Sunday, 18 April 2021

Pain and Pleasure Negotiations

I avoid politics and corona as much as possible because many people look at them only using their lenses and so will be outrightly biased toward their side. In short their minds stop thinking beyond what they want to believe or even consider anything the ‘enemy’ is saying.

But at times I am forced to give God’s message in this mad context and today is one of those days.

Two things.

A leader is qualified by having followers. It thus means that if a leader has nobody following him he has stopped being a leader.

Let me give my observation.

During the first lockdown, people followed rules. Only very few broke them, and even then for really pressing and genuine needs which were not considered essential by the law. Even the protocols were observed religiously in homes.

People believed what leaders were telling them.

But look at today.

It appears as if nobody cares. People are crossing those barricades and borders as if no laws exist. Even the police manning them do not seem to mind. They just need something small (sometimes very small) to allow you to break those rules.

I have been in matatus so packed with unmasked passengers and a policeman comes and greets them and waves the driver to drive on. In town you walk around an upcountry stage and you are bound to be approached by conductors asking you whether you are going to Kisumu or Mombasa or Narok or anywhere else the government has closed to vehicles and people. In short people are traversing the country as if no lockdown exists. Only the fares have been increased to make the policemen smile at the law breaking.

And of course the recent event when hordes of drivers were stopped for breaking the curfew that even emergency services couldn’t move because the ‘lawless’ were too many that they blocked major highways.

This is heightened by the fact that tourists are able to access any part of the country, parts that are locked to the citizens, as if the virus can differentiate the locals from outsiders. Yet it was the same outsiders that exported the virus to us.

What am I saying?

The government has completely lost its leadership. And I repeat completely.

You might cite me for sedition but I will still say that the president has lost his position as our leader. Because, who listens to him? In fact you will hear people on the street asking when next we will lose our temper to mean when the president addresses the nation.

And why?

Corona has demonstrated that our leaders are extremely greedy. We were introduced to Covid billionaires who were to be caught and punished in two weeks yet nothing has been done a year later. And of course the fact that the curve has always depended on the kind of money being looked for and coming to the point that the average Kenyan can tell you how the figures will come out depending on the funding on the way.

In short, the normal Kenyan knows that the government and her leaders care NOTHING for the person on the street and so run their lives with that understanding.

The leaders are therefore leading themselves and grabbing as much as they can in the process. And that is what defines and guides their leadership.

The second observation flows from the first.

They need to legitimize their greed and base it in the laws, especially because those positions will not last forever. They must therefore protect their loot against leaders who will replace them.

Two things have a capacity of making someone very unreasonable. In fact they make them to stop using reason altogether. They are pain and pleasure.

The desire for pleasure can make someone forget everything they know to achieve it. It is called throwing caution to the wind.

Or do you not wonder why all those dangers, from pregnancy, to STDs and HIV are unable to make people put a stop to sexual sin? That the consequences of adultery, from divorce to death when caught, are unable to make one faithful in marriage?

Those few moments of pleasure cloud and obliterate all the facts and evidence against sin. Of course sex is not the only pleasure that produces that though it ranks very high.

Pleasure is what many women use to bargain. Even corruption is fed by the pursuit of the same.

The other day we were on a matatu and my son asked me.

What was that girl doing in a matatu?

I wondered why.

Her phone, whose value is close to a hundred grand really does not fit in public transport, and the place she alighted.

Can someone buy a phone whose value is equivalent to a few year’s rent?

Of course that could be the price of pleasure to somebody else, just speculating.

Of course we know about torture.

Pain has a way of focusing all our effort, all our being to look for a way to alleviate it.

Its positive is discipline, especially to children. That cane (others use the belt or switch) literally chases away the devil.

In pain we are unable to see anything else apart from pain and think of nothing but a means of eradicating it. That is why it is used to get confessions (some fabricated) to close criminal cases.

Our leaders are using pain to blind us to their schemes to literally sell off or buy our country from us.

As we painfully fend for our families under the circumstances they have set, we will be unable to see them changing our laws to buy us off our heritage since there is pretty much little we can do as we have no time beyond time for looking for food.

And that is what corona has done for them. It has given them a blank cheque to do what they want by simply varying the narrative to give them time to do what they want with our country.

They have killed parastatals so that they can then buy them for a song among other evils. And parliament is busy changing the laws to facilitate those schemes, either because they are part of it or they have been bought like the MCAs with cars were to pass the BBI.

Waendelee tu.

