Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Hiding as a Strategy for War

The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. (John 3:8)

We are continuing with the message ‘When God Hides His Generals’, today looking at reasons God hides them.

We will look at warfare between God and the evil one as the arena through which the hiding is viewed.

The outcome of a war is at all times pegged on the strategy each warring party employs. We also know that surprise is the determining factor in many wars. By this I mean that the army that springs surprise after another many times ends up the winner. By the way, surprise is where terrorism gets its sting.

Let me talk about a modern war I have watched, the Gulf war.

Saddam used decoys. At the initial stages, the allies bombed ‘cartons’ for targets, so to speak. Then Saddam boasted about it through media friendly to his side.

Of course it was disheartening to the allies and their supporters and fans.

But they won through springing an even more ingenious surprise; and they used the media in advance. Propaganda is a crucial ingredient of war.

They boasted of a naval attack that was invincible and inevitable. They paraded the equipment they had ready, the strategy they would use and in short why their naval attack was the next arena of war.

Like any logical general, Saddam took his best forces to resist that naval attack.

But that attack was also a decoy. It was meant to open the desert to very little resistance. No wonder they called it desert storm.

It is not much different in the spiritual realm. The devil strategizes. But God is the better strategist because the devil’s strategy is included in His strategy.

For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. (Revelation 17:17)

Another thing that differentiates them is that God does not use propaganda as a tool as He will not lie, unlike the devil who uses lies as currency.

Let us look at a battle, probably a few, in the Bible to get what I am sharing.

Remember Goliath?

The Philistines were a bigger and better army than Israel at that time. They could therefore have beaten Israel if the armies had clashed man to man.

But then they had a secret weapon, a weapon that meant that they could win the battle without losing any soldiers.

That is where Goliath came in. Champion versus champion meant that they would win hands down. And they knew the Israelites had no giants. And the stronger army normally dictated the rules of engagement.

Incidentally, through military intelligence, they knew that the tallest (and of course biggest) soldier was the king, and the said king was not very brave. There was therefore no match for their champion.

That is why they were in no hurry to start fighting. In fact the waiting increased their chances greatly as it completely intimidated their foes. Imagine Israel would flee at Goliath’s approach!

I believe what would have followed is Israel surrendering to whatever terms as would have been placed on them by an army that had completely vanquished them without lifting a spear.

And that is where God comes in.

He has been preparing a general in the secret place, beyond the radar of the military intelligence of both armies.

And He presents him as a worshipper and not a soldier. You see, only worshippers can be God’s generals.

Why do I say that?

He is offended by the blasphemy Goliath throws carelessly around. He is irked by the kind of person he is (uncircumcised) and the kind of god he represents.

Then God makes an appearance. And tables are turned dramatically.

Do you think the same would have happened if David had been a gym fanatic who had won all sling shooting contests wherever he went? Would the same have happened if David was a famous person in the army for his expertise in this or the other skill? Would Goliath have challenged Israel if he had envisioned anyone with such capability?

That is why God must hide His generals. He releases them only when He needs to use them.

We see that when we read God’s strategies in war. Remember when He used lepers to scatter an army that had vanquished Israel by simply laying a siege? Or when a choir led the army in war?

But the biggest reason God hides His generals is because the devil is an unrelenting enemy. He never gives up even when he knows he is losing. He is therefore watching out for any slip to strike.

The devil can suspect when something major is being planned in the heavens. He does not have all the details but he has an inkling of what is being planned. Another thing we need to realize is that he believes the scriptures more than most believers. He does not have doubts about what the Bible says. The only problem is that he believes negatively. In other words he believes with the purpose of nullifying God’s purpose.

Why were the males killed in Egypt when Moses was born? Why was it for that short season?

I believe the devil must have seen movement in the heavens indicating that something major was afoot among the Israelites. Then he remembered God’s promise to Abraham and the years he was told. He then put two and two together and realized that Israel must have a deliverer for that promise to come to fruition.

