I want us to discuss the most effective way of storing God’s
word in our hearts. Why?
Thy word have I hid in
mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. (Psalm 119:11)
It therefore means it is the word that is stored in our
heart that has the capacity of helping us resist temptation and sin.
By that, I want us to understand the workings of the human
brain under different inputs. What do these media activate in the brain? When
is the brain most utilized?
Reading activates the brain at the highest levels. You see,
reading opens you to something like a conversation with the writer. You cannot
fly through writing. Reading makes you get into the situation the writer was at
when writing whatever you are reading.
Reading demands focus as your eyes can’t be looking
elsewhere when you are reading. On the other hand, the brain is at its
sharpest. That is why you will find yourself going back to a paragraph or page
to clarify something you feel you may have misunderstood the first time. And
that is why reading is tiring. It is very easy to fall asleep when you are
reading because it is hard work. There is no escape route to reading, unless
stopping to read.
That is the reason other religions warn their people against
reading the Bible. That is the reason the devil invests his best efforts to
stop believers from reading the Bible, and when he fails, discourages them from
reading it consistently. He knows you can never read and remain the same. Or
have you ever heard anyone asking people to read the Bible for fun? You can
never read for fun because reading engages the brain at the highest level.
Hearing, in other words listening, engages the brain, but at
a lesser level than reading.
This is because, whereas the mind is engaged, the eyes are
free to roam, meaning that part of the brain will be pursuing the running of
the eyes. However, the brain is still active. It is very hard to think of
rewinding to something that has passed you because the brain is slow to respond
as information is still flowing. That is why retention of what one hears is incomparable
to what one reads.
Watching is another thing altogether.
Watching is passive. The brain is at its lowest because what
is seen engages the whole brain, yet demanding nothing in return. The brain
basically goes for a cruise, allowing nothing else to challenge it. It more or
less stops thinking and focuses on whatever it is seeing. It has no capacity of
discriminating between useful and dangerous because it has been captured.
The brain has no capacity of arguing with what it is
watching. It swallows it wholesale. It is after you stop that you wonder why
something you disagree with vehemently was able to pass through your filters so
That is why we have subliminal messages on videos. They put
them there because they know that nobody will have the mental strength to
challenge them, or anything else they push for that matter.
I was an avid fan of wildlife movies and documentaries until
I realized that they unashamedly advance the evolution narrative. You therefore
are swallowing an abominable doctrine as you enjoy wildlife.
Have you ever noticed that most Bible based movies change
the Bible narrative so blatantly until you wonder what Bible they use when making
those movies. Yet many have based their theology on those movies. Our children
know the Bible as corrupted by those movies. Worse still is the fact that the
same movies are responsible for hardening people against the same Bible, making
it very hard to convince the same people to read the Bible or trust it.
You realize that most perversions grow in acceptability
through the media increasing their airtime, especially the visuals. Things we
never imagined become acceptable (even though we know and confess they are
wrong) because we have watched them constantly. Most young men who got into
smoking in the 70s and 80s started because most of the movie stars smoked,
making smoking look cool. Most of the shameful dressing we see even in church
is a direct product of what we expose our children to on the screen.
We realize then that the most influential medium is the one
we swallow without thinking. In other words, it sinks without asking for our
logical permission.
We are slowly accepting fornication and adultery because
that is what our movies and their stars have normalized. The western world,
even the church, has more or less normalized divorce and remarriage because
they have been exposed to the visual media (especially TV) for the longest
time. And the same is getting into the rest of the world because of the
internet and especially social media.
I am not here to discuss movies and TV programs. God has
called me to open our eyes to the fact that He needs us to use our brains to
determine the course our lives will take. And we can only do that if we read
His word above whatever else we may listen to or watch.
Again I am not talking about us becoming Bible scholars or
theologians, just faithful readers of His word. And consistent ones at that!
