When I was growing up I heard of
one woman whose fame was in that she had a beard. She was the only one for a
very large area. I longed to see her but was unable to though I sought to do so.
Later I was to school in Nyeri, a
town where there was a bearded woman whose approach would literally put everybody
anywhere she passed on a pause mode until she disappeared. At least I was able
to see her.
But today that is not rare. It is
actually becoming too common for comfort. The percentage of mature women sporting
beards may be nearing 20%, and these are the ones who have surrendered in their
battle for the concealment of the fact.
That in itself is interesting, a
fact worth investigating. Yet are we interested in understanding what is
happening? Do we care to know the cause? Are we concerned about the
What are the causes? Are there
other symptoms?
I recently read an interesting
ancient medical book that led me to be more interested in this topic. By
ancient I do not mean centuries old, but medical science is growing so fast
that the ten years may appear like centuries. It was written in the fifties and
covers the momentous discoveries of twenty five years until then.
What is used to constitute the
‘family planning’ pill? I was shocked to learn that it is not even a drug. It
is simply the male hormone. A woman will on ingesting the male hormone lose her
capacity to conceive, of course because a man has no ability to conceive. The
book was warning of a few side effects of doing so, among them being the growth
of beards and breaking of the voice.
I then thought to look at the
women of today, especially the liberated. By liberated I mean those who have
been freed from living the good life God ordained. These are the ones who think
God and His word have gone out of fashion. Who think the commandments are
foolish suggestions from a god who has no idea what life is. Who think human
beings are no different from cows since both are simply biological organisms.
That morals are the dictates of a killjoy, absent deity.
To them sex is a release from
slavery from such a divine. It is a statement that they are their own bosses.
Once they divorce themselves from the constraints of religion, they think they
are at liberty to practice whatever they choose. And they do that with a
relish. Then reality strikes.
They will discover, and very
painfully, that sex is not simply a biological function. It has the capacity of
affecting every area of one’s life. Sex has a physical, social, psychological
and especially a spiritual dimension. And the breach of each has its own
But rebellion is a religion. This
is because it is aimed at religion. This is because any war must necessarily be
on similar grounds. And that is the reason that anyone fighting a woman or
elder is treated with contempt whether he wins or loses. It is the same even on
spiritual grounds. That is the reason killing witches can not eliminate
witchcraft, because it can only be tackled on spiritual grounds. That also
applies to many other vices. Things of a spiritual nature can only be tackled
using spiritual resources.
On the physical, the body will
react to all the liberality sex exposes it to with several complications. The
first is that the body rebels. You see God created the body for one sexual
partner. Exposing it to a myriad confuses it. The body is lowered to one of an
animal, offering sex on demand, to the point of believing what I have seen some
confessing, that ‘even dirty water can put out a fire’. I once witnessed this
boss and his driver who on failing to get presentable prostitutes one night
ferried two very haggard and dirty women to their quarters. After satisfying
their lust they sent them before light so that nobody else could see the women
since they had then become objects of shame. These are people and situation I
actually know, only that I don’t think it prudent to give any hint on their
identity. Sexual liberation lowers one to an animal, sorry that I am the one
who has to say it. But I have been on the frontier districts of Kenya and have
seen what it can do to those enslaved by it.
The second is that it is exposed
to diseases. You see I can not be sure of quality if I am indiscriminate. I
can’t hold you accountable to quality if I can’t trust myself with the same.
The condom is touted as the solution but I know that even it’s most ardent
advocates and users do not believe that lie. It is only that it forms a key pillar
of their religion’s doctrine. They must prove that God can be outwitted. I
believe that HIV is not the most disastrous of the diseases, it just forms
another pillar of their doctrine, diverting attention from the sin to the
consequence. It is not the only incurable STD; there are others which are even
more catastrophic.
The third brings me to the topic
at hand. One of the purposes of sex is procreation. It is one thing God uses to
make us partners in His creation business. But the liberation we are talking
about wants to promote sex without responsibility. It seeks to promote sex
without accountability. We want to lower our bodies to bestial levels yet
wanting to remain human in other levels. That is simply not possible. One must
give in. But we refuse to reason thus and start to look for a way out.
One way we do so is simply
killing the offspring that results from such bestial behavior. But then the
consequences are many times dangerous. They are not also predictable.
Why not short cut the whole thing
altogether? That is their reasoning. And that is the point at which they start
ingesting the male hormone to stop conception altogether. Since many times it
is not in a marriage relationship, they can not take regular doses of the same
since they can have sex only when and where they find it. It therefore will
necessitate taking larger doses of the same once they ‘quench their thirst’.
Sin being what it is will lead
such a one into a vicious cycle of rebellion that she will evangelize (sorry
for defaming such a word) in her struggle to make such a lifestyle (religion)
acceptable to the rest. Remember recently when prostitutes were demonstrating
for their rights?
Let us go to the other side and
leave the social rebels aside. Let us now take the ‘progressive’. These are the
ones who rationalize selfishness and look for ways of legitimatizing it. I am
sure we all know about the great advances made by the family planning ‘gospel’.
It is interesting to note that most of the advocates of the same don’t realize
that this is a sheer contradiction of terms. How can you plan to build a house
before you have any land and materials? How can you budget for a salary before
you get a job? In the same way how can you teach people to plan families by
advising them against getting them in the first place?
Anyway, let us assume that it is
possible. Why plan the family anyway? I would think the first reason is that
the children will be able to get the best from the parents. Yet what do we
find? Exactly the opposite! The parents reduce the number of children so that
they can then forget about them. They can then be able to work full time and
delegate the duty of raising the children to another child who also needs
parenting. Of course the children are malfunctioned because the parent they
know is another child and the very expensive TV the parents sacrificed their
parenting role to purchase.
It is a verified and proven fact
that a child needs the full time availability of one parent during their
formative years for normal growth. The West that fed us with the garbage of
planning non existent families is coming to terms with this reality and is trying
to adjust to it. Again I will say that this is another facet of the same
In the same book I have mentioned
I read of a time that the aristocracy was at the danger of extinction. Why?
Because the medical world had broken down the ingredients of breast milk and
had started manufacturing it. Of course things could not have been much better
for them because they then could do away with their milk maids. But then the
milk lacked one very essential ingredient they had not as yet identified and so
was deficient. It was realized because children were dying at very high rates,
and these were the children of the nobility, ones who were too rich and
progressive to suckle their own children.
But I am going out of topic. What
do the progressives bring to our debate? For their own sake they must not have
children. What of all the progress and wealth the children will put a stop to?
They will thus resort to ingesting the same male hormone to ‘plan’ their
family. Since they are not ‘rebellious’, they will be married which will mean
they will make the use of the ‘pill’ a constant companion to block the
inevitable. Some will even inject the same hormone into their system.
What does this do to their
bodies? Can it be seen?
Ever noticed that nowadays very
few women look feminine? Have you noticed that whereas in the past the woman’s
body was all curves it is now mainly trunky and bumpy, just like a man’s? Have
you noticed that many women now spot things that are simply masculine? It is
interesting (should I say sad?) that I see many women who are pot-bellied and
others having love handles. I don’t remember seeing such women in the past.
Where are the figure eights that
described the ideal woman? Where is the soft and delicate hand that would
remain so even after toiling on the farm all day? You will have to look really
hard to see enough samples of the same. The only difference is if you saw a
pregnant or nursing woman, then you will realize that there are women out there
still. You see at this time she is all feminine, with no masculine spot on her.
Ever noticed that very few women
nowadays trust the beauty proceeding from their natural hair? And why not? Very
few have any natural hair to write home about. They must use add-ons and wigs
for their head to become lookable. Hair, what the Bible calls the glory of a
woman is now almost past tense, and it is mainly with the progressive woman I
have talked about. They therefore must make wigs fashionable so as to cover
their deficiency. I once met a woman who had almost no hair on her head, it was
as if a great famine had occurred there, and the head was not even shaved!
Ever noticed that what many call
make up may actually be cover up? Have you noticed that many women literally
paint their faces, even applying an under coat and fillers before the main?
What shock will get to the man who is convinced to marry her when he discovers
a very different face that must go to a paint factory every single morning? I
have issues with a person who can not trust their natural beauty because I
don’t think I can trust them also.
