The only
constant and sure thing about change is, well, change.
What does
that tell us?
We must be
prepared for change since we must deal with it one way or the other.
preparation and response to change determines how we will come out.
Allow me to
state this
depressions, suicides, desperations are the product of change.
Change that
has come or change that has refused to come.
I dare say
that the motivational preacher, speaker and practitioner of any shade could
easily be the greatest peddler for all these desperate measures I have just
Why? You
might be wondering.
The best is
around the corner. Your best days are just ahead. I prophesy a promotion, a
spouse, a new job, cancellation of debt, etc in the next …. days.
happens when the prophesy does not come to pass, especially if the recipient of
the same really believed in and claimed that prophesy?
happens if they had discarded what they had to make room for what was coming?
What if they had given everything to better receive what was coming? What if
they had squandered what they had because what was coming would more that cover
for the same?
they had resigned to prepare for the new job? Suppose they had burned bridges
with the landlord because they had a better place coming for them? Suppose they
had trashed their workmates and neighbours because they were leaving the
country anyway?
That lack
of change, call it negative change, becomes devastating, could actually be
devastation itself.
These are
things I have encountered and dealt with as a minister of the Gospel.
I have seen
marriages break because a pastor advised a person to invest their family
savings in a pyramid scheme in the name of revelation. I have seen churches
break because a man of God gave similar directions to the church board and they
invested church monies into sink holes. I have seen individuals lose their
savings because a man of God prophesied. I have met people looking for rent and
fare after they gave all their earnings to a man or woman of God after ‘anointed’
change is dangerous if the expectation is misplaced and I suspect is the reason
many prophets are heading to hell.
Like I have
said, wholesale prophesy is worse than soothsaying.
I can’t
prophesy one thing to a hundred people. I doubt I can even for five.
I have said
elsewhere that prophecy as many other spiritual things like promises is
conditional and not absolute. That is why we see many ‘IFs’ in the Bible.
Or do you
also not realise that salvation, though free is conditional? What does John
3:16 say?
But allow
me to get us back to our topic, change.
In many
cases, we do not and cannot anticipate change.
Change does
not consult us.
Let us get
to the Bible.
Do you realise
that in a very short time Job went from being the greatest man in the East to a
stinky and messy pauper even to his wife without advance warning?
reading his story, it is very probable that his wife left him.
How many
women do you know who can stick to a man who refuses to curse God who is
punishing him? How many will stick to a man who not only has lost everything
but is also hopelessly and helplessly sick? How many would stick to a man who
defends his innocence against God’s punishment?
happened to righteous Job and he didn’t know about meetings in heaven.
That is how
change comes.
as was with Job, it comes as one huge hit.
But it also
could come in instalments.
Look at
He is worshiping
God as he herds his father’s sheep when he is called to be anointed.
Then his
skill takes him to the palace where his audience changes.
He is loved
for his skill. He is loved for his youth. He is loved for his worship. Above
all he is loved for what his skill and worship does in the palace.
But war
happens and he has to go back to his humble job once again.
That humble
job requires him to visit the war zone, but not for military purposes.
As he does,
he hears blasphemy that boils his zeal away that he could not let go.
transforms him to a celebrity; a champion.
He goes
into the palace again, but this time as THE MAN.
But that
causes problems with the king and he had to run away and become a fugitive as
the king who had loved him wanted to kill him. Even his wife is given to
another man.
As was with
Job, David was only in charge of his relationship with God. Everything else was
sinking sand, so to speak.
And that is
the determinant whether we will thrive or dive.
Change is
due. Some of it will ambush you and dismember everything you know. It will
thrash and trash all your preparation.
Look at Job
to know how to deal with drastic change.
He does not
blame his wife who (probably) deserted him at his hour of greatest need.
He does not
blame his workers who were trashing everything he was telling them
He does not
blame his ‘comforters’ who were trying their best to prove that he was being
punished for his wickedness.
He places
his case squarely in God’s hands.
That is
what infuriates his three comforters because their theology had no place for
God glorying over His servant. And it will happen to you when God does the same
with you.
Unless you
think Job was the only servant to undergo such an experience, it will be worse
for you than it was for Job.
Sadly, that
is what motivators will always preach.
It is
called the prosperity gospel though nothing could be farther from the truth.
It is
deception, cultic deception. Demonic deception.
It opens
one up to desperation when unpleasant change occurs, as it will.
Or have you
not read this verse and many others like it.
things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye
shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)
Losing favour
with someone you value is one change anybody dreads, especially someone with
authority over you.
Yet that
many times must happen if we are to forge farther in our spiritual pilgrimage.
demands the destruction of whatever props our life depends on so that we are
only left with God.
I shared
some other time about God opening my eyes to some of our prayers.
Do you know
that asking God to increase your faith is actually to ask Him to disconnect you
from all your support systems?
In short
this is what this prayer is saying.
me from my parents, my job, my spouse, my health, my savings. Let me be left
ONLY with You.
change is how God answers that prayer. And the two men of God we have looked at
are very clear examples.
In my journey
of faith, I have seen things. As I have obeyed God, I have also experienced
things, things that have really built my faith. Though they are things I would
not have prayed for had I known.
Many times,
as I share my testimony, people wonder at the kind of faith I have.
But it
really is not about faith. It is about God taking me through change and
managing that change for me. It is God leaving me no options and throwing all
my props aside to allow me to see Him.
How do I
raise six children in a city without a job, a business, a predictable support
structure? How do I pay rent, and those many other bills by simply waiting upon
You see,
God many times does not give me options. He leaves me no choice but to wait on
Him as I do what I many times just sense was His will though it appeared the
height of folly and madness. That is why I never argue with anybody who calls
me insane as that really who I am but for God vindicating my obedience. I have
done really crazy things in obedience to what God had led me to do, burning
many bridges and alienating many friends in the process. But God has always
supported me.
Change is
what obedience brings. Change is what growth in faith is.
And it is
not change as we would like. It is change packaged in a way that has the capacity
to please God.
At the same
time, flunking there may mean losing one’s spiritual identity and relationship
with God.
People have
fallen from the faith because change ambushed them. People have trashed their
calling because change came. People have killed families and relationships
because change came.
But people
have also grown several notches in their spiritual position because of change.
A death
might make you bitter. But it can also make you better.
As we see with Job, the intention of the evil one
for change was to make Job bitter with God.
But his
alignment with God’s cause ensured that he came out tops, the primary reason
God brought that change around.
How do you
manage change?
Do you know
why whatever change is happening has come? Does it cause you to question God or
develop and even richer relationship with Him?
Because your
relationship with God is not only the target for the change, but also the
determinant of how you will come out as a result of the change.