I have stated elsewhere that leadership is foresight. By
that I mean that leadership must itself be guided by foresight to qualify as
such. And by foresight I mean the ability to plan ahead of eventualities, even
A leadership that is surprised by happenings is therefore
completely deficient and by that disqualifies itself from their mandate.
Let us look at our leadership from the top to get what I
When our president was the finance minister he was once challenged
about some lost (eaten?) money and his response was that it was a typing error.
Another time he was speaking about corruption and he
responded in resignation by asking the press what he should do.
We have a senate that applauds someone by sacking him and at
the same time whitewashing another person whose parliament (or what is it
called?) brings evidence about her corruption. And that before even looking at
the evidence proffered.
But allow me to look at just two recent happenings to get
what I mean.
Remember legislators defending a cabinet secretary from impeachment
even before hearing the charges preferred against him?
But what was sadder was the fact that many of those speaking
so eloquently in his defense had already signed the document (or whatever it is
called) moving the motion. They were therefore asking the speaker to remove
their signatures from what they had signed. Yet none of them mentioned coming
across new information after signing.
Does it mean that they signed before reading the contents of
the motion? Did they read the accusations after signing the documents? Did we
need to know that they had even signed that document? Or is it that somebody
somewhere spoke nicely to them like it happens so that their memories were
reset to see otherwise?
They cannot complain that they are overworked since they
freed themselves from even attending parliament in this crisis and so must have
had more than adequate time for examining documents and issues with a
I write this other one with a heavy heart. And I do so
because of the way I see the same leadership responding to it.
It is the issue of pregnant school girls.
I also have issues with the numbers. I even doubt that most
of those who are pregnant know. Just as I also have issues with the numbers the
government continues giving about the virus. In fact I have issues with their
whole narrative on it. But that is not where I am looking.
I will ask one question. Did the government expect children
to become holy in the lockdowns? Did they expect the youth to become adults
just because of a virus?
If their kind is unable to keep their hands from campus
girls and slay queens, how do they expect hot blooded youth to be constrained
from experimenting? If they cannot keep any distance in their politicking, how
do they expect the youth to distant from their peers?
And they should stop talking about parenting because even
with the best parents young people will experiment.
We were raised when parents were available and strict. Even in
towns most times only one parent worked. In fact where I grew up I was not only
the child of my parents. Any adult could discipline me if I misbehaved even
when they did not know my parents or where I came from.
But even then those teenage pregnancies happened, though not
as rampantly.
Do not defend yourself using what is called the first world
because it is even worse there. It is only that abortion is so widespread to
cover those sins. Or don’t you hear of the millions who are aborted?
The pregnancies were bound to happen, corona or not. But we
have a very blind leadership.
The leadership ought
to have taken the youth and their peculiarities into consideration when
The pregnancies do not surprise us. They sadden us
What saddens us even more is that we have a leadership that
is getting surprised by the same.
They ought to have made adequate plans for this eventuality as
it was bound to happen.
Among the most effective interventions is the spiritual
dimension since that is where someone gets their security.
But they closed the churches and are in no hurry to reopen them;
even saying that churches exist for the offerings pastors can access and
nothing else.
I know that you may counter that I am defending my job. But
I do not pastor in a denomination and so do not fall under your categorization.
The church gives the youth avenues for having healthy relationships. It is what
kept us in check even in our times.
The youth also have so much energy. They therefore must have
adequate avenues for burning it.
And it is the responsibility of the leadership to provide
such avenues.
You do not expect a parent to provide a field for his
children to play. We cannot therefore blame a parent who has to hassle all day
to provide food for his family in these lean times you have imposed and look
for avenues for the same children to burn all that energy.
Do not even mention online and TV learning as it will open
an even stinkier can of worms.
That is why I say that we have a leadership vacuum from the top.
A leadership that reacts is severely wanting.
Let us pray that God will give us a leadership that is
responsive to Him as it oversees the running of this country.
But even better is that He gives us a spiritual leadership
that is so close to Him that the leadership MUST listen to what they are
I believe that it is at the spiritual that things started
going south especially when the same blind leadership started to offer favors
to spiritual leaders thus emasculating them.
God must raise a prophetic voice for this season. Otherwise
we are sunk.
Remember Jesus talking about the blind leading another
blind? I think this is what describes our leadership. And like I have said it
is at the spiritual level that it is so visible. Imagine all these bishops who
are parroting what the government is saying instead of proclaiming edicts from
on high?
God must raise a voice. Only then will the leadership stop
being reactionary as they have divine direction to follow or reject. But it
will be clear.
And like with John the Baptist that voice must be ready to
die as God’s voice is rarely popular to a leadership as greedy and selfish as
Will Christ’s church stand up?
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