Nature as we know has a way of
doing things. A woman’s body is prepared
by nature to carry, bear and nurse a child. The fat deposits in her body serve
to prepare her for such an eventuality. What will happen then if she absconds
that responsibility? The body gets confused. What does it then do with all that
fat? That is the reason we find it distributed haphazardly.
That is why many progressive
women are failing to get married. They are not much different from the men. And
I think this is the reason many men married to them fear coming home. How many
times have you seen women demonstrating that their men are not fulfilling their
marital duty to their wives? The reason might be simple; they have become too
masculine to attract men. Just like it is a fact that homosexuality is an act
of final rebellion against God, the highest position (high priest) in the
religion I have mentioned, it is simply unnatural to desire the same sex. It
thus means that if the hormones become too close to each other, they will
simply repel. The wife may be almost as undesirable as another man.
I hope you get my point. I
normally deal with the extremes so that the point can be clearer. This way we
can get rid of the grays that could easily cloud our reasoning.
Do the hormones go beyond the one
who takes them? Do they get to the children? That is what I fear is the cause
of the demise of the female body as we knew it. Remember a girl who caused so
much controversy after winning the Olympics because she was too masculine?
Where did it come from? Could it be that she inherited all that manliness from
her mother? Forgive my speculation.
You see in this family planning
error, oops, era, one is encouraged to start taking the pill as soon as she
gets a child, not later than three weeks after delivery. Does that hormone
affect the child?
Could this be a part of the grand
conspiracy against God? Is the ‘masculining’ of the woman one part of the
enemy’s design against the family, God’s great project, and one that so clearly
depicts His relationship to His creation and clearly gives a foretaste of
I will not have completed my
assignment if I leave out other occurrences that clearly seem to indicate that
the family as God designed it may be a thing of the past should all things
proceed as they are.
Among them are the great strides
of the girl child. Yet that is not what is causing alarm. What is causing it is
the neglect of the boy child. We are doing great in empowering the girl child.
The only problem is that we have all but forgotten there is any boy child at
all. Incidentally, most of the policy makers, most of who are the progressives
I have mentioned, end up with only girls. Most of the people who in the eyes of
the world have made it (read have more money than they need) also produce only
girls if they get any children at all. They therefore have no boy to consider
since their worldview is devoid of them.
The result is that for over 30
years in our country probably no public boys’ schools have been built. In fact
even the existing ones are suffering from a severe bout of neglect. This is
even as girls’ schools are literally on almost every corner.
I recently visited the Kakuma
Refugee Camp. I passed the road I used when I schooled at Lodwar High School.
That made the point I have made so poignant. The road then was in excellent
condition. It was mainly straight and level. In fact I think it was ideal for
speed testing of vehicles. Using it twenty five years later I found it hard to
believe it was the same road I had used. In many places there is no trace of
tarmac. In other places the only evidence of it is a narrow strip between one
and two feet in width. In other places we have potholes in reverse – unsightly
humps. Drivers have literally made roads in the desert because the road is more
impassable than the bush. I don’t think the road can be repaired. The only way
is to remove the remaining tarmac and start afresh like they did to the road to
Isiolo recently. That is what negligence does. And it is what has happened to
the boy child.
I can hear someone shouting ‘substantiate’!
Recently I took my son to select a secondary school of choice as he is clearing
primary school and that is what actually made me realize that things are this
bad. There are only 5 (five) boys’ provincial and district schools in Nairobi.
There were actually three in the forms; the rest had to be dug up from the
archives. Yet there may be more than thirty girls’ schools in the same
category. And there is no comparison at all for the two sexes. The girls have
plenty to choose from and they are choosing from quality schools. They boys
have no choice to make; they will just have to fill the forms as a requirement.
There were about 17 technical
schools which were converted to colleges. I know that because I was in two of
them. All except probably two were boys’ schools and they were all national
schools. One was mixed and one was a girls’ school. Who lost out when they were converted? I know
there were no replacements for the same and the said colleges serve both sexes
and most of the courses are skewed towards girls.
I feel as the women are crying
for 1/3 representation Kenyans ought to start crying equal representation in
all sectors for our nation to advance. This is especially crucial in the
education sector.
Why do I say so? The first reason
is that women comprise probably over 70% of our workforce. The only place they
have not been able to get is the very senior levels and this is because the few
men who will get past the obstacles will necessarily be not only aggressive but
too good to beat.
Let me give you an assignment.
Nowadays even the government is creating transparent offices. Visit just ten
such offices, from government to private sector, from the NGOs to the churches
and tell me how many men you will see in those offices. You may realize that
70% is actually being very polite. The other day I was reading of a survey in a
newspaper that indicated that 90% of the people involved in farming in Kenya are
women! And it was done by a UN body. They were fighting for greater empowerment
of the women in that area.
There is this government office I
have dealt with for long that has had over ten ladies and only one man until
very recently when they brought two others. But they also added other women. A
teacher told me that he had been the only male teacher for years in a school
with about twenty teachers. He received comfort when they recently added two
male teachers.
For those who use public
transport you can take another assignment. Observe the percentage of each sex
standing at the stages at any time. Second, board the matatus, how many men
will you find there. Someone is objecting, saying that men go home later than
women. Then take the very late transport and you will be more shocked because
women will still be in the majority.
How many businesses are operated
by women? Do you know that probably 95% of the exhibition stalls in Nairobi are
operated by women? Do you realize that we have all women banks and none for
men? That we have a women’s university but none for men?
The result of this is that men
have lost their clout. From Genesis it is clear that the responsibility of
providing and protecting the family lies squarely on the man. The woman offers
the support and stability that the man needs to become the best. What will
happen when we find men who are competing for a handful of high schools while
the girls are literally spoilt for choice? Ever realized that many provincial
girls’ schools are better that many boys’ national schools? On the same level
some boys’ provincial schools just take in students with no guarantee of
anything, leave alone quality.
What has happened after such a
long time of slowly and quietly elevating the girl child and neglecting the boy
child is that we are having so few men available for anything. That is the
reality even at the village level. Many boys drop out from school not just
because their parents cannot afford fees but many times because there are too
few schools available making competition almost a death race. The girls, due to
all the focus and emphasis on the girl child are able to ascend to the highest
levels in education. This is partly a result of all the great guilt created by the
advocates of the same.
Another contributing factor is
the erroneous saying that has been aggressively promoted by the same advocates.
‘Educating the woman is educating the nation’. The implication is that
educating the man is wasting your time since a man cannot help anybody else.
Some will actually say as much. Why am I saying erroneous? Because the man is
the one God has entrusted with the welfare of the family, even the society. If
that held any pinch of truth we would not have any educated people at all. Most
missionaries were men. In fact without very few exceptions, all missionary
women were the wives of the missionaries who were very traditional (they now would
be called chauvinistic) as to their roles. These were the people who brought
education to us. Many teachers in the most remote and difficult areas of our
country are men. In fact the most ardent advocates on the empowerment of women
are men. Why? You tell me. That argument simple does not hold any water.
I know men who forwent their
studies so that they could educate their wives as well as provide for their
families. Then when the women acquired their degrees and got better jobs they
simply walked away from their now ‘illiterate’ husbands. They are now living
their lives independent of their husbands, some even marrying small boys for
companionship since they simply cannot bring themselves to submit to their
husband as they did when he was educating them. And I am talking about real
people, people I have met in the course of my ministry. Such women will insist
on the man educating ‘his’ children and providing for ‘his’ family even if she
earns five times the man’s salary. How many cases do we hear along the same
Even if this woman decided to
stay, how easy will it be for her to submit to this husband? How will they live
when the man becomes more like her chauffeur because she is a manager and the
man is some assistant somewhere else? How many women do we know who have
problems in their marriage when they get jobs, and not even jobs good enough to
make them independent? I remember recently being told of a house girl who was
ordered by madam not to put any milk in her husband’s tea because he had lost
his job and so had become worthless.
I heard on radio a man claiming
that his wife, a professional woman, locks him in the house so that he does not
‘escape’ to greener pastures. The only time he goes out is when they are
together. And this has been going on for over a year. From the conversation I
could gather there were other men going through even more inhumane acts from
their wife (I wonder who now is the wife) due to the fact that she is the
provider. I don’t know whether this is exaggeration but I have come in contact
with a few whose situation lends credence to the confession.
