For I heard the defaming of many, fear on
every side. Report, say they, and we will report it. All my familiars watched
for my halting, saying, Peradventure he will be enticed, and we shall prevail
against him, and we shall take our revenge on him. (Jeremiah 20:10)
As someone who trained in a media
school and worked in a media house, I can conclusively say that propaganda is a
very key element of any warfare. More wars are won through propaganda than
through the actual battle, only that it is in the interests of the ‘winner’ to
downscale the part it played.
Most people who are old enough
can remember the gulf war. I was then in the media and followed the news from
all international media houses and was conversant with what was happening then.
The first thing is that Saddam
tricked the allies as to the locations of his strategic positions. They
therefore ended up bombing enough decoys (imagine bombing carton after carton
thinking they are bunkers and army positions and armories!) until they almost
gave up when the truth came out. Of course technology then was not as advanced
as it is today.
But they came on top when they
played a worse game on him. They exaggerated their preparedness and strategy
for their grand approach to the point that Saddam believed and posted the best
of his army to defend that position when they were planning their attack on a
completely different front. They therefore invaded a front that was undefended
as the focus had been shifted elsewhere through propaganda (mainly media). No
wonder they won the battle so quickly.
What am I saying? The Bible calls
us an army, an army whose captain is the Lord Jesus Christ.
This means that we have an enemy
who stands against everything our captain represents.
Our victory or defeat is thus
subject to our connectedness to our captain because as the King of kings He can
never be defeated. We can’t therefore claim poor leadership on His side as He
already won those battles on the cross for us.
The key plank for our defeat is
listening to the enemy’s propaganda instead of our Lord’s command. This is
because the devil knows us enough to know that our allegiance to the voice of
our King is inversely proportional to the propaganda we hear from his side. We
can shout all we can about our seriousness with our Lord when we spend our
waking hours listening to the enemy.
What do I mean? We spend more
time on propaganda then on the truth. And I know you are wondering what I mean.
Well, how much actual time do you
spend with heaven in your day? Most will spend a few minutes in prayer so that
God can cover our day with the blood (which is the first propaganda item we
have swallowed completely) then we will pick a few favorite verses to lift our
hearts (to make us feel nice is more like it), then we will start our day
convinced that the Lord is on our side. (I have addressed the issue of the
blood in an earlier post ‘Blood Abuse’. You can search the blog for it)
We will then switch on the radio
or TV and swallow enough poison from mammon to completely obliterate even the
little of God we deceived ourselves to have gotten. And I am not only talking
about secular media as I do not see much difference when I go to the
‘Christian’ media because the rules are the same. Many are selling this or the
other and others have gone into real estate. It is only that they play
‘Christian’ songs, some which are blasphemous or a plain display of spiritual
Of course we must follow the news
which is the prime propaganda item from hell. We will pick the radio and TV
news and then spend so much time digesting the newspapers for comprehensive
analyses of the same.
Is it any wonder then that our
prayers are more defensive than offensive? Does it surprise us when our
fellowships dwell on what the devil is doing and how we must and can bind him?
Does it amaze us that we have become the opposite of what Christ meant in
Matthew 16:18?
We listen to propaganda from hell
more than we listen to our captain, if at all we listen to Him. This means that
he is the one placing us wherever he wills to accomplish whatever victory he
desires. He has started even playing his game from our pulpits as I mentioned
in the post ‘Of Gates and Offense’. It is sad that he even teaches us to fight
Do we know the voice of our
Captain? Can we distinguish it from any other voice? Do we hear it when He is
issuing orders or are we more responsive to releases from the other side? Do we
know what heaven is planning or are we clearer about what scheme of the evil
one has been released? Are we doing heaven’s bidding or hitting back at hell’s
Let me mention one thing in
passing. There is this burning issue of the corruption of the Bible. Have you
ever suspected it to be propaganda from hell to stop God’s people from reading
the Bible? Yet page after page is printed and broadcast after broadcast is made
for the single purpose of proving that this or the other passage has been
removed or added to the Bible.
Is God that weak? If for many
people across history it took only one verse, or even a portion of a verse to
turn the direction of their life, why do we suppose that removing or doctoring
this or the other verse would remove the potency of the Bible? If God does use
the Quran which was written to destroy Christianity as it pushes doctrines
totally opposed to the faith we believe to lead a Muslim to faith in Christ,
what makes us think that removing begotten from John 3:16 makes the Bible
something else? If many people came to faith in Christ after picking a shred of
a tract with only one legible verse, what makes us think that removing 10 000
verses from the Bible stops it from being the word of God.
Now do not for one moment suppose
that I support adulterating the word of God. I am more militant than most about
the same. But it is propaganda to suppose that adulterating the word is
equivalent to emasculating the one who released it. I know enough about God and
His word to openly confess that a person who faithfully reads the Jehovah’s
Witness Bible is infinitely better than the one who does not read the Bible for
fear of consuming corruption.
Warning people against whichever
Bible also places us at a very dangerous position. We become the voice of God.
We become gatekeepers to His abode. Is our faith so small that we fear that God
will run away from someone holding a corrupted Bible?
But it is even worse. We actually
make ourselves the Holy Spirit who guides to all truth. And we will not even
feel guilty. Can the Holy Spirit not lead the person seeking God to the truth?
Again it is something I have seen. Someone growing in the knowledge of God is
lead from a version with issues by God as they continue in their search for
truth as opposed to looking for or fleeing from error.
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and
they follow me: (John
Is it in order when our voice
becomes more prominent than the voice of the shepherd?
How do we get to know when God
speaks? How do we distinguish His voice from other voices? What do we use to
verify that it is His voice and not propaganda from wherever?
Do we hear when God speaks? How
convinced are we that He has spoken when an imposter (many times called pastor
of prophet) says so? What test o you have to establish the validity of the
imposter or his message? Does God have to use intermediaries to speak to you?
If that is so can it be accurate for you to be called His sheep?
Why do we become comfortable as
sheep when our shepherd only speaks to us through proxies? How sure are we that
those proxies are not being funded by and for the other side?
I am not trashing God using
people and means to speak to us. Probably even as you read this He is speaking
to you. He many times speaks to me through people. It is interesting that He
has even used mad people to speak to me and this experience is not limited to
me. He does and can use anybody and anything to accomplish His purpose or pass
His message.
But we are deceived if we do not
have a means of establishing the validity of those sources because we can very
easily pick a spurious message or one directed to some other person and think
that it is ours to our detriment. We might receive an order from the throne
that is packaged by that broker and completely miss its direction.
That is why the Bible is replete
with test this, test that, because God knows that we might completely miss His
communication. But the worst part is that we could very easily pick propaganda
from the other side. And we know that the other side is sending information
incessantly to deceive.
Our faith depends on accurate
communication with our source and headquarters. We can’t be praying properly
when we are looking at the enemy when we are praying to God. We can’t be
hearing right when we depend on other earthen vessels to hear.
One thing have I desired of the LORD, that
will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my
life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple. (Psalm 27:4)
We are supposed to revel at the
glory of our King as opposed to groaning as we look at the propaganda we are
receiving from His enemy. We should get kicks out of feeding on that presence
and glory that everything else fades. It is as we are enjoying that fellowship
that we will hear very clearly when He speaks. Compare that with Isaiah 6. Isaiah
saw, was cleansed, and then heard. I d not think there is a short cut to that.
How authentic is your hearing
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