Monday 30 September 2024

Gehazi’s Harvest 3

Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business. (Acts 6:3)

What do we need to avoid Gehazi’s harvest?

In Gehazi’s situation, it was clear. He craved and went for it

Reading that story, you will realise that this general was carrying immense wealth.

And he departed, and took with him ten talents of silver, and six thousand pieces of gold, and ten changes of raiment. (2Kings 5:5b)

Our friend’s error was not in seeing the treasure that was on offer for their ministry. It was not in thinking how much impact that wealth could have had on their ministry.

It was in wanting to possess some of it.

Allow me to go to Judas.

The value of that alabaster perfume was not the issue. Nor was it that it was poured since that was its purpose.

It was in wanting to have part of it as he had been having with part of the ministry support Christ had been receiving.

And like Gehazi he was unable to resist the bait. He was unable to hide his disappointment with having such wealth slide through his fingers even as Christ watched instead of intervening to allow him to sell it.

That is why he immediately went to the priests to ‘sell’ Jesus.

One thing is instructive here. It is the clear fact that whatever is given to a minister is intrinsically connected to the ministry the minister is involved in.

No minister is given personal gifts, even if it is a ticket to a holiday. Unless it is a bribe.

In the first century, people sold their lands and brought the proceeds at the apostles’ feet yet the apostles were not even close to the needs being administered as they had a very pivotal ministry.

Why did they choose the deacons and why did they transfer the reception of the gifts to them? Why did they transfer only the administration of the gifts to the seven?

It is because the apostles represented the church and her leadership. People, by giving to the apostles were giving to the church and in extension Christ who is the head of the church.

The apostles did not own the gifts that were being brought to their feet.

Look also at the Levites.

Contrary to modern tithe peddlers, the tithe was not the property of the Levites.

They were the managers of the same because they had been called from all other occupations to serve God in that aspect. And I will take us to the verse they have quoted bare.

Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. (Malachi 3:10)

Surely God could not have talked about food in His house if it wholly belonged to the Levites.

It was also meant for the poor, the orphans and widows and even the refugees (aliens).

God therefore directed the giving to the Levites because they were best placed to minister to the needs in the community since He had excluded them from all other community duties.

Reminds me of a blunder I made because I did not have this revelation then.

There was a time I was given two cars and I refused to take them because I did not need them then.

And the givers were very disappointed when I rejected their offer however hard I tried to explain my position because they apparently had received the orders from God.

I now understand their position.

At that time, I already knew that God could use any money and many other resources He sent my way.

But I did not think a car fitted in that equation.

Looking back now, I know I blocked somebody needing a car to receive it. Actually, two people. And I denied the givers the joy of giving.

All because I held the view that those cars being given to me were to be personal property.

What am I saying?

Nothing given to the minister is personal property even when it is written in his name.

The earlier we learn that the earlier we can avoid Gehazi’s and Judas’s error.

The saddest part, however, is that everybody will give us as personal gifts and so we will legally be entitled to owning the gifts.

As I had written earlier, the giver will have designated the gift in the closet knowing that you will also be getting your directions for the administration of that gift in the same closet.

Sadly, very few ministers ever see the need of going to the closet to receive instructions on the administration of what they think is their personal gift.

And that is the reason we have so many ministers reaping Gehazi’s harvest in many ways.

I will not go into the specifics since I want this message to awaken our spirits to seek God’s minute direction in administering whatever He has entrusted to us, however personal we believe it is.

The primary reason being that the persons who gave prayed and were directed to give you that gift. Why then should you not pray to align that gift to the reason God ordered it to be brought your way?

Though this message appears normal, it really is a very heavy message. Because ignoring it directly opens you up for judgment, something I will not want a minister to undergo.

I also know that many ministers are walking in judgment for mishandling God’s gifts, and not because they used it them the pursuit of sin or wickedness.

They closed their eyes to the needs God wanted those gifts to meet.

Others are under judgment because they continue hoarding the gifts instead of releasing them where they are needed.

All this because we are insensitive to the still small voice of guidance on the gifts God has placed in our hands.

I pray that this will create or enhance the sensitivity of our hearts concerning the gifts we receive as ministers and the needs around us because the other extreme is irresponsible dishing out of gifts without seeking God’s guidance, that is also judged. 

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