Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Radical Posts

I have been severally asked why my posts, messages and books are too radical. Why do I seem to offend most with the message I bear?

I thought of a response that is real, especially Biblical. This is so that I dispel the fears of some people who think I enjoy hurting the feelings of my fellow believers by making their Christian lives appear shallow, especially if the same people are deep in the worldly realm.

Our generation has perfected the art of relevance to the world. Grey has replaced the black and white the Bible advocates. Absolutes have becomes values we only read about. There is nothing inherently Christian about our Christian lives. The borderline is our most preferred position especially when we relate with people who need our witness.

It really pains when I hear Christian leaders addressing abominable groups as their brothers. Imagine a pastor speaking about our gay brothers? Imagine a revered archbishop really advocating homosexual rights? How do we call enemies of the cross brothers? Or do we not know what the word brother means?

God is more radical than I can ever be. God was out-rightly dictatorial in His revelation. I see no grey areas when I read the Bible.

Imagine that Jesus called the Jews children of the devil! Imagine Him and John the Baptist calling them brood (offspring) of vipers (poisonous snakes)? What is borderline about such statements?

You may also remember Jesus twice flogging people from the temple.

What is the context of such verses?

Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting. (Isaiah 1:13)

Who is there even among you that would shut the doors for nought? neither do ye kindle fire on mine altar for nought. I have no pleasure in you, saith the LORD of hosts, neither will I accept an offering at your hand. (Malachi 1:10)

God is radical. It is therefore imperative that His people become radical also. From His calls to His commandments we find no hazy sections.

Never in the Bible will you get any borderline theology.

I will therefore be unflinchingly as radical as the One who has called me.

Tent Making Revisited

I robbed other churches, taking wages of them, to do you service. And when I was present with you, and wanted, I was chargeable to no man: for that which was lacking to me the brethren which came from Macedonia supplied: and in all things I have kept myself from being burdensome unto you, and so will I keep myself. (2Corinthians 11: 8, 9)

I want us to look at the tent making doctrine with a closer look at Paul and other ministers.

This is because a generation devoid of God’s leading has created a model and treated any other option, even God’s order, as sin. They want to preempt how God will call provide once one responds to that call.

I want us to start with Paul because he is the one all the proponents of the doctrine use as the model. Why?

Or I only and Barnabas, have not we power to forbear working? (1Corinthians 9:6)

And they do this without looking even at the next verse(s)

Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things? If others be partakers of this power over you, are not we rather? Nevertheless we have not used this power; but suffer all things, lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ. Do ye not know that they which minister about holy things live of the things of the temple? and they which wait at the altar are partakers with the altar? Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel. (Vv. 7 – 14)

This is Paul’s clearest statement on ministry support. A minister should be supported as a matter of obedience to God. He responds to God’s call to leave everything serve God exclusively. The church obeys God by supporting him. Anything else does not fall under God’s structure.

Of course there are those who are called to minister in the context of their professions. I for one enjoyed that so much as I then was self-contained and did not need anyone else’s obedience to obey. I used my money and free time to pursue God’s call and was very effective. There are people who wonder to date which is more effective, when I was working and could sponsor myself and others to do what God had called me to or now when I depend on others’ obedience to function.

In fact I thought it was on those terms He had asked me to leave employment shortly after I had gotten married. I decided to establish a business that would support my ministry. But I unsuccessfully looked for vacant premises for months. Then I became sick. So sick that I thought I was dying as there was nothing hospitals could do yet I had enough friends to enable me to get the best treatment hospitals (public and private) offered. At this time my wife was expecting our first born.

I therefore decided in wisdom that it was better if I died at home and looked for transport which was a big issue then in Marsabit due to the nature of the road. I decided to even leave most of our things in the church I was serving since the pastor had gone on leave.

The interesting thing is that by the time I got home I was completely healed. I have talked about being ready to obey yet being unable to hear because God’s voice is completely opposite to your capacity to conceive it. I suspect I heard God’s voice in the context I was conditioned by. And especially because not long before two close friends had gone back ‘fishing’ after leaving employment for ‘full time’ ministry, one told me because he could not raise adequate support even for the barest necessities. I therefore had sworn never to depend on people for ministry support.