The Africans have this saying
that what belongs to the man belongs to the family but what belongs to the wife
is personal property. That is the reality in many marriages where both partners
work. That is why you will see a man with only two pairs of shoes and just the
barest of wardrobe whereas the wife has filled the entire house with her
clothes and shoes. You will see the wife taking the most expensive taxi as the
husband queues for the most affordable. This is because they are behaving like
their natures dictate and the way God created them to be. Give a normal man a
million shillings and he will start thinking about investments because he was
created to plan for the future. Give a normal woman the same amount and she
will most likely start thinking about things that have been denied to her by
her situation. I know that genetically altering the makeup of women may have
altered much more than the physical and we are nowadays seeing the changes. The
modern woman is a genetic variation of the traditional woman also in
psychological and spiritual aspects. And that is one problem with our world
Thus we have an empowered woman
who is also genetically more masculine. On the other side we have an
emasculated man who for lack of empowerment and opportunities is more or less a
village bum. How can these stay together as husband and wife? Who will be the
husband and who is the wife? The wife has education; the husband simply knows
how to read. The wife has connections; the husband knows the path to his
workplace and back. They stay in the wife’s house and drive her company car
because his position does not qualify for such privileges. Is that a marriage?
How does that man live and feel?
Before you shout chauvinist let
me tell you something I have observed. Most violent men in marriage are
challenged men. I have not seen a man who is secure in the vital areas abusing
his wife. What am I talking about? Most men will start beating their wife when
they lose their job especially if the wife is working. On the other side a
woman will attract abuse when she becomes spiritually more stable than the man.
I know of very many instances of men who will abuse their wives because they
can not be able to get them out of church. What they thought was a positive
trait in a girl becomes a tragedy in the marriage.
Why is that so? The Bible says
that the husband is the head of the wife just as Christ is the head of the
church. One clear inference from that is that the husband spiritually guides
the wife. That is where it all begins. The man must of necessity be more
spiritually inclined than the wife. Then he, like Christ, can offer unchallengeable
and indisputable leadership. If the man lacks spiritual authority, he is then
under siege in his own house, irrespective of the millions he brings to the
home. One clear example is the witchdoctors who are most pitiable yet they can
get any woman they desire whether educated or not, submitting to his every whim.
All because he has spiritual authority, albeit from the devil. Lack of
spiritual authority is the number one problem we have with our marriages.
The second challenge is that of
mental incompatibility. The man is the one entrusted with headship in that
also. When he is challenged in that you can be sure that there will be no peace
in the home. And that is the reason we have so many women who are so educated
failing to get husbands. Many men willing to marry them will be looking to take
advantage of her situation and not desiring a partner for life. They may not
know it but they instinctively don’t have much faith in a successful marriage.
I know of several such marriages. Many could also result in violence.
This leads to social
incompatibility since we know that birds of a feather flock together. This may
be the actual trigger to the violence. The wife’s crowd will be different from
that of the husband where most times the husband accompanying the wife will
appear like the escort to her.
The third challenge is the most
visible since it is the one that we can easily put a finger on. This is
material incompatibility. This is what literally drives husbands away from
home, some to the other woman and others to the bottle. You see man as the
provider will necessarily feel extremely inadequate as he sees the wife
bringing food for the family, or even bringing more food than he does. You see
the man is the head of the wife even in this respect.
We recently heard of places where
schools have been closed for lack of pupils. That means that we have had a
drought of children for probably fifteen years! What have the married people
been doing all that time? The women were complaining that their men have
deserted their homes for the bars. So it is not a case of planning non existent
families. In other places the leaders are literally rewarding women who are
pregnant and providing for them all the way until they raise that child. One
thing you will find in such communities is that the women are much empowered.
They are also fabled, to use a Kenyan phrase, to sit on their men, even beat
them. How can a man fit in such a setting?
We also have heard of the same in
the west. There are many countries which are literally bribing their people to
get children. This is because the religion I have talked about has become so ingrained
that most have literally ruled out children altogether. Other nations have
resorted to offering citizenship to whomever because their populations are
simply shrinking. I believe even the green card that so many people are passionate
about is just one attempt at getting workers to run their industrial machine
because they are having more people retiring and dying than are being born and
You see, the religion of
rebellious self interest is its own worst enemy. This is because it is
initially aimed at organized religion, in fact primarily against Christ. It is
very sad that the bulk of its proponents are people who confess to being
Christian. The masculining of women has its roots in ‘Christian’ organizations,
even churches. The emasculation of the man also has its origins there. By the
way even the bulk of the atheists fall out of Christianity, and that because
Christianity is the religion that offers free choice that can easily be abused.
Yet we forget that Christianity
is the religion with the most stringent demands! It is the only religion that
judges people for imagining evil; that convicts people of murder for harboring
spite or hate in their hearts, and of adultery by looking with lustful eyes! Does
that not include pornography?
What then? We have women that
have bodies that are more masculine and men that lack any authority because
they lack training or are out of touch with reality. Roles have simply been
reversed, a situation that is simply untenable! God’s order has been destroyed
and replaced with an order that is worse than chaos. What we call marriage is a
situation of two people of ‘almost’ the same sex having a partnership. In fact
in some places marriage is treated as a contract that has to be renewed after
some time if the compatibility demands it.
Who loses then? I think the first
loser is the woman. Since she was created to support the man, it will place
extreme pressure on her to take on the role of the man however much genetically
altered she may be. The second loss for her is that it will be very hard for
her to get a husband, and that is clearly visible in our times. I used to
wonder about Isaiah 4: 1 but do so no longer. There are so many women
everywhere who are self sufficient in all things save a husband!
And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will
eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name,
to take away our reproach (Isaiah 4: 1)
What appeared so far fetched only a
few years ago is a sad reality today. Women were taught that they could do
without a man but reality is dawning on them now. They thought they could raise
children alone but the crises that arise from such situations are at times
catastrophic. Several research findings have shown that homosexuality results
either from a home without a father or with a domineering mother (reversed
roles) Men who dress and behave so feminine also come from such settings.
A woman so masculine becomes
undesirable almost to a point of repelling men. I have been wondering why women
are dressing less and less and exposing more and more but now realize this
could be the reason. And they are exposing things that parade their femininity,
their breasts, thighs, bellies etc. Mature women are dressing more and more
like small girls, I think because girls are innocently feminine. That may be
the reason philandering men are always pursuing small girls. Women want to attract by sight but lose out
because men then equate them with male prostitutes! And they will do that even
in church!
The massive breasts and huge
bosoms have disappeared! You see if you want to benefit from man’s nature, you
lose those distinctive traits of a woman. And that is the reason why we are
hearing a lot about breast enlargement, hip enlargement and belly tightening
operations nowadays.
But there are consequences which
are even more severe. There are sicknesses that have exploded into the scene
almost out of nowhere. There is an operation I have been hearing about so often
I am getting scared. And it is common to ladies who have taken the hormone for
I am not an alarmist. I am just a
minister who is concerned that we have been fed with so much lies that we think
the truth simply doesn’t make sense.
Is there any hope at all? Of
course there is. God will never lose in any battle. We are the ones to lose for
going against Him. The only problem is that we will need to take extremely
drastic steps to be able go turn the tide to a positive direction. We have been
riding on the wrong train for so long that we not only need to change trains
but actually get into a jet plane to get back to where we started. Then we can
start to plan on moving in the right direction!
Let me hasten that even in this
chaos there is a remnant, there always is. There are men out there who, though
emasculated in all ways have that vital connection with God that gives them
authority, real spiritual authority. They, like Enoch are men who walk with
God. He may have dropped out of primary school but you just need to sit with
him, even with all your degrees to realize that he has the word of God and
demeanor of a father to you.
I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are
my meditation. I understand more than the ancients, because I keep thy precepts
(Psalm 119:99, 100)
There are women out there who
have not stained their garments. The reason they are not visible is that they
are so hidden in Christ that you have to be so close to Him to find them.
And this is where I need to
highlight another strategy of the devil. He seeks to keep the two groups as far
apart as possible, offering short cuts that will block that godly offspring.
