Wednesday, 30 August 2017


Last weekend we were ministering in Kilifi County with a team of six from Nairobi. We had gone to encourage a pastor and church that has gone through quite a bit.

Incidentally, we realized that that is the area with a shrine where most politicians go for rituals before contesting elections. And we were told of name after another of those who have gone through those rituals over the years.

What is done before they get into the inner portions of the forest?

They will first remove their shoes. That was where we got to. That is where anybody can reach.

They then move to another place where they remove everything else, even inner garments. Then they are given something else (I suspect treated) to wear so that they can get to the ‘treatment’ area.

It is interesting (not that I am surprised) that I took a few photos at that ‘gate’ and they disappeared from my phone. Yet there were many others I took before and after that that are still there.

Now, if you do not believe and walk by the Bible, please do not read beyond here. If you are a Christian by name, stop just here.

What do these people do? What is a ‘kaya’ in the Bible? And what does it have to do with politics?

In the Bible it is called a grove or high place. It is a place where the devil has been given authority to function, just like a mosque or temple.

Anybody who visits there must then operate by what the ruler of that grove demands.

And nobody gets in there unless they are seekers or priests. Only a sacrificial animal can get into that forest, though it looks a simple bush. They do not have physical watchmen but nobody can approach that gate without the knowledge of the priesthood.

Why would a politician go all the way to that place to strip naked in a forest if they are interested in having God give them leadership positions? Why should someone go to the devil to obtain God’s favor?

Yet these are the politicians we are vehemently defending with arguments that do not make any sense to us if we really decide to think!

How do I go to church, hear God’s word, and then leave church and start arguing using logic a politician picked from the devil? Why do we find it so difficult to leave political arguments, especially about things we know nothing about, to the politicians? Why do we stop sharing scriptural admonitions once political campaigns kick off?

How can we make enemies with friends, even members we fellowship with, just because we support different politicians who go to the same places for ‘treatment’? Is your marriage worth the strain just because you support different candidates? Yet we know of marriages that broke because a politician demonized the tribe one of them came from.

There are politicians who are proud to display their connection to those groves, shrines, high places because they want to portray themselves as inclusive. Does including demons make me inclusive? Interesting enough these are the ones able to get the most idiotic support, even from the most educated of us. Is that not the devil drawing people to them?

I refuse to fight for a politician. I refuse to argue in defense of a politician. I refuse to be drawn to the idiocy I see on social media as far as politics are concerned.

The Bible expects me to submit to the leadership God gives, not the one a politician wins. I therefore do not submit to a politician, unless I am ready to walk naked with him in those places.

I will pray for the leaders God has placed over me. But I will only bow to God. Remember even Nebuchadnezzar was placed by God for His purpose? But that did not make him any bigger.

Child of God, refuse to be drawn to those groves as you support politicians who go there. You see, when you hate, even feel negative to a brother or sister because they support a different politician, you are following the one you support to those groves unknowingly, though I have now told you.

Listen to God. Read His word.

If your tribesman will get your support irrespective of his morals, you are NOT a follower of Christ. If you look at corruption using the lens of the person you support even as you excuse his corruption, explaining it away as weakness, then you are serving a master other than Christ. If you hate on someone’s argument because they are opposed to your candidate, you are following your person to those groves in spirit (remember what Christ said about adultery?)

Many believers sold themselves away to those groves. Their posts during the campaign period gave them away. Their arguments on social media clearly display the master they are serving.

How does someone prosecute a case from hearsay, and even that hearsay has very scanty information, many times just rumors? How does a whole pastor pray a biased prayer? How does a prophet give prophecy favoring his tribe?

Unless of course Christian is a name they just love being called. They are not Christians in the least. Christ said something like that.

If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. (Luke 14:26)

Christ defines who my brother is.

For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother. (Mark 3:35)

Jonathan exemplifies this. Though as the crown prince he was next in line for the throne, he realized that David was the anointed king. Though Saul was actually fighting David for Jonathan’s sake, he chose to stand with David, even handing over his armor, so that he could then become his subject. He knew that his kingdom was subject to God’s Kingdom and was willing to submit. That was the reason his father at one time sought to kill him.

