Long, long, long ago a severe famine appeared in a wide
large land that was used to enough food for as long as anyone could remember.
All of a sudden they realized that they were used to plenty
and had never taken enough care to save for a rainy day, in this situation more
like a dry day. They ate all they had in the small granaries they had. Yet the
drought continued.
They ate the animals they had. In fact they realized that it
was the best thing to do before all of them died of hunger or became too skinny
to eat. But the drought continued.
Then they started looking for wild animals and in a short
while they either cleared their forest or the animals fled to more livable
Then they swept their bushes and thickets for small game;
rabbits and even squirrels. But in a short while those also ran out. Yet the
famine continued.
They then sank to levels they had never imagined. They
started looking for rodents and even reptiles as there was simply no other food
available. But the famine continued.
Eventually people started losing their strength as there was
so little to eat. The strong ones were the ones who scoured their area and went
far to look for food, with the strongest being able to look for food even to
the neighboring nations; journeys that took weeks to complete yet did not
accomplish much as there was a drought there too. The advantage with the other
nation was that they had stored some extra food to help a needy neighbor from
far. You see capitalism was not yet a way of life.
Eventually the strong realized that something had to be
done. There was simply not enough food to go around however hard they rationed.
Unless something was done, they knew that it was a matter of time before the
whole community perished.
The leaders therefore held a crisis meeting to look for a
They had to reduce the mouths to feed to leave a chance for
a few people to survive the famine. Those still with some remaining strength
but not enough to travel to look for food were encouraged to move to the
neighboring lands and stay there until it rains in their land. They were given
some little provision for a few days on the road and were advised to be on the
lookout for anything to supplement.
They were left with a dilemma. What were they to do with the
old and withered people? They could not look for food for themselves, leave
alone for anybody else. Many were sickly and needed even more food and care
than the healthy. And there was no chance they could offer anything in exchange
for all the food they ate. At least the children were not so dependent as they
ate some detestable things from the ground but their parents pretended not to
see as it helped maintain their health without drawing on the scarce food
rations they had.
They decided to clear these dependent people by killing
them. It was a unanimous decision that each one was to kill his parents. And
that is what they did.
One man however did not agree with them though he saw no
reason to do so in the meeting when he saw the drift of the meeting. He
therefore carefully concealed that fact from the rest.
That meant that he had to look for more food secretly so
that nobody suspected that he had defied the decision of the breadwinners
(scrap gatherers is a more appropriate term). Even when they had a communal
meal he had to hide some food, yet so secretly to take to his father.
But finally it rained and everybody was so excited. They
could start farming, which they did.
Unfortunately they did not have any seed to plant as they
had eaten all of it in the famine. Going to the neighboring lands would take
more time than the rainy season could have allowed. They were at a loss as to
what they needed to do. They promised a reward to anyone who could provide a
The man who defied them went to his father and explained
their dilemma. His father advised him to tell them to dig around their homes
and they would have food. Though they thought it was more of a joke they did it
as they had nothing else constructive to do.
In a short while food was growing in those compounds. How?
The compound is normally too hard for seed to penetrate yet it is where food is
prepared, meaning that seed will always be found there.
The community was excited that now they have food and made
this man their leader. But they wanted to know where he got that secret from.
But he said that it was his secret. They plodded him day after day until they
promised that they would not touch the source of that secret. Then he told them
that it was his father who had given him that secret. He confessed to having
defied their collective agreement to kill their parents and asked for their
They would have none of it. He was their hero. His
disobedience had saved them from certain death. They regretfully confessed that
they were the foolish ones to have killed their parents supposing that had all
of them been alive even better solutions could have been available.
We have become a generation of perennial youngsters. It
appears like being old is a liability. People in their seventies are bleaching
their hair to look young and virile. It sometimes appears to some shameful to
be so old.
Strangers have
devoured his strength, and he knoweth it not: yea, gray hairs are here and
there upon him, yet he knoweth not. (Hosea 7:9)
The other day I was talking with some friends about a
function when he suggested that I would need to bleach my grey hair to fit in.
I was shocked to say the least. I respect my grey head. I am not ashamed of my
age. I might not be as strong as when I was twenty but I am strong enough for my
age. Of course I refused. I hope I was diplomatic as I did so since I felt as
if I had been insulted.
The problem with our generation is that we have taken this
fear and spite of age even to church. But even worse is we have adjusted the
scriptures to agree with us. We have transferred responsibilities that were
meant for the old and grey headed to the youth, like the people in my story
thinking that the old have nothing much to add to our progress.