I then decided to go full time farming for the same purpose, support ministry. Then El-Niño came in my first season. Since I had planted my maize very early and the farm was far from home, it matured when the rest were not ready. And it produced really well. And people decided to pick ‘kidogo kidogo’ (a little) to roast. The only maize I was able to get was what I took to roast as well because of the distance. Of course the beans produced a total loss.

I then decided to start a small workshop, at least to meet the needs of my then small family even as I waited for God’s break.

It is worth noting that I come from a family that has deep roots of business and entrepreneurship and so I was principally thinking of flowing in that spirit to support ministry that God has called me to.

After some time, my sister, who lived around Kisumu made me an offer. Your business has great potential in Kisumu. Let us partner, you have your workshop as you offer oversight to my business.

That made a lot of sense. I therefore closed my workshop and travelled to Kisumu to look at the prospects. Interesting enough, I was at that time negotiating with my landlord to give me a bigger room to expand the business.

I surveyed Kisumu and the prospects looked excellent. But as I was planning God told me to go back home. And as usual He didn’t tell me why. Of course my sister was very disappointed. I also didn’t give any answers and it is difficult to explain what God has said when you do not understand anything beyond the conviction to move.

Of course I found my former premise already taken. And I couldn’t get another one around the centre. As had happened in Marsabit, God blocked me from getting a room in that centre however hard I looked, and it is the centre I grew up around.

I therefore went to nearby market centres, but even then I didn’t succeed in getting any available business rooms.

Then a cousin from a distant market centre heard of my dilemma. He had a vacant room that he was not using. He offered it to me for free. It was five kilometres away, uphill in the morning and downhill in the evening. But it was okay. There also was quite some ministry as I hustled at that place.

We had agreed with my wife that the workshop was a temporary solution until God leads us to the ministry He had called us from employment for. It was therefore for the purposes of sustenance until then.

Then I took my son to school, and I was already educating a sister in law. I realized that sustenance was no sufficient for the business as the bills were unsustainable. We therefore prayed that God either opens the ministry door or allow us to expand the business, meaning that ministry will have to take the backburner, especially if it would require us moving from home. I therefore looked for means to raise resources for the expanded business as well as repositioning for farming. And the doors started opening.

That was then we were called to Nairobi to initiate a ministry. Of course nothing solid was promised but for us it was an answer to the prayer we had made. We were now content that God had directed us to the arena of our ministry.

We served for two years then not only was our support discontinued, we were more or less evicted from the ministry we had spent all our effort and calling establishing.

Without support and with a growing family, we thought it impractical to continue staying in the city. But then God told me that He is the One who called me to the city. Whoever He used was just a channel. He told me that He will take care of me and my family in the city.

He closed avenues for employment or business. He also stopped me from raising support, even from my friends. And He has taken care of me, many challenges and cliffhanging situations later.

Then I got into writing. And He provides money for the publishing of the books He asks me to print. He then told me He wants me to give away the books I write. And I have published over a dozen books and many booklets to date. Then He brought me believers who need my support to have their books in print, there are very many that are the product of this ministry. Even then He asks that I offer my service without charge. He raises support for me.

I had purposed to tent make. But God trashed all that expectation, and of course the theology behind it. I sought the scriptures when the doctrine I had been taught all my life and lived by was thus trashed.

Then I discovered that the Bible is full of examples of people God called, Paul included. The fact that he worked once in a while did not trash the fact that God had called him and used tent making as a contact point in ministry.

The Levite is the clearest statement from God concerning ministry and its support. You also realize that the prophetic ministry in the Old Testament shows that the prophets did nothing else for a living. They always positioned themselves to be used of God however He chose.

So before you push the doctrine of tent making, please seek God’s face and ask Him to give you clear directions. I suffered much because I was conditioned by that doctrine that even my desire to serve God could not open the blinders the doctrine had placed in my spiritual eyes and ears.

