Wednesday, 22 May 2013

prayer and partnership


I wanted to request that you join me in thanking God for the far He has taken me with respect to passing the messages He has given me over the years.

So far I have been able to publish 7 of the books I have written as well as assist new authors to get theirs out by editing, proofreading and layout. I have also published for probably five so far and am in the final processes of doing the same for a few others.

Since this is a ministry God gave me, I can not go the business way as He was very emphatic on that when He gave me the commission. I also do not sell all my books as many times God asks that I give them to people who need them so that His message can have the kind of impact He wants. I continue to receive testimonies of the impact such gestures and books have had over the years. I continue to be amazed by what God can do with what we have released to Him.

Recently, I was also led to start a blog ( where I post the messages God is giving me. Not very many people visit it since I have not publicized it but I am also excited to share that people are hearing God and being transformed as they visit it. My guiding principle as I got into writing was that I would be content if only one (1) person benefited from God’s message, whether a book or even an sms. I would be content if after publishing 1000 books only one person receives or is ministered to by the message. But I continue receiving reports of the impact of the messages God has given me in my books, sms and the blog and affirm what the Bible says that a word proceeding from God will not return to Him void.

I want to report that all my previous books are now out of print. Actually only two of them have less than 20 books remaining. I have probably 5 other complete books that are ready for publishing and have been so for some time for lack of finances. I am trusting God for some 300 000 shillings to be able to print all of them at once. This includes reprinting my previous ones.

But the main reason I write this is one book I feel has come to its time. It was ready over two years ago. In fact ‘The Opportunity of a Crisis’ overtook it because that was the message I felt God wanted out then.

I now strongly feel that the time for this book has come and that it should be released without further delay. The title is ‘The Encounter, the confessions of a successful pastor’. It is a work of fiction, a parable God gave me to speak to His people. For it I need 30 or 50 thousand shillings to produce 500 or 1000 copies.

Please pray that God will release this money. Pray also to know whether He wants you to be involved in the same as I continue to feel the urgency of the message at this time, something I have not felt since I wrote it as I have earlier mentioned that another book, probably two, came later and was published before it.

Let me also share something I think business people are concerned about. What does my business get by giving money for the printing of the book? I feel that God has released me to partner with business in this venture. I want to suggest what I feel is beneficial to them. If you release funds for the printing, I could give you the inside cover to talk about your products and services. Of course I will mention that your business funded the printing of the book, probably fix your logo on the cover. Another thing we could do is have an insert or probably a book mark that will market your business to all who will read the book.

It doesn’t have to be one business. I will acknowledge all who will give towards the printing of the book who want to be acknowledged and give some space for them to be visible. But it has to be business that agrees with scriptural values and that is something we will have to be firm about.

So think about giving 5000, 10000 even the whole amount to facilitate the release of a message whose time has come. If you do not want the publicity, well and good, that also agrees with scriptures. But I don’t want to leave out a business that wants to support this venture on business terms. But whatever you give will be appreciated.

But please continue praying that this ministry will grow and that as I empower Christian writers I will continue to enjoy God’s victory.

God bless you

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