But I will fail my duty if I do not introduce the God dynamic.

God hates oppression. God hates it when someone lords over somebody else for evil and selfish purposes. And God will fight for the weak and oppressed.

They will pay. And we will see it.

In a very short while God will reverse, underline reverse, all their schemes, to their pain.

Just look at their generations.

Thursday, 15 April 2021

Prophecy and the Human Element

Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. (Amos 3:7)

How absolute is prophecy? How much does it depend on human effort?

I ask this because there have been many arguments concerning prophecy and its accuracy, especially when it appears like the prophet got it all wrong.

But let me repeat something I have always said. If prophecy is even 99 percent accurate, it is false simply because God has all the facts and eternity in His hands when He proclaims it. He is therefore not dependent on anything outside Himself to keep His word.

You see, meteorologists depend on the accuracy of their instruments to be accurate. A spell checker depends on the width and depth of its dictionary for accuracy. That is why almost all who use spell checkers remember a situation where they had egg on their face when it put a very wrong word in a message without their knowledge (of course because they trusted the spell checker especially on a smartphone). God depends on Himself to keep His word.

But today I want us to look at another dimension of prophecy.

What determines true prophecy? Is prophecy absolute? Does it depend on people to be fulfilled?

Was Samuel a false prophet because he prophesied that Saul was the anointed of God when he proclaimed his rejection and the anointing of another?

Was Ahijah the Shilonite a false prophet when he prophesied that Jeroboam will be king yet later prophesied the annihilation of his whole seed?

Was Jonah a false prophet when he prophesied that Nineveh would be destroyed in forty days?

As opposed to what many peddlers of prophecy teach, prophecy is actually God’s call to action. And that is the reason Jonah fled the scene of his mission. He was simply not ready to face the consequences of his prophecy. He knew his prophecy had the capacity to rally the whole city to repentance, a repentance that would then ‘nullify’ his prophecy.

Human element is what determines how the prophecy turns out. Look at these verses.

Wherefore the LORD God of Israel saith, I said indeed that thy house, and the house of thy father, should walk before me for ever: but now the LORD saith, Be it far from me; for them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed. (1Samuel 2:30)

And Samuel said to Saul, Thou hast done foolishly: thou hast not kept the commandment of the LORD thy God, which he commanded thee: for now would the LORD have established thy kingdom upon Israel for ever. But now thy kingdom shall not continue: the LORD hath sought him a man after his own heart, and the LORD hath commanded him to be captain over his people, because thou hast not kept that which the LORD commanded thee. (1Samuel 13: 13, 14)

Like I like to say, IF is a constant element of all these promises we love claiming.

Let me give us one prophecy that will make this clearer.

Jeremiah prophesied the seventy year captivity in Babylon. Then look what happens.

Daniel connects to the prophecy and starts praying. Incidentally, he could not have gone back.

As a eunuch he would have been an outcast, then he was very old. Assuming he was in his teens when captured he would be in his late eighties when the captivity ended, or probably in his nineties if he was older. And of course the kings needed him around to sort those tough issues that required someone with the spirit of the holy gods.

Yet he prayed for the actualization of the prophecy.

Then we have Nehemiah, another eunuch who receives the burden of building the walls of Jerusalem and establishing administrative structures.

God does what He promised He would do to raise the heathen king Cyrus to issue the decree for the return of the exiles.

We then have Ezra who had taken his Levitical duties to captivity and was thus ready to instruct the returnees and set up the spiritual foundations.

Then we have Haggai and Zechariah, prophets who gave God’s encouragement to the returnees.

The bulk of the Jews had all but forgotten that the prophecy required their input and had messed it big time, some to the point of defiling the holy seed and others by being collaborators with the enemy.

The prophecy was definite. But it required the human element to come to pass.

Let me repeat; prophecy is not just God’s proclamation, though it is. Prophecy is God’s call to action.

Let us also look at Jesus’ time on earth.

It is interesting that the people who were best placed to receive Him failed. Remember they even knew where He was to be born? Yet for the most part they became His adversaries.

The people who were ready to connect with that season were the commoners, the undesirables, the rejects. They were the ones that reaped the most from that prophesied event and Person.

You will see the same when you read stories of the revivals of the past.

For example, John Wesley did not organize a revival. He did not plan to hold outdoor meetings.

He and his message were locked out of every pulpit. Then God opened the hearts of people in markets and all those other places.

Whereas he had thought that the message God had given him was for the pulpits, like Paul said, the pulpits adjudged themselves to be unworthy of eternal life. And that opened the door for the Methodist revival, if we may call it that.