Many people are aware that many ministers are married to the wrong wives. You
will notice that men who were on fire for God are married to spiritual
extinguishers! The devil knows that the only way to contain your fire is yoking
you with someone just damp enough.
How does that happen? Many times
it is the elder women, especially women of means who are entrusted with the
project. They will seek far and wide to get just the girl to contain your fire.
That is why it is sometimes difficult to connect the past testimony of some
preachers to their present status. Some who were very simple earlier have
become mazes. Some who were known for their ministry to the disadvantaged now
minister only to the rich. Some who were content with ministry have become ‘ministry’
business executives (I call them spiritual brokers). And all that because of
the woman they married. Ask around and you will discover that it all started
with a few mamas making the connection ever so subtly.
The first thing we ought to do is
start to be radical again. If I got married to an extinguisher, let me get up
so much fire that she will have to explode if she doesn’t flee. Elijah had the
same experience where the fire licked up the fire and the soil. There is no
short cut. I am sure these men are so frustrated. Imagine realizing that your
message has changed because of the woman you married? Imagine you have to
preach about money instead of transformed lives all because you can’t risk
offending mama? She is chasing people who can challenge you to the higher
standard from the church but you appear incapable of doing anything! She is
breaking ministries apart but you just pretend you don’t know it. Your children
are becoming rebels and you are unable to do anything because of her. If that
is not frustration, then give me another dictionary. Some just wish death on
themselves because they can’t see a way out. The fire must be started again and
that is not negotiable.
On the other side is this woman
who was supposed to give you the godly offspring. She is frustrated because she
has waited and waited and you who were to come became strategically unequally
yoked. Since she probably didn’t know it was you, the devil may have also yoked
her to another extinguisher or she decided that God was too important to
sacrifice for anything, marriage included.
Once we get our fires up again,
even higher than they were then, I believe God will give us a solution to all
this chaos. But it has to be radical, giving it all up to obey God.
What are some of the causes?
Most of the families labeled
successful rarely get boys as I have mentioned earlier. As a result the few
boys, many times only one, are pampered and spoilt. The whole family will look
at this sole heir as the only person worthy of their focused attention. They
will never be disciplined because the only boy must be a good boy, and this
especially so with the mothers and aunties, sometimes even sisters. A thief
will be protected by his mother at all costs, especially if he is an only son.
I don’t know the background of Eli’s family but it is very likely that the two
boys were the only ones he had and their mother must have defended them
aggressively when complaints were made against them. They might also have come
quite late for the couple because when Eli died he was ninety eight and his
daughter in law was still bearing children which meant the sons were at most in
their mid forties. As a result even their father was probably rebuked by his
wife for thinking evil thoughts about her ‘good boys’. A single mother will
protect her ‘security’ with her life if need be.
They will be severely
disadvantaged when they get into the world. This is because they will find a
world that treats them as just any other person. They don’t get any
preferential treatment. In fact they will get into the wrong side of the
society when they live the way they had lived their whole life. Their small ‘mistakes’
will be treated as crimes. This shock may impair their lives permanently.
The same boy will be
overprotected. The family will want to shield their ‘boy’ from anything that
can threaten his life, from bad company to lack. Anything that may pose a
threat, however slight, will be fought instantly and most decisively. The boy
will therefore grow up in a cocoon, never having experienced what normal
children go through. As a result of this the same boy will simply never know
what life outside his cocoon looks like. He will have no interaction with the
world, unless it has been sanitized on his behalf. These are the children who
think that the world is their family and friends.
A person found a butterfly
struggling to break through the cocoon and had pity on it and broke open the
cocoon. Interesting enough the butterfly died soon after. It was then that he
realized that the struggle to break through is a necessary thing for the growth
of the muscles. This is what overprotecting these boys leads to. He grows up
without a spine. He does not know how to make decisions because all were made
for his protection. In my growing up I got to observe that it was girls from
very protective families who normally got pregnant in teenage. This was because
one day they must get out, and woe to you if they met someone ready to take
advantage of their naivety, which is what normally, happened.
A man is by nature a fighter.
That is his divine assignment. He was created to provide for and protect his
family. He must therefore train his muscles for that assignment most of his
life. Denying him the exercise of that kills his drive, his fighting spirit. He
then becomes like the butterfly I have talked about. And that is why you find
such protected boys perishing in the wayside almost immediately they get into
the world. They can’t resist drugs because they were never allowed to see that
side of the world. They don’t know how to respond to the advances of the
‘girls’ because they never knew that there was any other world apart from their
cocoon like experience.
Get that boy to a campus and he
gets into a major shock. He can drink when and where he wants. He can choose
whether to do assignments or not. He can attend classes at will and nobody will
question him. He can take any girl he is able to be convinced by to bed without
drawing any stares. To him such a world existed only in the movies and dreams
and now it is at his fingertips. If he is slow in making decisions he finds
enough ‘friends’ who will make them for him. And he is not in the marketplace
These are the men who will throw
tantrums at anyone around them since that was the method they used to control
the world around them earlier. These are the kind who will threaten to burn
their house thinking that everybody will go down with them. They will think
that even being alive is a great favor to everybody since that is what they
were raised believing. They will resign at a whim because they believe that
‘baby boy’ is totally indispensable.
That may be the reason most only
sons turn out hopelessly useless, especially when they were born after girls.
They are good only for drinking and wasting their inheritance with the leisure
they were accustomed to as they grew up. The parents discover that the
discipline they feared to inflict when the lad was tender for fear of injuring
his ego is immensely ineffectual when he is a grown up. He will, like Africans
say, depend on the world for discipline and we know that such discipline has no
love element in it. Many will die prematurely by the police bullet or mob
justice since the parents will always defend their son by all means, many times
using corruption to cover up the offense of their ‘innocent and harmless boy’.
The other boy is one who has sunk
into despair because of all the focus on the girl child. He tried to fight and
gave up because nobody was on his side. He just decided to let things be. What
with all the propaganda of girls being better than men? He will find nobody
fighting for him or siding with him especially when it involves the girl. He
loses the fighting spirit and falls into despondency. Since there are no
opportunities even if he works so hard, unless he is the top of the cream, why
not simply give up?
Yet it is in marriage that lack
of muscle shows very clearly. The first will throw tantrums at his wife and
children because he believes they are there to answer to his every whim. He
will many times batter the wife and not feel any guilt because ‘baby boy is
always right’ sunk into his subconscious. He can’t become a father figure
because he still needs parenting and the wife is not able to do it because he
still insists he is the boss, a CEO in diapers. And that is the tragedy of most
of their marriages.
The latter gave up fighting and
will therefore leave the family for mama to run. He was raised to believe that
too. He won’t mind being ‘her majesty’s’ chauffer and cook. He will leave all
the decisions to her. It is a pity that he can not bear children for her! But
he will be so frustrated. Imagine a caged cheetah! He was made to run and fight
but due to upbringing failed to exercise his muscles. He will be looking at the
outside with longing but not think there is anything he can do about it. Remember
the story of an eagle raised by a hen? That is what this man will look like in
life and marriage. No wonder he gives up and heads for the bottle and the other
woman, because the devil has prepared her adequately to make him feel like the
lion and in this way take full advantage of him.
Very few may even see the need to
attempt marriage at all unless they are ‘forced’ into it. You see their entry
into life was met with such a shock they never even imagined existed. How then
do they entertain marriage which they know is a tall order from their
observation? Many raised by single mothers were incessantly ‘shown’ that
marriage was not a necessity. Those from unstable marriages came to dread
getting into such a ‘curse’. And as we have said this boy already has realized
that he has no spine or muscle to take on the world even on simpler
One key contributor of all this
is the lack of the father figure. There are simply very few of the same around.
You see discipline is the forte of the man. Some mothers like mine were very
good but I think it is that grace was poured on her because her husband had
deserted her. Yet they are still in the minority and even rarer still in this
age and time. But I also had enough issues to deal with in my teenage which I
think were due to the absence of a present father. Even being raised in a
loving and Christian family and committing my life to Christ at nine was not
enough insurance against the challenges of teenage without a supportive
(probably just present) father.
