Wednesday, 10 June 2015

How to Foolishly Run God’s Household

(Or Best Storehouse Management Techniques)

1.       Rank givers according to their ability
2.       Appreciate the rich givers publicly using all available forums. This will boost their morale to maintain, even increase giving as well as draw in their friends who will be drawn to church and giving to receive the same acclaim.
3.       If you must, give the small givers a barely noticeable nod for the pittance they give. They already are connected to God and will give anyway, even if they were insulted.
4.       Pray openly that those unable to give receive so they will give as opposed to being able to meet their needs
5.       Track the rich givers and be available to stand with their littlest inconvenience so that it does not affect their giving.
6.       Raid the storehouse to give the rich givers money they do not need for their smallest ‘loss’ or disturbance. Only you know how far that gesture can go to draw in the money
7.       On the other hand make the process so stringent for the poor givers as they may get more than they gave
8.       Track the spending to the last coin. Get the receipts for the sweet (candy) given to a child and a loaf of bread bought for a starving widow. Do not give where there are no receipts. But create room for your loyalists to manufacture their own receipts to fool the system as someone must eat.
9.       Reward the storehouse managers handsomely. They are the ones who know where the money comes from. They are not required to account for anything since they did not get that position by fluke. And the storehouse is in actual fact theirs, only using God’s name for legitimacy.
10.   Fund every whim the managers may have, from a holiday to the Alps to a private jet should they so desire. Buy them the best the world has to offer. Even God knows that they are the best marketers of His kingdom and should be amply rewarded for that good job.
11.   Delink the managers from the needy masses as they may mess his desire for the fine things the storehouse provides for them. It will of course also reduce the time he will need to pamper the rich brats whose only link to God is that offering which may be a divine bribe for all they care.
12.   Preach only what appeases the rich givers. Stop wasting time preaching against sin and unrighteousness as it might scare some givers away. Leave that to those small churches and poverty neighborhoods as they are the ones needing a constant reminder of heaven to keep their hopes alive.
13.   Constantly preach a marketplace gospel as it is the one bringing in the money. Forget everything but Mammon (oops, marketplace) in your preaching.
14.   Forget about what the Bible says about debt and start pampering the heavily indebted in your preaching. You see among the most generous is someone with a lot of unplanned and unearned money and so might be the source of a lot of the money in your storehouse. Pampering them may also help you deal with guilt on your part of the mess as well as getting them into the debt trap since they must always connect to the storehouse for divine favor.
15.    Never question the source of the money being brought to the storehouse; just cleanse it. Encourage thieves, fraudsters, harlots to bring all that loot to the storehouse as money is of one color.
16.   Clamp down on those seeing differently; especially if they are backed by scripture and character and will clearly show you the folly of your ways however well fed you are. Use whatever means to run them out of the church’s positions of influence (and that because you know that trying to excommunicate them could very easily backfire on you as they have heaven’s backing).
17.   Make money the only qualification for leadership; people with money or hungry enough for it to overlook your folly and outright sin tendencies.
18.   Reward sycophancy and blind loyalty as this is the kind of crowd that would not have a problem sinning to fight for you. Bring them into leadership as you are getting rid of the spiritually mature people of character.
19.   Treat the pulpit as your personal property. Even God has to consult you to get somebody else occupy it even for a moment because it might affect the giving.
20.   Forget about sabbatical leave and retirement though you found your church with a policy and have been there for fifty years and never taken any. Like politicians stretch it until you die or have feathered your nest enough (if Mammon ever says so). You never know whether the flock may be able in your long absence to see through your spiritual acrobatics. God may just overstep you and give them someone who really feeds them and you come back and they tell you they want nothing with your childish stunts
21.    Give only where similar returns can be expected. Empower churches that can give something back. Let others give to those places and churches with no capacity to ‘revenge’
22.   Forget, forget, and forget the poor. They have absolutely nothing to add to the storehouse. Even Jesus said the poor we will always have with us. Why should we try to fight Him?
23.   However use the poor to raise funds for project this or that. But drop them as soon as the money starts pouring in
24.   Use the storehouse to open other avenues of getting an extra coin and the pulpit to market those entrepreneurial ventures of the managers. Write books and record songs because the pulpit is the most potent yet free advertisement forum. Use the same forum to market other conmen like you so that he does the same with your efforts at competing with Mammon. Such synergy explodes the earnings. Again do not forget to use everything at your disposal to block sober materials from getting to your people as they might pollute them with the truth
25.   Make the church as secular as possible as nobody ever died from worldliness yet holiness may chase some supporters and we need every single coin
26.   Push for the church to pass secular (worldly) qualifications of relevance and success because then the world will flock to the church with offerings
27.   Make the financial breakthrough the greatest miracle, easily overshadowing healing, rising from the dead, and even salvation. Make that the only testimony worth sharing. You see it is the only miracle with an immediate financial implication to the storehouse and its managers.

These are a few of the teachings of the church growth experts, only cleverly camouflaged to appear scriptural. Others are traditions of churches, especially the ones with a large membership. This can thus be a follow up on my posts concerning the storehouse (Mal. 3: 10), only that I have introduced sad humor to put the point across. Comments are welcome. But please avoid the folly of arguing because your church is doing it but because it is the plain teaching of the Bible.

And if you must hate my importunity, dump it back to the Bible or take that case to God. He will clear the confusion. As is usual with such posts, I have intentionally left out scripture references to open the discussion. Then more Bibles will be opened.

God bless you

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