That is why the boy child had to die to subvert that agenda.

You see the same during Jesus’ time.

That is the primary reason God must hide His generals. They need to mature before they get ready for war.

The second reason is compromise.

Let me use Balaam as an example. Balaam was a famous prophet. And he was a true prophet from what we read. It was his big name that opened him to the offers from the palace. And that offer aroused his base desires beyond his capacity to resist; to the point that he dies the death of the rebellious. His visibility was the handle that the devil used to open him to uselessness and death.

Many pastors are shameful shadows of the ministers they were before their visibility opened them up for irresistible offers from the other side veiled as ministry openings, partners and supporters.

Incidentally, even the devil hides his generals. And he uses them to pursue his agenda which is to trash God’s agenda.  And his generals are not always the physically or intellectually endowed. Most times they are just attractive worshippers of his agenda.

We start with the serpent in Eden. You see him using the most attractive and intelligent animal (I suspect it may have had legs). From the scriptures it appears as the beast closest to man in intelligence, forget about the apes evolutionists talk about. That is the animal the devil used to bring man down.

We see him using Hagar to try and defuse God’s promise. We see him using the allure of Sodom to bring Lot down.

What brought Samson down? An attractive and passionate girl, yet one so powerful she could negotiate with five kings.

Jezebel was a strategic alliance from the enemy of Israel. And it was stretched to Athaliah in Judah.

Do you realize that the most potent and visible influencers were yoked to generals from the other side?

Moses was given a priest’s first born to wife. Joseph was given a priest’s daughter to wife. And Solomon of all people was given too many foreign generals to remain loyal to God even after God had appeared to him twice.

It is from those alliances that God hides his generals from. A visible general is easy bait for the enemy of souls.

Some pastors lost their cutting edge because of the wives they married. Some lost it when they were offered positions in big churches. And many times it was their visibility that attracted what I call spiritual refrigerators as partners.

If you must be made public, let God Himself do the publicizing. If you must be advertised, let God Himself do the advertising.

Advertise God only. Publicize God only. Then get out of the way of God’s display.

Let God shine forth. Leave your name and identity out of it.

Musicians are the most notorious. It appears like an abomination to leave their name out of the song they compose. And I am not even talking about the videos which are on a whole different level.

It makes it very difficult for God to hide you.

Some of the titles we take unduly expose us. The CVs we parade many times leave God no space to show off, or even show up.

Is what I am writing even scriptural? I know someone is asking.

He must increase, but I must decrease. (John 3:30)

Moses is another example.

You see, God cannot hide us if we are fighting to get some exposure. He cannot shield us when we are fighting to get into the limelight.

Giving God the chance to show off gives Him the master key to do whatever He wants with our lives, even if that is hiding us.

As an aside, have you ever wondered where those crowds following Jesus to the wilderness until He has to multiply bread came from yet He never advertised His meetings? In fact He did the opposite; He hid from those crowds.

Who fills the persecuted churches yet not only must they not advertise, they must worship in secret?

Who brought the over twenty thousand crowds to John Wesley’s meetings yet not only did he not advertise; he was rejected by the church?

And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. (John 12:32)

Our responsibility is really simple, lift Christ up. Just like it says in Matthew 6:33, the rest is none of our business.

God draws people to Himself in places He is lifted up. Advertising may actually do the opposite as it draws people to man and his effort.

Will you allow God to hide you?

Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms; (Jeremiah 51:20)

Will you allow God to use you as He wills?

Or will you insist on being on the pedestal in the misguided belief that that is when He uses you better?

Like it says in another place, a tool is really nothing outside the wielder’s hands. And that is what we are.

I choose to be what He chooses to make me. I choose to be where He places me. I choose to do what He asks me to do. I choose to be His servant, doing only that which He demands of me.

Otherwise Matthew 7: 21 – 23 will be my portion.

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