This is the Portuguese edition of
the Bible Study book ‘Fruit that Lasts’.
I am immensely grateful to God
for this breakthrough He has afforded me after so long a time of preparation,
prayer and partnership.
I believe this is the break God
has occasioned for other languages. This is because my primary purpose of
preparing this study was a response to the call for the very many church
leaders from all over Mozambique for discipleship materials. I believe it is in
God’s purpose that it is the first language to have its translation in print.
It is interesting that there have
always been offers to translate the book into several languages since I
released it. Some literally begged me to allow them to translate it, not
knowing that the main reason I prepared it is to have it translated into as
many languages as do not have discipleship materials.
Like I am saying I believe that
the floodgates have been opened to have the book printed in many languages.
This is the reason I am calling this a breakthrough and momentous instant in
The Swahili translation is
already done and what is left is the layout (I confess that I have been lazy
lately but it is not much work) and printing. A pastor friend offered to
translate it into Amharic (Ethiopian national language). There have been a few
offers to translate into French but none has so far come out positive and I am
still waiting. There are also a few Kenyan vernacular languages with offers but
I am also still waiting.
For anyone who feels a
responsibility (call it a burden or call) of translating it into their
language, just ask me for the soft copy and I will send it to you. You can
print wherever you are or we can do it from Nairobi. However, it will require
God providing the resources, unless you can provide. Then I will get the most
affordable printing for whatever money you will be able to raise.
I will repeat that this book is
not copyright protected. Provided you will not change its content or format,
you are free to reprint or translate it in whichever language God asks you to.
I need to also mention that my
books are not for sale for the simple reason that most people who need such
materials may have no finances to buy the books and/or might not appreciate the
value being placed on a material they may not even think they need. Call your
investment in discipleship as sowing the seed of the Gospel. Forget these
fraudsters who preach a false doctrine using the same words. And you will
harvest. I am always harvesting from my books ministry. Let me say that the
greatest harvest is the transformation and growth you will see in a person who
has grown through the material. I would like you to receive some of the
testimonies I receive from people I have never met because of the benefit they
have got from my books, especially this Bible Study book.
Welcome to partner with me.
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