Wednesday, 19 October 2016


I was in Garissa last weekend following an invitation from Super Kids Africa ministry. My brief was to introduce discipleship to Sunday School teachers. This is my second time to minister in Garissa, the first being in 2002 or 3.

Garissa is the gateway to North Eastern province, home to the unreached Somali people who are predominantly Muslim.

I want to give a few observations I have made about Garissa, especially on the state of the church there.

The first is that there are no Somalis in the churches. This means that the churches are composed sorely of expatriates and outsiders, or imports if I may be blunt. Just pray that God will show you the reason there are no Somali Christians in churches in their land. Then pray that God will show you what is needed and how you can pray for His solution. And be prepared to be part of that solution.

The second thing is the lack of discipleship in many churches. And this can be got by testimonies and the way they are given. Also by ministry and the way it is performed, and who performs it. Even by passion and what or who drives it. And of course the services and what is given prominence in them.

If your church is known by one or two pastors even when it has other pastors in its roll or employ, or one of them outshines all the others; when a minister must agree with the superstar or board for their ministry to be accepted, allowed or supported by the church; when the superstar is the final authority in all matters doctrine, discipline or church vision; when disagreeing with him becomes more dangerous than sinning, then that church is in dire need of discipleship, however many ‘discipleship groups or classes you are running.

When deliverance is the only stone that hits at character and sin issues; when someone has to go through deliverance again and again; when church members and believers are ‘manifesting’ demons, there is a very urgent need for discipleship.

I could go on and on. But if the Bible is not central in every aspect of the church, from the pulpit to its polity, there is a great possibility that what you are running is not Christ’s church but your own organization or denomination. And if it is a church, it is impotent in the face of the world and its needs. Simply saying, there is no way you can draw the world to the Savior under such conditions.

Could this be the reason the church has been unable to draw any Somali’s to Christ for all those years?

I believe that lack of discipleship is the reason for impotence in the face of such a hosting community.

What can we do? We start by praying that God connects us to Garissa pastors praying for God to do something in their midst, especially concerning outreach. Then we allow God to prepare us to step in to make a difference once He opens that door. Then we offer our money to avail discipleship materials for that and also to fund persons who will avail themselves to go to Garissa to start that discipleship.

Who will join this team? Who will lead it?

Let us pray.

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