Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Dressing as Marketing

How do you know that a yard sells vehicles? How do you differentiate a shop and an office? What is the difference between a residential premise and a house to let?

Of course it is because of the packaging.

You do not ask anybody as you are walking along the street where the shops on that street are as they are screaming to be noticed.

Yet I am talking about dressing, especially our daughters’.

Your dressing projects you in a clearer way than your words can.

Let me give another illustration.

Suppose you come to my house and find my wall unit full of wineglasses, empty wine and beer bottles and those beautiful used casks at the corners in my house. What will you think of me?

Of course that I am a drinker (I do not want to say drunkard). I might use words to explain that I have never tasted a sip of alcohol and even convincingly argue that I actually picked those things as an admirer of art. But then I will always have to explain to everybody who comes to my house why my works of art paint the picture of drunkenness while I am a vehement and ruthless fighter against the same.

How would you feel if you went to a shop display yet when you get into it are told that it is a store?

That is how many girls nowadays behave.

How do you know a harlot? Primarily by their dress. And that is why we have a verse like this in the Bible.

And behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart (Proverbs 7: 10)

That dress screams I am available like any effective advertisement or display does.

And what does a harlot project to advertise? Of course what is for sale or hire, however you take it.

She will therefore accentuate parts that draw a man’s attention and enlarge his desire for sex so that she can then shout, ‘I am available’.

Her dress is simply to entice and nothing more. It is an advertorial.

I ministered with a guitar for many years. Young people would approach me to help carry it. 

Incidentally it was when there were impressionable young girls or age mates around.

They wanted to be mistaken for guitarists and of course feed off that to gain a leeway into something else, probably only respect though probably something more sinister.

That is the packaging I am talking about here.

Your dress is an advertisement of who you are. And it is a very short and expensive one.

Some people will not buy any other soap or toothpaste because of an advertisement a few seconds long they saw on TV or heard on radio as they grew up. And they have been unable to change well into their middle age. That is the power of advertising.

You will become sober when you realise that that dress you put on has the capacity of shaping the rest of your life simply by the message it gives. People will judge you using that first glimpse they shot at you as you were entering the room, or even church.

Sadly, cheap and expensive do not mean the same thing when applied to women. It has pretty little to do with the cost of their attire.

Cheap and expensive mean that you are either a common harlot or an expensive one. It thus means you are not homely enough or what people call wife material. And many times this is gauged by that first impression got from the way a woman dresses.

Modest is the word the Bible uses to describe the dress of a believing woman.

And modest is simply a dress that does not attract attention, either to itself of its wearer. It is simply a dress that covers the wearer’s nakedness. And a verse is in order here.

In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety, not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array, but (which becometh women confessing godliness) with good works. (1 Timothy 2: 9, 10)

A godly woman does not allow her dress to shift the attention of onlookers to herself or her dress. She dresses in such a way as to give her deeds a chance to manifest since they are the ones to point people to the Christ she serves. A focus on dress distorts your witness.

That is one place cults always beat us. You can never confuse their message by looking at the way they dress. Whether it is drab or otherwise, their uniformity in dress will always lead you to the message they carry as they do not create diversions. You do not have to battle your mind from peeping breasts to the message of the cross as we do in our door to door evangelism.

I do not want to go on and on as I know you know what I mean.

As an example I do not know whether you are aware that being called sexy is the politest way someone can call you a prostitute (harlot). Otherwise what has sex to do with someone who is not your husband? That is the simple interpretation of that sexy dress you love being complimented for.
Will you allow Christ to be in charge of your wardrobe?

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