Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Worship and Impact

Christ said that when He is lifted up He will draw all men to Himself.

David played a harp (call it a guitar to contextualize) and healing happened and a demon departed.

On the same vein I want to ask a few questions to those we call worship leaders and worshippers;

Suppose I am invited to a bar to sing. What do I expect to happen if I worship the God David worshipped? Would a bar be interested in me if my worship (not performance) would chase all the demons of drunkenness and alcoholism and prostitution?

What do I expect if my worship (song) is played in a secular radio or TV station? Would there not be a release of the Holy Spirit that would release the listeners from the grasp of the secularism promoted by the station?

Suppose I perform the worship in church would not conviction and brokenness result that will deal the death blow on the worldliness and sin in the church? Would a church not interested in actual revival be interested in having me lead them in worship?

Can anyone love my music if they are not aligned to the object of my worship?

The long and short of this post is that if sinners are enjoying your music or what you call worship, it is because you are worshiping the same god they worship using stolen lyrics. Or what do you think.

Let the verses flow

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