Before I formed thee in the belly I knew
thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I
ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
(Jeremiah 1:5)
When does someone become a person?
Is it at conception or after the first trimester? When does God declare a
person such?
Is it in order if we make our
logic and experience the standard when we start talking about these things? Who
and what has the final authority in these affairs?
What is abortion? Is it just
terminating a pregnancy? Does it involve other acts that go farther or even
prior to the pregnancy?
And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy
brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother. And Onan knew
that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his
brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed
to his brother. And the thing which he did displeased the LORD: wherefore he
slew him also. (Genesis 38:8 – 10)
Why did God kill Onan? Was he an
abortionist? Not in our modern definition. But he was punished all the same.
Was what he did not what we do
all the time nowadays? What is a condom? What is its purpose?
Simply speaking a condom is a
modern tool that allows us to practice what Onan practiced without having to go
the lengths he went. It is spilling your seed to the ground. It is enjoying the
pleasures of sex but running away from their responsibilities.
Like we see with Jeremiah God
calls one a person long before conception takes place. But we know He never
gets to that point before the sex act takes place. Before God sex and
conception are the same thing. Blocking conception yet allowing sex is not much
different from abortion in the eyes of God.
Of course we are very wise. But
we can’t be wiser than God. We know so much, but we do not know as much as God.
It is therefore important to decide to listen to what He says before we make
our very wise and knowledgeable decisions. This is because we could like Onan
be digging our own graves in all that wisdom.
A responsible woman is one who is
in charge of her reproduction according to our modern day wisdom. God says a
woman will be saved through childbearing. Blocking conception is the greatest
success for the family planning ‘gospel’. In the Bible we see a man who was
killed for doing the exact same thing. A condom or hormonal pills are only
modern, not different from that.
I know I am becoming extremely
offensive to some. But you should try to understand my desire to write only
what God impresses on my heart. I am also very uncomfortable with this message
as it goes counter to all that I have grown up being taught and believing. I am
in a worse dilemma than you because I have to write a message simply because
God wants it written and because that is the plain teaching of the scriptures.
I am a child of this generation
too. All my life I have been bombarded with all the logic and arguments of this
whole matter of being in charge of our lives in all ways. I can also argue as
well as the next person about the benefits of a controlled life that puts one completely
at the reins. I even have all the verses that are used to push that agenda to
the fore.
But I also have the complete
Bible that speaks completely different from all those arguments.
I had practiced those doctrines
all my life. Until God shocked me! Like I have said in my blog about the time
God also shocked me when I practiced a doctrine that believed that sickness is
simply a product of sin or lack of faith.
And how did He shock me? He broke
through the blockade I had placed before Him to make sure that we never got
another child. We were content with one child for all the reasons I had. But
then God gave my wife conception even after all the measures we had taken to
prevent it. That was a shock to me. Most of my friends called my son a miracle
child, as if there is no child who is not a miracle. But he was more a miracle
than even those people knew. God had broken through hormonal pills. There is a
seven year gap between my first born and the second as proof.
But He did not stop there. He
gave me three children in quick succession.
That is when I started thinking.
I started seeking to know what God says about family. I wanted to understand
God and His view of conception. You see all my life I had been taught to ‘plan’
my family. The sad fact is that that planning means more or less having no
family as it teaches you to block conception by all means. In fact the church
is at the forefront of this teaching. Being progressive is equated with having
a very lean family.
But I will not continue offending
you with all this teaching. I will just point you to the scriptures so that you
can appreciate that God is concerned with what we are doing. Not only that but
there are consequences to everything we do, and this is not different.
Removing the expectation of
conception from the sex act makes me the god of the process. It shows my
extreme selfishness as I choose to avoid the consequences of my actions. It is
the opposite of faith as I cannot trust God who says He is the one who gives conception;
of course because I would rather He leaves me alone.
We seriously pray when God
withholds that conception yet do not think we need to have God involved when
conception is assured. We trust Him to extreme degrees when we are denied
conception, especially when we have tried all within our power to get it. Yet
we feel comfortable when we are blocking the same conception for our own
selfish reasons.
And Judah acknowledged them, and said, She
hath been more righteous than I; because that I gave her not to Shelah my son.
And he knew her again no more. (Genesis
Judah behaves like his dead son,
pursuing sex only for his selfish gratification. Tamar is not more righteous
because she pretended to be a harlot. She was righteous because she sought
conception instead of pleasure. Her pursuit was therefore noble as it agrees
with God’s purpose for sex apart from pleasure.
Let me ask us a simple question.
Do you think people of ancient times knew as much as we know about fertility
and the right time for conception to take place? How is it then that any sexual
act brought about conception, and many times a boy was born? How come that Leah
hires Jacob for one night and gets a son? What about Lot, Judah, David?
God is the one who causes
conception to take place. It is therefore His sole domain. Playing with it is
therefore acting contrary to His revelation and power. It is minimizing His
involvement in your life. It is actually declaring that you really do not need
God to run your life.
We also notice that illicit sex
acts do not bring about conception. Reuben, Amnon, Shechem.
