Of what benefit would a birthright be to a corpse? In any
case it was so far off that in his mind it probably never seemed to be real.
You see it was probably 100 years away, and it even required the death of his
father. It was for him worthless considering his prevailing circumstances. In
fact long before the birthright could be accessed he had amassed immense wealth
(Genesis 33: 9).
But what was the birthright worth? It was the thing that
connected to the Abrahamic covenant and blessing (Genesis 18: 18) whose
culmination was in Christ and His bringing salvation to us. That is what Esau
lost out on. He was disqualified from being in the lineage of Christ.
The birthright concerns your future; God’s assignment,
purpose, call for you. It is in the tools He has given you to accomplish that
assignment. Trading that with a job, even a better one, better business
connections, better partnerships etc. is playing in Esau’s league
What has God told you? What are the challenges? Is plan B
a considered option?
Would you rather more money, comfort, even wealth to the
hardships of obedience?
Then remember Esau
Your birthright concerns the tool God has placed in your
hands to bless the nations. To Isaac it was raising The SEED, Jesus Christ.
Mine is a pen, albeit a modern one. That is my tool for this season God has
placed me in. It is extreme selfishness to exchange it for a reward, however
high it might appear to be. You cannot pay for it. No wonder Esau was called
What is yours? Are you trading it or is the world being
blessed by it? If yours is singing like Asaph and you choose pastoring because
of the authority in the ministry… If you are called to pastor and you choose to
become a ministry executive because of the ‘returns’ … If you are called to
intercession and you choose to sing because of the visibility … If yours is being a model mother and you
choose professionalism because of the affirmation and appreciation … Is yours
hospitality and you chose to make money out of it?
What we need to always remember is that we will give an
account to the one who has entrusted that birthright to us.
Esau is not alone, nor was he alone even in the past.
Many people in the Bible lost out on their birthright. I want us to look at
birthright in the strict sense of what was reserved for the firstborn son as
the scriptures teach as we look at those who lost it. We want to look at how
they lost it. Why birthright? The one with the birthright was the one entrusted
with the leadership of the family after the demise of the father. That was the
reason the position was not a negotiated one. But like we see it could be lost
or forfeited.
Cain lost it when he abused it. He sought to protect his
position by killing the threat.
Ishmael lost it when he belittled the blessing
Like we have seen Esau lost it when he traded it
Reuben lost it when he wanted to usurp the one who would
pass it on
Eliab lost it when he despised and misunderstood the gift
in his brother instead of developing it
Adonijah lost it when he turned to a scheme
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