And I am not saying you can’t serve God in employment or business. Just that a call to ‘full time’ ministry excludes that. And you do not have to be a beggar to serve God in that kind of ministry, which is what I feared. God is able to take care of you without your sourcing for support. In fact some sourcing and sources will place you in great compromises.

What is God telling you?

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

God’s Overturning Grace

How do you feel when you read that God judges the heart and its intentions? Does it offer you comfort or dread? Does it make you more confident or do you start walking on tip toe?

Yet this is the reality of how God deals with us and the way He rewards us.

I want to use this argument (or reality) to point out a few instances where God worked in ways that might look illogical, yet perfectly logical when we get to understand Him and His word. I will hasten to add that the reason He released His word (The Bible) is for the same purpose.

Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. (1Corinthians 10: 11 – 13)

Nothing God does (or allows to happen) is without reason. And nothing He has recorded in His word is not worthy of instruction. We therefore need to appropriate the Word for ourselves to be able to come out as God intends which of course is for our very best.

That God starts from the end in His doing is evident when we read the Bible. He therefore sees the outcome of our intentions and attitudes long before they become actions.

That is why He will release overtaking grace on those whose hearts are rightly positioned, wherever they may be.

He is looking to raise a womb to implant His Son through the ages, even before creating the world.

Isn’t it amazing that He locates a Moabite woman and a Canaanite harlot as befitting that honor?

Yet I want us to look at individuals in Israel to put this point across.

David was number 8 in his father’s family, and that excluded his parents and sisters whose children we find in his army. He was the smallest, the youngest and the most insignificant of the whole family. So much that when his father is asked to parade his sons he either forgets or overlooks him. The sensitive prophet was able to see the dilemma God seemingly was in; He had chosen somebody who was way off the radar.

Remember also that there was a king, a reigning king for that matter.

Yet God overthrew all those structures when He found the man for the job at hand. And where did He find him? In the unlikeliest of places; shepherding sheep. And the quality He required is an unwavering desire to know God.

As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God? (Psalm 42: 1, 2)

It did not take very long before it became evident to all that David had overtaken the legal and filial structures ahead of him. Though some of those who had been overtaken protested and some even fought the overtaking, it was past anything they could do.

Eventually David had to look for refuge for his father and the rest of the family when the overtaking became too hot for the overtaken king and his court to handle.

One person who impresses me in the story is Jonathan. As the one whose fortunes that overtaking drastically affected as it was his kingdom David was taking, he simply seeks to flow in God’s new thing, even offering to willingly serve under the new order God was establishing. I hope you realize that Saul was actually fighting for Jonathan’s kingdom as he himself said. Jonathan was simply in the spirit and totally surrendered to God. He therefore could hand over a kingdom that was legally his as the crown prince because he was safe in God and His revelation.

Joseph was number 11 when we exclude his parents and sisters. And we see the same thing with him in that even in extremely difficult circumstances in a place most people would want nothing to do with God as the circumstances seem to point out a God who is not only uninvolved in what we are going through but whose involvement can either be denied or He is looked at as a sadist.

Look at his response to temptation that could have opened his doors to greater promotion and favor.

How can I do this and sin against God?

Is it a surprise therefore when we see him overthrowing everybody in that household of faith to become the custodian of God’s promise to Abraham?

Moses was instructed in the Hebrew faith for the shortest time; as he was being breastfed, and otherwise raised as an Egyptian prince. Imagine God overlooking all those stalwarts of faith to pick on him to set Israel free?

Lest we think his parents were exceptional at raising him, do you forget that Aaron and Miriam were older than he was? And they were raised in the faith for over eighty years by the same parents.

He overtook them because he had something extra, a heart that was desperately seeking the revelation of God, even if he may have been barely able to remember clearly because after weaning he went to the palace. That is why the Bible records that God has never talked with anyone as He did with Moses; face to face as a friend to another.

In the New Testament we have Paul who had been persecutor in chief.

