Friday, 31 July 2020


I want to state that human government is a delegated function. By this I mean that God has delegated His rulership to the leadership He allows to be set up (for those who love the word democracy)

As such, it is important that the same government pursues its mandate by trying as much as possible to know what it is that God values in running the same government.

But I also want to categorically state that the main purpose of government is to protect the vulnerable; the weak and powerless.

You see, the rich and able really do not need the government, at least as desperately as the poor.

Abraham never went to look for protection from governments as he had his own army and could do his own thing. The only time we see him submitting to a king was when there was a severe drought, and even then for a short season.

The wealthy do not need the government in terms of need. In fact it is the government that needs their taxes to operate.

When things are bad, the rich cobble up their resources to take care of themselves by using what they have to buy or hire what they need, be it security or infrastructure. A rich person can buy enough guns for everybody in his household and get licenses for them. When the roads are bad and insecure he can buy armored cars and hire an army if need be.

But the poor has no such luxury. He is at the mercy of the elements, unless the government offers them.

That is why leaders in government are judged very harshly when they abuse that trust God has placed on them and use it for personal or corporate benefit at the expense of the weak. It can be equated with fathers sucking their wives’ milk instead of allowing the baby to suckle since it has no other source of nutrition.

A government that pads the rich as it disenfranchises the poor opens itself for quick judgment from heaven. A government that listens to the rich and closes its ears to the cry of the poor has a long day in God’s court, a very unpleasant day.

Therefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable to you, and break off your sins by righteousness, and your iniquities by showing mercy to the poor; if there may be a lengthening of your tranquility. (Daniel 4:27)

Behold, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: pride, fullness of bread, and prosperous ease was in her and in her daughters; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. They were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw [good]. (Ezekiel 16: 49, 50)

Have I made my point?

The depravity of Sodom is not seen in sodomy as we know.

Let us remember how it was destroyed. Two angels visit. But of course they looked like men contrary to what we have been made to believe. And we know that a visitor is the most vulnerable person in a community as he has nobody on his side since nobody knows him. Lot hosts them.

Then the whole city comes demanding to sodomise them! When Lot seeks to protect them, even by offering his daughters instead, the men become enraged and decide to break his door down to get to them. Was there need of any other evidence of wickedness demanding their annihilation?

 The Bible talks a lot about the alien for that reason.

Let me talk about another even more vulnerable person; the unborn.

When leaders make laws legalizing indiscriminate sex (calling it sex education), they know that it will result in pregnancy as that was one purpose of sex since creation.

Giving a pregnant woman (or didn’t you know that sex matures girls?) the right to do whatever she deems fit with her body, what are you saying about the person forming in her body?

If the woman has the right to do anything she wants with her body, does the unborn have any rights of its own or are those rights irrelevant? Does the fact that we can’t physically see him mean that he is disqualified from the human race? Why then do we mourn stillbirths and miscarriages?

I have argued elsewhere that abortion is what in the Bible is called the worship of ancient Molech.

The unborn has rights that God has pledged to defend. And that is why abortionists for whatever reason battle guilt all their lives since they are like Cain, shedders of innocent blood. And I guess the framers of such laws are even in greater danger.

The other vulnerable group is the poor. Again God speaks very strongly in their defense. And it is because for the most part they are at your mercy wherever you look, from infrastructure to employment to food to security. They suffer the most when there is any kind of breakdown or breach. And they have nowhere to run should anything untoward happen. Their health is in the government’s hands, literally.

In short, the government determines whether they should live and how they should live.

Do you think God applauds you when you destroy their simple abodes and livelihoods to make your businesses more accessible or expand your territory? Do you think He closes His eyes when you are destroying the morals of their young as you expand your harem or use them as mules for your illegitimate enterprises? Or you think He does not mind your ingenuity when you are using their calamity to grab their little pieces of land or businesses?

Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth! (Isaiah 5:8)

Does He care that you divert resources meant to benefit the poor to your friends? Does He mind that you have amassed scholarships and bursaries for the rich even as the poor have to drop out of school or college? Does He see you shifting the road that was meant to make his farm produce more accessible to the market to your neighborhood? Or do you think He doesn’t mind when you have three water supplies in your estate when they have to buy unsafe water because you shifted their project to your hood?

Let me address something that has been happening in the Kenyan senate.

They should not deceive anybody that they are fighting for the common citizen as they have consistently and ably demonstrated that we are farthest from their equation.

Many of them are angling to be governors and think they have a head start since about a half of the governors will not be running. They therefore want to have as much money as possible to ‘eat’ when they become governors. And each wants his plate to be bigger and fuller.

And God sees and knows that.

God will act. God will judge.

And I have not even mentioned the handicapped.

I have also not talked about the virus that has some eating with spades even as others have lost everything.

How close is our government to God’s judgment?

Will the church of Christ pray that God opens the eyes of the leadership to this coming judgment so that they can repent?

Remember that Nebuchadnezzar had Daniel interceding for him yet he ate grass like an ass because his repentance was temporal.

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