Tuesday, 21 January 2020

The Pastor as an Abortionist 2

Let me close this lesson by summarizing what I have been saying.

When a pastor is a title or job, the result is a malfunction in the church of Christ. In other words, the church starts serving the interests of the enemy of God, the antichrist.

What is the main purpose of homosexuality? It is to kill the possibility of conception and therefore procreation. In humanistic reason, you can sin and escape the consequences. That is the reason God calls it an abomination as it stands flush against nature and God’s purpose of creating man in the first place.

Sexual immorality always has the potent danger of conception when it involves a man and woman, a danger that makes many get scared of sinning, however enlightened they may think they are. ‘I am pregnant’ is always a shocker outside marriage.

You see, even abortion is a risky procedure however much it is marketed. And at times it fails. Even worse is the fact that the sinners might eventually decide against it, meaning that there are no guarantees that it will happen. How many have changed their minds on abortion just before climbing the killer’s bench for the ‘procedure’?

That is why homosexuality is the ultimate weapon the evil one has released to the world to kill the godly offspring by ensuring it is never there in the first place.

A normal church has a functional pastor and not a titled one.

What is the relationship of this with homosexuality? You may be asking.

A pastor is a father, or at least must have a father’s heart for that function to thrive.

As such, he nurtures his flock so that they become the best they can for his employer (the One who called him).

As a father, he gives, as opposed to looking for what he can get from those he leads.

Even potential (talents, spiritual gifts) are looked at in that light. He does not look to harness them for the benefit of ‘his’ church. Rather, he looks for the best way to maximize the same for God’s enterprise. He will therefore build the gifted instead of looking to access the gifts.

Look at it like a father who discovers that his ten year old is very musical.

A good father will not rush him to the recording studio or media house because he knows that doing so will most likely destroy his future as he is unable at that age to handle stardom. He will protect him and nurture him until he is mature enough and prepared enough to run with his gift.

An entrepreneurial or immature father will seek to maximize that gift for his own use however fluent his argument is for the betterment of the child could be. Chances are that this child may not reach his age of majority or if he does he will be in tatters.

As someone involved in discipleship I can affirm that a vast majority of the pastors we have are hirelings and not fathers.

I lost count of the times people I am discipling are snatched by a pastor just because a gift or stability has started showing as always happens with discipleship. Some have died as they were thrown into the deep end of ministry before they were mature enough to handle it. And destinies have been destroyed by such pastors. All because they do not have time to bear and grow their own children and so will snatch from the one doing it. And any disciple maker has enough such stories.

A clear indicator that we have the father’s heart missing in our pastors is the fact that churches look for pastors (and other key ministers) outside their congregation. In other words pastors not only hope that someone else is raising children, he waits for them with bated breath. He is therefore a spiritual eunuch or even a spiritual homosexual since he has no seed to spread abroad.

That is the key reason most pastors of today are scared of speaking against sin. You see, only a father has the authority to rebuke his children. How will he therefore be able to rebuke children who just dropped in his compound, especially since he is not even feeding them (properly)?

A father can use the rod on his children because they have ‘nowhere’ else to run to. An ‘uncle’ dare not be hard on the children because they will run off back to their father.

Pastors without the pastor’s heart are like that uncle. They are always pampering sin and sinners to maintain their congregation. He is an enabler of everything except righteousness and holiness as only the true pastor knows how to use the rod and staff on the flock.

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