Wednesday, 23 November 2016


Last week I said that when I look back at the 13 years since I obeyed God to stay and minister in Nairobi city contrary to sense I am unable at all to see me in the equation. Only God is visible to me as He has done a good job of taking care of me.

On provision I have experienced miracles galore. One time we had been without food for three days. My first born was sick and his brother was suckling. God brought someone from 400 kms away who came as if under military orders from their urgency to want to meet me. Food and rent were then taken care of though they had no idea what I was going through.

God has used extremely stingy people to provide for us for a season. I have met people who were crying to meet me since none of us had the contact of the other. Then we bump on each other and my needs are sorted. There are innumerable other examples I can give of His provision outside of the logic and reason box.

On guidance I can confirm that He has held my hands even when it also did not make sense. I have posted elsewhere the first challenge since I agreed to stay in the city. I was called to pastor a church where they were offering a house. To date I do not know how I was able to hear God, yet I heard. God has not only watched over me, He has made sure that I am able to walk in a way consistent with His calling.

The ministry itself has flourished. At times when I am very low God points me to a person or two that He has transformed through my availability. Sometimes He causes someone to just call to thank me for what my ministry has done for them.

But there have been some hiccups. Many times when I am in pain of any type I have problems finding someone who understands. I have shared issues which are taken as illustrations or parables instead of real issues needing solutions or someone’s assistance or counsel. There are people who think that I cannot have problems, can never be discouraged, etc. There are people who do not believe I can be broke and get angry when they discover that I am unable to help them since they are unable to imagine Gituma without resources to sort them out.

My very radical posts are a product of that season where God’s orders are followed. The reality is that obedience is not obedience if it meets our convenience (if it is not radical). I have learnt this more clearly through these 13 years.

I have gone for missions with only a bus ticket and a phone number of someone I do not know in a different country because I have gotten God’s clearance. I remember one time I went to Uganda when I was very sick. I had not eaten for four days and could not even swallow water.

I went in that condition and God healed me before I started ministering. And it was so complete that it was as if I had never been sick as I had enough energy for a very rigorous mission.

That is the reason I am holding a Thanksgiving service.

I want to see Christ lifted up for who He is and what He has done for me.

I want to see people who have given up on their call for the hardships and risks involved to not only reconsider but also pick up their broken pieces and start their journey of obedience afresh. I want people who gave upon missions for the comfort of the congregational or denominational employ dusting themselves up and running to the mission they had abandoned.

But above all I want people to KNOW that God is still faithful and has never changed. What we read of Him in the scriptures is as valid today as it was when it was penned.

Once again I want to invite you for the Thanksgiving Service on 11th December 2016 at Soul Saving Gospel Church, Kerwa from 2 to 5pm.

Kerwa is between Muguga and Rironi on Naivasha road. I will try to give more precise directions as we go along.

Please contact me if you have a testimony you will want to share to also lift Christ up. Or maybe a song or any other presentation that you feel may make our thanksgiving richer.

It is important that you thank God with me for all that He has done for and through me.

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