Wednesday, 27 May 2015

All These Things 2

And when he came unto Lehi, the Philistines shouted against him: and the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon him, and the cords that were upon his arms became as flax that was burnt with fire, and his bands loosed from off his hands. (Judges 15:14)

Because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains, and the chains had been plucked asunder by him, and the fetters broken in pieces: neither could any man tame him. (Mark 5:4)

We continue with the two sources, this time looking beyond wealth though we will still revisit resources.

Have you ever wondered how a drug user is able to afford those expensive drugs before he gets completely addicted? Ever wondered how a drunkard is able to get all that booze before getting totally stoned? Ever wondered how a whoremonger is able to afford all those sex partners with the limited resources at his disposal?

The devil is the driver and financier of addiction. And this because he knows addiction may be the easiest avenue for demon possession to take root. It may be the only method for it to occur without a person’s direct permission. You see, once addiction sets in the devil has unfettered control of the person.

I remember my season in teenage rebellion when I found enjoyment in breaking school rules, mainly going outside the school compound to take breakfast as the school one was made of some smelly yellow maize. Incidentally I never lacked the money yet at that time what would be called pocket money was what I had saved from the bus fare I was given to school at the beginning of the term which could not have lasted a week. To date I do not understand where all that money came from. Yet it is understandable knowing the original source of rebellion. Another interesting thing is that I was never caught. The only time I was caught was when I was denied permission to go to hospital when I was sick. I got so angry that I marched off to hospital. And no teacher could have suspected I had no permission. But I met the teacher who had denied me permission. Interestingly I was saved and actively involved in the Christian Union in the school. But of course I did not spend time in the scriptures.

But today I want us to look beyond resources to strength and power.

Do you realize that the demoniac legion had strength comparable to Samson? Another thing I will ask is how did those chains break without destroying his body?  Why is the same language employed on the two as if what broke those chains and cords was not the human element?

I believe it is the Holy Spirit resident in Samson who was the element of breaking those cords as well as doing those feats he was known for. He was not actually extra strong. What he had was a resident force that went ahead of him to deal with those challenges as per the assignment the Spirit had been given.

It was the same with the demoniac. It was the vast army of demons that was the active element in those feats.

What am I driving at? The devil empowers the people doing his bidding just as God empowers His servants. And I am saying this as an answer to a lot of unexplainable things I have seen in my not very short life.

Have you ever seen a thief being mobbed? How is it that after a beating many think he will not be able to get up on getting a slip is able to dash so fast no one can catch him yet he was on the throes of death? How is he able to recover that fast? And how does he appear immune to pain?

Have you ever wondered how a man is able to sleep with several women daily without tiring yet he is unable to do it once daily his legal wife? How does a prostitute sleep with so many clients yet she has enough STDs to finish an army yet a normal woman with one is unable to do anything, leave alone being sexually active?

The devil has power he releases to those who serve his purposes. As the prince of the world and god of this age he avails his best to those servants who serve him best.

But that is not the purpose of the post. This is just information to help us deal with the enemy on his terms without being confused as he is the master of that.

Counterfeit is the game the devil is master at. And what he seeks most to counterfeit is the power and reality of God. And that is what I want us to look at briefly.

What would have happened had that demoniac started proclaiming the name of Jesus and using that power he had as the demonstration of God’s power? How many would have known that the spirit he was operating under was a contrary one?

And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying: The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation. (Acts 16: 16, 17)

Who would have guessed that this girl was using the truth she was proclaiming to counter the Gospel? Remember Simon of Samaria (Acts 8) and Barjesus?

You see the purpose of counterfeit powers and prophecy is to get people off the path of true relationship with God by showing a counterfeit one. And it takes someone of great spiritual sensitivity to tell them apart.

And it is important that we remember that Jesus warned us about all those counterfeits when He talked about the end times.

For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. (Mark 13:22)

A demonstration of power is not limited to God. The devil does release power too. Sadly that power is released to counter the power of God and especially to be confused with the power of God. Remember Pharaoh’s magicians?

Interestingly when I was in rebellion I was hailed as a very attractive specimen of a believer. Many admired my life as I seemed to enjoy the best from both worlds. I enjoyed the acclaim of the world, the company of the toughies and the fellowship of the believers. I was attractive as I was not as uptight as the other members of the Christian Union. Many thought I was a very good witness. I never smoked or took drugs as the company I kept did. And my grades were good.

But was I God’s witness? Of course I was not. I could not enjoy the goodies from the devil and lead people to Christ. I could not enjoy the acclaim of the world and lead the same world to the Savior. And that is where it most matters.

A lot of music we call worship is inspired from hell. From the scripting to the instruments to the arrangements. Only the lyrics are ‘godly’, and that to confuse us to think that the song is about God.

I must substantiate before I am lynched. What is worship? What is the result of worship? Worship is an encounter with God, not with words about Him. Compare that with coming in the presence of a king as He says in Malachi.

 That encounter can never leave you the same. In fact you can never live the way you did before that encounter. And the King we are talking about is the Holy One who is the Creator and Lord of the universe.

How can we go to a worship event, lift our hands, shed tears and feel all blessed yet go back to our sexual immorality? Can we leave the presence of a Holy God and go back to a life devoid of holiness? Can I leave the presence of a Just God and go back to a life of injustice? Can I leave the presence of a loving God and go back to my selfish and greedy ways? Can I encounter holiness and continue enjoying flippant conversations? Can I encounter God and continue wearing provocative and tempting dresses even in my bedroom?

God’s presence transforms completely. It is therefore clear that a worship that does not produce lasting transformation toward holiness is from the counterfeit spirit, however to the contrary you feel.

Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts. (Isaiah 6:5)

That in a nutshell is what true worship produces. And we see that from David to Job to Peter. Worship that does not produce a change toward holiness is mastered from hell. Worship shows me who I am before God whose presence I stand in worship. Instead of making me feel good, worship makes me have a proper evaluation of my person before God who I am standing (many times prostrating) before.

Could it be that the devil is the driver of all these worship experiences we are planning and attending? You see from a passage in the Bible Lucifer’s makeup was music. Is it not probable that he knows what part of music creates a particular response from the human body? Do you think he will have a problem with ‘holy’ lyrics being applied in that?

A friend told me something that surprised me though it shouldn’t have had. He told me that any place where alcohol is sold is dimly lit and even the light is of a particular tint. They also employ some particular types of music. All this is done to make the atmosphere conducive to drunkenness. I hear that a drunkard who could walk comfortably on leaving that atmosphere will be unable to stand. Interesting enough I have never seen a drunk being carried off the bar for being too drunk to walk. They all fall outside. They realize they are too drunk to carry themselves once they leave that spiritual atmosphere. Incidentally even in the big hotels the bars are placed in dimly lit corners.

Again dancehalls apply a play of lights and music for their success. Why are we applying the same lights for our worship concerts if it is God we are worshipping? I have watched some videos and became convinced that very little God can be found there as there is really no difference between their visual and aural atmosphere and that of a secular disco.

Could we be enjoying the musical goodies from the devil to ‘worship’ God? Can that really be worship? Was my rebellious witness leading anyone to God?

What is the solution?

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Romans 12: 1, 2)

It is possible to know what exactly God expects of you. But it involves the sacrifice of self to the holiness of God.

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