we look at the scriptures and human society, we are easily able to see that the
only thing that can never be taken away from man is choice. But it then follows
that we can also never be able to escape the consequences of that choice.
I sent a post disputing with those preachers who think promises are like a
supermarket shelf where I pick whichever promise catching my fancy. Biblical
promises are not that primitive. Though simple, a Biblical promise is simply a
consequence of the choices I make.
key words as far as promises from God are concerned are IF and BECAUSE.
IF gives me the condition wherewith I access the promise, BECAUSE being the consequences
of the choices already made.
makes man sovereign, able to determine the course his life will take.
we also realize that God has not only given us choice, He has laid adequate
information before us. The Ten Commandments simplify those choices. Breaching
them gives us a harvest of wickedness.
me illustrate with this simple example. A lot of money is being spent to find
solutions to HIV and STD prevalence and suffering. We have a crisis of bastards
and single mother families. Abortion is a huge industry. Family breakup is
commonplace. Look at all those which are destroying and breaking apart society.
Yet what is the cause?
shall not commit adultery’ is the seventh commandment. Suppose we took God
seriously and obeyed that single commandment which is very easy to understand. Even
if we stopped funding any research on those diseases and decided that we won’t
invest a single cent on rescuing the situations, do we realize that STD and HIV
can be wiped out in a very short time if we obeyed the commandment? The sick
will die and the healthy will live without fear.
won’t have any illegitimate children. Rape and sexual abuse will be unheard of.
In short society will be completely transformed. In fact even corruption will
be eradicated simply because the driving force, even result of corruption is
the desire to get extra resources for those illegitimate sexual escapades and
to deal with their consequences.
most hospitals in Kenya, HIV and STD patients are more than half (some as much
as 80%) of the total patient population. Obeying that simple commandment in
effect means that we will almost instantly experience a burst in the health of
our population.
it will have to start with making the right choice, agreeing with what God has
us look at a few Biblical examples;
thought the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil was more appealing than
even the fruit of life that was freely available. But then they immediately
started dealing with death.
spirit world started meddling with human beings sexually. It of course brought
a lot of development, but also brought the flood.
chose the very fertile valley neighboring Sodom and as a result couldn’t escape
the depravity of the place as well as the ensuing destruction.
thought food more enticing than his birthright, and eventually even lost the
thought sleeping with his father’s youngest wife was maybe too tempting to
avoid and lost much more than the birthright.
Saul thought is army was more important than God’s command and lost even the
dealt with his boredom and stress using his neighbor’s wife and introduced
bloody conflict in his whole lineage.
course we know the devil chose to get a promotion in heaven using his devices
and was cast out.
Abraham chose to leave all his security to follow God to a place he was not
given even a map or directions and now most faiths call him the father of the
chose to side with his people against the comforts of a palace that he rightly
belonged to and became the epitome of godly leadership.
key difference between man and animal is choice. Animals follow instinct. Man
chooses the cause he wants to take. And that is why when I was a herdsboy I was
the one who faced the consequences when any animal I was herding strayed into
someone’s farm! Animals have no capacity to choose, however highly trained they
are. They have no moral compass to guide them. And no wonder we don’t have any
abominations and unnatural acts where animals are concerned. Or have you ever
imagined, no less heard of a homosexual animal?
is sin simply because there exists choice, same with righteousness and
holiness. No one, not even the devil, can cause me to sin. The only thing he
can do is to entice me to sin, meaning I take full responsibility for the sin I
commit. Not even God can make me live righteously. He only gives me the
information I need to make the choice, then empowers me to live once I make it.
I call heaven and earth to record
this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and
cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live (Deuteronomy 30:19)
consequences I do not mean being found out or discovered sinning. A thief does
not become one when he is caught red-handed. He is a thief because he took what
was not his without the willing allowance of the owner. It is not important
that the owner even knows he has been defrauded. There are people who are so
shrewd that they are being rewarded for stealing, simply because those they
have stolen from are not even aware that they have lost anything. Some use what
they have stolen to bribe the initial owners with it. And they are being
‘blessed’ for being so generous. And I am not only talking about politicians
course we know or have heard of bosses who gave a man (or even a woman
nowadays) a big promotional transfer so that he can be left sleeping with his
wife. Whether the man knows or not does not seem relevant. Some will employ
their friend’s spouse not because they are such good friends but because they
are simply interested with adultery.
the other day the ‘ruling class’ incited us against each other. Though we were
also foolish enough to comply, they are guilty of murder. Though we are making
much noise about the ICC, that court does not seem to care for or deal with the
reasons we killed, raped and pillaged our friends and neighbors of generations.
I not only doubt their impact on our nation, I even feel it is offering no
solutions to our nation. The displaced are still displaced. The bitterness has
not melted. The inciters are once again bonding, I don’t know whether to start
the whole process all over again.
But if ye will not do so, behold,
ye have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin will find you out (Numbers 32:23)
where you will. Let nobody see you commit sin. Hide in hell if you will. But
there is a day of reckoning. They may fete you for sinning so mysterically or
dramatically. Your day is coming. And it is not the police or mob that will get
you. It is your sin.
that is why I was talking about the seventh commandment and the whole issue
with all the money being spent trying to cover up our dabbling with that sin.
And we can be sure the same goes for any other sin.
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