Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Unnerved by Non-Existence

I want today to challenge some of you who spend insane amounts of their time trying to prove what they know doesn’t exist or is powerless. And the first statement I will make is that you do so because you realize that your premise or faith is questionable.

Let me start with the atheists.

If God does not exist, aren’t you really foolish to try to prove so? A poor man does not need to prove anything. It is evident. (Pardon me for using money as the yardstick for now) It is those who have some money who try to prove that they have it or the misers that they haven’t.

If I were an atheist (thank God I am not), I would let the theists prove that their God exists for fun, because I know He doesn’t exist. It would be none of my business, just as it would be foolish for a poor man to try to prove he is broke.

You see, atheism is a religion serving a god who pretends to be a vacuum. Their arguments are therefore meant to propagate the information of their non-existent god so that you stop believing in the God you serve and subscribe to theirs.

Another reason is that they know the true God but are unwilling to submit to Him because they are not ready or even willing to bow to His standards. They therefore disparage His existence to justify their rebellion as well as win other rebels. And that is the reason they target believers.

It is no wonder that the Bible calls them fools.

The other characters with a similar problem are those who think they are propagating their faith by disparaging others’ faith.

Again the problems are similar. If your faith is so precious, why not propagate it on its own? Why must you show others that their faith is inferior? Why try to prove that their books are bad? Why must you use your enemies’ vehicle to carry your message?

Unless you have doubts about your faith and books and think disparaging others will give you a better feeling about your faulty faith.

Stop talking to people about what they believe. Just tell them what you believe and give them the liberty of observing your faith in action. Then they will make a solid decision.

Chances are you do not even know that faith you proclaim, let alone live according to its precepts. No wonder you are pouring scorn on other faith to make yours look better. Then you will be able to escape questions to that faith you are following blindly.

Christ never went disparaging other faiths. The only people He confronted were those who were committed to the faith but had heart issues with the same. Otherwise tell me when He confronted the Sadducees and Herodians?

Know what you believe. Then be ready to defend it.

Jesus said that we will be known by our fruit and not arguments. Thoroughly knowing what you believe and living in obedience to it is the only valid thing that will draw people to your faith.

We are witnesses. We are supposed to report what we have seen and heard like Peter and John said, not the wrong in others’ beliefs. The only thing the Bible admonishes us is to be ready to defend what it is we believe, meaning that we should have it completely in our minds and lives.

How well do you know what you believe?

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