Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Mega Church and the Boy Child

And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live. (Exodus 1:16)

I want us to look at the alpha male and the modern church. Why is it that most churches with a very prominent pastor or pastors have very few men? Why is it that the same churches will even change their constitutions to allow for women leaders, even churches who in their past were so unashamed of governing on the Biblical model?

Have you ever realized that to advance in the leadership in such churches you will either become a bootlicker or moron? That you will never grow in leadership if you are connected to the leadership of Christ? That you must be absolutely loyal to the leader for you to be worth anything to the system?

Have you ever noticed that being called by God while in that system automatically makes you a rebel, however submitted you are to the leadership? All systems and resources will be deployed to bring you down so that you submit to the ultimate leader and his structure.

Have you also noticed that they prefer to hire staff from outside instead of growing them through discipleship? That the only persons they will promote will be those same loyalists? Yet they will have no problems growing women leaders!

Is something happening that we are unable to see even in broad light? Is there a spiritual explanation for this state of things?

I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first. Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. (Revelation 2: 19, 20)

Do you, like me, wonder why sin is not a great deal in most churches today? Could it be connected to the absence of strong men in the church except the alpha males? Could they be the reason the growth in numbers do not go hand in hand with growth in spirituality?

In the animal kingdom, where animals stay in groups (prides, herds etc.) there is a rule that there is only one male (or a partnership) that rules the group. This is the only male that can mate with the females and is the ultimate protector of the family. He is therefore the strongest and best there is. Defeating the male automatically means taking over the group to become the leader. Incidentally, the new leader will kill all the ‘babies’ so that he can sire his, even for herbivores. Naturalists say that this protects them from recycled genes when a king has reigned for long and therefore mated with his children. But it also makes it possible for the mothers to stop suckling and become fertile faster to be able to give offspring to the new king.

I have written this to help us understand or question what is becoming of the church that should be Christ’s.

Could this be what is happening to the church, especially the mega church? Could our churches be running on the rules that run the wild?

Reading the Bible, it is clear that the church is led by elders, elders who are called so because they are old and mature in the things of God. Why must we have one center of power in the church which is the senior pastor, bishop, or whatever other title that leader may choose? Why must the elders be young loyalists to that alpha leader instead of mature, stable men who have the wealth of walking with Christ, preferable since their youth?

Why do we look for rich people instead of spiritual men when we choose leaders in the church? Don’t we realize that we may be choosing people submitted to mammon to lead in a field they have no capacity for? Could we be choosing the rich to lead because we know that they have no capacity to appreciate the spiritual demands of their positions and will therefore leave the leader with all spiritual decisions to make and support since they are totally in the dark concerning spiritual responsibility?

I say this because I have talked with leaders with very high spiritual titles who are totally unaware of the spiritual demands of the offices they occupy. They are not even aware that they are accountable to God for the decisions they support, especially because they are the ones who ought to be making them. They think it is sin to hold the alpha leader accountable for the decisions he calls on them to support with their moneys.

I say this because I stopped attending some church meetings and the leadership was extremely offended yet I had given them my reasons. I had refused to be used as a rubber stamp especially when I was denied an opportunity to contribute or question decisions in those meetings. Before I finally stopped attending, I had decided to refuse to sign present as I saw no purpose of doing so yet I was not given any chance to give my contribution and it was really offensive to the leaders who needed my signing in to legally support whatever they wanted to do.

What does this have to do with the alpha male? You may be asking. What does the church have to do with the animal kingdom?

I want to state that that we have swayed so far from God’s kingdom that we are becoming more and more like animals. And the boy child is the ultimate victim.

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. (Romans 1: 21 – 25)

All Biblical leadership has men, old men, as its backbone. But not just elders; they had to be mature, stable, and especially not greedy for gain. In very clear terms, they have to have their ambition under God’s control.

I believe they needed to be many to keep each other in check should any forget God’s standard. They would help one another to listen to God better. Remember Jesus talking about the deceitfulness of riches?

Moses, who talked with God face to face had people who advised him.

