Thursday, 30 July 2020

Choosing the Truth to Believe

Have you ever wondered how two people can look at a fact in completely opposite ways? Why is that?

The other day some doctors held a meeting where they reported their experiences treating the virus.

In a short while, social media platforms and CNN deleted that video for not being factual and scientific.

It is interesting that all those people speaking were doctors who even dared anyone to check not only on the validity of their claims but also on their status as practicing and licensed doctors.

I find it interesting that media that is not medical in any way apart from reporting medical news has authority on actual doctors and their findings. And it is especially so because the doctors are disputing the running theme of the fear peddling ‘experts’ who want us to treat the virus as doomsday.

Is it not interesting that the world is now divided between those who believe those doctors and the ‘system’ that pours scorn on them.

Yet the doctors only said, ‘we have treated’. It is their experiences that they have used as authority to tell the populace that the situation is not as bad as the system wants us to believe. They are simply being punished by offering hope!

What I find more interesting is that the doctors challenged their listeners to ask their personal physicians about the treatment they were talking about and even look at the research concerning the same.

One expert on things corona and its vaccine is Bill Gates. Yet the closest he may have been to medical school is visiting a friend at the halls of residence. And I would think the same of Twitter and CNN and other media outlets that are flagging these doctors.

It is interesting that there are people convinced that the media is right and the doctors are wrong.

At the very least, they ought to have brought in their own doctors to dispute on what these doctors are saying. But the proper way of doing it is actually raise a panel of doctors from each position to argue their positions out and allow us to decide which side is more convincing.

Disenfranchising the side with an argument without offering an answering one is illogical, the height of intellectual impunity.

You are saying that the people who cannot shield our children from pornography and violence have the mandate to guard us from medical fraud! How do they block people who are saying that nobody needs to die since there is a problem yet they have no such solution?

This brings me to this point; people believe what they want. They therefore package the truth to favor what they have chosen to believe. Facts are irrelevant unless they favor the side one wants to believe.

We will instruct our minds on what set of facts to accept for the most part, meaning that we will shift the facts to arrange in the way that agrees with our preconceived conclusions.

But facts are facts. And truth is not rearrangeable, however much we may try to rearrange it.

Yet you realize that it is in the spiritual that this is so rampant. That is why church gatherings have been closed and severely limited to block the proclamation of the release of the power of the truth of the Gospel to a world drowning in sin and despair. Interestingly it is the same ‘experts’ doing it.

You wonder why they would want to smother every hint or grasping straw of hope there is as they amplify their proclamation of doom.

And do you wonder why people are going to hell?

It is precisely for that very reason. We choose the ‘truth’ that favors us instead of the truth that liberates us. We choose the truth that agrees with us instead of the truth that leads us higher. In short we choose the truth as the world packages it as opposed to the TRUTH that is a person, Jesus Christ.

And sadly that is the truth we proclaim even as we smother the truth that has the power to liberate.

Why do preachers not preach against sin? They fear that people fleeing from sin will be freed from the clutches of their feel good sermons and probably stop supporting them. Isn’t this the same reason propelling the experts running the virus narrative are scared of? Their ‘discoveries’ and ‘solutions’ could be time barred by the cheap solution these doctors are advocating.

That is the reason the pulpit is awash with motivation preaching even as believers are drowning in sin. That is why a majority of believers speak about a favorite verse and promise instead of what the Bible actually says. That is why prophets always prophesy good things instead of challenging believers to holiness.

But we have a choice. Nobody is taking the Bible from us like those media are deleting videos for us. We can read the Bible for ourselves. And God has promised to speak to us if we seek Him through His word.

We therefore have a choice. Will we believe the truth as packaged for our consumption or will we seek the truth from the source? Will we trust God enough to allow Him to speak to us without intermediaries who might be just brokers of the spiritual?

Will we read the Bible for ourselves? Will we believe and obey it?

This is because eternity depends on it. Our eternity, that is.

