For I hate divorce," says
Yahweh, the God of Israel, "and him who covers his garment with
violence!" says Yahweh of Armies. "Therefore take heed to your
spirit, that you don't deal treacherously. (Malachi 2:16)
does God mean when He says that He hates divorce? What kind of divorce is He
talking about?
I dare
say that He hates divorce because that word and all its meaning is never found
in His language. It is a foreign word in His divine vocabulary.
speaking divorce is foreign to His created order. He hates it because it is a
virus of sorts in His perfect creation.
Do we
not find it strange that the One who sends rain for the righteous and the
wicked can use such a strong word when He speaks of something so ‘innocent’?
How can He be so judgmental on something His creation finds so normal? What
could be the reason for His very strong language? How can He ask us to love our
enemies when He hates something we do this strongly?
We find
that kind of language when He speaks of things that are contrary to the created
order. Abomination is another word we find that is too strong for our
accommodating ears. We see the word used when homosexuality and bestiality are
the subjects. And I think it is for the same reason. Those words are not in His
vocabulary and can also be treated as viruses introduced to His created order.
excuse can be used to support divorce especially with the expectation of
remarriage. No verse is sufficient to support the spread of that virus in
And I say unto you, Whosoever
shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another,
committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit
adultery. (Matthew
That is
a verse we use to defend divorce. But do we also see that it locks out
remarriage? And we see the reason when we look at the Malachi verse. I also
want us to see the context for that divorce. As opposed to just unfaithfulness,
it goes to even before marriage. I understand it to mean that when one
discovers that they married a spiritual fornicator (and sex is a spiritual
covenant in all ways) then one can divorce. It is not even divorce because that
person was already spiritually yoked (married) to somebody else. It is only
that you get to discover after getting into a covenant with them. It is divorce
because the marriage was public, yet it was null and void because the person
was already married. You discover late that you were breaking someone else’s
marriage by having sex with their spouse though you had not known.
But it
goes farther than that. Even when the cause for the divorce may be justified,
they go beyond the divorcee. They completely block the person from getting
married to someone else. This is because the person goes beyond adultery to
harlotry, serial adultery. No wonder in Malachi we hear of one covering his
garments with violence.
sleeps with a prostitute who happened to be a scheming widow. Incidentally
there were no scriptures at that time. In our times he ought to have taken her
as a wife. But though he confesses that she had been more righteous than him,
he never has sex with her again. And why, since she was free? She was his son’s
wife though the son was dead.
sleeps with his father’s concubines. What does the king do? He stops having sex
with them. But he does not release them to be married elsewhere by divorcing
them. He continues supporting them though doesn’t also sleep with them.
also sleeps with his father’s concubine or wife depending on how you want to
look at it. Jacob doesn’t divorce her or release her to someone else. But he
simply takes the birthright from that usurper.
Sex is a
spiritual covenant, a covenant that can’t be broken because it is so solemnly
entered into. That is the reason it is very important to get into the marriage
covenant before getting into the sexual covenant as the sexual is supposed to
be the actual sealing of the marriage covenant. No wonder it is called the
consummation of the marriage. The sexual validates the marriage.
What? know ye not that he which
is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh. (1Corinthians 6:16)
That is
the divine order. Sex presupposes and validates a marriage.
therefore is the rending of a unit (one flesh), destroying and disfiguring it. Tearing
something apart forcefully leaves scars and wounds and disfigurements that mar
the original appearance. Just glue two pieces of paper together and then
separate them later to understand what I mean.
Of course
there is pain all over in that rending as some pieces of one will be left in
the other, ruling out complete severing of the two apart. That pain is the
reason God hates divorce as He wants us to avoid it. It is the kind of pain a
father feels when his grown child decides that he is old enough to decide on
the course his/ her life will take and goes ahead and leaves school to become a
laborer in other people’s enterprises or gets married to a grandmother.
My late
grandmother is one of those people who demonstrate the fact that divorce can
never sever that unity. She was married thrice. But the third time she left her
second husband and went back to her first one. And this experience is very
rampant even today. The first covenant is unbreakable however hard we try.
