Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Revisiting Corona

It was evident to most that the purpose of the narrative on the virus was to usher global control through a cashless society. That is the only way Revelation 13: 17 can be actualized.

The latest ‘research finding’ confirms it. Imagine they are saying that the virus is active in money for almost a month!

It is only that they were in so much of a hurry that they introduced more drastic measures, measures that eroded the fear that was to be the vehicle to advance the change.

They pushed for lockdowns when many of us were calling them impractical and punishing. Interestingly, the WHO that was shouting loudest about the need for the lockdowns, even the most brutal, has now officially called them what the sensible were calling them, punishing. Then they fought for schools to be closed and are now fighting for them to be reopened.

I won’t be surprised to hear them saying that face masks are suffocating and poisoning as we all know.

But I suspect this was just a test run on how to control the whole world by creating a narrative from anywhere.

Do not therefore be surprised if you hear a new thing being pushed, especially riding on the back of fear.

Corona was just the sickness that came (or was brought) to create the kind of scenario they needed to test their theories on human control. And it will disappear once they have finished their research.

Otherwise explain to me why countries that trashed that narrative do not have as many casualties as those who bought it?

The schemers have gone back to their boardrooms to restrategize. And they will be back.

And ministers are still shouting follow the guidelines, guidelines that even the ones giving them do not follow and will change at a whim.

Shouldn’t we be about knowing what Christ is ordering us to do? Otherwise we will be taking the ones we lead to take the mark when in the next new thing they will be introducing it becomes a requirement, especially as it will not be called the mark of the beast or even mention the antichrist.

You see, they know that those who read the Bible know about the mark of the beast and so must be very foolish to package it as such. It surely must be packaged as something of great convenience, classy and fashionable and of course secure. And they must have the church leaders to market it as have the pyramid schemes over the eons.

Of course through this narrative they have known how to rope in the church leadership to their agenda without much effort.

My prayer is that the church (the bride of Christ) is not caught up in this error that the visible church leadership has sunk into. That we have leaders who continue to listen and obey what our Commander says. I pray that I am one such leader.

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