Choosing the Truth to Believe

Have you ever wondered how two people can look at a fact in completely opposite ways? Why is that?

The other day some doctors held a meeting where they reported their experiences treating the virus.

In a short while, social media platforms and CNN deleted that video for not being factual and scientific.

It is interesting that all those people speaking were doctors who even dared anyone to check not only on the validity of their claims but also on their status as practicing and licensed doctors.

I find it interesting that media that is not medical in any way apart from reporting medical news has authority on actual doctors and their findings. And it is especially so because the doctors are disputing the running theme of the fear peddling ‘experts’ who want us to treat the virus as doomsday.

Is it not interesting that the world is now divided between those who believe those doctors and the ‘system’ that pours scorn on them.

Yet the doctors only said, ‘we have treated’. It is their experiences that they have used as authority to tell the populace that the situation is not as bad as the system wants us to believe. They are simply being punished by offering hope!

What I find more interesting is that the doctors challenged their listeners to ask their personal physicians about the treatment they were talking about and even look at the research concerning the same.

One expert on things corona and its vaccine is Bill Gates. Yet the closest he may have been to medical school is visiting a friend at the halls of residence. And I would think the same of Twitter and CNN and other media outlets that are flagging these doctors.

It is interesting that there are people convinced that the media is right and the doctors are wrong.

At the very least, they ought to have brought in their own doctors to dispute on what these doctors are saying. But the proper way of doing it is actually raise a panel of doctors from each position to argue their positions out and allow us to decide which side is more convincing.

Disenfranchising the side with an argument without offering an answering one is illogical, the height of intellectual impunity.

You are saying that the people who cannot shield our children from pornography and violence have the mandate to guard us from medical fraud! How do they block people who are saying that nobody needs to die since there is a problem yet they have no such solution?

This brings me to this point; people believe what they want. They therefore package the truth to favor what they have chosen to believe. Facts are irrelevant unless they favor the side one wants to believe.

We will instruct our minds on what set of facts to accept for the most part, meaning that we will shift the facts to arrange in the way that agrees with our preconceived conclusions.

But facts are facts. And truth is not rearrangeable, however much we may try to rearrange it.

Yet you realize that it is in the spiritual that this is so rampant. That is why church gatherings have been closed and severely limited to block the proclamation of the release of the power of the truth of the Gospel to a world drowning in sin and despair. Interestingly it is the same ‘experts’ doing it.

You wonder why they would want to smother every hint or grasping straw of hope there is as they amplify their proclamation of doom.

And do you wonder why people are going to hell?

It is precisely for that very reason. We choose the ‘truth’ that favors us instead of the truth that liberates us. We choose the truth that agrees with us instead of the truth that leads us higher. In short we choose the truth as the world packages it as opposed to the TRUTH that is a person, Jesus Christ.

And sadly that is the truth we proclaim even as we smother the truth that has the power to liberate.

Why do preachers not preach against sin? They fear that people fleeing from sin will be freed from the clutches of their feel good sermons and probably stop supporting them. Isn’t this the same reason propelling the experts running the virus narrative are scared of? Their ‘discoveries’ and ‘solutions’ could be time barred by the cheap solution these doctors are advocating.

That is the reason the pulpit is awash with motivation preaching even as believers are drowning in sin. That is why a majority of believers speak about a favorite verse and promise instead of what the Bible actually says. That is why prophets always prophesy good things instead of challenging believers to holiness.

But we have a choice. Nobody is taking the Bible from us like those media are deleting videos for us. We can read the Bible for ourselves. And God has promised to speak to us if we seek Him through His word.

We therefore have a choice. Will we believe the truth as packaged for our consumption or will we seek the truth from the source? Will we trust God enough to allow Him to speak to us without intermediaries who might be just brokers of the spiritual?

Will we read the Bible for ourselves? Will we believe and obey it?

This is because eternity depends on it. Our eternity, that is.

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