But what about spacing? I can
hear someone asking. We know enough about nature to realize that that is
normally taken care of. A breastfeeding mother will not conceive under normal
circumstances as the suckling will release a block to conception. God knows
that a nursing mother needs some uninterrupted time with her child just as He
knows that the child needs to develop a bond with the mother and also feed on
that natural nutritious milk. The reason we are concerned with that is mothers
of our day do not want to suckle their children. Suckling is not ‘cool’ and
does not provide ‘class’ to these children they have. Long before the
advancement we boast about children were spaced properly naturally. But it was
because parents were not as selfish as we are.
You see a progressive woman must
break from the shackles of home keeping. A productive woman is one who is on
the marketplace making her own money. Suckling for her is therefore
retrogressive. And no wonder we have balloons for children since they feed on
alternatives instead of breast milk! No wonder we have brats for children as
their very ably providing parents do not provide the thing that makes them
parents in their children’s eyes – their availability.
It is no wonder then that these
parents must block conception from taking place as her body does not have that
natural block to conception.
But it gets even worse. Pursuing
sex as an end idolizes it. Sex then becomes something with greater value than
God created it for. What then happens is that the sex desire develops its own
force toward its own ends. It sets its own rules for engagement, rules that run
counter to the created and revealed order. This lowers man to an animal since
an idol is managed from hell and so it is impossible to push for any other
order apart from perdition. Then the devil will have the last laugh because
God’s people are operating according to his rules.
Sexual sin starts being treated
simply as sex release. Marriage exists primarily for the sex it freely offers. Sexual
experimentation is not an issue because the sex act is simply a physical act
that is devoid of any societal or spiritual responsibilities. Even children
become subject to that reasoning as objects we get when they serve our purposes
and dispose off when they stand in the way of our pleasure. Family itself
becomes an accessory to our happiness, an accessory we can get out of the way
if it becomes a burden.
Diseases that come as a result of
our pursuit of irresponsible pleasure are treated as obstacles to our fulfillment.
Even when sex produces a child it is not a big thing if we flush out this
obstacle to our pleasure. We will allow nothing to stand between us and the
pleasure we need to have.
We will also realize that our
partner is a temporary solution to our sexual release. I can look for another if
the present one becomes ‘boring’ or less adventurous. That is when we hear of
sex orgies or swapping of spouses that I hear that even some pastors are
involved in. That is the reason hardly any pulpit addresses sexual sin as sin
because ‘everybody is doing it nowadays’. We fail to realize that poison will
kill even if laws are passed declaring it safe. And God is very clear when He
talks about sex.
Why is it that divorce is worse
for believers than unbelievers in the developed ‘christian’ world? What
business do Christians have to even debate what God calls an abomination? How
can someone who is a homosexual serve God who is so completely opposed to that
lifestyle? How can an adulterer who is not even ashamed of that lifestyle
become a Christian minister?
You see when self determines my
values in a small way, the same self will increasingly take control of all my
life. In spiritual terms that small diversion is called a gateway of sorts to
the devil. And no wonder that the Bible says that a little leaven leavens the
whole dough and that if your eye causes you to sin it is better to pluck it out
as it has the capacity of leading you to hell. That is the reason Israel was
commanded to conclusively deal with the Canaanites or they would be the ruin of
them. They were the minority in all ways but their spiritual rot did not
require numbers to corrupt.
It is interesting that very few
have a problem with bastards becoming ministers yet the Bible says that they
are not supposed to even to get into the temple even to the tenth generation.
And this is because we really have no problem with fornication and adultery
because sex is simply a physical act devoid of any spiritual consequences. Such
a pregnancy is therefore accidental or unplanned and the child thus born is
just another child. We think God was foolish to have such a command in the
Bible or think it accidentally sneaked into the scriptures.
In the same way we have no
problem with women taking any spiritual position in church even when the Bible
is very clear on the same. We choose to forget that one such verse gives that
order and takes it to even before the fall.
But we are sexual beings once we
overthrow just one aspect of the divine and natural order as each partner gives
half of the pleasure to the other. And no wonder we even have homosexuality
because sex is sex and whatever can give pleasure is valid, even if it is an
animal or a video.
Blocking conception puts the
devil fully in charge as I have effectively locked God out. But the devil will
not be content with that. He will slowly sell me his complete package which
simply puts me fully in charge of my destiny meaning that he is the one pulling
the strings in my life.
It reminds me of Romans 1 where
it talks of God giving people over to several things. Elevating self interest
in a small way will affect spirituality in all ways. That is why I so love this
statement that Christ is Lord of all or not Lord at all. God calls for all or
nothing. We cannot disagree with some part of His revelation and still think
you have any relationship with Him. It is impossible.
Withholding conception is the
devil’s way of making sure that God’s people do not have a godly offspring, and
that very comfortably. In the past it was very crude like in the times of Moses
or Jesus. But today the devil laughs all the time because we are the ones
articulating his agenda even better than he can do and then shouting loudest
that we are being led by God whose commandment we are proudly breaking.
I want to challenge you to do
your own research concerning the topic using the Bible as the sole text book
and tell me what you will find. Assume I do not know what I am saying and
dismiss my arguments. Then ask God for revelation as you seek His will in His
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