Imagine this scenario I was shown as I was praying.
I was led to a beach then to a location nobody dares cross
or even approach due to the gangs there. Murder was commonplace; robbery was
the safest you could expect after getting close to that place or the people
whose den it was.
It was a gang even the police dared not confront for their
brutality and deviant schemes. They had to literally plead with the gang if
there was something they needed to do in those haunts.
Well, God led me there almost against my will because there
was no knowing what to expect (I suspect that is what Jonah went through). I
can accurately say that He dragged me there.
But He not only dragged me to the location which was scary
enough; He took me right at the centre of their convention of sorts, a place
that probably had more than one such gang.
Then I started to preach. What I remember was their ire when
they saw me in the middle of their meeting. They immediately started effecting plans
to eliminate me.
One right behind me came at me with a dagger but God spoke
to him through my mouth about what he was coming to do and he was shocked
because I was not even looking his direction. Another one started drawing his
pistol and God also spoke about that as he was planning it.
Anyway, as that went on I was sharing the Gospel and dealing
with all such interruptions until finally they were arrested by the Gospel.
All of them, and we are talking about over fifty, accepted
Christ’s offer of salvation.
Of course that port city was transformed immediately.
And that is where my problems started. Where do I direct
them to worship? Which church will accept them? Which church will integrate
them into their membership? Which church will disciple them?
Think with me along these lines.
Can God save the down and outs? Does He save them?
Do we have the spiritual infrastructure to receive them into
our congregations? Do we have the spiritual capacity to disciple those we dread?
Do we believe that Christ can change them? Do we behave like
people who believe that?
It is said that talk is cheap. Platitudes come in their
bucketfuls. We can confess all we can about the power Christ has to change
anybody but many times that does not get beyond our confession. We will agree
that they can be saved, but only when there is sufficient distance between us
and them. We can even support someone ministering to them but will never even
want to see what our giving is doing.
But our duplicity is exposed when such people have means. We
have no problems accepting a former thief if he still has the money. We have no
problem with jailbirds if they continue with their expensive lifestyle. We may
even ordain them to pastor a congregation. We don’t have issues accepting
politicians whose delving into the occult is known by all and sundry. We do not
have issues receiving tithes from the corrupt to build our churches or maintain
our comfort.
But I am sure we know that white collar thieving is still
stealing. We know that the elitist conman is still a thief. And the corrupt may
be even worse than serial murderers because they may destroy whole communities
as opposed to individuals. And the person who solicits sex to give a job or
promotion might be more destructive than a crude rapist as he may destroy
marriages and families, especially because the damage is not visible yet it grows
and spreads like gangrene in the spiritual structure.
But let us get back to my topic. Who will disciple those
rejects when they get saved? Must we give them ten years to prove that they
have changed? Did Christ do that to those who came to Him?
A case in point is a friend who became fed up with hypocrisy
and duplicity in the church he served very passionately and converted to Islam.
We prayed (at least I know I prayed) for him to come back to the fold and he
came. He even had sessions with some leaders about his decision.
Well, he attended a huge church function and my heart bled when
I heard what happened. He was arrested and detained in a police car for the
whole duration of the service. He was simply treated as a terror suspect.
Was the church really interested in this young man? Did they
pray for him when he was lost? Were their prayers answered?
I am fed up when I see a red alert when a Somali looking
stranger attends church in Nairobi. Everybody from the ushers to the pastoral
team is made aware that a suspicious character is in the church. If there is
CCTV, it is all focused on him.
Assuming he had come to church to become a Christian, is
there any possibility of getting through all that hostility to get to Christ?
Would we even want to pray for him if he asks for prayer to receive Christ? Is
Christ also scared of the suicide jacket?
I am tired of seeing former prisoners being treated as
second or even third class members of Christ’s body. An adulterer in the
singing group is treated better. A pastor who sleeps with his flock does not
raise any eyebrows. A leader who fleeces his members is celebrated instead of
Are there some sins Christ’s blood not cleanse? Does He also
cleanse the sins of the prisoners? Does He change them as He changes us?
One aspect of the end times that we are in is the
ingathering of God’s people from all over, so called the end time harvest.
I believe we will soon be hearing of suicide bombers getting
saved in church compounds and will have to be helped out of the suicide vests.
I actually believe there are enough of them who have become Christians but do
not know where to go because the church has rejected them and do not care to
know whether they have responded to Christ or not. Will we receive them? Very
soon Al Shabaab members will start coming to Christ in droves. Will we receive
them or would we rather that they died without Christ a safe distance from us.
And history bears me out. How many persecutors became Christians
by seeing the fortitude and grace of the people they were killing? What happened
to Paul?
I want a church that
will receive a former prostitute dying of AIDS and disciple her back to health
so that she can reach out to her former customers and colleagues. I want a church
that will receive a condemned murderer and adopt him in prison, even growing
him into Christ likeness and receive him as a son if he is released, without
discrimination. I want a church that truly believes that Christ came to the
world to save sinners, and no distinctions are made about them.
I want a church that will receive former Muslims and
disciple them without looking at them as security threats. I want a church that
will wholly embrace former terrorists and disciple them into effective
If God shows me such a church, and this is my prayer, I will
transfer my membership there IMMEDIATELY. If there is no such, my prayer is
that God will raise a team that will be ready to venture in this direction. I
am ready to join that team, also immediately.
I am tired of playing church without allowing Christ to
bring in His harvest. I am tired of seeing decisions for Christ being treated
as statistics. I am tired of the classification of sin and sinners.
I do not want my generation bypassed by the move of God;
because that is judgment. I do not want to be part of a generation that blocks the
end time harvest of souls. I do not want my children to wonder why Christ
tarries because we have refused to allow Him to bring in His sheaves through
our prejudice.
I am ready for a church that has enough Barnabases to
introduce former ISIS and Boko Haram killers into discipleship and ministry like
he did with Paul.
God is like that. He called a terrorist (Simon the Zealot)
to be a disciple. Among the first evangelists was the Samaritan woman who was a
husband stealer, probably a prostitute. Zacchaeus was a corrupt tax collector
as was Matthew who was a disciple. Jephthah was a terrorist and gang leader. And
of course Rahab was a harlot.
If the security and respectability of your church and
structure is more important than the harvest of souls, then count me out. I am
probably already out and only praying for direction as to where Christ would
have me be.
The here and now focus is robbing me of real spiritual
nurture and vitality I get when I am participating in what God is doing in
restoring a lost word to Himself. The blessing in the flesh does not satisfy my
spiritual hunger.
As I close, I want you to go back to where I started. Where
do all these saved criminals or terrorists go to church? Where would you direct
them if they asked you? That is where I am.
God bless you
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