Well, my father was not
physically far away as most would assume. We lived in the same compound, but he
was with another woman. I never saw him take on any responsibilities of a
father for me as I was growing up. I never saw him in my mother’s house all my
life. In fact the first time I saw my father enter my mother’s house is when I
came to introduce my wife to be. I was twenty nine.
Most of my elder siblings have
traumatic tales to tell about their experiences with a step mother in the same
compound and the open biases from our father towards the ‘other’ children.
Well, I never experienced that. By that time I started noticing anything our
first born had a job and my father, being jobless, could not dare offend the
goose that laid the golden egg. So my mother was spared open mistreatment.
What was the result of an absent
father to me? I became rebellious. So much so that anywhere I went I almost
became the epitome of the same. I hated laws and structures with a passion and
did not conceal it to anybody. The only thing that protected me from being
expelled anywhere was that I was very good with academics, without any effort. In
primary school I always was the first in the noise makers list, even when I was
absent in the morning! The only difference would be that I would not have my
name with many times. They used to make a list like this; they write the list
and then indicate the severity of the same. Figure this; Gituma X 10. I think
there was one time I was X 100!
I was a daredevil and craved
places that posed a threat to my life. Once there was talk of a leopard in a
certain bush around home. I always passed there late in the night to see it.
There is another place that was dreaded for thuggery. In fact it has a nick
name a place people get lost. I passed there countless times to see how people
got lost. Most times I arrived home very late, at times even after 2 am. Many
times I would visit places even twenty kilometers from home, have a nice time
until they were ready to go to sleep, then I would insist on going back home. I
am sure people at home were always stressed because many times they saw me in
the morning. But you see I was a man according to our culture and in charge of
my life. Any talk about changing my life was not even responded to, even
Teenage rebellion for me went
past anything I have ever heard of. Machakos Technical was a school with almost
no rules, but I broke them anyway. Nyeri Technical was like a detention camp, but
nobody could hold me. I came in and went out the way I wanted. And I never lost
any case except one they fixed on me. I was a terror to the prefects and
teachers alike. In fact most teachers thought I would beat them and very few
talked with me without other teachers around. And I was very small then.
Lodwar High School also didn’t
appear to have any rules, and especially for the A level students, but I broke
them anyway. So much so that the headmaster, who was a Catholic father or
brother, made me an offer - He asked me to choose any school I wanted and he
will get me a transfer to that school. When I refused he was so incensed that
he promised to expel me when I reported back.
But God then intervened in two
ways. I first had an encounter with God. Calling it rededication is probably
tame by the standards of most. But the experience transformed me completely.
Then when I went back to school I found that the headmaster had gone back to
Ireland. I had actually refused to go back to school for fear. A couple then
started discipling me. That is what turned the direction of my life.
One thing I will say with so much
humility is that even in all that rebellion God’s hand must have been so heavy
upon my life. I was the baddest of the rebels but where their badness may have
been due to drugs I never even once attempted. I have never smoked or even
tasted beer. I remember once ferrying a roll of bhang for a friend because I
couldn’t be inspected. But I never once thought to ‘taste’ what my friends were
experiencing. My life was even ‘higher’ without drugs. With the exception of a
few months in form five, I never once stopped going to the Christian Union and
singing in the choir (though I was expelled from the choir in Nyeri Technical
when I made a fool of the choir master). Many friends quipped that if
Christianity was as exciting as my sample showed it was not a bad idea at all.
I now know from experience that it is even more fun when we walk with The Lord.
What about the boy without a
father at all? What about the one raised by a single mother? I am not talking
about widows or victims of rape because I am convinced that there is enough
grace for her situation because it is not a choice she made. By this I will exclude
the ones who conveniently ‘lose’ their husbands, and they are many. I know of
one who proudly confessed to have actually prayed her husband to death.
Abuse a woman and the law will
take very drastic actions against you. Report being abused and you will be
treated as the idiot of the town. I was told of this man who was consistently beaten
and bitten by his wife because he could not bring himself to hit her. When
things became too much (she had attempted to stab him) he thought to go to
report to the police. But his wife had gone ahead of him to report being beaten
by him. If it was not for a friend in the police station who knew of his case
and leaked the report, the man could have been jailed for being beaten by his
wife! He had to flee from the fabrication and the marriage.
Ever noticed that in the past
only boys were killed in warfare? Killing a woman was taboo.
And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women,
and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him: but if it
be a daughter, then she shall live (Exodus 1:16)
Why was that? A man was the
bearer of the continuity of the tribe. A woman can be transplanted from tribe
to tribe seamlessly. That is why the absence of men is a clear indicator of the
decline of the concerned society.
And Moses said unto the judges of Israel, Slay ye every one his men
that were joined unto Baalpeor (Numbers 25:5)
Wickedness affects men more than
women. This does not mean that God overlooks the sins of the women. It is just
that a woman is hid in her husband and thus her sins are the responsibility of
the husband. Let me give a few examples of the same;-
Moses must have circumcised his
first born son before consulting his wife. This is because she refused the
second son to undergo the mutilation. Yet who was being killed for the same?
And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the LORD met him, and
sought to kill him. Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin
of her son, and cast it at his feet, and said, Surely a bloody husband art thou
to me. So he let him go: then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because of
the circumcision (Exodus 4:24 - 26)
Eli’s sons went overboard in
their ministry. Eli tried to stop them but it seems their mother thought her
boys were fine. Yet who was judged, even dying for the fault? In fact we don’t
even know the name of his wife and we can be safe to assume that she did not
face judgment.
Ahab may have been totally
unaware of what his wife had done in acquiring Naboth’s vineyard. Yet who was
And thou shalt speak unto him, saying, Thus saith the LORD, Hast thou
killed, and also taken possession? And thou shalt speak unto him, saying, Thus
saith the LORD, In the place where dogs licked the blood of Naboth shall dogs
lick thy blood, even thine (1Kings 21:19)
One thing you will notice as you
study the scriptures is that judgment was always confined to the men, who pisseth on a wall.
I know you expect me to pick an
example from the African culture and I won’t disappoint you. Ever realized that
curses move with men? That the woman is free just by being married to another
clan? In our culture there is this clan that has their daughters condemned to
be second wives. I investigated and realized that it was a curse placed on them
by a very bitter daughter. That is for another day. Anyway, if you got one of
them as a first wife you will die for the severest of the same. And that is not
a taboo because I know of a few instances of the occurrence. Yet when she gets
married as a second wife her children will be free from their curse, yet the
men from the family will produce daughters condemned to that curse continually.
A clear example from the Bible is
that of Ruth. Moabites were never to be admitted to Israel, even to the tenth
generation. Yet she joined the mainstream immediately she followed Naomi.
An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the
LORD; even to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the congregation
of the LORD for ever (Deuteronomy 23:3)
Another example is Rahab the
harlot. Being a prostitute her sentence was death by stoning, yet we find her
joining Israel immediately.
I am convinced that it is in the
devil’s interest to kill the boy child, first spiritually, to make the world
ripe for the antichrist. How? When a society has emasculated the man, or
elevated the woman above him or even put her at par with him, it simply does
not have any order because they do not have authority. This creates a vacuum
that looks for anything to fill. Disorder cries for order of any kind, and the
devil just needs to raise a dictator, because a dictator has unchallenged
authority, for people to run to him for security.
People cry for democracy but
desire domination by whoever appears sure of their destiny. That was how Osama
controlled the world. That was how Hitler and Stalin were able to get followers.
They seemed to know where they were going and everybody agreed to go with them.
And it is for the same reason we
are seeing the world looking for any reason to eliminate any strong leader by
any means, especially by calling him a dictator. You will notice that they will
first try to raise an insurrection and fund it. But then they will realize that
the leader has enough followers who are willing to die for him for what they
know him to be. They then ‘support’ the rebels and take on the job of removing
the ‘dictator’. And of course there must be some spoils of war for them to take
any interest. Why have they never taken interest on Somali for over twenty
years yet they must remove Gbagbo and Gaddaffi from power so quickly? But we
must realize that there must be no strong leaders before the antichrist is
enthroned. They must necessarily be leaders who have been installed and thus in
the employ of foreign masters (the new world order) and not their populace.
