Where are the prophets? Where are these prophets who are
always pushing people to accept their prophetic mandate?
You see, the Bible plainly says that God does nothing before
showing it to His servants the prophets.
Where did the corona virus pass through if the prophets did
not prepare people for it? Did they see it coming? Or did God overlook them? If
so why did He do so?
How did the locusts happen without seers seeing them?
Two things stand out.
One is that the church does not represent Christ though it
may be boasting of carrying His name. This means that He has no obligation to
inform them of His doings. In other words, the church qualifies for what is
written in Matthew 7: 21. It is full of His name but lacks in His character and
Second is that there are no watchmen or that the appointed
watchmen have abandoned their posts so that they were unable to see oncoming
danger and alert the city (church). Worse is that they deserted their jobs
(calling) for more rewarding pursuits.
You see, prophecy does not pay the bills, not if it is done
according to the scriptures. Neither does it make any name for the prophet. In
fact, the contrary is the norm.
Prophets for the most part were unpopular characters, we
could easily say infamous.
As such, their prophecies were never ignored even when they
were despised for its impact.
Herod couldn’t kill John because he feared his ‘word’. He
hated him yet continued to listen to him because he was in no illusions that
his prophecy was potent.
It was the same with Ahab. He hated Elijah with all his
heart yet he received any word he gave with bated breath.
And Zedekiah sneaked Jeremiah out of the dungeon to have a
private talk with him because he was under no illusions about the prophet’s
That is not the case with the prophets of our day. Most are
at pains to prove that they are prophets, sometimes even pleading with everybody
to listen to them. In short they use their prophecies to gain an audience
instead of passing God’s message which is the purpose of a prophet.
That explains why a prophet must have an audience as the
purpose of his prophecy. The power of the message is in the number of times it
is liked and shared and the number of followers of his page and buyers of his
books. And this for purposes of planting a seed in whatever way.
A prophetic word on corona does not fall under such
categories. It could simply have been a message of preparedness in the face of impending
doom. And preparedness will disqualify any offering.
And that is why I am wondering.
Then the same prophets (many of who are pastors who decide
that prophet is a more powerful title) have all of a sudden prostrated to the
directives of worldly leaders instead of seeking God’s face to know His take on
it. This without even questioning the validity or even usefulness of a panic
stricken leadership void of revelation.
Will we remove some verses from the Bible? What do we do
with a verse that admonishes us to greet one another with a holy kiss? What
about the one that warns us against forsaking fellowship?
I am not advocating civil disobedience. What I am saying is
that the church as we know it has become reactionary instead of revelatory. We
are reacting to politicians instead of guiding them with the revelation God
gives us. Meaning that we really have no revelation to talk about.
You see, God knows where every single droplet containing the
virus, as well as every person hosting it, is. Do we have to lock down whole
I am asking as someone who knows the accuracy of God’s
revelation. I am not even mentioning the fact that He can lock it up or destroy
it in an instant. Plus the fact that He can also emasculate it and make it
completely harmless.
But I am talking about revelation and not presumption. We
must know what God is saying about this virus and why it even is because He
never does anything whimsically.
Let me summarise by stating what I believe is the reason God
released (or allowed) this virus to ravage the world.
I am convinced God is drawing the world’s attention to the
futility of human endeavor, especially one that seeks to neglect, minimise or
nullify the reality of God.
Remember recently when the mantra ‘no human is limited’
gained currency? I mentioned in a post that that statement is one way of
defying or shaking our fists at God.
God is showing man how limited he is. And He does it by
starting with countries that are all sufficient and needing nothing. Remember
Laodicea in Revelation 3?
Does it surprise you that those leaders who were flying for
treatment outside the countries they had bled to death now have to contend for
the same healthcare they had neglected? Leaders of third world countries who
were comfortable going to first world countries for treatment have to hide in
their ghetto hospitals as the world class hospitals have their own crises to
handle, let alone having more viruses to deal with and dispense.
Do you realize that even terrorists are scared?
Second is that God has released a spirit of fear to the
world. Remember Jonathan terrorizing the whole Philistine army? Do you remember
Gideon and his 300 routing a 120k strong army without weapons? Do you remember
four lepers routing the entire Syrian army?
I hope you realize that Goliath was using spiritual
terrorism to humble Israel. And that is why David found it very easy to down
him as he was spiritually connected.
Corona is like Goliath, only that God is using it to draw
man’s attention to Himself just before rebellion goes overboard. Then His
judgment will be inexcusable.
You see, there are many people in this world who have no
idea, let alone the reality of God. Like once I read of a child in the US
asking his parent why some buildings have a plus sign on them and what its
purpose was. This in a country that boasts of a Christian foundation.
What about Russia where God was outlawed for generations?
What about China that has criminalized Christianity? What about Muslim nations
that unashamedly kill Christians with an attempt of ridding their nations of
The world must open their eyes to the reality of an
all-powerful God who sent His Son to die for the sins of the world.
The world must be confronted with a God who is love and
justice at the same time. You see the bulk of the church have one or the other.
Those who preach love minimize on God’s ‘hatred’ of sin and those who preach
God’s holiness almost always overlook His love.
The world must look afresh at who God says He is as opposed
to what we think He is like. And this desperation will drive hordes to seek.
But I also believe this will open the world’s eyes to the
power of God. It will have to confront the power of God, especially His power
to heal. Many will encounter God’s healing power in this crisis as the gateway
to faith in the Savior.
Corona is an illness God is able to heal, and He will heal.
And that healing will be for a sign to lead people to Christ.
What is God telling you about this?
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