Let me
give another reason we cannot use the Bible to defend divorce. If God really
allowed divorce; if adultery is the legal ground for divorce then would God not
have been acting against His word in asking Hosea to remarry his adulterous
thing that our craze for bending the scriptures to allow divorce and remarriage
we must mention is grace. Does adultery annul grace? Is adultery the
unpardonable sin? Is adultery beyond the cross? Is adultery crucifying Christ
Lest you
think I am rooting for adultery I want to emphatically state that adultery is a
sin like no other. Like I have said sex is a spiritual covenant. No wonder we
are told that sinning sexually is sinning against our own selves. It is true
that sex leaves lasting wounds when it is outside the boundaries God set for
it. It is the most destructive sin one can commit as it leaves lasting wounds,
wounds that may never heal even when forgiveness is offered.
is the result of Abraham making a sexual blunder so long ago.
Christ died for the sex offender too. His grace also reaches out to people who
have grossly sinned in that direction. Rahab the prostitute is found in the
line of Christ because God delivered her from that sin. God’s grace can rescue
from such depravity.
grace does not annul the created order. Grace does not annul the commandments.
provides healing for the offended. Grace heals the bitterness that the betrayal
of trust adultery causes. Grace makes it possible for the restoration of the
fractured relationship that adultery brings. And grace heals the wounds that
guilt produces.
I know
there are situations where divorce is inevitable. But the Bible never allows
for remarriage however progressive that appears in our sight. Divorce can
therefore be treated as a legal separation to allow for the healing of the
relationship to occur.
Only the
death of a spouse is the spiritual validation for a remarriage. Any other is
the creation of fallen man.
But the
fact that God hates divorce does not mean that he approves abuse, or
unfaithfulness, or brutality as some Christian counselors and pastors seem to
advocate. It is ignorance to require a person to live with a violent and
abusive partner just because God hates divorce. They will get killed. It is not
wise to require someone to live with a person sold out to harlotry. They will
infect them with incurable STDs.
But it
is also not wise to advise divorce under those terms, especially with the
notion of remarriage as that is not Biblical. It is advisable that they
separate for healing to take place. It will be a separation to heal the
relationship. That is why Paul said this;
And unto the married I command,
yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: But and if
she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let
not the husband put away his wife.
(1Corinthians 7:10, 11)
That is
the Biblical position. But more important is the purpose of the same. It is
meant to provide healing in the hurting marriage.
offers a demonic short cut that will bring more hurt instead of providing
relief. Like Eve was deceived it appears like a solution and offers immediate
solution but we will realize like them that it exposes our nakedness as we
carry over the challenges we had in the former marriage to the new one.
Why does
it happen like this? To a child, the ideal marriage is the parents’. That is
why it has been observed that a girl whose mother was battered will normally
get married to an abusive man who will also have come from an abusive marriage.
The same trend also occurs where the man is the victim.
But it
goes even farther. My wife comes from across the border. My younger brother
brought his fiancée for introduction and both families were amazed as the two
girls can be mistaken for sisters yet they were born very apart from each other
from not only different tribes but even countries.
default position is the familiar. And this goes even in the choosing of a repeat
spouse. What will draw us to the next one will be heavily weighted by our first
one; and this because the ‘hell’ started some time after the ‘heaven’ had been
enjoyed. This will happen however ‘demonic’ we label the spouse we are running
away from.
It is
almost automatic. But I also need to mention that most of this happens in the
subconscious and this is why we are unable to deal with them as they are more
or less instinctive. We will run to that person more like we jump when we see a
snake before caring to know whether it is alive or not.
might the main reason God emphatically states that He hates divorce; He knows
what will happen when we remarry. That is why He would rather we dealt with the
marriage as running away from it will lead us to a similar one, filling our
garments with repeated violence even as we attempt to run away from it.
But it
is important to state the reason divorce is rampant especially in church. We
are entering marriage with an exit clause in our minds. If it does not work out
we will get a divorce. We will then quit when we see the smallest challenge.