But it is starting at the home by
first emasculating the leader of the home from his infancy. Then when he grows
up he does not know what responsibility is, absconding it to the woman whose ‘desire shall be over your husband’
(Genesis 3: 16) which means she will seek to usurp his authority that he does
not even know he has. You see God’s response for a woman’s desire to rule over
the man is to order him to rule over her. That is the reality in the spiritual
By the way emasculation literally
means castration. In blunt terms it is unmanning a man. In the olden days kings
castrated men who were to be entrusted with extreme loyalty because they then
could pose no threat since they had no seed to strategize for. They could be
entrusted with all the women of the court because they were not much different
from them. They could not pollute the royal seed and so were trusted
completely. Remember Hegai of Esther’s time?
Remember that these eunuchs were
the ones entrusted with preparing the virgins for the king. That meant
massaging them, even dressing them to make them presentable for the king. They
worked on the girls in their nudity. The only thing they couldn’t do to the
women of the court (it was a harem) was sleep with them since that was the only
thing that had been taken from them. They couldn’t be taken to war since they
lived for the present as they had no future to look forward to. But that
present was so good as to make the future a mirage that meant nothing to them.
Are these men? Or maybe they are
psychological and spiritual eunuchs? I am shocked when I see a man proudly
walking with his almost naked wife, even to church. I see some of those women
and wonder how a man can leave the house with a woman so dressed. You will see
some with their breasts almost falling off and others having skirts so short
that you can see all you want if you are interested. Do their husbands think
like men? That is a tragedy. It is only that I now realize that they may be
eunuchs, even if only psychological and spiritual. This means they won’t mind
someone lusting after their wife, maybe even sleeping with her.
I was recently listening to a
station I detest yet it is the one most matatus tune into. I heard something
that made my ears go farther than the tingling the prophets talked about. Two
men confessed that their wives brought in another man into the house in their
presence, and even took him to their bedroom. What will bring a man that low?
The only reason I can think is that they don’t have any muscles. They may have
been brought up by a single mother who detested men and was proud of it. In
fact some ladies called and said that if a man hurts a woman, she will take it
out on any other man that comes along. Imagine such a bitter woman bringing up
a boy since she will be taking out on another man? Whether that is true or not
is not the issue. I had also heard of the same thing earlier but then it
concerned economics and even the man was not at home and would appear to
‘penalize’ the intruder.
The words the Bible uses about
adultery are very interesting. You shall
not discover your brother’s nakedness (or that of any other person). I
think discovering begins with seeing then goes to coveting. Is it in order to
allow other men to visually discover your nakedness? You see a wife is like the
outer garment of her husband. She is his PR to the world. It is not surprising
that her inappropriateness is directly attached to her husband.
When I was growing up we were
severely warned against looking at the nakedness of a mature woman or else we
would become blind. This made us run away from situations that could expose us
to such an eventuality. And that nakedness was not anywhere close to what we
see even in church nowadays. I wonder whether I could be as bold as to warn my
children thus. What with all their ‘aunties’ who dress badly and don’t even
know how to sit respectably? That is unless I want them to be like the
‘bleeding Pharisees’ who closed their eyes to avoid looking at temptation. But
even then it would be a tall order. I might as well tell them to pray for
How long wilt thou go about, O thou backsliding daughter? for the LORD
hath created a new thing in the earth, A woman shall compass a man.(Jeremiah
Look at a few other translations
of the clause, a woman shall compass a
A woman shall encompass a man. (ASV)
A woman changed into a man. (BBE)
A woman shall enclose a man. (MKJV)
A woman protects a man. (RSV)
Is this addressing the topic at
Rites of Passage
Another contributing factor in
the emasculation of the boy child is the initiation into manhood. We also have
the parallel in the girl child as she has also lost the opportunity to be
prepared adequately for marriage and motherhood. Most have only focused on the
circumcision alone and think it was the one thing that will magically convert a
boy to a man. On the other side they have fought the same as far as it concerns
the girl. I am not a proponent of circumcision for girls but feel very strongly
that we have thrown out the baby with the bathwater as is commonly said. We
have thrown out the negative and not sought out a replacement for the positive.
What was the purpose of the
initiation in the past? We will look at a few reasons. Circumcision is what got
a young man or woman into the process. It was not the main one; it was the
initial one, the entry point and the one that left a mark. Some did not use
circumcision as they either circumcised earlier or did not circumcise at all.
To some tribes it was the culmination of a long life of training, more like the
University of the Tribe. No other training was as intense or as focused as the
We will look at a few purposes
and aims of the process.
1. Sacrificial – this is the reason it was
done by the river so that the initiates’ blood flowed with the water joining
the boy’s spirit with the spirit of the tribe. In some tribes even today a boy
will have to be flown even from abroad so that they will be circumcised at the
‘right’ place and in the right season. The circumcision grounds are shrines of
sort. I was recently at a place most of their forests have been cleared yet the
circumcision grounds have not been touched. That is the reason the circumciser
was highly valued spiritually. Though the operation itself is simple,
communities do not have many circumcisers. In some he is a guarded secret to
much of the community. In others during the season he literally walks with body
guards. He is the link to the spiritual connection to the spirits of the tribe.
People who shared the ‘knife’ were actually closer than even family. The
graduation itself was a major celebration even with gifts for the initiates.
2. Communal – this released the boy from
the parents as a preparation for him to join the tribe as a warrior. He was not
initiated in secret. The whole community participated. And that was the reason
it was done in its season. One just couldn’t circumcise their son anyhow or
anytime. Even when a crisis was involved (for example when an uninitiated boy
impregnated a girl that had to be corrected or it became an abomination) it was
the responsibility of the tribal leadership to make the decision.
3. Military Training – this was the
preparation ground since the initiates after ‘graduating’ would be the next
team of tribal army. This is the reason the initiation process took between one
and three months. In most tribes it took place in the forest, to some it is so
even now. Though not done in the forest today, the Meru will have the
initiate’s house far from all the others in the compound, then ring it with an
impenetrable fence and none but the initiated can get anywhere near the ‘base’.
Education has made that impractical reducing the time requirement. Lack of much
cohesion in the community has also reduced most of the must do and must learn
activities involved. It has also made the same more of a personal
responsibility for the parent involved. In the past it also involved training
in the drills of war. It was the time the boy learnt the authority structures
of the tribe. They learnt from fighting to political science during that time.
The Maasai, Rendille and Pokot do that to this day. They also learnt tribal
leadership and the art of negotiating with other tribes. This would prepare
them for the eldership positions they would occupy as they grew older.
4. Maturity – this was the last formal
training by the tribe. It therefore prepared them for marriage and family. That
was the arena for sex education. This is the reason many nowadays start being
sexually active after the process especially after the cultural structures and
boundaries have weakened. And this is the reason in places the process is close
to what it was sexual experimentation is very rife after initiation. I remember
during my time a lot of the conversations were of sexually suggestive and very
shocking language nature, which I guess is a carry over from the past from
consulting with a few older friends from other communities. Some tribes even
today will advise the initiates to engage in sex as a cleansing ritual of
sorts. Without the restraints of the past, sexual experimentation almost
becomes a given. This also results from the exhilaration from release from the
restraints of the parents. This was some sort of shock treatment welcome to the
real world outside the protection of parents. As such the initiate was being
prepared to handle the challenges of the outside world devoid of ‘domination’
of the parents. But then there were structures and boundaries in existence.
There were limitations on the interaction of the sexes. The initiate was taught
how to relate with his peers, his mothers and grandmothers with utmost respect.
There was diet that was inconsistent with his new status. There were taboos on
some conduct and these were the restrictions on the initiate then. That was the
training for discipline that was not subject to the fear of the cane.
5. Release to the World – this formally
released him from being the responsibility of his parents as far as discipline
was concerned. Any breach after that was the responsibility of the tribal
structures through the age group hierarchy. I remember when I was small that
there were some circumcised boys who had been ‘demoted’ from being men and
their misery was evident to all. They could not be with the boys because they
had been 'cut’, yet they were disqualified from joining the men! I was a small
boy then and was not able to know the breach that necessitated such a sentence.
The parent had no hand in the discipline of his now ‘mature’ son. He could not
apply any type of punishment on him because he was a man in his own capacity.
