Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Sow and Reap

Owuor, the self-proclaimed mightiest prophet is symptomatic of the crisis we are having in the Christian leadership circles.

Why do I say that?

There is no coherent spiritual analysis of the person, his doctrine and his methods. Whatever we see, if we at all see, is criticism, but shallow enough that it only scratches the surface. And of course we remember most of the said leaders attended his first city meeting without caring to know what he believed.

Many pastors and bishops look at the fraudster with envy, wondering what they could do to attain such a sycophantic following. Many would be willing to sell all to attain such status.

I am not dreaming. What does the name of a church have to do with the pastor or his spouse, for example? Why then must a sign post or literature have their pictures and names?

Why do churches change their constitution to ensure the main character does not retire or even go for sabbatical?

Many senior pastors and bishops are not much different from Owour. He only beat them in the proclamation.

How many are always screaming 'touch not my anointed' when they do not even know its context? How many are always reminding their followers to believe the prophets even when the bulk of what they call prophecy is guess work?

Who between the prophet and the scriptures should be trusted?

You see, God is about to deal false prophets a terminal blow. And it is important for you to be on the right side of that judgment.

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