We say
‘till death do us part’ when our hearts and minds are thinking ‘since
disagreements do us part’. Our hearts therefore condition us more for divorce
than they do for marriage. We are more ready for the foibles of the opposite
sex than we are for their good qualities. It is like dressing yourself like a
fire fighter when you are going to the kitchen just because fire can destroy.
You will be so frustrated because all that weight you are carrying to fireproof
yourself will make it impossible for you to enjoy the kitchen. It will be
increasingly frustrating as the fire extinguisher you have on your back may
never be used and cooking may become impossible as you will be unable to cook
since you can’t bend in that state or move as nimbly as cooking requires.
kitchen should be a delightful place. The extinguisher and firefighting
equipment should be kept at an easily reachable place as we do not go to the
kitchen to cause a fire. Yet that is what we do when we get into marriage with
a notion that we can divorce when we have issues. We will have started the
proceedings even before we say our vows. Lock out divorce and you will find out
that marriage is a good thing as is the kitchen where we get pleasure from
cooking whatever dainties we require.
But this
also will help us in another way. We will not be rushing into marriage because
we have removed all exit clauses. Death do us part is seriously vowed. We are
not experiencing the marriage. We are not trying to prove whether our kitchen
is safe or not. We are in it for the long haul.
We will
not attempt to enjoy ourselves before we make the commitment with whoever we
fancy. Sex will be treated with seriousness. We will not want to share our body
for the pleasures of a moment because we are saving them for that lifelong
pleasure we are preparing them for. We will not want to defile ourselves even
with that person we will get married to as it will be like starting to eat a
fruit when it is on the tree even before it ripens.
like marriage will be sacred to us and not something to indulge in at a whim.
We will not ‘love’ in a hurry. We will seek more than that feeling when we
choose that partner. We will rely on more than those butterflies when we agree
to that proposal because we will be making a commitment for life.
Set me as a seal upon thine
heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy
is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most
vehement flame.
(Song of Songs 8:6)
I like
to challenge young people to consider this when the butterflies are fluttering
very violently. How do we prove death? We simply die. It is other people who
can prove that we are dead. This verse says that love is as strong as death.
Can we then prove love? Think like that when the fool asks you to prove that
you love them. Tell them to give a proof of death so that you can then use the
same proof to prove that you love them. The only proof of love is commitment to
a marriage. Sex is actually the proof of the absence of the same. Do not be
the wrong standards, standards that stand against God’s revelation is why the
world is groaning and marriages are breaking.
are talking about safe sex. Can there be safe sex outside the bounds of
marriage? In other words can we have safe sin? Can sin ever be safe? Can we
take poison safely?
That is
the folly of that effort. Sex is never safe unless it is within marriage. STDs
and ‘unplanned’ pregnancies are not what make it unsafe. It is the breaking of
God’s design for marriage. It is the virus we introduce when we refuse to walk
the way our creator had intended for our joy and fulfillment.
is permanent by God’s design. And sex is what seals a marriage. The abuse of
sex is therefore an affront on God and His creation.
Marriage is honourable in all,
and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. (Hebrews 13:4)
around with sex before marriage, even with the person we intend to marry is the
introduction course to divorce. It is like trying to take poison safely. You
might not die but the effect of the poison on your body will be disastrous. And
it is worse for sex because the wounds will be in the complete person, from the
spirit to the emotions to relationships to society to generations.
I am
convinced that this is where we ought to direct our attention to be able to
bring healing to our generation.
there are harlots like Rahab amongst us. What do we do about them? They defiled
themselves in their pursuit of pleasure and experimenting with the poison that
is sex outside its boundaries. Though they did not open harlotry houses like
Rahab of old they are not much different from her as they cannot boast about faithfulness
to anything except ‘pleasure’, short lived and full of regret as it is.
