Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Garbage In, Garbage Out 3

Let us look at another dimension to my last message. And I want to look at believers who are young in age.

What are we doing with those uniquely gifted and talented in our churches? How do we treat a youngster with a silver tongue or excellent instrument mastery?

Do we treat them like the children they are or do we think their gift makes them instant adults?

You see, we are killing children and youth when we start treating them as adults because their gift is exceptional. We choose to forget that they are still children without spiritual muscle to handle that exposure.

Yet we know that even in the secular where there are no holiness standards, exposure to the limelight early is destructive in the later years. Many child stars rarely make it in life as their stardom becomes a block to a balanced life.

It is even more destructive in the spiritual realm.

Why did God order the priests, who were born into the priesthood and lived in priestly cities start ministering at thirty? Though ministry was in their makeup and they were introduced to it since birth, God knew they would not be able to handle the pressures their ministry required.

What makes us think that a teenager is qualified to be made a leader just because they are gifted?

The other day I heard on radio a child (less than ten) being introduced as a bishop and given a lot of time to ‘minister’ on air. Incidentally many people thought that it was a good thing without realizing that it could actually be an abomination as we are killing an innocent child with adult responsibilities he has no capacity of handling.

Though Samuel started hearing God’s voice as a child, we do not see him getting the limelight before he became an adult. I am sure Eli protected him when he realized that probably the reason his children blundered was because they were exposed to the ministry responsibilities too early. Jeremiah was also called as a child yet we do not ‘see’ him before his adulthood.

And do you wonder why Jesus started public ministry at thirty yet He had given a glimpse of what He was at twelve?

Incidentally, I think this is the reason the Bible forbids women from ministry leadership. And stop deceiving yourself that the verse was directed at particular people and culture. Look at these verses.

But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. (1Tmothy 2: 12 – 14)

Do you realize that the verse points at creation before the fall? It means that that was God’s order for His creation.

Exposing women to ministry leadership exposes them to things they were not given capacity to handle.

Let us be careful lest we kill people God entrusts us to nurture.

Yet it is important to point at the source of the whole matter.

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matthew 28: 19, 20)

We are not making disciples. That is the reason we are jumping at pre-cooked ministers, however poorly cooked they are. We are scared of the sacrifice required to walk with the children God gives us to raise that we are jumping at adopting a neighbor’s child without realizing that he will be like ours that we have neglected.

I thank God that He connected me with very old people to walk with me as concerns public ministry. They would come for me when schools close so that we then would be involved with ministry, from open air meetings to camps as one of their own. Then I would be part of their discussions and history.

That is why I understand so much about the East Africa revivals; from ’39 to ’49 to the 60s because I walked with those old men who got saved then. That is why I felt as if I had arrived home when I went to Kampala and heard a church sing ‘Tukutendereza’ perfectly in its native tongue.

Those old men were not scared of walking with me, giving me adequate opportunities to minister as one of them.

Incidentally that is what I feel God has called me to be doing in this my old age as I have explained elsewhere on the blog.

If you are a young man God has called to ministry and you feel the church is killing you with responsibility because of your gift instead of nurturing you, pray that God connects you with someone who feels strongly that it is dangerous for young people to be given adult responsibility before their time. If you do not get someone, please connect with me. I already have a team with the same vision.

Otherwise you are likely to become a statistic of the fallen giants.

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