Who was a deacon in the scriptures? What are his qualifications?
I will highlight a few to demonstrate to us that he simply
could not have been young, probably not middle aged and certainly could not
have been a woman, however affirmative you may want me to appear. I do not
argue with the Bible. I do not try to justify my interpretations. I just seek
to understand so that I may live by what it teaches.
One that ruleth well
his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; (For if a
man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of
God?) (1Timothy 3:4, 5)
My understanding of this is that this elder is old and with
mature children who have been raised in the fear of God. The children become
his testimony in church and outside.
Is it possible to bring up children this way before you get
married? Is it possible to do so before getting them? Is it possible to do so
when your children are small?
Not a novice, lest
being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. Moreover he must have a good report of them
which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.
(1Timothy 3:6, 7)
He must be someone with a proven track record of his faith.
He has been in the faith for long enough to silence even his enemies as to the
genuineness of that faith. He has been in the faith for so long that his
critics, even his enemies can write a positive testimony about him. He has also
walked with God for so long that it can be safely assumed that titles have no capacity
of swaying his commitment to Christ. He has walked so close to Christ and for
so long that positions and titles have little chance of arousing pride in him.
That is hard for a young man to fit that description.
Even the qualification about wine more accurately describes
an old man because the stresses of middle age sometimes lead some to
drunkenness. It is therefore assumed that this deacon must have successfully
passed middle age.
Does it mean that young people can’t be committed? It is
precisely because they can be so committed that we need an old man to lead them
instead of making them leaders. In my not so many years I have seen men who are
at one moment so committed to Christ transferring that commitment to something
or someone else for this or that reason. I have seen people with an encounter
with God that is enviable yet for marriage behaves as if nothing had ever
happened. I have been through testimonies so dramatic that one is convinced
that the one involved will become Christ’s servant for life yet you see the
same being used to look for money instead of giving glory to God.
Yet it is not restricted to our time. Judas was with Christ
for all the time yet for some money sold Him. Peter was in the inner circle yet
he betrayed Him. One thing we see in the Gospels repeated again and again is
that they believed as if that is when it started. Yet even after resurrection
we see them doubting that they had to touch His hands and side to believe. And
they had been part of all the miracles He did and sermons He gave.
Faith is not a straight line. There are enough crises along
the way, crises that have the capacity of getting me away from the faith
altogether. I have seen enough people in my life to emphatically say that we
can’t use someone’s commitment in his youth to predict his later commitment.
A case in point is a man I knew and respected since my
childhood. We used to go for fellowships in his house and I really knew him as
a man on fire for God. This man had a family I envied. I recently heard that
this same man got a good job, a job that offered opportunities for everything
he wanted and he lost his faith. He is now a drunkard and has been unable to
reconnect to his earlier faith however hard he tried. He is in his sixties. He
was a leader not only in the church he attended; he was a leader in the
fellowship that involved many churches. He was not poor as he had land and
farms so we cannot say it was depravity that took him that direction.
An old man that has been consistent in his faith is more
powerful than the most eloquent preacher. Even the devil knows him as he has
been on his case for a long time. He must have tried all the devises in his
armory to bring him down without success. His spiritual stature is much higher
than the spiritual giants in the frontline of spiritual warfare and ministry.
The thing he has been able to succeed in is getting them away from spiritual
leadership through the same leadership that is insecure especially in this
elder’s presence. He has over the years demonstrated that his loyalty to Christ
is not subject to his loyalty to a pastor, bishop or any other leader.
Another fact I need to add is that he has been consistent in
his faith since his youth. We are not talking about a man who had his fill of
the world before coming to Christ or like this friend I have mentioned if he
gets restored. And this does not reduce the effectiveness of such a person.
Remember Christ saying that the last shall be first? It just makes sense that a
person who has been faithful to God all his life is a more powerful testimony
than one who came in later. I remember many young people responding to a call
to salvation by saying that they want to ‘eat life’ first so that they will
have no regrets when they forsook all as they had become fed up with it anyway.
Many will put up such an argument when such an elder is given the
responsibility of eldership. He came to the faith because he was fed up with
the world anyway. No one can venture such an argument when the elder got saved
in his youth and remained faithful throughout his life till old age. His life
is more powerful than any apologetics of the faith.
Resources are another reason the elder needs to be such.
