For the commandment is a lamp;
and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life: To keep
thee from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman.
Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take thee with her
eyelids. For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread:
and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life. (Proverbs 6: 23 - 26)
Look not thou upon the wine when
it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. (Proverbs 23:31)
idea is it that women dress immodestly? Whose is it that products that lead to
hell are sold in very desirable packages? Why is it that dens of death are so
flashy? Whose idea is it that paths to death contain so much gaiety? Why is it
that the road to destruction is so wide?
The light of the body is the eye:
if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if
thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the
light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! (Matthew 6: 22, 23)
It is
said that a picture is worth a thousand words and that seeing is believing. The
eye is such a vital organ of the body that it defines the world to most of us.
The eye has such a great command that to most people things that cannot be
verified by sight simply do not exist. It takes revelation to move beyond eye
sight to some inner vision that originates from a higher plane.
It is
therefore plain that the devil makes use of this vital organ to lead us to the
way of death.
does that have to do with dressing? Dressing is our PR to the world. What we
appear is what the world interprets to be us.
Let us
also remember that sight was a key ingredient of the first temptation
And when the woman saw
that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes,
and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and
did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. (Genesis 3:6)
are thinking that poor dressing simply leads to sexual sin. They forget that
the devil has a future to plan, a future in which he seeks to have as many as
possible join him in hell. A future that he wants as many as possible not on
his team derail their pursuit for the heavenly call. A future in which those
preaching about heaven start doubting of its existence. A future that has even
those who know they are going to heaven live lives as if it is so far away as
to be irrelevant to their living on this earth.
For by means of a whorish woman a
man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the
precious life. (Proverbs
Eve ate
the fruit and messed up everybody else’s life. It was her single action that
brought death, suffering and all the evil we see today. And that is what the
devil is doing using flimsy and almost naked dressing of the women in our
generation and especially making it appear normal that it is being accepted for
official wear, even to the extent of being worn to church. Unless you want to
tell me you have never seen a woman with her breasts almost falling off in church
or a woman whose panties can be seen yet she is seated at the front pew. (I remember once we had a very tough time editing
a church service because of such an eventuality as we had to literally cut her
off the video which was difficult because it interfered with the sound (sermon)
flow. And she was middle aged. The cameraman noticed it at the editing point).
Why is
it that alcoholic poisons are packaged in very desirable bottles, bottles that
are so attractive that some display them to improve beauty of their sitting
rooms? Why is it that tobacco products are in packets that look as if they can
neutralize the poisons they contain? Why is it that gambling dens are
surrounded by so many flashing lights that seem to draw one inside these dens
of destruction? Why is it that haunts of immorality don’t repel someone who
detests the vice?
Since we
know that a journey, however long starts with the first step, I want to state
that all this is the initial point of a long journey of disobedience. That peep
into the forbidden being carelessly flashed before your eyes has the capacity
of getting you into the long journey of sin. David saw and his life was never
the same again. The eye is the contact point for covetousness and many other
convinced that all drug addicts start the habit just for fun. That puff or
sniff opens you into drug dependency and related vices. That first swig of
liquor starts you into alcoholism before you realize what is happening. Is it
not interesting that even the most expensive drugs are normally offered free to
initiates? And why is that? Nobody would be willing to acquire such an
expensive addiction or any addiction at all. It is after you are addicted that
the cost is passed to you because then the drug defines you more or less. You
can kill to get high. I have seen the same even with tobacco products and
alcohol. The pusher knows that once you are hooked you will be a customer for
life. Investing a portion of the drug is therefore a worthy investment in that
direction. For me that is the real explanation of planting a seed.
dressing is therefore the devil’s way of planting a seed of wickedness in the
hearts of men. He wants people to look at abnormality normally. He seeks to
make lust appear normal. Then he will take us the way of addiction as far as
God’s values are concerned.
looked at how a neat estate becomes a shanty? It starts very gently, almost
imperceptively. It may start with a person throwing a used packet of something
along the road. Then another and another until a corner becomes the dumpsite.
