Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Christian Ministers and Politics

I long ago posted about Christian leaders and politics.

Today I want us to look at what it takes for a Christian to take God’s agenda into those positions. And I will specifically look at a Christian minister. We are therefore looking at God’s ambassador in parliament or other public office.

The first thing we need to note is that such an ambassador is first accountable to his sending authority. This means that the minister first and foremost responds primarily to God’s leading and direction.

Can I be answerable to an electorate and still owe supreme submission to God if I sought votes from them? Can I stop towing a party line if the party pushes for a policy that goes counter to God’s orders if the party sponsored me to that position?

Let me tell you what should happen to convince me that God sent His minister (or prophet) to those positions.

Joseph was in a dungeon minding God’s business. Egypt lifted him to the highest position on those terms. His submission to Pharaoh was therefore subject to his submission to God.

It is the same with Daniel and his three friends. One clear thing you will find with them is that everybody professed that the spirit of the holy gods was in them. That was clear that they played by different rules from those of the states they were serving. And the God they worshipped bailed them any time the orders they received went contrary to their faith however constitutional those orders were.

We also see the same with Mordecai and Esther. They were simply minding their business (faith) until God brought them to the limelight, ON HIS TERMS.

What would it take for a minister of the Gospel to convince me that God has called them into politics?

Very clear evidence that God is the only one that could put him in that position.

Let me give a hypothetical incident. I will assume that God has ordered a minister to join politics and so is the One behind this whole thing.

He must not join a political party as he will then be bound to their games. We have seen firebrands being quenched by that single thing when they join politics. He therefore will have to be independent.

The second thing I will expect is that they will contest far from where they are known, most preferably somewhere it is logically impossible for them to get a single vote. For the Kenya scenario I would think of someone from Nithi going to contest in Luo Nyanza or a Pokot contesting in Turkana. That way it must take the clear hand of God for you to get into parliament or any other position.

You will not be a registered voter where you are contesting, or even tell any of your friends where or even whether you are contesting to avoid influencing even one vote from fleshy effort. You will simply present your papers as a contestant and leave for good and wait for God to do His work. And it will not be difficult as He is the one who requires you there anyway. He will therefore influence the elections in favor of His ambassador since he must be in that position.

Forget about campaigning. God is able to make people vote for you if He needs you there.

I am not talking about politicians. There is need for Christian politicians who will practice their politics with the Christian ethic. But don’t ever tell me that God called you to join politics when you leave your ministerial position to indulge in a purely fleshy endeavor.

(Reminder: The Thanksgiving Service is still on on 11th Dec. at Soul Saving Gospel Church, Kerwa. I hope to have the map ready sometime next week. You are all welcome.

I am thinking of taking a break from posting until I either get a computer or my other one is fixed as I feel I am not offering quality in my posts since I do not get enough time to develop the messages God gives me.

Please pray that God sorts this quickest)

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