Sunday, 17 January 2021

Authority Explained

Further to my recent post (Authority and Impact), I want us to understand the source of our authority.

You see, demons do not just flee just because we command them. They obey us because we have authority to do so. In short it is our authority they respond to.

And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye? (Acts 19:15)

We looked at the centurion explaining his authority and I think it is important to understand how that comes about.

Why do we call the police and army disciplined forces? It is because they are the only team of people who obey without questioning. If they are told to make a line, it would be hard to find any stragglers. If they are told to kill, they kill without ‘thinking’.

I interacted with the police quite a bit when I was working as they were the ones in charge of guarding the stations we worked in. We therefore had great times, from hunting game to watching them dissembling and cleaning rifles I was able to understand the disciplined forces well especially because the bulk of them were young people as I was and enjoyed sharing their stories of everything military from training to operations.

I want to share this to help us understand why they are called disciplined.

The first thing that happens when someone joins the forces is the stripping of their personhood. You are simply expected to stop thinking as an individual (civilian is their word). One reason their training is stringent is for that purpose. One is supposed to start thinking like a soldier, or something like that.

The second is to recognize authority as absolute. You do not think about authority. You do not reason with authority. You do not question authority. Orders are there to be obeyed.

I was told something interesting.

While there you are taught (brainwashed is closer to it) that if your commander orders you to shoot your mother you simply do it. You will understand why later. You do not need to anyway.

Have you ever wondered why no soldier resigns or retreats even when they are dying like flies? The commander has not issued another order.

Running away from war is treated as treason, probably worse as his colleagues are supposed to kill him. You are not supposed to retreat before the order is given, however logical and commonsense doing so is (not seems, by the way).

That is the reason we have of late been hearing bits of a compromised commander literally leading his troops to slaughter and there is nothing they can do about it. But the said commander has to disappear as he must give account of his troops to his superiors.

Recognition of position is very high in military circles.

The spiritual realm operates on military terms, meaning that none of us gets our authority from our person. That is why Christ is the LORD of lords and King of kings. His authority is not subject to question or discussion.

Remember Ephesians 6 about spiritual armor? Our enemy is described in military and kingdom terms.

It means that the dark kingdom operates under the same terms.

What this means is that not all demons have the same power (authority, for our understanding).

Remember Jesus also telling his disciples that a certain demon only responds to fasting and prayer?

A territorial demon can only respond to a territorial commander or higher just like a major cannot be commanded by a sergeant.

BUT, the major will respond to a sergeant if he has been sent by the general. An errand from the general has the general’s authority.

What am I saying?

We have the authority to cast out demons. But it is a delegated authority. It is only when we are following the Lord’s orders that demons will obey our command. That is the only basis of our authority over demons and serpents and poison.

Our obedience is the basis of our authority.

Let me give an example.

Paul is arrested in Jerusalem and the crowd wants to do away with him.

In the process of his case Jesus tells him that he will share the Gospel in Rome.

Many things happen before the journey to Rome begins. But then a terrible storm arises, a storm that distabilised everybody else

But Paul is at peace because his Lord told him that he will bear witness in Rome. The only assurance he seeks is about the rest in the ship since his case was closed when Jesus told him about Rome.

That is why we see him encouraging the others to relax. He knew that the storm was nothing when the Lord has spoken.

That is the same reason an adder could not cause him to panic. Bystanders are the ones who are panicking on his behalf.

He was going where his Lord had said. Everything standing in the way was to be removed.

God stands with what He has said (Jeremiah 1: 12). He backs any orders He issues.

Our obedience is the source of our authority over sicknesses, demons, death and anything else.

But it is not a blank obedience. It is obedience to your specific order.

There is the place for generic obedience. By that I am talking about the plain obedience to God’s word. I do not need a clear order to be faithful to my wife since the Bible already deals with that. I do not need to hear a specific order to return excess change when I am given (and it always happens to me when I am very broke) since the Bible has already dealt with that.

I am talking about the day to day and moment to moment orders.

Sadly, many believers do not believe that God issues such orders as they have been taught that God only speaks to a select few and they must wait for them to give the word.

John 10:27 says that Christ’s sheep hear His voice and obey it.

A sheep must constantly listen to thrive, probably even live.

It is sad that many believers think they are fine without close guidance from the Lord. Then we complain when nothing obeys us!

Our victory is dependent on our obedience. And our obedience is dependent on our clearly hearing our marching orders.

Wouldn’t it be better if we sought clarity from our Lord before venturing out and displaying our authority?

This is because the other side can clearly see the one with authority. They will not therefore obey a lone ranger outside his command.

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