Elijah was the one who worked solo until God confronted him after his spat with Jezebel. From that time we see him not only having Elisha but also several companies of prophets who could also clearly hear from God as we see when he was about to be taken to heaven.

One or two alpha males leading a mega structure is clearly a corruption of the spiritual order.

But I write this not just to say that as many have already said it. For there to be only one or two people who can hear from God, there has to be very many more who must be constantly emasculated and completely blocked from hearing from God so that that one or two can continue being relevant.

You can’t be the only one giving declarations and prophecies in a church unless you have killed the voice of God in your congregation. And you can kill it if you kill the men or emasculate them from being spiritual.

It saddens me when I talk with spiritual leaders so defensive, sometimes militant if you question that alpha male leading the structure they are made to believe they are also leaders of. You can’t say anything against him, just like the females in the pride will fight for their king to prevent another alpha male taking over since they know he will kill all their babies and rearrange their structure to accommodate him.

If the church you are part of has one or two pastors who are final in all things spiritual, all you men are women, the best you could be are spiritual eunuchs, meaning that you are castrated and unable to produce spiritual fruit. You can only disperse fruit the alpha pastor produces.

It is the same thing if you are a pastor in such a structure as you can only reproduce whatever the ‘pastor’ wants. You can’t preach what God puts in your heart. You can’t minister the way God has dealt with you as the alphas already have what you must do. You are a eunuch pastor. In fact, if truth be told, you are not even pastor at all. You are the alpha pastor’s errand boy. The title is a deceptive front.

You realize that even in the early church we did not have any ultimate leader. We had a group of elders who took care of responsibilities and dealt with conflict. We see them in Jerusalem and Antioch. God spoke to those leaders collectively. And because He had dealt with each of them, there was no great deal about who was leader or not. Christ was the leader. In fact He is the only alpha male there can ever be.

This is the reason we see God giving them over.

What is the result of this corruption? What can we see as the outcome of having one strong man at the top of the church?

The first is that the Gospel is emasculated. You see, only the alpha leader can define anything. Some people took it very badly when I recently asked how a church can hold a revival before acknowledging a dying. They thought I was sent to rock their boat.

And why? Because I was tampering with their alpha male’s definition of revival. He is their authority over everything, even the word of God. One must consult him before hearing something new from God as it may go against his anointing.

Missions and mission calls must proceed from the alpha. Ministry itself must also proceed from him and nowhere else.

Another thing is the extent we go to defend them. It appears as if ‘touch not my anointed’ is the only verse in the Bible, and that the alpha male is the only anointed one. Sadly though is that that anointing overlooks even their open sins and follies.

It is the reason very few girls are getting husbands in the churches they are members of. Very few men are really men; the closest they are is a eunuch in the alpha male’s organization. There are no men who can lead a woman to God. Imagine it is now normal for a girl to propose!

Those who get married do not become spiritual leaders in those homes as God expects. They have been emasculated to the point that they have no spiritual muscle and must have madam leading them, an abomination in God’s eyes.

What is the solution?

Men, get back to God. Read the Bible for yourself and step out from that structure when there is still time. Allow God to feed you and speak to you, and this without proxies. Then you will define God using His word and not the words of a superstar.

Why am I leaving out the women in this discourse? You may be wondering.

Women are helpmeets. Women have no problems submitting to spiritual leadership. It is normal for them; whether it is the alpha male or a spiritual husband. That is what draws them to the alpha male. And to many of them it is not sin to sleep with the alpha male, for them or others. Many see it as a blessing.

It is a huge number of spiritual men that can restore the church to her spiritual potency.

Will you stand to be counted? Women, will you challenge your men to be responsible for their and your spiritual growth or will you continue pouring to the alpha male? Are you animals to be herded by another man’s husband when it is the responsibility of your husband to feed your spirit? Or don’t you know this verse?

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. (Ephesians 5: 25 – 28)

I believe the antichrist will use the alpha male structure to take over the world. That is why it is important for each of us to go back to the word, individually.

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