Wednesday, 27 July 2016


I have had a few dreams recently concerning the village I come from.

In all of them I have seen devastation, devastation not of war but of neglect. In the dreams buildings have fallen apart because there is nobody taking care of them (and of course living in them).

As a minister something becomes very clear. God is speaking about our spiritual neglect of our village. The village like the West exported her best spiritual sons and was left spiritually deficient - no wonder theWest is now being called post Christian. That is what I suspect God is saying about our village.

On the material plane the village has progressed, even prospered. Buildings are better and many have electricity as opposed to a few years ago when none had. They are big and well built houses too. They are nothing comparable to our childhood when you could count on the fingers of one hand those that had iron sheet roofing and there was only one brick house in a the whole location.

Even church buildings are magnificent for the most part as they are walking in tandem with the material properity of the children of the village.

What then is my problem? I know someone is asking.

The first issue is that this is really not from me. I feel God is calling us to do something about our beloved village even as we continue flying higher with our own things, even if some are kingdom things. I feel God is challenging us to consider the spiritual status of our village. I feel God wants to place His burden concerning our village on our shoulders too.

Where is our spiritual posterity? How many children do we have in Mboroga? I for one have spiritual children in most parts of the world, people I have impacted with and for the Gospel as I have pursued God’s call in my life. I have discipled, and still disciple people from all over. I have ministered in Kenya and beyond and am recognized in many parts of Kenya and beyond more than I am at my home village.

Through books my ministry (according to human standards) has reached very wide. My blog has taken the message God gives me to all parts of the world. Many of the people I have discipled have gone to and some minister to many parts of the world.

BUT I DO NOT REALLY HAVE A MAJOR DIRECT IMPACT IN MBOROGA.  That is what I feel God is saying to the sons and daughters of Mboroga. And I know I am speaking for many, especially those who are in ministry.

Yet there are others who are as guilty as I am because their participation in churches where they live dwarfs anything they are doing or have done in Mboroga.

And do not talk about building the churches and equipping the choirs or even sponsoring any other church related project. God is talking about a spiritual investment. And building the church is a physical investment. Buying instruments and sound systems is a capital and not spiritual investment.

What can I pray for concerning my village? What challenge can I place on my friends and partners about Mboroga? What kind of spiritual investment can we make to restore or improve and increase the spiritual vitality of our village?

I think we should focus our prayers on spiritual formation as the main thing. Only spiritual formation can counter the rapid spread of the world and its things.

As an example, urbanization is now on the fringes of our village as it is adjacent to an headquarter of sorts. Flats are being put up and shops are coming up all over. Prosperity is being experienced due to the opportunities available due to the strategic position it occupies. And of course due to the media it is safe to say that the world, even the rotten is at anyone’s living room.

The real estate craze has stirred the once quiet village. The scent of big money has started being felt just next door and it is just a matter of days before it becomes a big concern in our village if not already.

I believe only spiritual formation has any capacity to counter these and other challenges our village experiences.

Can you join me in praying for the establishment of a Bible School in Mboroga or at the very least a discipleship centre?

Is there a person, institution or ministry interested in pursuing this vision, relieving this burden from my shoulders? Is there a person out there who connects to this burden?

Let us then connect with the sons and daughters of this village to look for the solution to this burden. Let us establish some sort of network to look for the solution to this dilemma.

But I also feel that this burden is not constrained to Mboroga. It is possible that this is a wake up of sorts to many who like me have spiritually neglected their village or estate for those born in town. The fact that a prophet only lacks recognition at their home is no excuse for the neglect. Jesus never neglected Nazareth even though they tried to kill Him after His first sermon there. That is the reason He was called Jesus of Nazareth. Paul never neglected the Jews even though they severally sought to kill him. We see him even wishing that he would be accursed for their salvation.

Are we like that? Do we operate in that same spirit? Would we be interested in walking in that spirit?

Let us start praying and talking.

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