And it is not much different today.

God is doing a new thing. But the ‘right’ people are sunk into relevance to notice it. They are so fixated with the virus and its narrative that churches have become centres of excellence as far as the virus is concerned. There are pastors whose messages are more about the virus that about Christ. To the point that churches have been made vaccination centres!

Their submission to Caesar has gone way beyond the accepted that whereas he can order them to stop teaching their congregation he can ask them to call them to be vaccinated. They cannot use the church for fellowship but they can use it for vaccination. They have given what is God’s to Caesar. And they wonder why Caesar despises them!

Yet we will be surprised when God bypasses us and chooses another generation!

God’s agenda is unstoppable. But He doesn’t have to use me or you. He only uses the one who is ready for His season.

Sadly for many of us, He may have to bypass us when He realizes that we are swallowed up by the world and its systems that we become like ministers of Christ’s time or the Jews where Paul went preaching. He may already have bypassed us but like Saul and the priests we are too stuck with the instruments of power to notice it.

Where are you in God’s agenda for this generation? Are you in or just wondering why some offshoots seem to be killing their tens of thousands?

God must move. He is on the move. Am I aligned to His move?

Saturday, 10 April 2021

Perversion in the Holy Place

The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. (Psalm 145:8)

We looked at the progression from sin to perversion the other day.

As is usual with me I leave open ended questions for the reader to consider so that they can benefit from further study and scripture application.

But I felt that the post left out a key fact, the minister, the man of God, the anointed of The Lord.

That is what I want us to look at today.

How does a person in ministry get to being abominable? What is his process like?

You have of late heard of pastors who left their wife of decades to marry a fellow man. Or an influential Christian writer confessing to be gay. Or even a worship leader confessing that he has his faith all mixed up.

How does it get to that point?

The progression for the minister is not much different though it has some unique characteristics. And they are driven by the fact that this person has had a ‘dealing’ relationship with God. He knows God beyond what he has heard since he has in the process of ministry encountered Him much more than the people he ministered to as he was many times the link.

Let us look at David.

As king, he did not need to cover up for anything as kings took whatever and whoever they wanted. Remember Abraham with Pharaoh and Abimelech? Remember Herod? Remember Saul took David’s wife and gave her to another man? In many kingdoms a man would feel very blessed if the king took his wife.

But as a man of God he knew adultery was wrong. That was the reason he tried to cover up, because it was sin. And he killed Uriah for the same reason, not because he could have done anything had he known that David had taken his wife anyway.

That is where our verse takes us.

Suppose David was not confronted by Nathan? Probably the right question is, suppose his heart had not been crushed by conviction when the prophet came?

When I kept silence, my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long. For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me: my moisture is turned into the drought of summer. (Psalm 32: 3, 4)

Chances are that his sin would have been completely covered up.

Next is that his propensity to sin could have increased due to that.

But he could have continued serving God, albeit not on God’s terms.

As with the rest, his theology would have faced a battering because the fact that God judges sin would appear not to apply to him.

This then introduces a virus worse than the worst, the feeling that God needs him so much that He must excuse his sin.

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2Peter 3:9)

Now imagine imagining that God must have you in His service irrespective of your character?

The other verse I find as scary as Matthew 7: 21 – 23 is this.

For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. (Romans 11:29)

The devil then amplifies that rotten theology by giving the rebel ‘success’ in ‘ministry’ so that he can continue being his captive.

Sadly, very few will think to confront such a minister as his rebellion has brought the devil and his system in his ranks; meaning that his ‘ministry’ meets the bill of very successful in human and worldly terms. Chances are that his borders will be expanded due to the success rebellion brings because the devil is in his corner.

But it is also very hard, almost impossible, for someone with that mindset to receive a rebuke. Remember Joash and Amaziah?

This success further emboldens him to stretch the limits of his rebellion. And that is the devil’s interest. In fact, if he can be able to shift your theology before you sin, then the better because with you at the centre of your theology you have fallen way below where sin could take you because remorse and guilt would be in the periphery.

God needs me and must use me is the reasoning that takes a minister to perversion. I call it entitlement.

Another side of entitlement is when someone feels that they have done so much for God that they deserve a break. Surely God should cut them some slack in appreciation to all they have done for Him!

That is how Hezekiah and Uzziah fell.

And it is not only in ministry that this happens.

The Prosperity unGospel teaches that we deserve the best if we especially give right.

