Allow me to mention the other woman, commonly known as the second wife though that is not an accurate description. She is sometimes called a concubine though I believe that title could be a precursor to what she eventually becomes. She can also be called a harlot though that is also too narrow for our purpose.
You might
understand this better if you read my posts about intimidation
But allow me to
say in short that the other woman is a woman who comes into a man’s life when
the man is vulnerable and manages to breach his moral and spiritual defences to
make that entry.
At other times
she comes when the man is at a spiritual peak and has forgotten to cover his
bases well. Remember Elijah after Carmel? Or Peter after his great confession?
Or David when his conquests gave him the leisure of remaining at home as his
army dealt with the small stuff?
What does 1
Corinthians 10:12 say?
I will start
with Bible examples to get the ball rolling.
Who was Amalek
and what was his relationship to Israel, a brother whichever way you looked at
What about
What was the
genesis of the Middle East crisis?
But that is not
my focus today.
The other woman
becomes legal by compromising the man. She gains prominence by killing a man’s
spiritual sensitivity. She grows by killing a man’s sense of responsibility.
She gains prominence by accessing his weakest point.
The other woman
penetrates the man by making him break his vows in one way or the other. She
worms her way through his heart by consciously but gently and slowly blinding
him from his spiritual vision, eventually obliterating it. Then it becomes
irrelevant whether he remembers it or not.
That is why you
see a man pampering every whim of children that a woman had from other men even
as his legal wife and children are starving. That is why you see a man taking
those bastards to the best schools even as his children drop out of school.
Someone recently
told me that her father never even once visited her in high school (he didn’t
even pay her fees) yet always funded and visited his step daughter whose school
was much farther than his own daughter’s school which was nearby.
I remember a
neighbour I had to threaten to report to the police because his own daughter
not only was the slave in the house, she was also the blunt of all the battery,
even by her own father. Yet that woman had a daughter of the same age who did
nothing and was treated as a princess by that man. And I knew that because
anybody in the compound could hear the bumps and knocks the girl was getting.
And it was a brick house and we were not even adjacent.
How a person can
so quickly forget his own flesh and blood is unbelievable, only that it happens
all so often.
That is why I
want us to examine how it happens.
And I do it
because it is one of the longest scheming tactics the devil has always used
against God’s chosen servants.
Ever wondered
how Solomon could overtake all his elder brothers to inherit David’s throne?
When David fell
for the allure of Bathsheba and even went on to kill her husband, he completely
fell prey to her machinations.
I have said
elsewhere that plain reading of the Bible points (not says) to the very easy
conclusion that the woman schemed to have David fall for her.
explain to me how someone can bathe on a roof when a building with a higher
roof is next to it. And that roof, due to the person inhabiting it, must always
have someone walking on it, even if only for security purposes.
Yet that was the
reality of her temptation.
But she was able
to flip the narrative to make herself the victim. She was raped and her husband
was killed by David before being forced to be his wife. And we know women are
experts in such games.
David was from
that point under her grip as his own way to deal with the guilt that narrative
would create.
Even repentance
could not cleanse that stain out of David’s heart.
That is why he
was unable to deal with Amnon after he raped his sister. That is why he could
not deal with Absalom after he killed Amnon. And that is why he was mourning
for Absalom who died for overthrowing him.
His reasoning
might have gone thus
What I did was
much worse than what he has done. What right have I to implement the law that
couldn’t have been implemented on me?
No wonder he
wished that he had died instead of Absalom.
That infraction
with Bathsheba had opened him to an unending guilt trip. A trip he could not
abandon whatever he tried.
That is what
Bathsheba knew and controlled.
explain to me the logic behind David vowing to her that her son would be king
after David yet he was probably beyond number ten on the queue?
Simply saying,
the other woman wins by getting to identify the weakest spot in our spiritual
makeup and working on it more like someone rubs the lamp to access a genie in
Asian mythology.
She will breach
our spiritual defences and from that point start controlling us from the
This means that
we will then be more or less under her spiritual machination due to that
Another person
who is very prominent in scripture is Jezebel who is even mentioned in
We do not know
how she breached Ahab’s defences but we know how total her control was over
him. But even marrying her was in itself a spiritual breach.
What I want us
to realise today is that the Bible calls her a harlot, at least at the time she
was being killed.
How does a queen
become a harlot, more so in the palace? How come the king could not do anything
about it?
How could she
kill a whole family to get the king a piece of land? Was she more powerful than
the king?
But what I want
us to realise is that she was not exactly powerful. Her power came from the men
she could control, probably using sex as bait.
