Friday, 3 September 2021

Insecurity Parades

God is interesting.

I wrote two posts that God brought independently. Then He caused me to look at them and they fit like a hand in glove.

Matthew 6 and Wounded Wounders are the posts I am talking about.

Ever noticed that some of the most boisterous and noisy characters have some insecurity they are trying to cover? Ever realized that many drunkards got into the vice to escape something? Ever realized that most of the arrogant and proud characters always have something to prove? You will realize that even some of the most successful people achieved to prove something.

Someone was called a cow, an idiot, or any other insult as a child and all his life will fight very hard to prove to the world that he isn’t one.

Sadly, the person who insulted forgot all about it. But the insulted will never forget. In fact he may think what they were called is what everybody looking at them thinks they are.

Take that to ministry and it explodes. This becomes worse if the person injuring you occupied a position of influence, especially if it was a person you respected very much. Some may have been the reason you joined the faith.

Remember some time ago when another bishop responded to her former husband’s request for reconciliation by saying he should die they will bury him? And of course he died.

Their abuse or sin hits very deep. Getting out of the same may be akin to redefining your faith.

It is also very painful. The first thing you want to do is run as far away from the character and structure as possible.

Then you want to show them how useless they are, especially if their cause of injury was ministry related.

That is where the devil steps in.

He knows a healed wound leaves a scar but a festering wound eats at the rest of the body. Or is that not what gangrene is?

That is why he will want you to continue ministering instead of hiding to receive healing. And nothing does that better than the limelight as he will want you to display your success so that he can postpone your healing forever. Who goes for a retreat when their ministry in trays are overflowing?

And social media has become a very useful tool in that direction as it never leaves you even when you go to asleep.

Yet the wound continues festering, infecting many other parts of life and ministry.

Let me give my own example.

One time I broke my ankle but I thought it was a normal sprain.

I didn’t seek any medical attention however much the pain became (our initiation is another thing for those who know). Until I went to the bathroom and collapsed, three days later.

By then the leg was three times its size. And it was a fracture combined with a dislocation. I had to be taken to the theatre and the plaster had to be changed when the leg shrunk.

That is what trying to overlook an injury does. And for spiritual injuries it is not visible as only someone with discernment or revelation can be able to identify them.

Many times they will produce a lot more effort from the injured and produce more result on the outside. Yet it is only on the outside as the spirit is bleeding.

That is why very many injured start very successful ministries and very few are able to see beyond the bravado to the injury.

Sadly, they are able to get very good supporters, some who are in the employ of the enemy of souls to ensure they do not see the need to seek for healing or even identify their injury.

We will notice the injuries when the injuries they cause to others cannot be hidden, or when the devil decides it is time for payback for all that ‘support’.

He will start piercing that armor the wounded minister insecurity had woven around himself by exposing the injuries he has caused to others.

Like this bishop battling child support. Or the other one whose husband wanted her back.

Slowly the pattern of injuries caused will surface to destroy or emasculate him. He could even renegotiate for a cover up so that he could continue ministering, but under his watchful eye.

I suspect one reason ministers will go to hell as per Matthew 7: 21 – 23 is serving with injuries instead of allowing healing first. And I also believe it is amplified by the publicity of such ministry as it conceals a lot of chaff beneath that veneer of publicity.

I believe that is why Jesus in Matthew 6 instructed us to nurture and amplify the closet.

You see it is impossible to hide anything from yourself when you are alone and quiet in God’s presence. It is impossible to hide injury when you are serving in anonymity.

Publicity is an enemy of healing. And it is especially so because the wound continues to grow and eat into greater portions of the affected body part, all the while appearing to be in the best health. It may later require the amputation of the body part, even cause death.

When you receive a spiritual injury, please run to the closet and allow God to heal you. Ministering with injury is ministering in rebellion, however useful you may be feeling about it.

Only the devil and his agents want you to minister before God heals you.

Stop posting anything on the internet when you are injured or hurting. You are inviting the devil to finish you by making you feel useful instead of sick.

God will heal you when you allow Him. He will judge you when you insist on ministering instead of giving Him time to heal you.


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