A giver can therefore very easily feel entitled to do some off things because they support ministry, getting into the poisoned rut that is entitlement that leads to abomination.

God is holy does not simply mean that He is sinless and without sin, though He is. It basically means that He is not like us. He does not think like us. He does not look at us like we do. He does not behave like we do. His outcomes are not like ours.

We will therefore get spiritually lost when we expect God to reason like us.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55: 8, 9)

That is why scripture intake is so important. It enables us to understand who God is, and His values.

Only then can we be able to relate with Him on His terms, or terms consistent with His revelation.

Do you feel entitled? Then watch out.

Wednesday, 7 April 2021

Kings are gods in Their Eyes

I saw a dream which made me afraid, and the thoughts upon my bed and the visions of my head troubled me. Therefore made I a decree to bring in all the wise men of Babylon before me, that they might make known unto me the interpretation of the dream. Then came in the magicians, the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the soothsayers: and I told the dream before them; but they did not make known unto me the interpretation thereof. (Daniel 4: 5 – 7)

There is an uproar in many places of the world against leaders who have abandoned common sense and decided that they were bigger than the nations they led in the policies they pursue.

I then thought to consider the kings in scripture to be able to understand not only why they believe so but also know how the led can take back their nations. And it is not a pleasant pursuit.

Do you realize that very few kings, probably less than enough to count on the fingers of one hand, made seeking God a priority? And do you realize that some who started right ended up badly like Solomon, Hezekiah, Asa, Uzziah? Do you also realize that the others who sought God did so after all their options crumbled like Manasseh?

Simply speaking, a king will seek God when no other option remains. It means that he has tried all options and they have failed him terribly.

All kings have their magicians, wizards, etc. And they listen to them.

They will only stop listening to them when the same group acknowledge that they are stumped. And they do not do that easily. It is a war to death for some.

Remember Pharaoh? Nebuchadnezzar? Belshazzar? Ahab? Zedekiah?

But before we go on, why is that so?

People love being in charge. Wasn’t that the reason we fell in Eden? We do not enjoy oversight or control.

What happens then if people make you their lord? That desire shoots through the roof. You feel it is beneath you to be under anybody or anything else.

And that is where sorcerers come in. They are prophets of the earthly order ruled by the god of the world and so completely at home in everything that happens in the world. But it also means that they are opposed to God’s agenda.

A king will therefore look for spiritual counsel that agrees with him as opposed to that which comes from God. Remember Micaiah?

I repeat, the only time he will seek to know God’s will is when all his systems collapse and his prophets and counsellors confess they can do nothing about it. Otherwise he will still continue to spite God and His people in his actions and words since there is nothing anyone can do about it, in his eyes.

Incidentally you will realize that is how kings and kingdoms go down, Nebuchadnezzar being a prime example.

Let us stop pleading with our leaders to listen to reason because they will not. Let us not plead them to consider the vulnerable because they register nowhere in their radar. Let us not seek constitutional ways to speak sense to them because constitution be damned if it does not support them. They can even change it because they have the resources to do so as we have seen.

And spiritual logic is not only detested but feared to the point that they could kill the messenger. Remember Jeroboam and Herod and Asa?

We can only pray that he and his sorcerers are trampled on by the King of kings because then he will have nowhere else to run to. Then we pray that God will raise for us a leader connected to his agenda for our nation.

You see the only language an arrogant leader listen to is a power greater than his own. And no power is greater than God’s.

You are free to disagree with me. But this is what I strongly feel we need to do.

Only God can undo the mess the pride and selfishness our leadership has visited on us and our land.

Tuesday, 6 April 2021

Unconfessed Sin Graduates to Perversion

I want us to connect two posts I made not so long ago.

The first one showed that sin gets its greatest power in its concealment and the other one showing that whereas sin seeks concealment, abominations seek publicity.

But how then do perversions start?

Perversion is a sin that is pursued until it graduates.

Let me explain.

Nobody becomes an alcoholic overnight. Nobody develops addictions immediately.

They will take time and consistent intake to take someone to those levels.

Nobody becomes a glutton overnight.

Even on the positive front you realize that no habit or virtue is claimed or possessed.

Like I say it is not the prayer mountain or those short bursts of fasting that convert someone into a prayer ‘warrior’. It is that constant ‘drip, drip’ of prayer on a daily, moment by moment basis that makes prayer the default response to a crisis or occurrence. And of course it is not those Bible reading marathons that convert someone into a person who walks in the scriptures. It is a consistent daily intake and obedience that does.