From a lot of observation I noticed that many who were initiated while in
primary school from such communities rarely continued with school. In fact it
was a challenge for many to continue with school. Just imagine you are in a
situation where even your father can not reprimand you when a woman teacher who
might be just a girl has to beat you in front of other ‘children’! It will be a
disgrace. That is the reason such may have had major problems even with mixed
high schools. I for a fact know that most of the boys in our family almost
dropped out of school and it took a miracle for them to continue. I was one of
them. I know of some who left school because they were circumcised in the
‘wrong’ way and so were subjected to extreme intimidation and ostracism. I
remember it took a very long time to adjust to showering with the ‘uncut’ when
I went to Lodwar High School because due to the heat, the shower was one big
hall with a sprinkler system of sorts. It was torture to me for a long time.
Lack of that could be the reason
we find men in their thirties, some who are married and earning good salaries
insist on continuing to stay with their parents. It could be the reason we find
men getting married to women their mother’s and grandmother’s age. It could
also be the reason many men fear to get married since they lack that
preparation and therefore lack the muscle to even consider marriage. Some are
content to be married to women who are more husband than the man.
It is worth noting that part of
the assignment God gave Adam after the fall was a battle with nature to be able
to provide for his family. Denying him the battle by either overprotecting or
underexposing him to the challenges lowers him and kills his drive. And no
wonder so many of them are wasting their lives in the liquor dens. Of course we
know about the cheap ones because of the damage they cause, but there are
others which are ‘acceptable’ yet are as detrimental to the man’s spirit as
those others are to his body.
Is there anything we can do about
this? I think there is. This by taking the process from the wholesale most are
making it to a more personal and interactive process. When we take it from a
money making venture to investing in our young men and women. When we tailor
the rites of passage for impacting very strong values on our young men instead
of just giving them time to heal. I know some running rites of passage take
even over a thousand initiates at one time and don’t invest much in the
instruction. I wonder what kind of learning can occur in such a forum. We
should make use of the elders since they were the ones who foresaw the whole process
and instruction in the past. This is because though a younger man might have
all the information, an old man comes with authority gained from experience.
I believe the process should
prepare a young person to deal with issues from homosexuality to drugs to
violence they will encounter in the schools. They ought to be prepared
successfully tackle pornography and sexual experimentation. It should go as far
as preparing them to deal with leisure and idleness they will come across in
the process of their growing up. By the end of the process they should have
learnt to be responsible and independent since they will be expected to be more
in charge of their lives. I believe they ought to be prepared to handle
joblessness and job seeking, even know how to handle a job and a salary, not to
mention marriage and family.
It goes without mention that
there were some negative aspects of initiation. These we ought to carefully
deal with so that we don’t ruin a good thing by carrying out the program of the
past wholesale or discarding it altogether. We therefore need to prepare
something that we will be proud to pass down to our children.
Rites of passage were times of
intense instruction, not convalescing holiday away from a hospital. Removing
that kind of instruction makes it a hospital away from hospital.
Contraceptive Used in
Africa May Double Risk of H.I.V.
The New York Times By
PAM BELLUCK Published: October 04, 2011
The most popular contraceptive for women in eastern and
southern Africa, a hormone shot given every three months, appears to double the
risk the women will become infected with H.I.V., according to a large study
published Monday. And when it is used by H.I.V.-positive women, their male
partners are twice as likely to become infected than if the women had used no
contraception. The findings potentially present an alarming quandary for women
in Africa. Hundreds of thousands of them suffer injuries, bleeding, infections
and even death in childbirth from unintended pregnancies. Finding affordable
and convenient contraceptives is a pressing goal for international health
authorities. But many countries where pregnancy rates are highest are also
ravaged by H.I.V., the virus that causes AIDS. So the evidence suggesting that
the injectable contraceptive has biological properties that may make women and
men more vulnerable to H.I.V. infection is particularly troubling. Injectable
hormones are very popular. About 12 million women between the ages of 15 and 49
in sub-Saharan Africa, roughly 6 percent of all women in that age group, use
them. In the United States, it is 1.2 million, or 3 percent of women using
contraception. While the study involved only African women, scientists said
biological effects would probably be the same for all women. But they
emphasized that concern was greatest in Africa because the risk of H.I.V.
transmission from heterosexual sex was so much higher there than
elsewhere."The best contraception today is injectable hormonal
contraception because you don't need a doctor, it's long-lasting, it enables
women to control timing and spacing of birth without a lot of fuss and
travel," said Isobel Coleman, director of the women and foreign policy
program at the Council on Foreign Relations. "If it is now proven that
these contraceptions are helping spread the AIDS epidemic, we have a major
health crisis on our hands."
The study, which several experts said added significant heft
to previous research while still having some limitations, has prompted the
World Health Organization to convene a meeting in January to consider if
evidence is now strong enough to advise women that the method may increase
their risk of getting or transmitting H.I.V. "We are going to be
re-evaluating W.H.O.'s clinical recommendations on contraceptive use,"
said Mary Lyn Gaffield, an epidemiologist in the World Health Organization's
department of reproductive health and research. Before the meeting, scientists
will review research concerning hormonal contraceptives and women's risk of
acquiring H.I.V., transmitting it to men, and the possibility (not examined in
the new study) that hormonal contraceptives accelerate H.I.V.'s severity in
infected women. "We want to make sure that we warn when there is a real
need to warn, but at the same time we don't want to come up with a hasty judgment
that would have far-reaching severe consequences for the sexual and
reproductive health of women," she said. "This is a very difficult
dilemma." The study, led by researchers at the University of Washington
and published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases, involved 3,800 couples in
Botswana, Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. In each
couple, either the man or the woman was already infected with H.I.V.
Researchers followed most couples for two years, had them report their contraception
methods, and tracked whether the uninfected partner contracted H.I.V. from the
infected partner, said Dr. Jared Baeten, an author and an epidemiologist and
infectious disease specialist. The research was presented at an international
AIDS conference this summer, but has now gained traction, scientists said, with
publication in a major peer-reviewed journal.
The manufacturer of the branded version of the injectable,
Depo-Provera, is Pfizer, which declined to comment on the study, saying
officials had not yet read it. The study's authors said the injectables used by
the African women were probably generic versions. The study found that women
using hormonal contraception became infected at a rate of 6.61 per 100
person-years, compared with 3.78 for those not using that method. Transmission
of H.I.V. to men occurred at a rate of 2.61 per 100 person-years for women
using hormonal contraception compared with 1.51 for those who did not. While at
least two other rigorous studies have found that injectable contraceptives
increase the risk of women's acquiring H.I.V., the new research has some
strengths over previous work, said Charles Morrison, senior director of
clinical sciences at FHI 360, a nonprofit organization whose work includes
researching the intersection of family planning and H.I.V. Those strengths
include the fact that researchers followed couples and were therefore able to
track transmission of H.I.V. to both men and women. Dr. Morrison said only one
other less rigorous study had looked at whether hormonal contraception
increased the risk of infected women's transmitting the virus to men.
"This is a good study, and I think it does add some important
evidence," said Dr. Morrison, who wrote a commentary accompanying the
Lancet article. Although the study has limitations, including its use of data
not originally intended to determine the link between contraceptive use and
H.I.V., "I think this does raise the suspicion" that injectable
contraceptives could increase transmission risk, he said. Why that would occur
is unclear. The researchers recorded condom use, essentially excluding the
possibility that increased infection occurred because couples using
contraceptives were less likely to use condoms.
The progestin in injectable contraceptives appears to have a
physiological effect, scientists said. Renee Heffron, an epidemiologist and
co-author of the study, said research examining whether the hormone changes
genital tissue or vaginal mucous had been inconclusive. Studies in macaques
found that progestin thins vaginal tissue, she said, "but studies among
women didn't show the same amount of thinning." It could be that progestin
causes "immunologic changes in the vagina and cervix" or could
increase the H.I.V.'s "ability to replicate," Dr. Morrison said. At one
point, the researchers measured the concentration of H.I.V. in infected women's
genital fluid, finding "there was more H.I.V. in the genital fluid of
those using hormonal contraception than those who aren't," Dr. Baeten
said, a possible reason men might have increased risk of infection from
hormonal contraceptive users. Those women "don't have more H.I.V. in their
blood," he said. The researchers also found that oral contraceptives
appeared to increase risk of H.I.V. infection and transmission, but the number
of pill users in the study was too small to be considered statistically
significant, the authors said. Previous research on the pill has been more
mixed than with injectables, which could have a greater impact because they
involve a strong dose meant to last for three months, Dr. Baeten said. In
another troubling finding, results from the same study, published separately,
showed that pregnancy also doubled the risk of women's contracting H.l.V. and
of infected women's transmitting it to men. That may partly be due to increased
unprotected sex, but could also relate to hormones, researchers said.
