Thursday, 12 May 2022

Passion and Politics

You may have realised that I always expect war when I make a political post. But I do not know whether you have ever asked why.

Have you ever heard a political discussion with someone leaning differently? Have you argued with someone supporting somebody or something?

Cultic is the closest we come in describing them.

In all my years, I have never come across a sober person deeply supporting a candidate or cause. Trying to bring sense or open up other perspectives will make you an enemy.

Questioning their narrative or agenda is treated as enmity because there is no middle ground according to them. No other opinion is worth one second of their time.

But it is not only about politics.

Did you notice that posting a question about the recent virus narrative on social media resulted in your question, and sometimes your page, being blocked?

Ever noticed that posting a scriptural verse questioning lifestyle choice will cause you to be blocked as well?

Why were there fact checkers when you question sinful and openly repugnant topics yet there were none on terrorism? Why fact check on the virus and not on the many destructive nutritional and medicinal abuses and gambling?

Why must I be blocked for questioning bestiality or homosexuality yet nobody is being challenged for writing positively on the same?

The world is at war with God.

It means that being on God’s side will open you up as an enemy.

And it is not logical because, as with politics, it simply blocks out a thinking mind.

Facts are looked for and fabricated to explain the agenda someone is supporting.

But for us it is very easy and clear.

We have God’s word in its undiluted format.

That is the only tool we should use to speak to a world in enmity to its maker.

We should not use the tools the world gives because as with David when he was given Saul’s armour, we are inadequate for the same however adequate we may feel.

We are God’s servants and should use God’s tools to run God’s errands and do His work. We should use His word to pursue His agenda.

That is what will make it very clear to us and the world that we really are not of the world.

Using worldly tools and reason to argue God’s things or even offer solutions to the world’s problems is stupid and useless.

It also has zero capacity to lead the world to God.

We should be more passionate about God than the world is about politics and many of its issues. But we should be so in the way God has prescribed in His word.

Martyrdom happens only to those who are sold out to God and His ways.

There was nothing logical about Stephen rejoicing and forgiving as he was being stoned to death. But that is not the passion we see in politics. The grasp of the word he exhibited before that clearly shows where his passion originated from.

That is why we see the mob shutting their ears, shouting at the top of their voices, as they dragged him to be stoned. All because they could not counter his logic which was simply scripture.

I pray we will be like him in our generation; passionate and completely knowledgeable in God’s word as we debate.

No one was ever stoned for being at the top of current affairs or breaking news. They are worldly, therefore temporal things that pose no threat to the ruler of the world since that is his domain.

How ready are you to counter political passion with scripture? How ready are you to counter sin with scripture? How ready are you to question worldly leadership, especially in the church, with scripture?

Are you passionate enough that like Stephen you will die quoting scripture?

Can you afford to lose a job, a promotion, a relationship, because they are standing between you and obeying and speaking God’s word?

Do you realise that this was one of Christ’s contexts here?

Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 10: 32, 33)

You see, the best way to confess Christ is to be speaking not just what He spoke but also as He spoke as well as live as He lived.

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