Why are we still fighting after the elections? Do we really know God’s will? Do we submit to it even if our brother has refused to? Or are we still willing to accompany them to those shrines?

If we must fight for the politicians, let us fight to ensure that they are doing what they are supposed to do. Let us fight so that they will bring our country to a better place. Let us fight to ensure that they are uniting us irrespective of our differences.

Otherwise we are fighting for people who not only go to those shrines together but who even do business together. Their families are related in all things, from marriage to company partnerships. They only fight verbal wars, and then only for us to believe they are enemies. Then they meet later to laugh at those ‘jokes’ and the jokers who believed them.

You can never believe in a politician if you believe in Christ and His word, they are diametrically opposed to each other.

Of course I know that as was the case in Sardis, there are a few who have not soiled their spirits. But these will never call on anyone, nor lead us to rebel or fight for them.

I remember posting some of the things I was praying for prior to the elections. And I am very grateful to God that He answered the bulk of them. Let me continue praying that His people, the church, will divorce themselves from the deception that is politics, nonsensical politics. That His people will listen to Him before they make political decisions and give political arguments.

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Mega Church and the Boy Child

And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live. (Exodus 1:16)

I want us to look at the alpha male and the modern church. Why is it that most churches with a very prominent pastor or pastors have very few men? Why is it that the same churches will even change their constitutions to allow for women leaders, even churches who in their past were so unashamed of governing on the Biblical model?

Have you ever realized that to advance in the leadership in such churches you will either become a bootlicker or moron? That you will never grow in leadership if you are connected to the leadership of Christ? That you must be absolutely loyal to the leader for you to be worth anything to the system?

Have you ever noticed that being called by God while in that system automatically makes you a rebel, however submitted you are to the leadership? All systems and resources will be deployed to bring you down so that you submit to the ultimate leader and his structure.

Have you also noticed that they prefer to hire staff from outside instead of growing them through discipleship? That the only persons they will promote will be those same loyalists? Yet they will have no problems growing women leaders!

Is something happening that we are unable to see even in broad light? Is there a spiritual explanation for this state of things?

I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first. Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. (Revelation 2: 19, 20)

Do you, like me, wonder why sin is not a great deal in most churches today? Could it be connected to the absence of strong men in the church except the alpha males? Could they be the reason the growth in numbers do not go hand in hand with growth in spirituality?

In the animal kingdom, where animals stay in groups (prides, herds etc.) there is a rule that there is only one male (or a partnership) that rules the group. This is the only male that can mate with the females and is the ultimate protector of the family. He is therefore the strongest and best there is. Defeating the male automatically means taking over the group to become the leader. Incidentally, the new leader will kill all the ‘babies’ so that he can sire his, even for herbivores. Naturalists say that this protects them from recycled genes when a king has reigned for long and therefore mated with his children. But it also makes it possible for the mothers to stop suckling and become fertile faster to be able to give offspring to the new king.

I have written this to help us understand or question what is becoming of the church that should be Christ’s.

Could this be what is happening to the church, especially the mega church? Could our churches be running on the rules that run the wild?

Reading the Bible, it is clear that the church is led by elders, elders who are called so because they are old and mature in the things of God. Why must we have one center of power in the church which is the senior pastor, bishop, or whatever other title that leader may choose? Why must the elders be young loyalists to that alpha leader instead of mature, stable men who have the wealth of walking with Christ, preferable since their youth?

Why do we look for rich people instead of spiritual men when we choose leaders in the church? Don’t we realize that we may be choosing people submitted to mammon to lead in a field they have no capacity for? Could we be choosing the rich to lead because we know that they have no capacity to appreciate the spiritual demands of their positions and will therefore leave the leader with all spiritual decisions to make and support since they are totally in the dark concerning spiritual responsibility?

I say this because I have talked with leaders with very high spiritual titles who are totally unaware of the spiritual demands of the offices they occupy. They are not even aware that they are accountable to God for the decisions they support, especially because they are the ones who ought to be making them. They think it is sin to hold the alpha leader accountable for the decisions he calls on them to support with their moneys.

