using the scriptures to explore and explain callings and visions we will be handling. We will use the scriptures to examine the songs being sung, from the lyrics to the instrumentation. We will devote a lot of time in the study of the Bible.

Then we will be training on the skills our team has; Music and singing skills, various instruments, sound systems, audio and visual recording and editing.

They must learn how to give an effective testimony in a short time. Remember anytime Paul gave his testimony he aroused a lot of response and reaction?

Our practical sessions will be actual outreach that we will record. We will identify a location (preferably a location someone is burdened for). We will set up the equipment and start a normal open air service where the singers sing, the preachers preach and the evangelists get their chance to share the Gospel. Then we will liaise with the neighboring churches on how the fruit will be managed though we will still pursue the follow up as part of the training. Of course we will go anywhere one of us is invited to minister.

How do I intend to accomplish this?

This is where I require your prayerful partnership. It concerns some of you who have been asking how they can be involved in and support the ministry God has called me to.

I will need a media van. By this I mean a van that has a public address system, a mixer and facility to record good audio as well as carry a few people. We will also need video cameras. We will need instruments, at the most basic being a keyboard and a guitar or two. Of course we will need a good computer for editing.

But it doesn’t have to be bought as a media van as the costs would be prohibitive. We (I already have a few partners who have caught the vision) want to customize a van(preferably high roof)  by fitting all those gadgets without taking so much space as we will need seats for the teams as that van should be sufficient for ministry.

On a greater scale we could have a truck or bus that is customized to be fully media equipped and self-contained to take teams for longer term missions on the same terms; growing younger ministers with the supervision and mentoring of older and spiritually mature ministers who preferably have crossed that Biblical age. It will also have camping and cooking equipment.

We will then get back and examine the way ministry was done with the purpose of improving it. Then it will be edited as a whole and then separated so than the songs can be compiled separately as well as the preaching. This is more so that progress can be gauged as we progress. It is essential for growth to know where one starts and the progress.

We will then be sure that our productions have passed the test of spiritual and Biblical relevance.

Let me add another thing we are doing though it does not strictly fit in this.

Of course you know that I have been in the books ministry (not just writing and editing) for a long time.

We have very many books (they can fill a pickup) as of now and want to have a library. A partner has offered a room but we need shelves for the books to be useful. Once we get them, I will also bring my personal library so that we can build believers through offering them wholesome reading materials. Of course any other person with a similar burden can avail books or whatever they can for this ministry. Our students will make maximum use of the library. Give us those shelves. We do not need to tell you that you are also welcome to benefit from this library. By the way if you have a room in town you can give for this we will be very grateful. But we urgently need shelves. I could make them if I got timber though it would take quite some time due to my other ministry responsibilities. But just give what you can.

Another ministry I have been involved in is challenging and assisting people not only appreciate the Bible but also be consistently reading it. We have been availing Reading Plans for the same as well as speaking in many churches and forums. As of today we have given over fifteen thousand such. In fact I have started putting them on the inside cover of my books for the same reason. Of course we will be continuing with the same.

We have also been availing affordable Audio Bibles. You realize that most people who make them make them unaffordable for most people, whatever argument they may use in defense. This is because the prime targets of Audio Bibles are the illiterate and due to that will be severely disadvantaged and unable to afford. We therefore download free ones and put them in gadgets (radios, MP3 players, etc.) and modify them (my training) so that the only thing they play is the Bible. The cost would be to recoup the purchase of the gadgets. We have given out very many of these so far.

On that, we intend to use our production facilities to record vernacular Audio Bibles as very few have them. We trust that God will give us people dedicated enough to read the Bible in their language so that we can have adequate and affordable Audio Bibles in vernacular.

We will not be starting a church and so will not be taking the people we will be growing from their churches. That is unless one of the team is called to start one. Then we will help him start one from evangelizing the area he is called.

We therefore expect the churches to benefit from this new crop of ministers. How?

Imagine ministers without attitude and entitlement? Imagine a lead singer who will arrive in church early to arrange and clean seats? Imagine a pastor who cannot be sabotaged by a disappearing instrumentalist as he will then pick up the instrument and join the singing team? Imagine a singer who does not become a grasshopper once his songs make them popular? Imagine an evangelist who will only sit at the front when he is preaching? Imagine a minister who dreads special treatment and will easily mingle with the people he is ministering to?

That is what we intend to be producing; Ministers who will serve God first instead of the churches they are serving in; ministers who will not threaten to move elsewhere when their temporal wants are not met as they are serving at God’s pleasure and calling; Ministers who won’t be swayed by money or other inducements because they are deeply rooted in God’s word.

As a very important aside, suppose our worship in everything from training to mentoring to ministry pleases God that His cloud descends on us? Suppose what happened when David played the harp before Saul happens; demons flee, sicknesses get healed, conviction sets in on the rebellious, conversions happen? Suppose revival breaks out from this new season God is calling me to?

Let us pray.

Who will join me?