That is
where grace comes in. Like as was with Rahab of old there is enough restorative
grace for us. But it is imperative that like her we bid bye to that harlotry
COMPLETELY. She did not join the line of Christ just by leaving her destroyed
city. She left that city long before it was destroyed when she made a
connection to the God of Israel. She therefore could not live the life she
lived in Jericho as she pledged herself to the standards and revelation of the
God she was joining herself to.
therefore did not receive justification just because she was married to an
Israelite. It happened long before when she hosted the spies, probably even
earlier. It happened when she decided to shift her worship to the God she had
only heard about. And she knew that changing her allegiance to that God meant a
complete change of her life. It was clear to her that it meant her complete
turnaround. It meant that she would lose everything she was and had. The fact
that she negotiated for her parents and brethren shows that she had even in
that blind allegiance placed all her eggs into that worship as to want to pull
everyone who matters to that worship. This is beside this topic but I think
this shows that an encounter with God, however remote it is must produce a
desire to bring others along. This is what is called evangelism as we see when
someone encountered Christ.
who abuses his/ her body sexually can be forgiven like Rahab was. But that
happens when they decide to leave their past behind and start a relationship to
God who has the highest sexual standards as He is the one who created marriage.
does not come about just because one is forgiven. It requires repentance, a
complete turnabout from what I have been forgiven from. It is folly and
deception to suppose that Christ’s forgiveness does not deal with leaving my
past. In fact forgiveness is unnecessary unless a change is desired and sought.
I can’t be forgiven for a sin I am unwilling to forsake.
We are
here dealing with those who have defiled themselves before getting married.
Forgiveness is possible but not automatic as it will require the conviction of
the sins that caused that defilement. Then a hatred of the sin and hopelessness
and cry for deliverance from not only the consequences but also the lifestyle
that occasioned it. Then like Rahab seek to escape from such a lifestyle.
will, like He did to Rahab, offer us a fresh new start. In abstinence seminars
it is called the secondary virginity as God will offer us a fresh start when we
repent. And this is consistent with the scriptures. This is what 1 John 1: 9
and Psalm 105: 12 says.
But it
is not a fresh start to sin.
But it
is even better if one does not have to require healing and restoration because
they chose to go God’s way.
sober choices when that opportunity for defilement (sex) occurs is for me more
meaningful than dealing with all the wounds it causes when that opportunity is
exploited. You see I will not require the antidote to poison if I have not
taken it. Again we need to remember that sugarcoating the poison has no
capacity for reducing the power it has just like the pleasure derived from the
sexual encounter can never compensate for the pain it causes when it is outside
the boundaries God set for it.
Even the
sex appeal is a very poor guide on the rewards of the union as we see with
Amnon. Though he had been sick and lost considerable weight because of his love
for Tamar, sex replaces that love with even more intense hatred.
Then Amnon hated her exceedingly;
so that the hatred wherewith he hated her was greater than the love wherewith
he had loved her. And Amnon said unto her, Arise, be gone. (2Samuel 13:15)
And I
see this happening all the time even today. Love that is not ready to go to the
altar is not enough to sustain a relationship. It may not even be love in the
first place. Do not be deceived.
I do not
need to also highlight the fact that even homosexuality does not just happen;
nor is it genetic as its slaves will argue. It is the product of
disillusionment and frustration one gets as they pursue sexual gratification
outside the boundaries God has plainly set. The pain and agony the spirit goes
through lead someone to want sex with someone like them as there may appear
like fewer risks since both, apart from being alike, do not expect anything
apart from the sexual gratification.
But it
does the opposite. They know that it is unnatural and totally abnormal however eloquently
they will argue. They also know that it is an act of ultimate defiance to God
who created man and woman. They will resort to a lot of grandstanding to
convince the world that they are not as hopelessly desperate as they feel in
their hearts. It is the devil’s strategy of continuing to keep them in that
prison of sin and rebellion.
What am
I saying? Avoid sex outside marriage like the plague. It is even more
destructive. Wait for God until He gives you your spouse. And do not have sex
with them even a day before your wedding. And by wedding I do not mean a grand
affair where wealth is displayed. Have a small affair where a few friends and a
pastor witness you taking your vows to live according to God’s created order.
It might not even cost you money as the vows are the essentials in that affair.
That is
the easiest way to kill divorce. That is the best way to agree with God when He
says that He hates divorce because we will start seeing it as He does.
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