He became an exceptional Christian just as he had been an exceptional Pharisee. He never moved in half measures. He was either completely in or completely out. Does it then surprise us that almost half of the New Testament books were written by him? And when you read the book of Acts you are amazed at how much ministry he was able to accomplish in the short life he lived.

One incident always amazes me. At one time he is stoned to death. Then brothers pray for him and he revives. Yet instead of whining and looking for sympathy or treatment he just moves to the next town, to preach. Do you remember him singing in jail when he was on the stocks, illegally? Remember the magistrates trembling when they discovered their error? Yet in spite of the pain he was in he was able to lead to Christ and baptize the jailor’s family, in the middle of the night. In 2 Corinthians 11 and 12 we see what he prides himself in, suffering for Christ

He ‘overtook’ those who were in Christ before him because of his focus on the pursuit of God.

And God has not changed.

Why does someone stay saved for decades yet is unable to show any spiritual fruit of all that life yet someone gets saved and in a very short time has flocks flowing to Christ through his effort? Why do we have believers who have been in the faith for the longest time who have never gone through the Bible even once yet someone gets saved and in a short while reads through the Bible two, three times yearly, consistently, and enjoying it in the process? Why does someone stay in a workplace for the years and nobody can tell that he is a believer yet someone is called a pastor immediately he gets to that workplace?

Many times the difference is in the commitment levels. The more sold out one is to their cause the more effective they are in their daily life. No wonder Christ said this

And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it. (Luke 9: 23, 24)

It was believers who had been running away from Goliath for forty days. Then David comes, a man without anything; from size to skills to experience to armor. But he is completely committed to God and His word. What the army could not do in forty days was reversed by a person, even a child, who took God at His word.

The three Hebrews did not overcome the fiery furnace because of their faith, though they undoubtedly had it. They overcame because they were ready to die in the defense of that faith in their God and His reality in a foreign and godless place.

Paul and Silas did not confess open prison doors, they simply decided that the God they worshipped was worthy of worship. They therefore started singing (I believe it was not mournful) and praying (not complaining or declaring and decreeing) to God. It was that focus that invited God’s power, especially because it was used to lead many to the Savior.

For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. (2Chronicles 16:9a)

I want to hastily add that nobody overtakes because they are looking to overtake. That is why I am calling it God’s Overtaking Grace. In fact the only thing I am sure they were not interested in was knowing how anybody else was doing. Their only concern is God and what they know about Him, and especially the determination to know more about Him. They are simply running their own race.

That is why they stand out even before God decides to make them overtake the rest. But before the overtaking they are looked at as idiots.

Joseph was treated like trash by his brothers. He was simply the dreamer, which I suspect is a politer word for idler. David’s elder brother had some unflattering words for him when he was asking about Goliath. The four Hebrew lads must have been laughed to scorn by the other princes for eating vegetables and water instead of palatial delights. Of course we know that many pioneer missionaries were ridiculed, some even by the sending organizations and churches that they went out as fools because God had sent them. And to date radicals are ridiculed for taking God a little too seriously.

Until God showed up, and shows up for our generation of radical ‘fools’. Then it will be clear who the idiot is.

Remember Korah and his team challenging Moses by arguing that all Israel was holy? And he was not theologically wrong. God simply showed up. Sadly for them it cost their lives. The word was that God will show who are His. And that is what always bails out the radicals.

What do you do when you realize that you are being or are already overtaken in the spiritual realm?

Saul chose to fight and kill to maintain his position. Jonathan chose to join the radical as an assistant because he realized where the anointing was flowing. He therefore knew from the look of things that God had moved ahead of the anointing that he was waiting to inherit and decided that losing the kingdom was a small price to pay to join God in the new thing He was doing. No wonder his father also wanted him dead.

I rarely see any spiritual leader taking Jonathan’s position. Most will fight desperately to maintain their position long after God invalidates their anointing like He did with Saul.

But that is as vain as Saul’s attempts at killing David. Remember Job 42:2? Yet there is immense collateral damage as was with Saul. Remember the decimation of a priests’ city just because David happened to have passed over there?

