Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Will We Pray?

I have a burden I want to share with you; a burden God has placed in my heart.

Have you ever wondered whether girls and women with disability have any motherly instinct? Have you ever asked yourself whether they pray for a marriage partner?

Do they also long for the intimate companionship marriage offers? Do they also become lonely?

As someone who believes that God made and makes things perfect, I find it difficult to throw my hands up in despair when I consider a lady with disability and her prospects for marriage. That is unless you remove Exodus 4: 11 from the Bible.

I know that even men struggle but for the most part men somehow manage to get married. There are not as many men facing lifelong singleness as there are women.

The other thing is that many such ladies are exploited, either sexually, or otherwise, especially if they happen to be successful professionals.

Would you be willing to join me in praying for a reversal of this corruption we have made reality?

Can we agree to ask God for men who will walk with Him in this agenda? Can we agree to pray that God raises such men?

Pray for a man who will love this girl like Christ loves the church without looking at the disability as an obstacle.

Pray for a man who will take pride in his wife without being apologetic about the same. A man who will fight for her against bias like some fight when they choose a girl from the ‘wrong’ tribe. A man who will love the person wholeheartedly without feeling like he is pitying her.

Let us pray against their exploitation. Let us ask for a man who will take her to the altar before the bed. Let us pray for the man who will be more interested in investing in her than the world obliges.

And let us pray for spiritual leaders who will fully support such relationships. Let us pray against pastors who will call the man aside to ask whether his head is functioning alright. Let us pray for understanding parents who will stand with their son instead of disowning him for the ‘folly’ of choosing to marry an ‘invalid’.

Let us also pray for the girls.

Let us pray that they develop a relationship with God that will shield them from exploitation and deception by feigned love. Let us pray for them for stamina and confidence that they have been created in God’s image and thus are complete without needing the community’s affirmation.

Let us pray that they become complete in Christ instead of looking for completion in marriage or relationships. Then they can be ready to handle a husband in a complete manner.

Let us pray for the ones who have waited for so long. Let us pray for those who have prayed for so long. Let us pray for those who have despaired; that God will give them His final word on those prayers and longings.

Finally, let us pray for us to change so that we can stand with God in this respect.

I have not said you do not pray for men with disability as I also know they face mountains of challenges. Please pray for them. I have just shared the burden God gave me. You can even edit this burden to focus on them and I won’t be offended as people will still be praying.

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