I want to pose a bet of sorts to
the Muslims. I want us to assume that Islam and Terrorism is one and the same
thing until they prove me wrong by this small poser.
When a Christian minister does
something contrary to the Christian confession, he will be defrocked by the
denomination that ordained him. If a Christian lives contrary to his confession
his congregation disfellowships him (commonly called excommunication) until he
gives enough evidence that he has repented.
Even the Catholic Church which is
as secretive and defensive as Islam will defend her own until the evidence is
brought. Then they will take action against a blot to what they are known for.
Muslims are shouting Islam and
peace from the rooftops especially wherever their brothers are killing Christians
all over. Where is the evidence of that peace?
The SUPKEM is the supreme organ
of Muslims in Kenya. Even during Ramadhan they must see the new moon for there
to be any moon to signify the start of the season.
How come they are toothless to
contain radicalization of their youth? How come they cannot reign in the
radical preachers? How come they cannot take action on mosques that hide
weapons to kill their countrymen? Or are they all the same thing with SUPKEM
being their PR arm?
Why are they speaking against
these personifications of evil yet go up in arms when these radicals are killed
by the sword they had been living by? Why did they feign ignorance when they
were proved to have been funding the terrorists some time back?
What I am saying is that Islam is
like one huge snake. The middle is the part that loves peace because it does
not have the head. It must love peace because it has no capacity to defend
itself. It will store the food for the head, arm the head with venom and
deceive the neighbors that it is completely harmless until the head can come
close. Then you will see the difference!
Islam ‘loves’ peace only when
they are outnumbered. Study their history, even their books and that will be
very clear. They put a front of peace to get a foothold into a territory. Once
they get requisite numbers and resources, peace will then become an enemy of
Islam. They will never then be found to speak about peace, only jihad and death
to the infidels who now become an enemy who must either convert or are
annihilated. Or have you ever heard of Islam talking about peace in places they
are the majority?
It is sad that Christians are
calling Muslims brothers. How can I be brothers with a confessed killer,
especially a killer of innocents? What does the Bible say?
Let me now throw the gauntlet to
the Muslims. I will be really excited if they will prove me completely wrong. I
will even apologise in the forum of their choice.
To prove they are peace loving,
can they arrest these radical imams and sheikhs and present them to the police?
Can they arrest these sons of theirs who have been radicalized and take them to
a place where their deradicalisation can be conducted? Can they close those
mosques that are being used for violence and radicalization? Or at the least
repossess them so that ONLY PEACE that Islam stands for is preached from there?
If these radicals do not teach
Islam, then as heretics they are even worse than infidels, deserving the worst
kind of death, death by public stoning if I can remember well what I have read
in your books. If the radicalized youth do not also practice Islam, they should
be treated as heretics because that is what they are according to your public pronouncements.
Will they stand up to be counted instead
of shedding crocodile tears in public yet gloating in private when innocent
people are slaughtered worshipping God instead of their apparition? I am not
even talking about funding as there is no way to ascertain who funds what when.
Show me convincing PR instead of the mouthing of empty words about Islam and
Islam and terrorism are
synonymous. That is my statement. And that is the reason I have thrown the
challenge to all the Muslims in Kenya to prove me wrong, very simply. It will
not only stop terrorism but give our security forces a well deserved break. And
I mean all Muslims. From the senators to the governors to the cabinet
secretaries to the legislators to the common Kenyans and especially to the
Let us not continue celebrating
(by the way I did not know of the
shooting of the radical imam when I was writing this post)
This is well put, we need not debate about it Gituma. splendid