I say this because I stopped attending some church meetings and the leadership was extremely offended yet I had given them my reasons. I had refused to be used as a rubber stamp especially when I was denied an opportunity to contribute or question decisions in those meetings. Before I finally stopped attending, I had decided to refuse to sign present as I saw no purpose of doing so yet I was not given any chance to give my contribution and it was really offensive to the leaders who needed my signing in to legally support whatever they wanted to do.

What does this have to do with the alpha male? You may be asking. What does the church have to do with the animal kingdom?

I want to state that that we have swayed so far from God’s kingdom that we are becoming more and more like animals. And the boy child is the ultimate victim.

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. (Romans 1: 21 – 25)

All Biblical leadership has men, old men, as its backbone. But not just elders; they had to be mature, stable, and especially not greedy for gain. In very clear terms, they have to have their ambition under God’s control.

I believe they needed to be many to keep each other in check should any forget God’s standard. They would help one another to listen to God better. Remember Jesus talking about the deceitfulness of riches?

Moses, who talked with God face to face had people who advised him.

Elijah was the one who worked solo until God confronted him after his spat with Jezebel. From that time we see him not only having Elisha but also several companies of prophets who could also clearly hear from God as we see when he was about to be taken to heaven.

One or two alpha males leading a mega structure is clearly a corruption of the spiritual order.

But I write this not just to say that as many have already said it. For there to be only one or two people who can hear from God, there has to be very many more who must be constantly emasculated and completely blocked from hearing from God so that that one or two can continue being relevant.

You can’t be the only one giving declarations and prophecies in a church unless you have killed the voice of God in your congregation. And you can kill it if you kill the men or emasculate them from being spiritual.

It saddens me when I talk with spiritual leaders so defensive, sometimes militant if you question that alpha male leading the structure they are made to believe they are also leaders of. You can’t say anything against him, just like the females in the pride will fight for their king to prevent another alpha male taking over since they know he will kill all their babies and rearrange their structure to accommodate him.

If the church you are part of has one or two pastors who are final in all things spiritual, all you men are women, the best you could be are spiritual eunuchs, meaning that you are castrated and unable to produce spiritual fruit. You can only disperse fruit the alpha pastor produces.

It is the same thing if you are a pastor in such a structure as you can only reproduce whatever the ‘pastor’ wants. You can’t preach what God puts in your heart. You can’t minister the way God has dealt with you as the alphas already have what you must do. You are a eunuch pastor. In fact, if truth be told, you are not even pastor at all. You are the alpha pastor’s errand boy. The title is a deceptive front.

You realize that even in the early church we did not have any ultimate leader. We had a group of elders who took care of responsibilities and dealt with conflict. We see them in Jerusalem and Antioch. God spoke to those leaders collectively. And because He had dealt with each of them, there was no great deal about who was leader or not. Christ was the leader. In fact He is the only alpha male there can ever be.

This is the reason we see God giving them over.

What is the result of this corruption? What can we see as the outcome of having one strong man at the top of the church?

The first is that the Gospel is emasculated. You see, only the alpha leader can define anything. Some people took it very badly when I recently asked how a church can hold a revival before acknowledging a dying. They thought I was sent to rock their boat.

And why? Because I was tampering with their alpha male’s definition of revival. He is their authority over everything, even the word of God. One must consult him before hearing something new from God as it may go against his anointing.

Missions and mission calls must proceed from the alpha. Ministry itself must also proceed from him and nowhere else.

Another thing is the extent we go to defend them. It appears as if ‘touch not my anointed’ is the only verse in the Bible, and that the alpha male is the only anointed one. Sadly though is that that anointing overlooks even their open sins and follies.

It is the reason very few girls are getting husbands in the churches they are members of. Very few men are really men; the closest they are is a eunuch in the alpha male’s organization. There are no men who can lead a woman to God. Imagine it is now normal for a girl to propose!

Those who get married do not become spiritual leaders in those homes as God expects. They have been emasculated to the point that they have no spiritual muscle and must have madam leading them, an abomination in God’s eyes.

What is the solution?

Men, get back to God. Read the Bible for yourself and step out from that structure when there is still time. Allow God to feed you and speak to you, and this without proxies. Then you will define God using His word and not the words of a superstar.

Why am I leaving out the women in this discourse? You may be wondering.

