Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Falling Forwards

For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief. (Proverbs 24:16)

I have a confession to make, a confession that comes out from some wasted times ‘Waiting on the Lord’ when I ought to have been pursuing His revelation.

Let me explain.

For some time I have been reflecting on God’s call concerning me in this season.

You know that in the Bible priests were supposed to serve from thirty years and leave service at fifty. It might be interesting for some of you to realize that major Bible characters commenced their ‘work’ at thirty; From Joseph to David to John the Baptist to Jesus. It therefore means that God did not just put up a figure when He commissioned His priests.

Incidentally, though I responded to God’s call in my teenage so that He led me to the media school when I had chosen a Bible school, even ordering me to take a transfer to a place where my ministry was honed and my faith severely tested, it was as I was looking at thirty that He called me out of formal employment.

What does a priest do after retiring at that ‘young’ ripe age of fifty?

That is something I have reflected on and prayed over for some time now. And I have written a bit on the same.

But it is principally get off the limelight and allow and help others take that limelight (of course that word is misplaced where ministry is involved. But I want for you to grasp what I mean)

You see I am now past fifty.

I have posted my reflections elsewhere on this blog with the title Ministry and Mortality. This is a precursor to another vision I posted earlier with the title Varsity on the Hill. It would be instructive if you read those posts as I do not want to repeat everything I have already shared.

In summary, God calls those older ministers to the ministry of training, mentoring and walking with younger ministers as they minister. Then our lives will be more complete as we see another generation of ministers serving even better because of our input.

Among ministries I have been involved in are music (singing, playing instruments, starting and training choirs, etc), preaching (evangelism and teaching) and training those and other aspects of Christian ministry. And of course I am media trained. That is where I wanted to start.

What would I require for the intense instruction and exposure to give these ministers? (I am summarizing the post)

I will need a van with media capabilities.

Of course after sharing the vision I waited on the Lord for the provision. And of course I waited and waited some more. You see the vision was very clear.

Then God spoke, asking me this question. Will you sit still until I provide?

You see, many times we think that the vision is the starter’s gun for provision. We therefore become fixated on the provision instead of doing something we should be doing.

That I when I realized how far I had strayed. And no wonder I was becoming stressed out and frustrated over something I had no control over (isn’t this what depression is all about?)

Having walked with God for some time, I remembered that God provides as we pursue His vision and not before. It is as we seek His kingdom that those things are added. Things follow, not initiate.

I have therefore been wasting precious time waiting for provision instead of pursuing the vision with what I have, which is God’s capital investment, ME.

I therefore repented and decided from then to make myself available to any young person needing my ministry investment in his ministry and calling.

I therefore ask for your prayers so that no more time is lost

Pray that I will be sensitive to the young ministers God will bring my way so that none is neglected or ignored.

Pray also for resources as I sense that there will be some travelling to reach some of these ministers. As usual I will invite you to be part of that provision.

And pray that that rebuke is not repeated. In other ways pray that I will be consistent in the pursuit of what God has called me to.

If you know young men needing that ministry, please link them up with me

God bless you

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