I have seen a level of wickedness in the church leadership, especially when it concerned an overzealous believer who also happened to be having some impact and attracting some recognition or support. From fabrication of ‘sins’ to being posted out of sight to deception and exploitation, there seems to be no end for the suffering an overtaking minister can experience. And I am talking about mistreatment and deception from the Christian leaders, especially the ones who were entrusted with raising him. ‘Hibernating Ministers’ post deals with this scenario.

What is the solution?

First, agree that I have been overtaken. Second, ask why that has happened. And it is mostly because I have run out of fresh oil and am now relying on the momentum I established when I was vibrant, which will still appear fine to most; but not to God. Third, pray that God restores me to a fresh virility and a fresh anointing. And that can only happen when I am supporting this overtaking minister.

Probably I stopped being desperate in my prayer life. What do I mean? In the past I had to pray, not just to deal with the guilt of having a prayer-starved faith. I prayed because I needed God to intervene in my life. I prayed because I had to hear what He not only wanted to preach but also how He wanted me to live. Now I pray because I must pray, because prayer is an essential element of the Christian life. But I really do not need prayer as my life is pretty sorted.

Probably I do not read the Bible as I did. I know enough of the Bible even without reading it because I have enough resources at hand. Again in the past I read the Bible because I knew that if I did not my Christian life was in jeopardy. The Bible was my lifeline to effective living. But today I am too mature for that.

In short, most of the bare necessities that had to be had are optional as I think I have grown beyond them. My faith has more logic than mystery and expectancy as I know how everything works.

I might fight very hard if one calls me a backslider as I still am in the thick of ministry wherever I am. And that is the main reason God will bring someone to overtake me, if only to challenge me to go back to my past love like He told the church in Ephesus. And we are not talking of sinning or walking in sin.

And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 18: 3, 4)

That is where God wants to take us, where He started with us.

Where are you? Are you overtaking or are you being overtaken?

God bless you

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Leaven of Sadducees

Then the high priest rose up, and all they that were with him, (which is the sect of the Sadducees,) and were filled with indignation, And laid their hands on the apostles, and put them in the common prison. (Acts 5: 17, 18)

I want us to look at the church of today and its most popular theology and doctrine. By church I am not talking about the church of Christ but the visible church, the institutional church. This is because the two are completely different entities in the scriptures.

I have been seeking to understand why the Gospel we so frequently proclaim does not have the transforming power we see when we read the Bible and look at our recent past. It has so disturbed me and I have been praying to understand why. Some of my recent posts have been posing the same question.

That is when God opened my eyes to the Sadducees. They exemplify the church and leadership of our day.

Who were the Sadducees? They were the spiritual and political leadership of the Jewish people during Christ’s time. They did not believe in the supernatural, were partial with the scriptures and had no problem with Romans. They occupied all the high ecclesiastical offices and had no problems bribing, even killing to have their way.

One thing you realise when you read the Bible is that every other group or class of people got saved after the resurrection; soldiers, publicans, harlots, Pharisees, scribes, Romans, etc. But have you ever realised that there is no record at all of a single Sadducee getting saved?

Yet they continued exercising spiritual authority over Israel. Until we get to the close of Acts we see them persecuting the church of Christ.

Jesus had no time for their depravity clothed in spirituality. Do you realise that He never argued with them? That his rebukes were directed at Pharisees and scribes?

It appears farfetched but is it possible that the Sadducees were beyond redemption?

Pharisees and scribes believed the scriptures and the God of the scriptures. Their problem was that Christ did not look or behave like the messiah they were expecting. Connecting Jesus to the scriptures was all they needed to believe in Him. Their theology was open to new revelation because they believed in God who was beyond comprehension.

Their theology had a ‘what if?’ clause concerning God. Remember Gamaliel resorting to it? And we also see them going back to it when Paul is being questioned after his first arrest.