Though those events and activities are important as launch pads, they have no capacity of lasting beyond a week or so after they are closed.

How do perversions develop?

I will start with a verse many believers know, the fool says in his heart, there is no God.

One sin makes one feel very guilty. They will start looking over their shoulders every so often, ready to encounter the wrath of God. Their conscience crushes them. They think everybody was witness to their wrongdoing.

After some time, they realize that the earth moved on as if nothing happened. Nobody seems to have noticed that they have transgressed. It even appears as if God either did not notice or never cared to strike.

Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. (Ecclesiastes 8:11})

This of course develops a greater boldness.

You see, if even God doesn’t mind the little sin, would He be offended by a bigger one?

He therefore seeks to stretch the limits of God’s wrath against sin that introduces another dynamic. Is God really who we have been taught? Does He really hate fun (what they think sin is)?

This means that their theology faces a crisis.

And they continue stretching the limit of their sin.

But they are unable to kill their conscience however deep they sink into debauchery.

They will eventually go frontal in their rebellion by seeking to expand their pool to have like-minded and struggling people into their wilful sin. This is for the purposes of having a fellowship of rebels.

That is where advocacy comes in.

Otherwise you wonder why so much money is poured into the abortion industry yet each such killer is unable to deal with their demons. You wonder why homosexuals must push their advocacy to nations that do not have such in their experience, even tying their development assistance to that. You wonder why atheists must be forcefully given space even though nobody cares for their agenda.

They simply want to increase the number of people losing sleep over their lifestyle.

Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the LORD saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment. (Isaiah 59:15)

Their choice of avoiding repentance therefore takes them deep into abominations because they cannot face the fact of their sin and the condemnation their heart continues shouting to them.

That is why choosing to live right is a threat to their fight against guilt as it is a constant reminder that God not only exists, but that His standards still work and there are people who still follow them.

There is another dynamic I need to mention that I had started with; eating more than enough food will expand the capacity of that stomach to demand more each time.

Let’s start with sexual sin that many times is the source of most, if not all other sins.

Someone has sex outside marriage and nothing happens. There is so much thrill in the pursuit of that sin and its concealment that drives his energy levels to the roof.

But that thrill is short lived as usual.

He will therefore start looking for those short thrusts of thrill more and more often. Whereas the first time might have been a falling into temptation, further pursuits would be for the thrill.

Then that thrill becomes normal. The excitement fades and he must look for other avenues that offer more thrill as an available girl is really nothing for his pursuit. Even wooing offers very little thrill.

Why not venture outside the norm?

That is when you see someone seeking to sleep with married women as the wrath of a husband elevates his thrill very high. Or even looking for virgins because convincing someone who has deliberately chosen chastity is a prime target. They will even seek to have sex with toddlers to get any kind of high.

By this time it is the devil who is calling the shots by expanding the greed levels.

But then even those sexual experiences offer less and less gratification with time and the same character is fighting to maintain sanity in rebellion as if it is possible. And that is when they will breach the border of logic as they rebel.

They then think to experiment with extreme rebellion, sex with the same gender.

This is not because it is only sinful; it is because it is unnatural and completely against the created order.

And it is the same with other perversions. Please note that the same applies to women. Or haven’t you heard of girls and women who only get their high when they sleep with men of the cloth?

Add money to the same mix and you will realize that things will completely get out of hand.

Money not only ensures that sin is easily available, it also contributes to expanding the reach of those perversions. It can also to shield the transgressor from the consequences of the sinful lifestyle.

In fact you will realize that the driver for pornography is the desire to promote sin and abomination beyond closed doors.

Again that is why you see some of them keeping pastors in extreme comfort to ensure that he does not preach against those sinful lifestyles. They are therefore able to comfortably become active members of congregations because the pastor is in his pocket. I remember a pastor friend who had to look for another pastorate because he touched on sin in his sermon and was pushed to the wall by some ‘elders’.

But this is the natural progression in everything. Lack of acknowledgement of the same could be the reason many people lose their marriages and get into sin.

Let me explain.

Young people get married full of the desire for sex. Truth be told, many think that marriage equals sex.

In the first months, they are enjoying sex all the time without tiring as their desire level is very high. Being together equals sex.

Then the thrill slowly fades and they must plan to have sex. As things progress, they find out that they must agree to have sex as their minds are occupied with many other things.

Eventually the novelty of sex all but disappears. That is when you hear of couples complaining that they have not had sex for months yet they sleep on the same bed.