Eventually trash becomes normal until it is all over. Then questionable
characters start loitering along those dirty streets because they more or less
don’t look much different from them. Then street lights stop being replaced and
disappear one by one and darkness becomes a terror. People who had lived there
for generations find it impossible to stay and move out one by one, being
replaced with people who don’t mind the new estate as they found it that way.
Eventually what shocks people is not crime but the gruesomeness in it.
In the
book ‘America’s Last Call’ by David Wilkerson, he reports how pastors in the early
20th century started preaching against short dresses saying that
they will lead to lust and immorality. Interesting to note is that the dresses
had gone higher than the ankles then. Incidentally that is what happened.
Look at
America a short century later and you will see what I am saying. The dresses
went on going up and up until there is no more up they can go. Even women
preachers and singers now think a dress that covers the knees may be
unchristian. On the flip side look at the morals and you will see an even worse
scenario. Divorce, a key indicator of immorality, is so rampant that a stable
marriage is more of a shock than divorce. Pastors and other ministers are
treating divorce as normal by divorcing and remarrying at will.
But it
has gone farther than that. Homosexuality has been accepted in church that we
have even bishops who are openly homosexual being given churches to shepherd.
Recently, the highest court legalized gay marriage and the president came to
Africa to advocate the same. That is the end game for the devil. This is
because he knows that homosexuality is an abomination to God and its presence
MUST attract God’s wrath.
You can
be sure that it is a matter of time before America is destroyed, not just
judged. This is because God does not call homosexuality an abomination for fun.
Before the American society and especially the courts defined marriage to
include same sex unions, it was called an unnatural act, the way it is called
in more progressive states. I say progressive because homosexuality sinks a
person below the level of an animal, however progressive they may think they
are. And that is the reason any civilization that sunk that low had to be wiped
from the surface of the earth. Animals become more moral than people God created
in His image.
In my
book ‘The Road to Sodom’ I have given the progression using comfort as the
catalyst. Comfort pursued for its own end leads to destruction as that is what
happened to the city of Sodom, from where we get the word Sodomy.
Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom,
pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her
daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. (Ezekiel 16:49)
body that is not very active and a spirit that is not engaged to God form a
very destructive team. You see it is in the spirit that morals are defined.
And when Jehu was come to
Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; and she painted her face, and tired her head, and
looked out at a window. (2Kings 9:30)
Jezebel knew that looks have the capacity to
distract any purpose. We know she was the adulterous and idolatrous wife of King
Ahab. She was a witch who knew about the operations of the demonic side and
thus knew the efficacy of looks. She knew
that any man can be diverted from noble purposes by seeing a woman who has just
the right packaging. And we can be sure she was sure of succeeding as she knew
Jehu as well as Jehu knew her. I think her message to him was simply to let him
know that she was all his especially now that he was the undisputed ruler.
I am sure that were it not for the fact that Jehu
was in a fury, and of course God’s whole purpose, he could not have been able
to get through her as I think that is the reason Ahab’s dynasty was able to
stay long as she may have played the same game.
When a woman offers herself to a man like she did,
the man becomes mixed up. It takes a resolve that comes from beyond the present
to overcome the temptation. It takes a vision that has great focus on the
future and especially from God to see the futility of that enticement.
I think that may also be the reason he ordered her
death as her wiles were irresistible and he suspected that he may not have the
strength to resist her for long. I am sure that she was irresistible attractive
and had the power to get men to do anything she wanted. She could, by offering ‘all’
of herself to you turn you to jelly that could be melted at will to meet her
purposes. And I think that is why the princes were kept away from the palace so
that she could get time to melt any resistance to her dynasty. What did she do
to men to kill the innocent Naboth? No wonder Elijah ran for his life! Nobody could
resist this hot mama.
Reading the history of Israel I am convinced that
many tried to overthrow her dynasty. But none was able to get past her. There are
very few places we see God judging a woman but we see God doing it to Jezebel
in the severest form.