You may remember
that she even tried to tempt Jehu before she was killed. Or do you not remember
her dressing her best and painting herself lavishly before making her
appearance? And I am sure he knew her wiles well enough.
I will not talk
about Delilah because Samson was already compromised before she captured him
though she was not much different.
Another thing I
will say before forgetting is that the other woman is patient, patient enough
until she gets the weakest point at which she will gain unfettered access and
She will bide
her time because she knows that with that sustained ‘loyalty’ and ‘devotion’
she will finally get to break you. And I am talking about spiritually.
Many cultures
have tales about their champions who were invincible due to a strength or a
secret nobody, friend or foe, knew.
Then they loved
a maiden from the enemy. Of course they didn’t know she was on assignment.
And this girl
was able to worm her way into his life until she became the only person worth
sharing the secret with.
And her
assignment was completed and the enemy accomplished their mission.
It is similar to
what is famously called the trojan horse.
I am talking
about spiritual manhood here and why it is important for a man to shield
himself from the other woman, however appealing or attractive she may be,
whatever she may offer.
We must guard
our relationship with God to avoid those snares, whatever shade they may take.
Though you might
be able to repent or be forgiven for that sin, the breach it occasioned will be
detrimental to the rest of your spiritual life.
And it is worst
for the person with a spiritual assignment because the devil will place all his
snares everywhere as a means of making us spoilt for choice in as far as
temptations are concerned.
A simple dinner
invitation could turn out to be more ensnaring than a visit to a whorehouse.
One time I had
an electronics workshop.
One lady always
came telling me that her TV had a problem and required that I go to her house to
be able to understand it. And I insisted on her bringing it to the workshop.
She came to the
workshop almost daily asking me to go to her house and I always refused.
I came to later
learn from people in that centre that any man who went to her house became her
I can say that
she didn’t tempt me because she was a heathen. But you can see how innocent her
ruse appeared.
How many pastors
have fallen for the snares of rescuing that damsel in distress.
I was reading a
book ‘The Naked Shepherd’ that talks about the pastoral call and what it
I remember a
story he shared about a young pastor being invited by a girl for prayer, only
to find her naked in bed.
Serving God
comes with many risks. And many of those risks are associated with our
It is therefore
important that we keep ourselves safe from the ensnaring and entrapment the
enemy is sure to be aiming at us in the course of our ministry and the maidens
he will be using.
Otherwise, we
may end up being washed out before our assignment is completed. Or at the very
least have our arsenal weakened by that ‘small’ compromise.
Lack of
compromise will allow us to pray without guilt even at our lowest.
And Elijah is an
example. He prayed at his lowest and was able to get fresh bearings concerning
the ministry God had remaining for him as well as clarify his assignment.
My prayer is for
us to not only be wary of those easy and difficult temptations, but to respond
to them as ruthlessly as Jehu did.
A damsel in
distress does not tempt a man of God since she really is not in distress but is
looking to bring me and what God has for me down. She is the daughter of
Jezebel and deserves to be dealt with like Jehu did with her mother.
You do not
battle with the evil one using kid gloves. You respond to him bare fisted
because that is how he fights you.
I know some are
thinking I am being plain cruel. But did these words not come to Peter from
Get behind me
Should I be
softer when I am not as strong or powerful or knowledgeable as my Lord?
Should I be
lenient when Jesus called His opponents children of the devil and brood of
I am not
advocating insults since I was not raised with them.
But firmness
will at times come with a rebuke that appears like an insult and will be
treated as one by the recipients.
And there are
enough times that I have challenged falsehood and sin and accused of insulting.
I hope I have
not lost the drift.
But the servant
of God must be focused enough on their assignment and relationship with their
Lord to clearly see and adequately respond to any attempt to sidetrack or even
slow them down.
Otherwise, we
will be just another specimen of men who were gently lured from their
assignment. We will be trophies our enemy will display demonstrating his
And they cut
off his head, and stripped off his armour, and sent into the land of the
Philistines round about, to publish it in the house of their idols, and among
the people. And they put his armour in the house of Ashtaroth: and they
fastened his body to the wall of Bethshan. (1Samuel
31: 9, 10)
And the same
happened with Samson.
Yet we never saw
the enemy even hinting at something of the sort when they were tempting these
characters. He had pampered their disobedience and rebellion until he had
completely neutered them before displaying them.
I want us to
think beyond that woman. But it is imperative to understand her wiles as we
examine other avenues the enemy will use on us because a woman is probably the
most portent weapon the evil one uses, and most frequently as well, as we see
in the scriptures, from Adam in Genesis to prophetess Jezebel in Revelation.
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