But there are no simple solutions, the authors acknowledge.
Any warning against such a popular contraceptive method may not only increase
complications from pregnancy but increase H.I.V. transmission, too, since
pregnancy itself may raise a woman's risk of H.I.V. infection. First, the
researchers and others say, greater emphasis should be placed on condom use
along with hormonal methods. Some experts, like Dr. Morrison, favor a
randomized controlled trial for more definitive proof, but others question how
to "randomize women who may have strong preferences about their
contraception," he added. Dr. Ludo Lavreys, an epidemiologist who led one
of the first studies to link injectable contraceptives to increased H.I.V.
risk, said intrauterine devices, implants and other methods should be explored
and expanded. "Before you stop" recommending injectables, he said,
"you have to offer them something else."
Christ’s Love for the Church vs. Romantic Love
It is a saddening fact that most
Christians look to the world to understand God. When this happens, we are sure
to get a distorted view of reality because the world is in rebellion against
its creator. When this happens, we can be sure of one result, confusion.
What is love? The world talks of
love as a fluffy and spineless feeling that is looking for release in sex or
other emotional and psychological high. It is a purely self-seeking engagement.
Remove sex from the equation and the world is bewildered because that simply
can’t be love. Replace feelings with decisions and you might be talking about
something else altogether. Remove romantic endearments with discipline and you
may as well be speaking about hate.
Yet the Bible talks about love in
marriage like the love between Christ and the church. Is there sex involved?
No. Does He love us because he ‘feels’ us? No. He made a decision to love us so
that He can save us. Does he pamper us as He becomes all romantic? Nothing can
be farther from the truth. He loves us to change us.
One reason many Christian
marriages are falling apart so frequently these days is, I believe, we are
reading the wrong script as we enter into and seek to remain in marriage. And
we know the world, being in enmity with God, is not interested in the success
of the marriage institution. On the contrary, it is directly opposed to it
since a good marriage clearly portrays God.
As I have always said from the
observation of history, look at any society that has a distorted view of
marriage and you will find a society that is confused about heaven. Take any
society that has a distorted view of marriage and you will find a society that
is literally falling apart. Take any society that trivializes marriage and you
are sure to find a society wrestling with the reality of heaven. You see
marriage is the closest picture we can get of heaven.
Any study of Christian marriage
that does not seek to clearly understand the relationship between Christ and
the church is actually a study that is doomed to fail even before it starts.
Seeking to understand the relationship of a husband to his wife and vice versa
without understanding the workings of the church of Christ is simply a waste of
time, probably even worse because it gives the wrong targets to aim at.
Seeking to understand the
workings of a female brain that does not connect to the different phases of
Israel’s history may be psychologically sound but spiritually spurious.
I am convinced that the greatest
error the church fell into was the teaching that there is equal partnership in
marriage. That part of man’s responsibility is to enhance the wife, even to the
point of sharing his authority with her. Does Christ share his authority with
the church as an equal opportunity partnership? Doesn’t each have their role to
play? Is Christ’s authority open to question by the church?
God severally referred to His
relationship to Israel as a marriage. That is why any leaning towards idolatry
was addressed as adultery. In Ezekiel we see very graphic detail of Judah’s
idolatry given as the strayings of a very adulterous wife. Someone who has been
fed with the modern counseling about marriage may wonder what is wrong with
God. But is that where the problem really is?
Whose idea was it for the
institution of marriage? Is it the social scientists’? Who are we to trust when
there is a conflict between the designer and an observer? How wise would we be
to take a Toyota car to a Chevrolet manufacturer for spares, even repairs?
I want us to look at several
verses that address the marriage relationship in the scriptures and compare
them with what social scientists talk about marriage.
submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is
the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the
saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in
every thing. (Eph 5: 22 - 24)
is a very controversial passage in our times. It is simply impractical to some,
especially Christians. How can the wife be subject to her husband in
everything? What about her democratic space? What about her enhancement and
progression? Is the Bible not becoming openly chauvinistic? But I think the
right question to ask is; how does Christ relate with the church? You see,
since the marriage is a picture of heaven, it is imperative to get an accurate
picture of the same. Remember what Moses was commanded, … look (make sure) that thou make them
after their pattern, which was shewed thee in
the mount. (Exodus 25:40)
Any other pattern will be
unreliable since marriage was God’s idea in the first place.
a woman also vow a vow unto the LORD, and bind herself by a bond … (Numbers 30:3)
if she had at all an husband, when she vowed, or uttered ought out of her lips,
wherewith she bound her soul; And her husband heard it, and held his peace at her in
the day that he heard it: then her vows shall stand, and her bonds
wherewith she bound her soul shall stand. But if her husband disallowed her on
the day that he heard it; then
he shall make her vow which she vowed, and that which she uttered with her
lips, wherewith she bound her soul, of none effect: and the LORD shall forgive
her (Numbers 30: 6 - 8)
A very strange verse for our times, times where it is the women who
bind and loose even their husbands. Times which have women as pastors holding
sway over marriages. Yet what does the Bible say about this? Do you notice that
a woman’s commitment to God is subject to the approval of her husband? And this
is from God Himself. A woman is enhanced by her submission to her husband. She
discovers herself as she submits to him.
your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them
to speak; but they are commanded
to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing,
let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in
the church (1Corinthians
14:34, 35)
What does this say about the spirituality of the man? Is it the
reality on the ground? How possible is it for her to ask her husband if he is
disconnected to the spiritual, thinking it is the domain of the woman? I am
sure we know that many men think that prayer is the domain of the woman. Many
will just let ‘mama’ lead family devotions. Is that the picture we get from the
scriptures? Does Christ let the church determine the spiritual direction of the
union? Is Christ subject to the church?
ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the
weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your
prayers be not hindered (1Peter
Whose prayers are being considered here?
Do we have a woman’s prayers subject to such a caveat? What does this indicate
if not that a man should be the one in the marriage known for his prayerfulness
and spiritual leanings? Were there any women priests? Or do we think that God
forgot that women can also become spiritual? Wasn’t He the one who created
them? Is it then in order for us to delegate our responsibility to them when
God did not give us that allowance?
ye wives, be in subjection to
your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the
word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste
conversation coupled with fear.
Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of
putting on of apparel; But let it be
the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet
spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in
the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being
in subjection unto their own husbands Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord:
whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any
amazement. (1Peter 3:1 - 6)
What evangelistic tool is being
given to women over their unbelieving husbands? Is that what we see? Why then
don’t we see it? Is such advice even considered in marital counseling? Have we
heard of women who come to cast out demons from a husband they chose when they
realize the mistake (I call it sin) they made by walking by sight? And I am
talking mainly about the sight of his purse or family status.
Submission is the number one
quality for a woman. It is the single most precious trait that will draw the
love of any man, whether saved or not. An animal of a man is tamed by a very
submissive wife. That is the plain teaching of scripture. That is the reason
many maids are able to overthrow their wife, especially if the wife is working
because she has been able to humbly endure all humiliation, especially if the
mistress is the rough type. Another thing that shows the attractiveness of a
woman who is submissive is that many times a son of the home will most likely
want to marry her even against custom, especially if the girl is young. This
could also be the reason men who have lived in town their whole lives will
insist on going to their ancestral place to look for a wife.
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the
Lord. (Colossians 3:18)
How spiritual is it for a woman
to submit to her husband? Is it right? Under what circumstances is she to
submit? Are there any conditions for the same? What does ‘it is fit in the Lord’ mean? My understanding is that God is pleased
when a wife is in submission to her husband. What about when she is not
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