This believer has lived his faith on the marketplace without compromise for all
his life. His commitment to the course of Christ is unquestionable. You need to
go to his competitors in business or whatever else he does to verify his
integrity. Talk to his customers about his honesty. Talk to his neighbors about
his hospitality. Someone who has walked with integrity and faithfulness to
Christ would find it impossible to divert a few millions to his use or for a
purpose that is not aligned to the cause of Christ. Such a man would not bend
to meet the whims of a pastor who decides that the church exists to keep him in
comfort even when some of those funding it are impoverished. He will not
swallow his voice even in the face of majority opinion as he has been in
constant fellowship with the opinion that matters.
And I think this is the reason pastors nowadays have lowered
the benchmark for the choice of deacons. Such a caliber of deacons will insist
that the pastor is hearing from Christ, and their long experience with Him can
accurately tell when the pastor has lost it and will not be afraid to tell him
so. Then the pastor will become as impressive as this.
For the time will come
when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they
heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away
their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. (2Timothy 4:3,
I suspect that is the reason we have thrown the scriptures a
side so that we can run the church the way we want without the censure of those
who have the spiritual backbone to confront our hypocrisy and sin.
I read this next story somewhere and I will tell it as I can
There was this huge meeting. The hall, though huge was
filled. The crowd saw a performer and asked him to recite the 23rd
Psalm. He did it with flawless grace and accuracy and the crowd clapped and
screamed and stood with excitement. They had not seen such in a long time.
Then they noticed an old pastor among them and prodded him
to do the same. Of course we know that the motives were not noble. They were requesting
him to outdo the performer. He declined. But they pushed and shoved him until
he went to the stage.
He then started. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
By the time he finished every eye was wet and some were
weeping openly. Some had even knelt down in worship.
What was the difference? The first one gave an oration about
a shepherd. The other spoke about his Shepherd. The words were the same. The
source was different. One spoke from memory while the other spoke from
experience. One had read about the shepherd, the other was led by the shepherd.
I write unto you,
little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake. I
write unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning.
I write unto you, young men, because ye have overcome the wicked one. I write
unto you, little children, because ye have known the Father. I have written
unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I have
written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth
in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one. (1John 2: 12 – 14)
Who is the best person to lead worship? Is it the person
with the best voice or the one with an experience with the object of our
In the verses above we are able to see some order. Elders
know the Father. It is this experience that they transfer to the young men to
overcome the wicked one and the children to give an assurance of their
salvation. One who is from the beginning denotes an experience with the same.
It is such an experience that guides the young in their relationship to the
I have been young, and
now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging
bread. (Psalm 37:25)
Only an old man can say that with conviction. The young can
use the statement like many in our generation to demand this or that from God.
An old man will say that from his experience. He will not need flowery
packaging to do so as his life demonstrates it.
My understanding of worship is a person’s response when they
encounter God. It has little to do with falling down or lifting hands if the
reality of God is absent. It is not even related from the feeling of God’s
presence as that can be so subjective. Worship is a person’s response to their
encounter with God. The presence or absence of music is to me irrelevant if the
encounter is not real.
Only an elder who has walked and lived in God’s presence is
capable of leading a congregation in worship. Only the person with an adequate
experience with God’s presence can show people how to get into that presence as
he can easily sense a counterfeit presence.
It is a shame that we look for musicians and
instrumentalists when we need worship leaders, many who are too young in the
faith, some even wrestling with sin and sinful tendencies.
I believe a worship leader is not a musician because worship
is rarely musical. Otherwise get me the verses that restrict worship to singing
and heaven to an endless musical concert. What I see for the most part is that
the worship consists not only of prostration before God’s presence but a proclamation
of His attributes. Worship is the response of a creature to the revelation of
his creator.
We have simply transferred the worship in the world and baptized
it with Christian words. A disco or bash or whatever it is called is a worship
event worshiping the prince of the world. And no wonder that so much of his
agenda is carried out there and thereafter. And it is so effective because
music is employed. Simply saying they do not have many other options.
Why should we borrow that worship and bring it to church? Why
don’t we research on what the Bible means when it talks about worship? Singing can
be an aid. But it becomes dangerous when made THE TOOL.
And that is where the older worship leader comes in. Since
he might not be swayed by the evolving and fashionable trends in music, he will
be able to soberly assess whatever whoever is leading the singing is offering. Since
he may be unable to dance as vigorously, if at all, he may be able to see
worldly trends and leanings in the energy the young ones are displaying. His sobriety
will help the young people control their hormones and explosive energy levels. And
I believe the lack of this is the reason singers (called worship leaders) may
be the most sexually immoral of any ministry in the church.
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