And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Romans 12:2)
I was looking at
music videos in a PSV when it occurred to me that there is no distinction
between a worship video and an obscene one for the most part.
You can shout as
hard as you may, but you will allow me some time to explain why I am saying
What is our
standard? Where do we get our marching orders? Who gauges our success?
What makes a
Christian influencer? What kind of influence does he wield?
What brings
about Christian impact? Where is it most visible?
Who guides our
Why am I asking
all these questions? You may be wondering.
The truth of the
matter is that how each of us answers will determine the level of our
transformation, or lack of it, in our faith.
You might be a
very successful, even impactful pastor (or any other superstar minister), yet
be completely invisible in the spiritual realm.
Likes and
follows are not spiritual standards. And I am not condemning them or even
calling them wicked.
I am simply
saying that they are purely worldly standards.
In Matthew 25,
Jesus gives the reality of the final judgment by separating two teams; one
being condemned and the other being rewarded.
It is
interesting that both teams pose the same question, WHEN?
One group was
wondering when they did all those things they were being commended for. The
other was asking when those opportunities bypassed them.
That is what is
guiding this message.
We are looking
for relevance and success from the wrong place as believers.
This makes us
bend our values in that wrong direction.
We will then
applaud the success coming from those exertions and mourn when we fail to
attain success there.
We will make
enemies of those who refuse to applaud us, simply because they look for success
in God’s direction.
Let me ask a
little question.
What is the
relevance of smoke and disco lights in worship?
In fact, what
does that word disco have to do with anything godly, let alone worship?
What accessory is
a dance crew to worship? What does it add to worship?
Why, in the
first place, do we need to look at people, dancing ones at that, to be able to
worship or even praise?
I did not want
to ask this as I have addressed it in past posts. But I will.
What is Biblical
praise? What is Biblical worship?
Who is the
object of that praise or worship?
What is our part
in that praise or worship?
I will not
answer these questions. And not because I have addressed them comprehensively
in past posts.
I just want you
to go to the scriptures prayerfully and ask that God Himself gives you those
You have been
spoon fed enough. It is time for you to look for food, not just to feed
yourself, but also to feed those under your responsibility.
There will not
be spoon fed spiritual babes in heaven. There will not be milk drinking babes
in heaven.
Would it then
not be more important to grow up in your faith?