Women are helpmeets. Women have no problems submitting to spiritual leadership. It is normal for them; whether it is the alpha male or a spiritual husband. That is what draws them to the alpha male. And to many of them it is not sin to sleep with the alpha male, for them or others. Many see it as a blessing.

It is a huge number of spiritual men that can restore the church to her spiritual potency.

Will you stand to be counted? Women, will you challenge your men to be responsible for their and your spiritual growth or will you continue pouring to the alpha male? Are you animals to be herded by another man’s husband when it is the responsibility of your husband to feed your spirit? Or don’t you know this verse?

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. (Ephesians 5: 25 – 28)

I believe the antichrist will use the alpha male structure to take over the world. That is why it is important for each of us to go back to the word, individually.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Of Love and Stable Marriage

I want to burst one of the most treasured bubbles of our time by pointing at a few scriptural examples.

Must you be in love to get married?

I know that a great many of us will say that it is essential, even foundational to a happy marriage.

Yet do you realize that there is no place in the scriptures you will see that as a requirement? Do you realize that times we see love before marriage we almost always see disaster?

Amnon loved Tamar to the point that he became sick and lost weight. Yet what happened? Once he had had sex with her he hated her even more.

Hamor loved Dinah, and raped her, probably to compel her to marry him, and it cleared his whole nation.

Jacob loved Rachael and worked fourteen years to get her. Yet do you realize that she caused more pain to him than the other three wives combined?

David loved Michal. Yet was she not a bundle of pain for his spirit for enough time?

Samson probably epitomizes what I am saying. But I doubt many take his story seriously when thinking about premarital love and its implications on our lives.

This goes completely opposite our common beliefs and practice. We think that premarital love is the most essential ingredient in a marriage. Common sense will tell us that people in love will remain in love forever. And that is what premarital love compels its captives to believe and confess.

But reality demonstrates otherwise. Why is divorce so prevalent in societies that prize love as a prerequisite for marriage? Why is it that in communities where marriage is dictated by society, even overlooking the feelings of the young people divorce is almost always nonexistent?

The foundation for marriage is commitment, not initial attraction and compatibility, unless the incompatibility is spiritual. Love is an offshoot of the commitment, not its source.

And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted after his mother's death. (Genesis 24:67)

You realize that prior to that, neither knew of the other’s existence. Yet that love was able to endure barrenness for twenty years without a plan B that we see with Jacob.

Premarital love clouds judgment, always. Many times it rejects logic and sense from people not so blinded.

I know that were it not that God protected me, I could not have come to where He has brought me when I look back at some of the girls I had loved and had wanted to make mine. I doubt I could have been able to obey God to the point I am at had God allowed me to marry any of them.

I know pastors who have been swallowed up in materialism and greed who were red hot with the Gospel and God’s call before they met and married those first ladies (as they like being called). In fact they are the reason they must be made pastors in the church or ministry their husband leads because they must occupy some prominent place. Others must lead this or the other ministry or department because they are not content being a pastor’s wife only. Some even start ministries, Bible Studies, anything to ensure that the girl is at the top. They are many times the reason for the upsurge of motivational instead of prophetic preaching in most churches. She must not be offended even by the scriptures.

I doubt those pastors were lead to that girl through prayer. They fell so in love that they were unable to rise up for God.

I have talked about the enemy of our souls making those key connections by placing those girls in a place we are unable to resist. Then their beauty so enamels us that we are unable to see anything else. We even see her when we pray for direction as she will have already captured our souls and therefore corrupted our spirit.

Then we will make the plunge, sadly, one irreversible one.

What are some of the dangers of premarital love, even exempting the danger of fornication, which is an ever present temptation? What happens when I fall in love?

What may be the cause of my falling in love?

Many times what draws one to fall in love is the purely external; the face, the body shape, the voice, the gait, the money, etc.

Why do I say this?

We have no capacity to see the inside; the spirit and its fruit, character. Like God told Samuel, we only have the capacity to see the externals. Only His revelation can connect us to the spiritual.

How many have gotten married to that extremely spiritual person who later discovered a great rottenness when they got to live with them?