Reading through the Bible again and again makes you
appropriate God’s word in a healthy way. Though you may not know where this or
the other verse is, it is safely stored in your heart. Any mention of the same
will arouse a response. Any quote out of context will arouse a negative
response; all because the word is stored in the heart through consistent
I know people who have memorized chunks and chunks of verses
and other combinations who are unable to resist sin or even have positive
theology. One thing you may realize is
that they really do not read the Bible. They look for verses to memorize or
passages to preach. Their theology therefore lacks a foundation.
I can memorize all the verses about God’s love yet fail to
know the God this love comes from. I therefore swallow all that love, but miss
out on God.
That is my problem with motivation and motivational
preaching. They sanitize the Bible until it loses its character. That is why
you will never hear a motivational pastor address sin in his congregation,
unless it is the sin of questioning his motivational excesses.
That is why reading the Bible for yourself is the antidote
for everything negative, from false doctrines to practices. And it is simply
because all these point you to alternative sources of truth, whatever those
sources treat as truth, but the Bible is the truth that points to the TRUTH,
the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible connects you the AUTHOR as opposed to the
interpreters and critics of the intentions and meanings the author may have had.
You do not need to attend enough lectures to understand
cults and their doctrines. And it is because the teachers of those lessons may
have swallowed cultic things. You just need to be a lover of the WORD OF GOD. Then
you will be spending quality and quantity times ingesting it into your mental
and spiritual system so that it becomes the one guiding your worldview. The
Bible itself will expose cults and cultic things even if they are things you
have believed and practiced all your life.
The Pharisees and scribes believed in Christ after His
resurrection because the scriptures were able to penetrate their initial resistance
to Christ because they spoke about Christ. As I have said again and again,
there is no scriptural reference of a single Sadducee getting saved for the
same reason; they had no place for God’s word. They therefore had no reference
point to find Christ.
That explains why a lot of the church leadership only plays
lip service to the Bible. They really do not want their people to be reading
the Bible as that will water down their authority, because it is not authority
from God. It also explains why over the centuries authorities fought bitter
wars to ensure that the Bible does not get to the masses. Luther’s protest was
basically one that sought to bring the Bible to every believer, having to even
translate the Bible to German. And how many other translators were killed for
that single pursuit?
Read the Bible for yourself. Let the preacher and teacher be
like a spice to add taste to what you enjoy alone. Then you will be able to
spot a useless or dangerous spice when it gets into contact with what is already
Some preachers so elevate rhema over logos that it
appears illogical to read the Bible unless for that special word in season.
What they fail to realize is that God breathes life to the
word ALREADY stored in our hearts as opposed to giving us a new word every time
we need it. It is as if no word is inspired before it becomes rhema.
by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be
perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. (2Timothey 3: 16, 17)
In short, logos is
as inspired as rhema. In fact it is logos that gives life to rhema. It all comes from the same
source, God. Unless we deny God is the source of logos.
Let the word of Christ
dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in
psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the
Lord. (Colossians 3:16)
That verse does not make sense if we need only a word in
Simply said, if we only need to access the word in season,
God had no business writing the Bible for us; and expect us to be reading it
Of course a few other verses make no sense at all if we only
need that occasional word from heaven.
I have seen an end of
all perfection: but thy commandment is exceeding broad. O how love I thy law! it
is my meditation all the day. Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser
than mine enemies: for they are ever with me. I have more understanding than
all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation. I understand more than
the ancients, because I keep thy precepts. I have refrained my feet from every
evil way, that I might keep thy word. I have not departed from thy judgments:
for thou hast taught me. How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter
than honey to my mouth! Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I
hate every false way. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my
path. (Psalm 119: 96 – 105)
This book of the law
shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and
night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein:
for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good
success. (Joshua 1:8)
How possible is it to meditate on a word here and a word
there when they are many other voices all over and around us?
How will you enjoy the sweetness of the word of God if you
only bite a bit here and a piece there?
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