If they are not sober, it is very easy for the devil to convince them that they have fallen (or is it risen?) out of love, especially if sex was the primary ingredient or focus of their need to get married.

It then becomes very easy for them to be led astray into looking for the sex thrill elsewhere, beginning their journey into perversion.

Like I always say it is commitment and not ‘love’ that keeps a marriage healthy. Each partner must decide to keep their vows (whether they were made in a church or the bush is irrelevant) to keep their marriage.

And if by chance someone sins?

Repentance at the earliest moment is the solution.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1John 1:9)

Saturday, 3 April 2021

The Unlikely Punching Bag

And Eliab his eldest brother heard when he spake unto the men; and Eliab's anger was kindled against David, and he said, Why camest thou down hither? and with whom hast thou left those few sheep in the wilderness? I know thy pride, and the naughtiness of thine heart; for thou art come down that thou mightest see the battle. (1Samuel 17:28)

I am thinking about these Corona days and wondering.

Why is the church the one that is always the first casualty when decisions limiting freedoms are made?

Why did the president close the churches before closing drinking dens in the first lockdown? And why close churches and not markets? And why were churches limited when politicians were running riot all over campaigning for this or the other purely selfish and personal agendas?

Simply speaking, the church is the softest target in pushing the narrative. And secular leadership HATES the church. It can therefore be made a constant punching bag.

Incidentally, another important reason is that the church is the only entity that has the capacity to authoritatively interrogate the folly they are pushing in the name of preventions.

Yet I doubt if any of these simpletons really know what they are doing because they do not know the power inherent in the church of Christ.

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18)

But this is not about the buildings we call church. Nobody hates those buildings as we see leaders always going there to look for votes and seek relevance.

They hate the church of Christ. They hate the body of Christ. They hate everything represented by the living, breathing body of believers redeemed by the death and resurrection of Christ.

Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. (Psalm 2: 1 – 3)

Yet look at David.

He was the solution the army needed. But to Eliab he was the arrogant showoff running away from responsibility to associate with grownups in the army. He was the meddler in things he had no idea about. To the king he was no match to the giant in skill and experience. And to the giant he was a handsome walkover.

It was when David refused to listen to logic and experience that he was able to be the difference Israel needed.

And it is not any different with the church.

God has placed us on earth as His change and power agents. That is what the devil and his agents fear most.

But we can only be that when we refuse to listen to the narrative the world is throwing at us. It will be so when we decide that we will only listen to our commander. It will be so when we decide to use only the weapons God has placed in our hands.

You see, David was a liability even to himself when he donned the king’s armor. He had no capacity for doing anything in that armor.

He became effective when he decided to use the weapons God had exposed him to, a sling and stones.

God uses what He has placed in our hands like He did with Moses and his staff.

What are our weapons?

The scripture and a faith that is built therein. Obedience to what God commands us. Clearly hearing and following what God tells us as opposed to the folly and rebellion being peddled by the corona narrative.

It is impossible to be walking in faith and obedience if I am rushing to imbibe whatever the narrative discharges.

I can’t confess God as Rapha yet be panicky as I live my life. I can’t confess Christ as Lord yet fear to bear witness to His power over the stupid virus. He actually is not my Lord if the world is the one that sets my bounds.

What is Jesus saying about this virus?

That is the only thing I want to hear irrespective of whether everybody is dying, or even if I am the one who is dying.

We cannot talk of Christ and be the megaphones of the world and its narrative.

We MUST KNOW what Christ is saying about this virus. And that is what we should be shouting from the rooftops.

Otherwise we will die like dogs serving a kingdom that treats us as enemies who are so foolish as to be preaching their message.

The church is the solution to this virus as it has been to all the other viruses and bacteria.

It is the only agent God has placed on earth to push the agenda of returning the world to His intention of creating it.

We must decide to do only what Jesus commands us to do

Otherwise we have no business calling ourselves Christ’s followers, let alone disciples.

The reality however is what the Bible says; the devil is sparing nothing in capturing believers without a proper connection to the command centre.

Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. (Revelation 12:12)

And I believe corona is the best shot he has for this time, especially with even pastors parroting what the unbelieving world is saying.

But the reality is otherwise.

He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. (Psalm 2: 4, 5)

Christ still reigns and has this virus firmly under His control. He has the final word on it.

He only needs a connected church to listen and release His solution.

And we will be judged, even die, if we continue babbling things the world is saying.

Who are you listening to?