One thing I have observed over the years is that the forbidden is normally very appealing. Have you seen girls from those clans that can’t be married and how they excel in beauty? And I am talking about many tribes as I have interacted with them in the course of my studies and ministry. It almost appears as if we are forbidden from the best and most appealing (remember Eve?).

Or have you noticed that girls from families with issues; witchcraft, drunkenness, violence, are many times everything you would require in a woman outwardly? And I am talking about families you know. Just look around and tell me what you see. Most harlots are very beautiful and innocent looking you wonder where they get the courage to stand on street corners dressed the way they do.

How did Esau get married to two Canaanite girls without realizing that they were grief to his parents? I suspect their beauty captured him to the point that he forgot that he had parents or even that he had a spiritual heritage to carry on. No wonder he lost it.

The externals are very deceptive. And they cloud the spiritual, sometimes completely.

When you hear people saying that love is blind, this is what they mean. And they are always speaking about this love based on the externals.

I have loved girls who would have trashed my commitment to scripture had I married because I would have gone against the scriptures to marry them. Yet I was in ministry even then. And in the blindness of that love I was unable to see my clear violation of scripture.

I was challenged about what I saw in a dream concerning a girl because I was captured by her that I could not dream anything else, even when I prayed, because I had fallen in love. And I love that word fallen. And nothing could get my eyes off my vision of her.

On some we fall slowly in love, which is even more dangerous because we discover when we are so deep in the pit of premarital love that it will become almost impossible to get out of it.

I thank God that He delivered from a lot of that folly, if I may call it so, due to His love for me and His plans for my life and ministry.

You are unable to gauge the spirituality of someone you love before you marry them. You are therefore taking a greater gamble than the lottery in using that love to gauge your suitability for each other because you cannot see their inner suitability. And I am talking about people who meet in church. I am talking about people who worship together and do other spiritual things together.

That is the reason in most cultures, even in the Bible; spouses are got by parents instead of being left to the young people. Even in mine where young people are allowed to make a choice, it is clear that one must consult widely (family, clan, age mates) before taking the plunge.

But what happens when there are no support structures like we have today? Where do our young people turn to make those decisions that will affect their lives completely, even going to their posterity?

Does the church have systems to help these young people charter these turbulent waves of life? Does it even realize that there is any danger?

Why has it been impossible to even address the epidemic of single mothers, one clear outcome of this problem? Or do they think single mothers are created for such a life? That they are just unfortunate?

Why does the church shy away from addressing fornication, whether it is premarital sex or trial marriages? Do we also realize that this is also one clear product of premarital love?

Do we also realize that violence and unfaithfulness are clear indicators of a marriage built on premarital love?

What are we teaching our children and disciples about love and marriage?

Is Proverbs 31 a lofty ideal or do we set it as a goal when we are raising our children? Do we concentrate on the externals (entrepreneurship and academics) instead of the inner beauty that is the product of a deep spiritual connection to God in Christ? Are we content with physical and financial compatibility instead of spiritual compatibility when we are thinking of spouses for our children?

Solomon fell because of spiritual incompatibility with his wives, a thing God had warned against. Ahab was most wicked because of his bride from an idolatrous nation. Jehoshaphat messed his lineage because he got a bride from Jezebel for his son. And I doubt God was consulted before those decisions were made. I suspect that those girls were just too beautiful to resist.

Marriage is a spiritual covenant. And only a spiritual connection with God can enable me make that covenant the right way. And this way has nothing to do with the externals.

Some of the commands we frown upon are there as guides to healthy spiritual choices.

A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD. (Deuteronomy 23:2)

Do not be angry with me. This is the Bible. And I am sure it comes about because God knows the dynamic of that kind of upbringing. I have addressed the single mother in another post on the blog.

God is addressing the spiritual when He issues this directive.

And there are many other orders He issues whose focus is our choices, especially in marriage. Sadly we do not even seek to know them when we are thinking of marriage and family. We are shocked when we are hit back by our choices. Then like Israel in Judges we go crying back to God to rescue us from our folly of ignoring Him and His word. Yet we are not even interested to find out where we went wrong.

So before you are consumed by that heartthrob, ask God to direct you to make the right spiritual connection. And be sure to be swallowed up in His agenda to ensure that you are not praying amiss.

Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. (Psalm 37: 4, 5)

It will be very difficult for you to be swallowed by passion if you are so connected to God and His will. No love can override that commitment. Remember the Bible talking about the one who delights in God being delivered from the snares of the wayward woman, which actually means a woman outside the confines of God’s will. Of course I will give you another verse I love to quote.

If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. (John 15:7)

Does that describe you?

What if you fell in the trap of premarital life and now are in a marriage that is torture? Does God have something for you? Is there hope for you?

I believe there is. But it must start with getting right with God first. You must agree with God completely for there to be any hope for you.

And you must confess your folly, even sin of walking in the flesh when you followed your heart in making that choice. You must also be ready to seek God even more to be able to walk with Him amidst those injuries.

You must ask and be ready to allow God to recreate Himself in you to enable you to lie on the bed you made. This will allow Him to redeem you error, even sin of not walking according to His precepts and walking instead according to the standards of the world.

This will give Him the opportunity of recreating Himself in you by filling you with His Spirit to enable you to live successful even with the bride/groom from hell. You will be able to cover them like Christ did with Judas or Obadiah with Ahab without broadcasting to the whole world the kind of error you live with. You will not divorce them since God will provide adequate grace to live with them as He would. 1 Corinthians 7: 10 – 17 deals with that.

I am sure this is the kind of victory God envisioned when He allowed you to walk according to your eyes. You can still overcome.

Will you agree with God?

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

The Closet, the Power

Now when Ezra had prayed, and when he had confessed, weeping and casting himself down before the house of God, there assembled unto him out of Israel a very great congregation of men and women and children: for the people wept very sore. (Ezra 10:1)

When Jesus said that our prayer should originate from the closet, He not only talked about privacy, but especially about power. That is why He said that what we will be doing in the closet will be made evident in public.

But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. (Matthew 6:6)

Ezra knew that secret long before those words were spoken.

That was the reason he went into prayer when he discovered spiritual corruption and defilement.

And the results bailed him out. What he was doing in his closet was enough to send a powerful conviction on the guilty parties. And it went as far as being willing and ready to take action.

That is what the closet does. It gives God space to show off. That is why we are advised to hide in that closet. People will only see the results of our investment in that closet.

Glorying in public praying elevates you above God, many times behaving as if He is your servant. Even His answering our prayers under those times does not result in the growth of our faith and worship, unless it is faith in us and our exertion. That is why that kind of prayer is called the prayer of hypocrites. We even use scripture as bait for God to be compelled to act in our interest.

There are therefore two key things that compose the closet; praying in secret and consistent scripture intake. That is what made Ezra powerful.

Jesus as our example withdrew from ministry to the closet. No wonder He said that He did only what He saw His Father doing. That is one clear product of the closet.

Will you develop the closet as your prayer strategy?

Monday, 7 August 2017

As You Vote

Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the LORD is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed. (1Samuel 2:3)

The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate. (Proverbs 8:13)

And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible. (Isaiah 13:11)

I want to write about the Kenya elections. I have restrained myself from writing or responding to all the heat being generated from all the conversations.

But I just want to post what I am praying for so that I may get some partners in the same.

Remember Nebuchadnezzar? I am praying that God deals thus with pride in some of these leaders we have. I do not mean eating grass and the sort, though it won’t hurt if it happened.

But I want God to humble the proud Kenyans, from the leaders to the voters and bloggers and commentators, so that they get to know that The LORD is God.

I am praying that God will humble the proud in such a way that they will see His finger print in it. And I want it to be unmistakable to whoever sees.

From the president and the governors (oh governors!) to all the other positions; I want pride to be dealt with.

Why do I pray like this?

Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. (James 4:6b)

I want to see that resistance. And I want all Kenyans to see it too.

Our chest thumping has to stop. And only God can conclusively do it.

I want our children to grow out of the folly we inherited from our parents. They must learn that praying for leaders is not praying for the ones we prefer to win. They must learn that prophecy is not about their preference winning. They must learn that God does not speak just to affirm our choice. And they must learn that the vote is not bigger than the sovereignty of God.

So will you pray with me that God will shock us out of our folly?