I believe she really knew how to use a look to
achieve what she wanted. We see the same with her daughter who killed all the
potential threats when her son died. How was she able to kill all the princes
of Judah? I am sure she did not do it personally. She simply knew what men
wanted and offered it in exchange for the death of the potential kings. Even ruling
a kingdom for six years was no simple task as we know she was the only woman to
reign in Judah through all her history. Yet she was able to do so. Her wiles
were strong enough to keep men subservient to her.
What I want us to realize is
that the devil never does something for the present consumption only. Though he intends it to look like that, he has
a wider view of things and plans accordingly.
Let me break down what I think
the devil’s plan is for careless dressing.
The first thing is lust
which more or less leads to sex, sex that is not appropriate. Such sex is of course
painful in all ways as fulfilling the craving for the physical act of sex
leaves other aspects of the same hanging. Many times (and the devil will want
that) someone feeling dissatisfied will think it was the partner’s problem
thereby seeking multiple partners to take them to the summit of the sexual
experience, a summit that can never be reached as it is only in a marriage that
sex finds its fulfillment. Overexposure to such sex, apart from the health
risks associated with it has severe consequences for the sinner as it ends up
corroding the other departments of their personhood, leading them lower and
lower from humanity. They will then start behaving like animals.
Eventually they find it
even more frustrating having so much sex. They will then think of having kicks
out of having inappropriate sex. And that is where homosexuality and bestiality
come in. By then they have sunk far below the animals and of course attracted
God’s wrath. And that is the end result of bad dressing.
Another road that poor
dressing leads to is the marriage route. Many people after having sex will
gauge the suitability of their spouse by the experience, a purely physiological
assessment. They will then make a decision that is of course not wise as the
criteria they used was faulty. By using sex as the gauge of marriage, they will
discover that only a very small amount of time is used in that activity. This brings
frustration very early in the marriage as they will realize that they did not
make any reasonable decision to get married. They deceived themselves into get
married so as to get unlimited sex. Such a marriage cannot be sustained,
however hard they worked.
Due to that, they will
look for excuses to get out of the prison they put themselves in. they could
decide to divorce if they got married properly or as is most common decide to
dissolve their ‘trial’ marriage. Since they still may attach a lot of
importance to sex and its compatibility, they may seek to get another spouse
who is more compatible but using the same yardstick. Marriage ends up being a
circus and a lot of pain and frustration being experienced. As usual the
marriages will have children who will compound the problems a milliard times
because the couple will transfer their frustrations to them.
One big problem with man
is that he will always have excuses for what they do. Only a fool admits
wrongdoing when they can cook up an excuse. You see that with Adam and Eve at
the first fall. What happens is that we will look for justification for our
sins and rebellion that we know is against nature. We even create laws that
make our diversions acceptable.
And that is what we are
able to see in nations that have sunk lowest morally. They have made divorce so
easy because they do not want to take God’s prescription for their mess. They have
even legalized homosexuality so that God has a free hand to judge them. I will
not talk about abortion (which is murder), crime, drugs and many other vises
associated with sexual sin. The point I wanted to pass across is that the devil
looks farther than us when he brings temptation our way. Agreeing with him
leads you the way of certain death, and that in many ways.
Only the grace of God is
able to get us out of the mess we are creating for ourselves. Only the grace of
God makes us acknowledge that we are sinners in need of saving. Only the grace
of God allows us accept God’s say on our lives. Only God’s grace has a capacity
to get us out of the prison we have bravely locked ourselves in. only the grace
of God offers any hope for those who have walked in the devil’s lie. Only the
grace of God can give you a new lease of life. Only the grace of God will free
you from the guilt that you are trying to cover up by creating a very brave
face to conceal your torturous life.
Will you accept it?
Just cry to God to give
you eyes to see sin the way He sees it. Then acknowledge your sins and tell Him
to forgive your sins and transgressions against Him. Then ask Him to start
leading your life in ways that please Him. Appropriate Christ’s death on the
cross for the forgiveness of your sins and cleansing from all the dirt you have
been accumulating as you have been walking contrary to His revelation.
It would then be
imperative if you looked for the Bible and started reading it to know what it
is He wants of you.
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