But there was nothing like that with the Sadducees. From the history of the time between the testaments, we know that they would even kill to get or have one of their own becoming high priest. They went to great lengths to access the power that office offered. It is not surprising that we have a son in law inheriting his in law as high priest yet from the scriptures that position flowed from a father to his son. That is why during the time of Christ all the devout Levites were relegated to being scribes. Of course a Sadducee could not have touched that profession as they could not have taken such backbreaking and unrewarding responsibility just to obtain the favor of a God they only used to profit and access power.

They lived for the present. The correct word to describe them spiritually is eunuchs, meaning that eternal and spiritual fruit was to them as implausible as a child to a eunuch. Sin for them was subjective and only depended on their comfort. Remember they bribed the soldiers who witnessed the resurrection to hush their testimony? Remember them playing a political game on Pilate to ensure he kills Christ?

What is the preaching in vogue these days? Is it not bound in the here and now?

Let us look at the common preachers of today. Do you realize that there is very little of eternity in it, if it ever is? Do you realize that the more popular a preacher is, the less he mentions the need to convert from our pursuits to God’s revelation?
All the preaching these days is completely focused on the here and now. If eternity is ever mentioned, it is to stop people like me from asking uncomfortable questions to those peddlers of mammon.

According to this doctrine, a blessing is composed of 100% what happens here; what God must and will give us, how comfortable God will make us, etc.

They mention Job and Abraham without realizing that the makeup of their blessing was the trashing of the here and now for the joy of knowing and following God. As an example, Job was not cursed when he had lost everything, even his health. Yet we realize that after losing it all he fell down and worshipped. He spoke of seeing God even when his body wasted away. Remember him saying, ‘though He slay me, yet will I trust him’? Even Abraham’s life was one of giving up this or the other in his pursuit of God.

We are blessed ONLY because we have God as He is the source of all blessing. Things can never account for blessing, unless we are followers of the doctrine of the Sadducees. Otherwise tell me how blessed these rich men who have no shame making harlots of university students just because they have the money. Yet you will sadly find some very ‘successful’ pastors joining that throng. How blessed are those who sell their souls to the devil to become rich?

Yet that is what most pulpits are spewing all the time. Success is only defined using worldly standards. We do not seem to care that the world is rushing headlong to hell yet some are leaders of churches who have never heard of the invitation to repent and pursue the knowledge of God. They are oohing and aahing the fraudster thinking he is a pastor sent from God yet it is a Sadducee only interested in what they have to offer.

The sad thing is that very few can see the temporal, even folly of that doctrine.

We will not drive to heaven. In fact we will not even carry a handkerchief with us to heaven. And eternity is a very long time to regret. Look at what Jesus said.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Mark 8: 36, 37)

Good health is good, and very enjoyable. But is that the definition of a blessing?

Jesus promised Peter that he will have health issues prior to his death. Paul found a great revelation as he sought to understand his health challenges. Does it mean that God hated them? Is it that they had sinned? Does it mean that they did not have requisite faith?

Psalm 73 was written by a believer who sought to understand the doctrine we are talking about. And he was able to see God’s reality because he had God as his reference. Do we question these peddlers of the doctrine of the Sadducees? Would we believe the devil if he came holding a Bible or quoting from it? Because that is the crux of the matter.

We can’t continue talking only about what God will do for us. Our responsibility is to know exactly what God expects from us because then it automatically opens God to do His part. And giving those con artists is not giving God because they are not taking you to heaven, because they are not going there. They are teaching you to maximize on this life as it is the only life they are pursuing. Eternity and its requirements are too faint a mirage that they just mention it in passing.

Read the Bible for yourself before you accuse me of touching your anointed. Because he just might be having your anointing and nothing of God’s.

I will probably build on this later. But in summary, be wary of preachers who do not preach against sin. Look out for preachers who are content with your spiritual immaturity. Avoid preachers who rarely, if ever mention heaven and hell as real destinations that we will go according to the way we live this life.

And of some have compassion, making a difference: And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. (Jude 1: 22, 23)

Does you pastor paint such urgency for evangelism in his preaching?