Last weekend we were ministering
in Kilifi County with a team of six from Nairobi. We had gone to encourage a
pastor and church that has gone through quite a bit.
Incidentally, we realized that
that is the area with a shrine where most politicians go for rituals before
contesting elections. And we were told of name after another of those who have
gone through those rituals over the years.
What is done before they get into
the inner portions of the forest?
They will first remove their shoes.
That was where we got to. That is where anybody can reach.
They then move to another place
where they remove everything else, even inner garments. Then they are given
something else (I suspect treated) to wear so that they can get to the
‘treatment’ area.
It is interesting (not that I am
surprised) that I took a few photos at that ‘gate’ and they disappeared from my
phone. Yet there were many others I took before and after that that are still
Now, if you do not believe and
walk by the Bible, please do not read beyond here. If you are a Christian by
name, stop just here.
What do these people do? What is
a ‘kaya’ in the Bible? And what does it have to do with politics?
In the Bible it is called a grove
or high place. It is a place where the devil has been given authority to
function, just like a mosque or temple.
Anybody who visits there must
then operate by what the ruler of that grove demands.
And nobody gets in there unless
they are seekers or priests. Only a sacrificial animal can get into that forest,
though it looks a simple bush. They do not have physical watchmen but nobody
can approach that gate without the knowledge of the priesthood.
Why would a politician go all the
way to that place to strip naked in a forest if they are interested in having
God give them leadership positions? Why should someone go to the devil to
obtain God’s favor?
Yet these are the politicians we
are vehemently defending with arguments that do not make any sense to us if we
really decide to think!
How do I go to church, hear God’s
word, and then leave church and start arguing using logic a politician picked
from the devil? Why do we find it so difficult to leave political arguments,
especially about things we know nothing about, to the politicians? Why do we
stop sharing scriptural admonitions once political campaigns kick off?
How can we make enemies with
friends, even members we fellowship with, just because we support different
politicians who go to the same places for ‘treatment’? Is your marriage worth
the strain just because you support different candidates? Yet we know of
marriages that broke because a politician demonized the tribe one of them came
There are politicians who are
proud to display their connection to those groves, shrines, high places because
they want to portray themselves as inclusive. Does including demons make me
inclusive? Interesting enough these are the ones able to get the most idiotic
support, even from the most educated of us. Is that not the devil drawing
people to them?
I refuse to fight for a
politician. I refuse to argue in defense of a politician. I refuse to be drawn
to the idiocy I see on social media as far as politics are concerned.
The Bible expects me to submit to
the leadership God gives, not the one a politician wins. I therefore do not
submit to a politician, unless I am ready to walk naked with him in those
I will pray for the leaders God
has placed over me. But I will only bow to God. Remember even Nebuchadnezzar
was placed by God for His purpose? But that did not make him any bigger.
Child of God, refuse to be drawn
to those groves as you support politicians who go there. You see, when you
hate, even feel negative to a brother or sister because they support a
different politician, you are following the one you support to those groves
unknowingly, though I have now told you.
Listen to God. Read His word.
If your tribesman will get your
support irrespective of his morals, you are NOT a follower of Christ. If you
look at corruption using the lens of the person you support even as you excuse
his corruption, explaining it away as weakness, then you are serving a master
other than Christ. If you hate on someone’s argument because they are opposed
to your candidate, you are following your person to those groves in spirit (remember
what Christ said about adultery?)
Many believers sold themselves
away to those groves. Their posts during the campaign period gave them away.
Their arguments on social media clearly display the master they are serving.
How does someone prosecute a case
from hearsay, and even that hearsay has very scanty information, many times
just rumors? How does a whole pastor pray a biased prayer? How does a prophet
give prophecy favoring his tribe?
Unless of course Christian is a
name they just love being called. They are not Christians in the least. Christ
said something like that.
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife,
and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot
be my disciple. (Luke 14:26)
Christ defines who my brother is.
For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my
sister, and mother. (Mark 3:35)
Jonathan exemplifies this. Though
as the crown prince he was next in line for the throne, he realized that David
was the anointed king. Though Saul was actually fighting David for Jonathan’s
sake, he chose to stand with David, even handing over his armor, so that he
could then become his subject. He knew that his kingdom was subject to God’s Kingdom
and was willing to submit. That was the reason his father at one time sought to
kill him.
Why are we still fighting after
the elections? Do we really know God’s will? Do we submit to it even if our
brother has refused to? Or are we still willing to accompany them to those
If we must fight for the
politicians, let us fight to ensure that they are doing what they are supposed
to do. Let us fight so that they will bring our country to a better place. Let us
fight to ensure that they are uniting us irrespective of our differences.
Otherwise we are fighting for
people who not only go to those shrines together but who even do business
together. Their families are related in all things, from marriage to company
partnerships. They only fight verbal wars, and then only for us to believe they
are enemies. Then they meet later to laugh at those ‘jokes’ and the jokers who
believed them.
You can never believe in a
politician if you believe in Christ and His word, they are diametrically
opposed to each other.
Of course I know that as was the
case in Sardis, there are a few who have not soiled their spirits. But these
will never call on anyone, nor lead us to rebel or fight for them.
I remember posting some of the
things I was praying for prior to the elections. And I am very grateful to God
that He answered the bulk of them. Let me continue praying that His people, the
church, will divorce themselves from the deception that is politics,
nonsensical politics. That His people will listen to Him before they make
political decisions and give political arguments.